Joshua 9:11
Joshua 9:11
And our elders and all those living in our country said to us, 'Take provisions for your journey; go and meet them and say to them, "We are your servants; make a treaty with us."'

So our elders and all our people instructed us, 'Take supplies for a long journey. Go meet with the people of Israel and tell them, "We are your servants; please make a treaty with us."'

So our elders and all the inhabitants of our country said to us, ‘Take provisions in your hand for the journey and go to meet them and say to them, “We are your servants. Come now, make a covenant with us.”’

"So our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spoke to us, saying, 'Take provisions in your hand for the journey, and go to meet them and say to them, "We are your servants; now then, make a covenant with us."'

Wherefore our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spake to us, saying, Take victuals with you for the journey, and go to meet them, and say unto them, We are your servants: therefore now make ye a league with us.

So our elders and all the inhabitants of our land told us, 'Take provisions with you for the journey; go and meet them and say, "We are your servants. Please make a treaty with us."'

So our leaders and all of the inhabitants of our country told us, 'Take provisions along with you for your journey, go to meet them, and tell them, "We are your servants. Come now and make a treaty with us."'

Our leaders and all who live in our land told us, 'Take provisions for your journey and go meet them. Tell them, "We are willing to be your subjects. Make a treaty with us."'

Our leaders and everyone who lives in our country told us, 'Take what you need for the trip, and go meet them. Tell them, "We're at your mercy. Make a treaty with us right now."'

Therefore, our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spoke to us, saying, Take provision with you for the journey and go to meet them and say unto them, We are your slaves; therefore, now make ye a covenant with us.

Therefore our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spoke to us, saying, Take provisions with you for the journey, and go to meet them, and say unto them, We are your servants: therefore now make you a covenant with us.

Why our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spoke to us, saying, Take victuals with you for the journey, and go to meet them, and say to them, We are your servants: therefore now make you a league with us.

And our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spake to us, saying, Take provision in your hand for the journey, and go to meet them, and say unto them, We are your servants: and now make ye a covenant with us.

And our ancients, and all the inhabitants of our country said to us: Take with you victuals for a long way, and go meet them, and say: We are your servants, make ye a league with us.

And our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spoke to us, saying, Take victuals in your hand for the way, and go to meet them, and say to them, We are your servants, and now make a covenant with us.

And our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spake to us saying, Take provision in your hand for the journey and go to meet them, and say unto them, We are your servants: and now make ye a covenant with us.

Wherefore our elders, and all the inhabitants of our country spoke to us, saying, Take provisions with you for the journey, and go to meet them, and say to them, We are your servants: therefore now make ye a league with us:

Our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spoke to us, saying, 'Take provision in your hand for the journey, and go to meet them, and tell them, "We are your servants. Now make a covenant with us."'

And our elders, and all the inhabitants of our land speak unto us, saying, Take in your hand provision for the way, and go to meet them, and ye have said unto them, Your servants we are, and now, make with us a covenant;

Jozueu 9:11
Prandaj pleqtë tanë dhe të gjithë banorët e vendit tonë na thanë: Merrni nozullime me vete për udhëtimin, u dilni përpara dhe u thoni: "Ne jemi shërbëtorët tuaj; bëni, pra, aleancë me ne".

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 9:11
فكلمنا شيوخنا وجميع سكان ارضنا قائلين خذوا بايديكم زادا للطريق واذهبوا للقائهم وقولوا لهم عبيدكم نحن. والآن اقطعوا لنا عهدا.

Dyr Josen 9:11
Daa gsagnd ünserne Dietwärt und allsand Einwoner von n Land zo üns, mir sollnd üns ayn Wögzörung einpacken, ien zgögnzieghn und ien sagn: 'Mir seind enkerne Knecht; kännt myr nit aynn Vertrag schliessn?'

Исус Навиев 9:11
За това ни говориха старейшините ни и всичките жители на нашата земя, казвайки: Вземете в ръката си храна за из пътя та идете да ги посрещнете, и речете им: Ваши слуги сме; и тъй, сега направете договор с нас.

