Joshua 8:14
Joshua 8:14
When the king of Ai saw this, he and all the men of the city hurried out early in the morning to meet Israel in battle at a certain place overlooking the Arabah. But he did not know that an ambush had been set against him behind the city.

When the king of Ai saw the Israelites across the valley, he and all his army hurried out early in the morning and attacked the Israelites at a place overlooking the Jordan Valley. But he didn't realize there was an ambush behind the town.

And as soon as the king of Ai saw this, he and all his people, the men of the city, hurried and went out early to the appointed place toward the Arabah to meet Israel in battle. But he did not know that there was an ambush against him behind the city.

It came about when the king of Ai saw it, that the men of the city hurried and rose up early and went out to meet Israel in battle, he and all his people at the appointed place before the desert plain. But he did not know that there was an ambush against him behind the city.

And it came to pass, when the king of Ai saw it, that they hasted and rose up early, and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at a time appointed, before the plain; but he wist not that there were liers in ambush against him behind the city.

When the king of Ai saw the Israelites, the men of the city hurried and went out early in the morning so that he and all his people could engage Israel in battle at a suitable place facing the Arabah. But he did not know there was an ambush waiting for him behind the city.

When the king of Ai saw what had happened, he and his army quickly got up early and went out to meet Israel in battle. He and all his people met at the place adjacent to the desert plain. But he didn't know about the ambush that had been set for him on the other side of the city.

When the king of Ai saw Israel, he and his whole army quickly got up the next day and went out to fight Israel at the meeting place near the Arabah. But he did not realize men were hiding behind the city.

When the king of Ai saw the main camp, he and all his troops got up early in the morning. They rushed out toward the plains to meet Israel for battle, just where [ Joshua] expected. However, the king didn't know there were troops behind the city waiting to attack him.

When the king of Ai saw it, he rose up early in the morning and made haste with the men of the city to go out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at a time appointed, before the plain; but he did not know that there was an ambush against him behind the city.

And it came to pass, when the king of Ai saw it, that they hurried and rose up early, and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at a time appointed, before the plain; but he knew not that there was an ambush against him behind the city.

And it came to pass, when the king of Ai saw it, that they hurried and rose up early, and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at a time appointed, before the plain; but he knew not that there were liers in ambush against him behind the city.

And it came to pass, when the king of Ai saw it, that they hasted and rose up early, and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at the time appointed, before the Arabah; but he knew not that there was an ambush against him behind the city.

And when the king of Hai saw this, he made haste in the morning, and went out with all the army of the city, and set it in battle array toward the desert, not knowing that there lay an ambush behind his back.

And it came to pass when the king of Ai saw it, that the men of the city hasted and rose early, and went out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at the appointed place before the plain. But he knew not that there was an ambush against him behind the city.

And it came to pass, when the king of Ai saw it, that they hasted and rose up early, and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at the time appointed, before the Arabah; but he wist not that there was an ambush against him behind the city.

And it came to pass when the king of Ai saw it, that they hasted and rose early, and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at a time appointed, before the plain: but he knew not that there were liers in ambush against him behind the city.

It happened, when the king of Ai saw it, that they hurried and rose up early, and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at the time appointed, before the Arabah; but he didn't know that there was an ambush against him behind the city.

And it cometh to pass, when the king of Ai seeth it, that hasten, and rise early, and go out do the men of the city to meet Israel for battle, he and all his people, at the appointed season, at the front of the plain, and he hath not known that an ambush is against him, on the rear of the city.

Jozueu 8:14
Kur mbreti i Ait pa këtë gjë, njerëzit e qytetit u ngritën herët me ngut në mëngjes dhe dolën për të luftuar kundër Izraelit: mbreti dhe tërë populli i tij, në pozicionin e caktuar përballë Arabahut; por mbreti nuk e dinte që i kishin zënë pritë në pjesën prapa qytetit.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 8:14
وكان لما رأى ملك عاي ذلك انهم اسرعوا وبكروا وخرج رجال المدينة للقاء اسرائيل للحرب هو وجميع شعبه في الميعاد الى قدام السهل وهو لا يعلم ان عليه كمينا وراء المدينة.

Dyr Josen 8:14
Wie dyr Eier Künig draufer gyrgneusst, was loos war, braach yr mit seine Mänder allsand eilweil auf zog mit ien yn de Isryheeler eyn dyr Au drausst zgögn. Dös gwaiß yr nit, däß enterhalb ain auf dyr Päß laagnd.

