Joshua 8:22
Joshua 8:22
Those in the ambush also came out of the city against them, so that they were caught in the middle, with Israelites on both sides. Israel cut them down, leaving them neither survivors nor fugitives.

Meanwhile, the Israelites who were inside the town came out and attacked the enemy from the rear. So the men of Ai were caught in the middle, with Israelite fighters on both sides. Israel attacked them, and not a single person survived or escaped.

And the others came out from the city against them, so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side. And Israel struck them down, until there was left none that survived or escaped.

The others came out from the city to encounter them, so that they were trapped in the midst of Israel, some on this side and some on that side; and they slew them until no one was left of those who survived or escaped.

And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape.

Then men in ambush came out of the city against them, and the men of Ai were trapped between the Israelite forces, some on one side and some on the other. They struck them down until no survivor or fugitive remained,

Then the others came out from the city against them, so the men of Ai were surrounded by the Israelis, some on one side and some on the other. Israel attacked them until no one was left to survive or escape.

At the same time the men who had taken the city came out to fight, and the men of Ai were trapped in the middle. The Israelites struck them down, leaving no survivors or refugees.

The men who had captured the city also came out and attacked them. The men of Ai were caught between the battle lines of Israel. So Israel attacked them on both sides. None of them survived or escaped.

And the others issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side and some on that side; and they smote them so that they let none of them remain or escape.

And the others came out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they struck them, so that they let none of them remain or escape.

And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the middle of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape.

And the others came forth out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape.

And they also that had taken and set the city on fire, issuing out of the city to meet their own men, began to cut off the enemies who were surrounded by them. So that the enemies being cut off on both sides, not one of so great a multitude was saved.

And the others went out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side; and they smote them, until they let none of them escape or flee away.

And the other came forth out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape.

And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape.

The others came out of the city against them, so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side. They struck them, so that they let none of them remain or escape.

and these have come out from the city to meet them, and they are in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that, and they smite them till he hath not left to them a remnant and escaped one;

Jozueu 8:22
Edhe të tjerët dolën nga qyteti kundër tyre; kështu ata të Ait u gjendën të zënë në kurth në mes të forcave të Izraelit, duke pasur nga një anë njërën palë, nga ana tjetër palën tjetër; dhe i mundën deri sa nuk mbeti asnjë i gjallë apo ikanak.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 8:22
وهؤلاء خرجوا من المدينة للقائهم فكانوا في وسط اسرائيل هؤلاء من هنا واولئك من هناك. وضربوهم حتى لم يبق منهم شارد ولا منفلت.

Dyr Josen 8:22
Denn weil ien die aus dyr Stat naachgruckt warnd, warnd s von ent und herent zwischn de Frontn von de Isryheeler graatn. D Isryheeler schluegnd s yso, däß kainer von ien überblib, der wo non auskemmen künnen haet.

Исус Навиев 8:22
Другите също излязоха из града против тях; и тъй, те се намериха всред израилтяните, [които бяха] едни отсам а едни оттам; и тия ги поразиха така щото не оставиха никой от тях да живее или да побегне.

約 書 亞 記 8:22
伏 兵 也 出 城 迎 擊 艾 城 人 , 艾 城 人 就 困 在 以 色 列 人 中 間 , 前 後 都 是 以 色 列 人 。 於 是 以 色 列 人 擊 殺 他 們 , 沒 有 留 下 一 個 , 也 沒 有 一 個 逃 脫 的 ,

伏 兵 也 出 城 迎 击 艾 城 人 , 艾 城 人 就 困 在 以 色 列 人 中 间 , 前 後 都 是 以 色 列 人 。 於 是 以 色 列 人 击 杀 他 们 , 没 有 留 下 一 个 , 也 没 有 一 个 逃 脱 的 ,



Joshua 8:22
Njihovi su im izašli u susret iz grada, i tako se oni iz Aja nađoše posred Izraelaca, opkoljeni i s jedne i s druge strane: biše pobijeni tako te ni jedan ne ostade živ niti uteče.

Jozue 8:22
Onino také vyšli z města proti nim, a obklíčil Izrael nepřátely své, jedni odsud, druzí od onud; a zmordovali je, tak že žádný živ nezůstal ani neušel.

Josua 8:22
og da hine rykkede ud fra Byen imod dem, kom de midt ind imellem Israeliternes to Afdelinger, som huggede dem ned uden at lade en eneste af dem undkomme eller slippe bort.

Jozua 8:22
Ook kwamen die uit de stad hun tegemoet, zodat zij in het midden der Israelieten waren, deze van hier en gene van daar; en zij sloegen hen, totdat geen overige onder hen overbleef, noch die ontkwam.