約 書 亞 記 9:11
我 們 的 長 老 和 我 們 那 地 的 一 切 居 民 對 我 們 說 : 你 們 手 裡 要 帶 著 路 上 用 的 食 物 去 迎 接 以 色 列 人 , 對 他 們 說 : 我 們 是 你 們 的 僕 人 ; 現 在 求 你 們 與 我 們 立 約 。

我 们 的 长 老 和 我 们 那 地 的 一 切 居 民 对 我 们 说 : 你 们 手 里 要 带 着 路 上 用 的 食 物 去 迎 接 以 色 列 人 , 对 他 们 说 : 我 们 是 你 们 的 仆 人 ; 现 在 求 你 们 与 我 们 立 约 。



Joshua 9:11
Tada nam rekoše naše starješine i svi u našoj zemlji: 'Opskrbite se hranom za put, pođite im u susret i recite im: Vaše smo sluge, sklopite dakle savez s nama.'

Jozue 9:11
I řekli nám starší naši a všickni obyvatelé země naší těmito slovy: Nabeřte sobě potravy na cestu, a jděte jim vstříc, a rcete jim: Služebníci vaši jsme, protož nyní učiňte s námi smlouvu.

Josua 9:11
og vore Ældste og alle Indbyggerne i vort Land sagde til os: Tag Rejsetæring med eder, drag dem i Møde og sig til dem: Vi er eders Trælle; slut derfor nu Pagt med os!

Jozua 9:11
Daarom spraken tot ons onze oudsten, en al de inwoners onzes lands, zeggende: Neemt reiskost met u in uw handen op de reize, en gaat hun tegemoet, en zegt tot hen: Wij zijn ulieder knechten, zo maakt nu een verbond met ons.

יהושע 9:11
וַיֹּאמְר֣וּ אֵלֵ֡ינוּ זְֽקֵינֵינוּ֩ וְכָל־יֹשְׁבֵ֨י אַרְצֵ֜נוּ לֵאמֹ֗ר קְח֨וּ בְיֶדְכֶ֤ם צֵידָה֙ לַדֶּ֔רֶךְ וּלְכ֖וּ לִקְרָאתָ֑ם וַאֲמַרְתֶּ֤ם אֲלֵיהֶם֙ עַבְדֵיכֶ֣ם אֲנַ֔חְנוּ וְעַתָּ֖ה כִּרְתוּ־לָ֥נוּ בְרִֽית׃

יא ויאמרו אלינו זקינינו וכל ישבי ארצנו לאמר קחו בידכם צידה לדרך ולכו לקראתם ואמרתם אליהם עבדיכם אנחנו ועתה כרתו לנו ברית

ויאמרו אלינו זקינינו וכל־ישבי ארצנו לאמר קחו בידכם צידה לדרך ולכו לקראתם ואמרתם אליהם עבדיכם אנחנו ועתה כרתו־לנו ברית׃

Józsué 9:11
Ezért szólának nékünk a mi véneink és földünk lakosai is mind, mondván: szerezzetek magatoknak eledelt az útra, és menjetek eléjök, és mondjátok nékik: Szolgáitok vagyunk mi, most azért kössetek frigyet mi velünk!

Josuo 9:11
Kaj diris al ni niaj plejagxuloj kaj cxiuj logxantoj de nia lando jene:Prenu en viajn manojn mangxajxon por la vojo, kaj iru renkonte al ili, kaj diru al ili:Ni estas viaj sklavoj; faru do kun ni interligon.

Sentähden sanoivat meille meidän vanhimmat ja kaikki meidän maan asuvaiset: ottakaat evästä myötänne, ja menkäät heitä vastaan ja sanokaat heille: me olemme teidän palvelianne, tehkäät liitto kanssamme.

Josué 9:11
Et nos anciens et tous les habitants de notre pays nous ont parlé, disant: Prenez avec vous des provisions pour la route, et allez au-devant d'eux, et dites-leur: Nous sommes vos serviteurs, et maintenant traitez alliance avec nous.