Исус Навиев 8:14
А гайският цар, като видя това, побърза, той и всичките му люде, мъжете на града, та станаха рано, и в определен час излязоха на полето на бой против Израиля; но той не знаеше, че имаше засада против него зад града.

約 書 亞 記 8:14
艾 城 的 王 看 見 這 景 況 , 就 和 全 城 的 人 , 清 早 急 忙 起 來 , 按 所 定 的 時 候 , 出 到 亞 拉 巴 前 , 要 與 以 色 列 人 交 戰 ; 王 卻 不 知 道 在 城 後 有 伏 兵 。

艾 城 的 王 看 见 这 景 况 , 就 和 全 城 的 人 , 清 早 急 忙 起 来 , 按 所 定 的 时 候 , 出 到 亚 拉 巴 前 , 要 与 以 色 列 人 交 战 ; 王 却 不 知 道 在 城 後 有 伏 兵 。



Joshua 8:14
Kad je sve to vidio ajski kralj, požuri se te izađe on i sav njegov narod niz obronak prema Arabi u boj protiv Izraela. A nisu ni slutili da je iza grada namještena zasjeda.

Jozue 8:14
I stalo se, že když je uzřel král Hai, pospíšili, a ráno vstavše, vyšli lidé města vstříc Izraelovi k boji, on i všecken lid jeho toho času před rovinu; nevěděl pak, že zálohy udělány byly jemu po zadu města.

Josua 8:14
Da nu Kongen af Aj saa det, skyndte Byens Mænd sig og rykkede tidligt om Morgenen ud til Kamp mod Israel, Kongen med hele sin Styrke, til Skraaningen, hvor Lavningen begynder, uden at vide af, at der var lagt Baghold imod ham vesten for Byen;

Jozua 8:14
En het geschiedde, toen de koning van Ai dat zag, zo haastten zij en maakten zich vroeg op, en de mannen der stad kwamen uit, Israel tegemoet, ten strijde, hij en al zijn volk, ter bestemder tijd, voor het vlakke veld; want hij wist niet, dat hem iemand een achterlage legde van achter de stad.

יהושע 8:14
וַיְהִ֞י כִּרְאֹ֣ות מֶֽלֶךְ־הָעַ֗י וַֽיְמַהֲר֡וּ וַיַּשְׁכִּ֡ימוּ וַיֵּצְא֣וּ אַנְשֵֽׁי־הָעִ֣יר לִקְרַֽאת־יִ֠שְׂרָאֵל לַֽמִּלְחָמָ֞ה ה֧וּא וְכָל־עַמֹּ֛ו לַמֹּועֵ֖ד לִפְנֵ֣י הָֽעֲרָבָ֑ה וְהוּא֙ לֹ֣א יָדַ֔ע כִּֽי־אֹרֵ֥ב לֹ֖ו מֵאַחֲרֵ֥י הָעִֽיר׃

יד ויהי כראות מלך העי וימהרו וישכימו ויצאו אנשי העיר לקראת ישראל למלחמה הוא וכל עמו למועד--לפני הערבה והוא לא ידע כי ארב לו מאחרי העיר

ויהי כראות מלך־העי וימהרו וישכימו ויצאו אנשי־העיר לקראת־ישראל למלחמה הוא וכל־עמו למועד לפני הערבה והוא לא ידע כי־ארב לו מאחרי העיר׃

Józsué 8:14
És lõn, hogy mikor meglátta vala Ainak királya, sietve felkelének, és kijövének a város férfiai Izráel ellen a harczra; õ és egész népe a megszabott helyre, a síkság elejére, mert nem tudja vala, hogy lest vetének néki a város háta mögött.

Josuo 8:14
Kiam la regxo de Aj tion ekvidis, tiam la logxantoj de la urbo rapide levigxis kaj eliris kontraux Izraelon milite, li kaj lia tuta popolo, sur difinitan lokon antaux la valo. Kaj li ne sciis, ke estas kontraux li insido malantaux la urbo.

Kuin Ain kuningas sen näki, kiiruhti hän, ja varhain huomeneltain valmisti itsensä ja kaupungin miehet menivät ulos Israelia vastaan sotaan, kuningas itse kaiken väkensä kanssa, määrätyllä ajalla, lakialle kedolle; mutta ei hän tietänyt itsiänsä väijyttävän kaupungin takana.

Josué 8:14
Et il arriva que lorsque le roi d'Aï vit cela, les hommes de la ville se hâtèrent et se levèrent de bonne heure, et sortirent, lui et tout son peuple, à la rencontre d'Israël, pour livrer bataille, au lieu assigné, devant la plaine. Or il ne savait pas qu'il y avait une embuscade contre lui, derrière la ville.

