Joshua 5:4
Joshua 5:4
Now this is why he did so: All those who came out of Egypt--all the men of military age--died in the wilderness on the way after leaving Egypt.

Joshua had to circumcise them because all the men who were old enough to fight in battle when they left Egypt had died in the wilderness.

And this is the reason why Joshua circumcised them: all the males of the people who came out of Egypt, all the men of war, had died in the wilderness on the way after they had come out of Egypt.

This is the reason why Joshua circumcised them: all the people who came out of Egypt who were males, all the men of war, died in the wilderness along the way after they came out of Egypt.

And this is the cause why Joshua did circumcise: All the people that came out of Egypt, that were males, even all the men of war, died in the wilderness by the way, after they came out of Egypt.

This is the reason Joshua circumcised them: All the people who came out of Egypt who were males--all the men of war--had died in the wilderness along the way after they had come out of Egypt.

Joshua circumcised them because all of the males among the people who came out of Egypt—that is, all the warriors—had died during their journey through the wilderness following their departure from Egypt.

This is why Joshua had to circumcise them: All the men old enough to fight when they left Egypt died on the journey through the desert after they left Egypt.

This is the reason Joshua circumcised them: All the soldiers had died on the way through the desert after they left Egypt.

And this is the reason why Joshua circumcised them: All the people that had come out of Egypt, that were males, even all the men of war, had died in the wilderness by the way, after they came out of Egypt.

And this is the reason why Joshua did circumcise: All the people that came out of Egypt, that were males, even all the men of war, died in the wilderness by the way, after they came out of Egypt.

And this is the cause why Joshua did circumcise: All the people that came out of Egypt, that were males, even all the men of war, died in the wilderness by the way, after they came out of Egypt.

And this is the cause why Joshua did circumcise: all the people that came forth out of Egypt, that were males, even all the men of war, died in the wilderness by the way, after they came forth out of Egypt.

Now this is the cause of the second circumcision: All the people that came out of Egypt that were males, all the men fit for war, died in the desert, during the time of the long going about in the way.

And this is the cause why Joshua circumcised them: all the people that had come out of Egypt, the males, all the men of war, had died in the wilderness on the way, after they came out of Egypt.

And this is the cause why Joshua did circumcise: all the people that came forth out of Egypt, that were males, even all the men of war, died in the wilderness by the way, after they came forth out of Egypt.

And this is the cause why Joshua did circumcise: All the people that came out of Egypt, that were males, even all the men of war died in the wilderness by the way, after they came out of Egypt.

This is the reason Joshua circumcised: all the people who came out of Egypt, who were males, even all the men of war, died in the wilderness by the way, after they came out of Egypt.

And this is the thing for which Joshua circumciseth them: all the people who are coming out of Egypt, who are males, all the men of war have died in the wilderness, in the way, in their coming out of Egypt,

Jozueu 5:4
Kjo qe arsyeja për të cilin Jozueu i rrethpreu; i tërë populli që kishte dalë nga Egjipti, meshkujt, tërë burrat luftëtarë, kishin vdekur në shkretëtirë gjatë rrugës, mbasi kishin dalë nga Egjipti.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 5:4
وهذا هو سبب ختن يشوع اياهم. ان جميع الشعب الخارجين من مصر الذكور جميع رجال الحرب ماتوا في البرية على الطريق بخروجهم من مصر.

Dyr Josen 5:4
Dös war nootwendig, weil dös gantze Volk, wo aus Güptn ausherzogn war, iednfalls de Krieger, auf n Wög durch d Wüestn gstorbn war.