Et nos anciens et tous les habitants de notre pays nous ont dit: Prenez avec vous des provisions pour le voyage, allez au-devant d'eux, et vous leur direz: Nous sommes vos serviteurs, et maintenant faites alliance avec nous.

Et nos anciens et tous les habitants de notre pays nous ont dit ces mêmes paroles-ci : Prenez avec vous de la provision pour le chemin, et allez au-devant d'eux, et leur dites : Nous sommes vos serviteurs, et maintenant traitez alliance avec nous.

Josua 9:11
Darum sprachen unsere Ältesten und alle Einwohner unsers Landes: Nehmet Speise mit euch auf die Reise und gehet hin ihnen entgegen und sprechet zu ihnen: Wir sind eure Knechte. So machet nun einen Bund mit uns.

Darum sprachen unsere Ältesten und alle Einwohner unsers Landes: Nehmt Speise mit euch auf die Reise und geht hin, ihnen entgegen, und sprecht zu ihnen: Wir sind eure Knechte. So macht nun einen Bund mit uns. {~} {~}

Da geboten uns unsere Häuptlinge und alle Bewohner unseres Landes: Versorgt euch mit Zehrung für die Reise, zieht ihnen entgegen und sprecht zu ihnen: Wir wollen euch unterthan sein; so trefft nun ein friedliches Abkommen mit uns!

Giosué 9:11
E i nostri anziani e tutti gli abitanti del nostro paese ci hanno detto: "Prendete con voi delle provviste per il viaggio, andate loro incontro e dite: Noi siamo vostri servi; fate dunque alleanza con noi.

E i nostri Anziani, e tutti gli abitanti del nostro paese, ci hanno detto: Prendete in mano della provvisione per lo viaggio, e andate incontro a coloro, e dite loro: Noi siamo vostri servitori; fate dunque patto con noi.

YOSUA 9:11
Lalu kata segala tua-tua patik dan segala orang isi negeri patik kepada patik ini: Ambillah olehmu perbekalan pada tanganmu akan perjalanan, pergilah mendapatkan mereka itu, lalu hendaklah kamu katakan kepadanya: Bahwa patik sekalian ini hamba tuanku, sebab itu perbuatlah kiranya dengan patik suatu perjanjian.

여호수아 9:11
그러므로 우리 장로들과 우리 나라의 모든 거민이 우리에게 일러 가로되 너희는 여행할 양식을 손에 가지고 가서 그들을 맞아서 그들에게 이르기를 우리는 당신들의 종이니 청컨대 이제 우리와 약조하사이다 하라 하였나이다

Iosue 9:11
dixeruntque nobis seniores et omnes habitatores terrae nostrae tollite in manibus cibaria ob longissimam viam et occurrite eis ac dicite servi vestri sumus foedus inite nobiscum

Jozuës knyga 9:11
Mūsų vyresnieji ir visi šalies gyventojai patarė mums: ‘Pasiimkite maisto kelionei, eikite jų pasitikti kaip jų tarnai ir prašykite sudaryti taikos sutartį’.

Joshua 9:11
Na reira i ki mai ai o matou kaumatua me nga tangata katoa o to matou whenua ki a matou, i mea ai, Maua atu i o koutou ringa he o ki te huarahi, a haere ki te whakatau i a ratou, ka mea hoki ki a ratou, Ko a koutou pononga matou; na whakaritea m ai he kawenata ki a matou.

Josvas 9:11
Derfor sa våre eldste og alle vårt lands innbyggere til oss: Ta reisekost med eder og gå dem i møte og si til dem: Vi vil være eders tjenere; gjør nu en pakt med oss!

Josué 9:11
Y nuestros ancianos y todos los habitantes de nuestro país nos hablaron, diciendo: ``Tomad provisiones en vuestra mano para el camino, id a su encuentro y decidles: `Somos vuestros siervos; haced, pues, pacto con nosotros.'

"Y nuestros ancianos y todos los habitantes de nuestro país nos dijeron: 'Tomen provisiones en su mano para el camino, vayan a su encuentro y díganles: "Somos siervos de ustedes; hagan, pues, pacto con nosotros."'