Lorsque le roi d'Aï vit cela, les gens d'Aï se levèrent en hâte de bon matin, et sortirent à la rencontre d'Israël, pour le combattre. Le roi se dirigea, avec tout son peuple, vers un lieu fixé, du côté de la plaine, et il ne savait pas qu'il y avait derrière la ville une embuscade contre lui.

Or il arriva qu'aussitôt que le Roi de Haï l'eut vu, les hommes de la ville se hâtèrent, et se levèrent de bon matin, et au temps marqué le Roi et tout son peuple sortirent à la campagne contre Israël pour le combattre. Or il ne savait pas qu'il y eût des gens en embuscade contre lui derrière la ville.

Josua 8:14
Als aber der König zu Ai das sah, eileten sie und machten sich frühe auf, und die Männer der Stadt heraus, Israel zu begegnen zum Streit, mit all seinem Volk an einen bestimmten Ort vor dem Gefilde. Denn er wußte nicht, daß ein Hinterhalt auf ihn war hinter der Stadt.

Als aber der König zu Ai das sah, eilten die Männer der Stadt und machten sich früh auf und zogen heraus, Israel zu begegnen im Streit, er mit allem seinem Volk, an einem bestimmten Ort vor dem Gefilde. Denn er wußte nicht, daß ihm ein Hinterhalt gelegt war hinter der Stadt. {~}

Als das der König von Ai wahrnahm, beeilten sich die Bewohner der Stadt, brachen früh auf und zogen den Israeliten entgegen, um ihnen eine Schlacht zu liefern, er und sein gesamtes Kriegsvolk an den bestimmten Ort östlich von der Steppe. Er wußte aber nichts davon, daß ihm westlich von der Stadt ein Hinterhalt gelegt war.

Giosué 8:14
Quando il re d’Ai vide questo, la gente della città si levò in fretta di buon mattino; e il re e tutto il suo popolo usciron contro a Israele, per dargli battaglia al punto convenuto, al principio della pianura; perché il re non sapeva che c’era un’imboscata contro di lui dietro la città.

E quando il re d’Ai ebbe ciò veduto, la gente della città si affrettò, e si levò a buon’ora. E il re, e tutto il suo popolo uscì alla campagna a punto preso ad incontrare Israele, per dargli battaglia; or egli non sapeva che vi erano degli agguati dietro alla città contro a lui.

YOSUA 8:14
Maka sesungguhnya, serta kelihatanlah ia itu kepada raja Ai, dengan gupuh-gupuh mereka itu bersiapkan dirinya, lalu segala orang itu keluar dari dalam negeri mendatangi Israel hendak berperang, baik ia baik segala rakyatnya, pada tempat yang telah ditentukan pada sebelah timur arah ke padang; karena tiada diketahuinya akan pengadang, yang ditaruh baginya di belakang negeri.

여호수아 8:14
아이 왕이 이를 보고 그 성읍 백성과 함께 일찌기 일어나서 급히 나가 아라바 앞에 이르러 정한 때에 이스라엘과 싸우려 하고 성읍 뒤에 복병이 있는 줄은 알지 못하였더라

Iosue 8:14
quod cum vidisset rex Ahi festinavit mane et egressus est cum omni exercitu civitatis direxitque aciem contra desertum ignorans quod post tergum laterent insidiae

Jozuës knyga 8:14
Ajo karalius, tai pamatęs, skubiai anksti rytą su visais savo kariais žygiavo prieš Izraelį į lygumą, nes nežinojo, kad už miesto yra pasala.

Joshua 8:14
A, no te kitenga o te kingi o Hai, na hohoro ana ratou, maranga wawe ana; ko te tino putanga mai o nga tangata o te pa ki te tu i a Ihariara ki te riri, a ia me tona iwi katoa i te wa i whakaritea, i te ritenga mai o te mania; kihai ia i mohio h e pehipehi tera mona kei tua o te pa.

Josvas 8:14
Da kongen i Ai så dette, skyndte byens menn sig, han selv og hele hans folk, og drog tidlig om morgenen ut til strid mot Israel, til det fastsatte sted foran ødemarken; men han visste ikke at det lå et bakhold mot ham vestenfor byen.

Josué 8:14
Y aconteció que al ver esto el rey de Hai, los hombres de la ciudad se apresuraron, se levantaron temprano y salieron para enfrentarse a Israel en batalla, él y todo su pueblo, en el lugar señalado frente a la llanura del desierto; pero no sabía que había una emboscada contra él por detrás de la ciudad.