Исус Навиев 5:4
А ето причината, по която Исус извърши обрязването: всичките мъжки, които излязоха из Египет, всичките военни мъже, измряха в пустинята по пътя, след като бяха излезли из Египет;

約 書 亞 記 5:4
約 書 亞 行 割 禮 的 緣 故 , 是 因 為 從 埃 及 出 來 的 眾 民 , 就 是 一 切 能 打 仗 的 男 丁 , 出 了 埃 及 以 後 , 都 死 在 曠 野 的 路 上 。

约 书 亚 行 割 礼 的 缘 故 , 是 因 为 从 埃 及 出 来 的 众 民 , 就 是 一 切 能 打 仗 的 男 丁 , 出 了 埃 及 以 後 , 都 死 在 旷 野 的 路 上 。



Joshua 5:4
A evo zašto ih je Jošua obrezao: sve ljudstvo što je izišlo iz Egipta, sve što mogaše nositi oružje, pomrlo je na putu kroz pustinju.

Jozue 5:4
Tato pak jest příčina, pro kterouž je obřezal Jozue, že všecken lid, kterýž byl vyšel z Egypta, pohlaví mužského, všickni muži bojovní zemřeli byli na poušti na cestě po vyjití z Egypta.

Josua 5:4
Og dette var Grunden til, at Josua omskar dem: Alt Mandkøn af Folket, som drog ud af Ægypten, alle vaabenføre Mænd, var døde undervejs i Ørkenen, efter at de var draget ud af Ægypten.

Jozua 5:4
Dit nu was de oorzaak, waarom hen Jozua besneed: al het volk, dat uit Egypte getogen was, de manspersonen, alle krijgslieden, waren gestorven in de woestijn, op den weg, nadat zij uit Egypte getogen waren.

יהושע 5:4
וְזֶ֥ה הַדָּבָ֖ר אֲשֶׁר־מָ֣ל יְהֹושֻׁ֑עַ כָּל־הָעָ֣ם הַיֹּצֵא֩ מִמִּצְרַ֨יִם הַזְּכָרִ֜ים כֹּ֣ל ׀ אַנְשֵׁ֣י הַמִּלְחָמָ֗ה מֵ֤תוּ בַמִּדְבָּר֙ בַּדֶּ֔רֶךְ בְּצֵאתָ֖ם מִמִּצְרָֽיִם׃

ד וזה הדבר אשר מל יהושע  כל העם היצא ממצרים הזכרים כל אנשי המלחמה מתו במדבר בדרך בצאתם ממצרים

וזה הדבר אשר־מל יהושע כל־העם היצא ממצרים הזכרים כל ׀ אנשי המלחמה מתו במדבר בדרך בצאתם ממצרים׃

Józsué 5:4
Az ok pedig, a miért körülmetélé õket Józsué, ez: Mindaz a nép, a mely kijött vala Égyiptomból; a férfiak, a hadakozó emberek mindnyájan meghaltak vala a pusztában, útközben, a míg jöttek vala Égyiptomból.

Josuo 5:4
Kaj jen estas la kauxzo, pro kiu Josuo cirkumcidis:la tuta popolo, kiu eliris el Egiptujo, la virseksuloj, cxiuj militkapablaj, mortis en la dezerto, sur la vojo, kiam ili iris el Egiptujo;

Ja tämä on syy, jonkatähden Josua heidät siinä ympärileikkasi: kaikki se kansa joka läksi ulos Egyptistä, miehenpuoli, kaikki sotamiehet kuolivat tiellä korvessa, sitte kuin he läksivät Egyptistä.

Josué 5:4
Et c'est ici la raison pour laquelle Josué les circoncit: tout le peuple qui était sorti d'Égypte, les mâles, tous les hommes de guerre, étaient morts dans le désert, en chemin, après être sortis d'Égypte;

Voici la raison pour laquelle Josué les circoncit. Tout le peuple sorti d'Egypte, les mâles, tous les hommes de guerre, étaient morts dans le désert, pendant la route, après leur sortie d'Egypte.

Or la raison pour laquelle Josué les circoncit, c'est que tout le peuple qui était sorti d'Egypte, tous les mâles, [dis-je], hommes de guerre étaient morts au désert en chemin, après être sortis d'Egypte.