יהושע 8:22
וְאֵ֨לֶּה יָצְא֤וּ מִן־הָעִיר֙ לִקְרָאתָ֔ם וַיִּֽהְי֤וּ לְיִשְׂרָאֵל֙ בַּתָּ֔וֶךְ אֵ֥לֶּה מִזֶּ֖ה וְאֵ֣לֶּה מִזֶּ֑ה וַיַּכּ֣וּ אֹותָ֔ם עַד־בִּלְתִּ֥י הִשְׁאִֽיר־לֹ֖ו שָׂרִ֥יד וּפָלִֽיט׃

כב ואלה יצאו מן העיר לקראתם ויהיו לישראל בתוך אלה מזה ואלה מזה ויכו אותם עד בלתי השאיר לו שריד ופליט

ואלה יצאו מן־העיר לקראתם ויהיו לישראל בתוך אלה מזה ואלה מזה ויכו אותם עד־בלתי השאיר־לו שריד ופליט׃

Józsué 8:22
Amazok pedig a városból jövének ki ellenök, és így közben valának Izráelnek: ezek innen, amazok meg amonnan, és vágák õket mindaddig, a míg egy sem marada közülök élve, vagy a ki elszaladt volna.

Josuo 8:22
Kaj tiuj el la urbo eliris renkonte al ili, kaj ili trovigxis en la mezo inter la Izraelidoj, el kiuj unuj estis sur unu flanko kaj aliaj sur la dua flanko, kaj ili batis ilin tiel, ke neniu el ili restis kaj neniu povis forkuri.

Ja jotka kaupungissa olivat, menivät ulos heitä vastaan, niin he tulivat keskelle Israelia molemmilta puolilta; ja he löivät heitä siihenasti ettei yhtään heistä elämään jäänyt, eikä myös päässyt pois.

Josué 8:22
et les autres sortirent de la ville à leur rencontre. Alors ils se trouvèrent au milieu d'Israël, les uns deçà, et les autres delà; et les Israélites les frappèrent jusqu'à ne leur laisser ni reste ni réchappé.

Les autres sortirent de la ville à leur rencontre, et les gens d'Aï furent enveloppés par Israël de toutes parts. Israël les battit, sans leur laisser un survivant ni un fuyard;

Les autres aussi sortirent de la ville contr'eux; ainsi ils furent [enveloppés] par les Israélites, les uns deçà, et les autres delà; et ils furent tellement battus qu'on n'en laissa aucun qui demeurât en vie, ou qui échappât.

Josua 8:22
Und die in der Stadt kamen auch heraus ihnen entgegen, daß sie mitten unter Israel kamen von dorther und von hieher; und schlugen sie, bis daß niemand unter ihnen überblieb noch entrinnen konnte.

Und die in der Stadt kamen auch heraus ihnen entgegen, daß sie mitten unter Israel kamen, von dorther und von hierher; und schlugen sie, bis daß niemand unter ihnen übrigblieb noch entrinnen konnte, {~} {~}

Diese aber waren aus der Stadt ausgezogen, um sie zu bekämpfen, und waren nun mitten zwischen die Israeliten geraten, so daß sie deren auf beiden Seiten hatten; diese schlugen sie, bis keiner mehr von ihnen übrig war, der geflohen wäre und sich gerettet hätte.

Giosué 8:22
Anche gli altri usciron dalla città contro a loro; cosicché furon presi in mezzo da Israele, avendo gli uni di qua e gli altri di là; e Israele li batté in modo che non ne rimase né superstite né fuggiasco.

Quegli altri eziandio uscirono fuor della città incontro a loro; e così furono rinchiusi in mezzo d’Israele, essendo gli uni di qua, e gli altri di là; ed essi li sconfissero in modo, che non ne lasciarono alcuno di resto in vita.

YOSUA 8:22
Maka orang yang telah masuk ke dalam negeri itupun keluarlah mendatangi mereka itu, sehingga orang Ai itu pada sama tengah orang Israel, ada yang pada sebelah sana, ada yang pada sebelah sini, maka dibunuhnyalah akan orang Ai itu, sehingga seorangpun tiada yang dapat lari atau melepaskan dirinya.

여호수아 8:22
복병도 성읍에서 나와 그들을 치매 그들이 이스라엘 중간에 든지라 혹은 이 편에서, 혹은 저 편에서 쳐 죽여서 한 사람도 남거나 도망하지 못하게 하였고

Iosue 8:22
siquidem et illi qui ceperant et succenderant civitatem egressi ex urbe contra suos medios hostium ferire coeperunt cum ergo ex utraque parte adversarii caederentur ita ut nullus de tanta multitudine salvaretur

Jozuës knyga 8:22
Kiti puolė juos iš miesto. Taip jie pateko į izraelitų vidurį; vieni buvo iš priekio, kiti­iš užpakalio. Izraelitai juos taip sumušė, kad nė vienas neišliko gyvas.