Al ver esto el rey de Hai, los hombres de la ciudad se apresuraron, se levantaron temprano y salieron para enfrentarse a Israel en batalla, él y todo su pueblo, en el lugar señalado frente a la llanura del desierto, sin saber que había una emboscada contra él por detrás de la ciudad.

Y sucedió que cuando lo vio el rey de Hai, se levantó prestamente de mañana, y salió con la gente de la ciudad contra Israel, él y todo su pueblo, para combatir por el llano al tiempo señalado, no sabiendo que le estaba puesta emboscada a las espaldas de la ciudad.

Lo cual como viese el rey de Hai, levantóse prestamente de mañana, y salió con la gente de la ciudad contra Israel, él y todo su pueblo, para combatir por el llano al tiempo señalado, no sabiendo que le estaba puesta emboscada á las espaldas de la ciudad.

Lo cual cuando vio el rey de Hai, se levantó prestamente de mañana, y salió con la gente de la ciudad contra Israel para pelear, él y todo su pueblo al tiempo señalado, por el llano, no sabiendo que le estaba puesta emboscada a las espaldas de la ciudad.

Josué 8:14
Assim que o rei de Ai observou esta movimentação dos israelitas, ele e todos os homens da cidade se apressaram, levantaram-se de madrugada e partiram para enfrentar Israel no campo de batalha, no local de onde se avista a Arabá, as campinas do Jordão; mas não suspeitavam que havia uma emboscada armada contra eles na retaguarda da cidade.

Quando o rei de Ai viu isto, ele e todo o seu povo se apressaram, levantando-se de madrugada, e os homens da cidade saíram ao encontro de Israel ao combate, ao lugar determinado, defronte da planície; mas ele não sabia que se achava uma emboscada contra ele atrás da cidade.   

Iosua 8:14
Cînd a văzut împăratul cetăţii Ai lucrul acesta, oamenii din Ai s'au sculat în grabă disdedimineaţă, şi au ieşit înaintea lui Israel, ca să -l bată. Împăratul s'a îndreptat, cu tot poporul lui, spre un loc hotărît, înspre cîmpie, şi nu ştia că înapoia cetăţii o mînă de oameni stăteau la pîndă împotriva lui.

Иисус Навин 8:14
Когда увидел это царь Гайский, тотчас с жителями города, встав рано, выступил против Израиля насражение, он и весь народ его, на назначенное место пред равниною; а он не знал, что для него есть засада позади города.

Когда увидел это царь Гайский, тотчас с жителями города, встав рано, выступил против Израиля на сражение, он и весь народ его, на назначенное место пред равниною; а он не знал, что для него есть засада позади города.[]

Josuaé 8:14
När konungen i Ai såg detta, skyndade sig männen i staden, han själv med allt sitt folk, och drogo bittida om morgonen ut till strid mot Israel, bort till den utsedda platsen, framför hedmarken; han själv visste nämligen icke att ett bakhåll var lagt mot honom på andra sidan om staden.

Joshua 8:14
At nangyari, nang makita ng hari sa Hai, na sila'y nagmadali at bumangong maaga, at ang mga lalake sa bayan ay lumabas laban sa Israel upang makipagbaka, siya at ang kaniyang buong bayan, sa kapanahunang takda, sa harap ng Araba, nguni't hindi niya talastas na may bakay laban sa kaniya sa likuran ng bayan.

โยชูวา 8:14
ต่อมาเมื่อกษัตริย์เมืองอัยเห็นดังนั้น ชาวเมืองก็รีบลุกขึ้นแต่เช้าตรู่ออกไปสู้รบกับอิสราเอล ณ ที่ปะทะกันหน้าที่ราบ ทั้งท่านและประชาชนทั้งหมดของท่าน แต่ท่านไม่ทราบว่ามีกองซุ่มคอยอยู่ต่อสู้ท่านข้างหลังเมือง

Yeşu 8:14
Bunu gören Ay Kralı, kent halkıyla birlikte sabah erkenden kalktı. Zaman yitirmeden, İsraillilere karşı savaşmak üzere Arava bölgesinin karşısında belirlenen yere çıktı. Ne var ki, kentin gerisinde kendisine karşı kurulan pusudan habersizdi.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 8:14
Vua thành ấy vừa thấy điều đó, người ta bèn lật đật dậy sớm, vua và cả dân sự người đều đi ra đón Y-sơ-ra-ên tại nơi đã chỉ bảo, về phía đồng bằng, đặng giao chiến; song vua không biết rằng có một đạo binh phục ở phía sau thành.

Joshua 8:13
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