Por lo cual nuestros ancianos y todos los moradores de nuestra tierra nos dijeron: Tomad en vuestras manos provisión para el camino, e id al encuentro de ellos, y decidles: Nosotros somos vuestros siervos, y haced ahora con nosotros alianza.

Por lo cual nuestros ancianos y todos los moradores de nuestra tierra nos dijeron: Tomad en vuestras manos provisión para el camino, é id al encuentro de ellos, y decidles: Nosotros somos vuestros siervos, y haced ahora con nosotros alianza.

Por lo cual nuestros ancianos y todos los moradores de nuestra tierra nos dijeron: Tomad en vuestras manos provisión para el camino, e id al encuentro de ellos, y decidles: Nosotros somos vuestros siervos, y haced ahora con nosotros alianza.

Josué 9:11
Então os nossos anciãos e todos os habitantes da nossa terra nos recomendaram: ‘Tomai provisões para a viagem, ide ao encontro deles e declarai-lhes: Somos teus servos, fazei, pois, um pacto de paz conosco!’

Pelo que nossos anciãos e todos os moradores da nossa terra nos falaram, dizendo: Tomai nas mãos provisão para o caminho, e ide-lhes ao encontro, e dizei-lhes: Nós somos vossos servos; fazei, pois, agora pacto conosco.   

Iosua 9:11
Şi bătrînii noştri şi toţi locuitorii din ţara noastră ne-au zis: ,Luaţi cu voi merinde pentru călătorie, duceţi-vă înaintea lor, şi spuneţi-le: ,Noi sîntem robii voştri; acum deci faceţi legămînt cu noi.

Иисус Навин 9:11
Слыша сие , старейшины наши и все жители нашей земли сказали нам: возьмите в руки ваши хлеба на дорогу и пойдите навстречу им и скажите им: „мы рабы ваши; итак заключите с нами союз".

[Слыша сие], старейшины наши и все жители нашей земли сказали нам: возьмите в руки ваши хлеба на дорогу и пойдите навстречу им и скажите им: `мы рабы ваши; итак заключите с нами союз`.[]

Josuaé 9:11
Därför sade våra äldste och alla vårt lands inbyggare till oss: 'Tagen reskost med eder och gån dem till mötes och sägen till dem: Vi vilja bliva eder underdåniga, sluten nu förbund med oss.'

Joshua 9:11
At ang aming mga matanda at ang lahat na tagaroon sa aming lupain ay nagsalita sa amin, na sinasabi, Magbaon kayo sa inyong kamay ng maipaglalakbay, at yumaon kayo na salubungin ninyo sila, at inyong sabihin sa kanila, Kami ay inyong mga lingkod: at ngayo'y makipagtipan kayo sa amin.

โยชูวา 9:11
เหตุฉะนี้ พวกผู้ใหญ่ และชาวเมืองทั้งหลายของเมืองข้าพเจ้าได้กล่าวแก่พวกข้าพเจ้าว่า `จงเอาเสบียงสำหรับเดินทางไปหาพวกเขาเรียนเขาว่า "พวกข้าพเจ้าทั้งหลายเป็นผู้รับใช้ของท่าน บัดนี้ขอทำพันธสัญญากับพวกข้าพเจ้าเถิด"'

Yeşu 9:11
Bunun üzerine önderlerimiz ve ülkemizin bütün halkı bize şöyle dediler: ‹Onları karşılamak için yanınıza yiyecek alıp yola çıkın ve onlara, biz sizin kullarınızız; bunun için bizimle bir barış antlaşması yapmanızı istiyoruz deyin.›[]

Gioâ-sueâ 9:11
Các trưởng lão và hết thảy dân sự ở xứ chúng tôi có nói cùng chúng tôi rằng: Hãy lấy lương thực dùng dọc đường, đi đến trước mặt dân đó, mà nói rằng: Chúng tôi là tôi tớ các ông; và bây giờ, hãy lập giao ước cùng chúng tôi.

Joshua 9:10
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