Joshua 8:22
A ka puta mai era i roto i te pa ki te whakatutaki i a ratou; na ka noho ratou ki waenganui o Iharaira, ko etahi ki tenei taha, ko etahi ki tera taha: na tukitukia iho ratou e ratou, a kore rawa i toe tetahi morehu, tetahi ranei i rere atu.

Josvas 8:22
Og de andre drog ut av byen imot dem, så de kom midt imellem israelittene og fikk dem omkring sig på begge sider. Så slo de* dem og levnet dem ikke nogen som slapp unda eller blev frelst.

Josué 8:22
Y los otros salieron de la ciudad a su encuentro así que los de Hai quedaron en medio de Israel, unos por un lado y otros por el otro; y los mataron hasta no quedar de ellos sobreviviente ni fugitivo.

Y los de la emboscada salieron de la ciudad a su encuentro, así que los de Hai quedaron en medio de Israel, unos por un lado y otros por el otro. Los mataron hasta no quedar de ellos ni sobreviviente ni fugitivo.

Y los otros salieron de la ciudad a su encuentro: y así fueron encerrados en medio de Israel, los unos de la una parte, y los otros de la otra. Y los hirieron hasta que no quedó ninguno de ellos que escapase.

Y los otros salieron de la ciudad á su encuentro: y así fueron encerrados en medio de Israel, los unos de la una parte, y los otros de la otra. Y los hirieron hasta que no quedó ninguno de ellos que escapase.

Y los otros salieron de la ciudad a su encuentro; y así fueron encerrados en medio de Israel, los unos por un lado, y los otros por la otra. Y así los hirieron hasta que no quedó ninguno de ellos que escapase.

Josué 8:22
Os outros israelitas também saíram da cidade para lutar contra eles, de maneira que acabaram totalmente cercados, tendo os filhos de Israel dos dois lados. E aconteceu que os israelitas os mataram a todos, sem deixar um único sobrevivente nem fugitivo,

Também aqueles que estavam na cidade lhes saíram ao encontro, e assim os de Ai ficaram no meio dos israelitas, estando estes de uma e de outra parte; e feriram-nos, de sorte que não deixaram ficar nem escapar nenhum deles.   

Iosua 8:22
Ceilalţi deasemenea le-au ieşit înainte din cetate, şi oamenii din Ai au fost înconjuraţi de Israel din toate părţile. Israel i -a bătut, fără să lase unul cu viaţă, nici vreun fugar;

Иисус Навин 8:22
а те из города вышли навстречу им, так что они находились в средине между Израильтянами, из которых одни были с той стороны, а другие с другой; так поражали их, что не оставили ни одного из них, уцелевшего или убежавшего;

а те из города вышли навстречу им, так что они находились в средине между Израильтянами, [из которых] одни были с той стороны, а другие с другой; так поражали их, что не оставили ни одного из них, уцелевшего или убежавшего;[]

Josuaé 8:22
De andra drogo nu också ut från staden emot dem, så att de kommo mitt emellan israeliterna och fingo dem på båda sidor om sig, och dessa nedgjorde dem då och läto ingen av dem slippa undan och rädda sig.

Joshua 8:22
At ang iba'y lumabas sa bayan laban sa kanila, na anopa't sila'y nasa gitna ng Israel, na ang iba'y sa dakong ito, at ang iba'y sa dakong yaon: at sinaktan nila sila, na anopa't wala silang iniwan sa kanila na nalabi o nakatanan.

โยชูวา 8:22
คนอื่นๆก็ออกมาจากเมืองสู้รบกับเขา กระทำให้เขาอยู่ระหว่างกลางอิสราเอล ผู้อยู่ข้างนี้บ้างข้างโน้นบ้าง และคนอิสราเอลก็โจมตีเขาจนไม่มีสักคนหนึ่งรอดชีวิตหรือหนีไปได้

Yeşu 8:22
Kenti ele geçirenler de çıkıp saldırıya katılınca, kent halkı iki yönden gelen İsraillilerin ortasında kaldı. İsrailliler tek canlı bırakmadan hepsini öldürdüler.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 8:22
Các binh khác cũng ra khỏi thành đón đánh dân A-hi; như vậy chúng nó bị dân Y-sơ-ra-ên vây phủ, bên này có đạo này, bên kia có quân kia. Người ta đánh chúng nó đến đỗi không còn để lại kẻ nào sống hay là cho ai thoát được.

Joshua 8:21
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