Josua 5:4
Und das ist die Sache, darum Josua beschnitt alles Volk, das aus Ägypten gezogen war, Mannsbilde; denn alle Kriegsleute waren gestorben in der Wüste auf dem Wege, da sie aus Ägypten zogen.

Und das ist die Sache, darum Josua sie beschnitt: Alles Volk, das aus Ägypten gezogen war, die Männer, alle Kriegsleute, waren gestorben in der Wüste auf dem Wege, da sie aus Ägypten zogen.

Und dies war der Grund, warum Josua die Beschneidung vornahm: das ganze Volk, das aus Ägypten ausgezogen war, soweit es männlichen Geschlechts war, alle Kriegsleute, waren unterwegs in der Steppe nach ihrem Wegzug aus Ägypten gestorben.

Giosué 5:4
Questo fu il motivo per cui li circoncise: tutti i maschi del popolo uscito dall’Egitto, cioè tutti gli uomini di guerra, erano morti nel deserto durante il viaggio, dopo essere usciti dall’Egitto.

Or questa fu la cagione per la quale Giosuè li circoncise: tutti i maschi del popolo, ch’era uscito di Egitto, cioè, tutti gli uomini di guerra, erano morti nel deserto per lo cammino, dopo essere usciti di Egitto.

Maka inilah sebabnya dikhatankan Yusak akan mereka itu: Bahwa segala orang yang telah keluar dari Mesir, yaitu segala orang laki-laki, segala orang yang tahu perang, telah habis mati di padang Tiah dalam perjalanannya setelah sudah mereka itu keluar dari Mesir.

여호수아 5:4
여호수아가 할례를 시행한 까닭은 이것이니 애굽에서 나온 모든 백성 중 남자 곧 모든 군사는 애굽에서 나온 후 광야 노중에서 죽었는데

Iosue 5:4
haec autem causa est secundae circumcisionis omnis populus qui egressus est ex Aegypto generis masculini universi bellatores viri mortui sunt in deserto per longissimos viae circuitus

Jozuës knyga 5:4
Štai priežastis, dėl kurios Jozuė atliko apipjaustymą: tautos vyrai, tinkantys karui, išėjus iš Egipto, išmirė pakeliui dykumoje.

Joshua 5:4
A ko te take tenei i kokoti ai a Hohua: ko te hunga katoa i puta mai i Ihipa, ko nga tane, ko nga tangata hapai patu, i mate ki te ara i te koraha, i muri i to ratou putanga mai i Ihipa.

Josvas 5:4
Grunnen til at Josva omskar dem, var denne: Alt det folk som drog ut av Egypten - alle mennene, alle krigsfolkene - var død i ørkenen på veien fra Egypten.

Josué 5:4
Esta es la razón por la cual Josué los circuncidó: todos los del pueblo que salieron de Egipto que eran varones, todos los hombres de guerra, murieron en el desierto, por el camino, después que salieron de Egipto.

Esta es la razón por la cual Josué los circuncidó: todos los del pueblo que salieron de Egipto que eran varones, todos los hombres de guerra, murieron en el desierto, por el camino, después que salieron de Egipto.

Ésta es la causa por la cual Josué los circuncidó: Todo el pueblo que había salido de Egipto, los varones, todos los hombres de guerra, habían muerto en el desierto por el camino, después que salieron de Egipto.

Esta es la causa por la cual Josué los circuncidó: todo el pueblo que había salido de Egipto, los varones, todos los hombres de guerra, habían muerto en el desierto por el camino, después que salieron de Egipto.

Esta es la causa por la cual Josué los circuncidó: Todo el pueblo que había salido de Egipto, es a saber los varones, todos los hombres de guerra, habían muerto en el desierto por el camino, después que salieron de Egipto.

Josué 5:4
Esta é a razão por que Josué os circuncidou: todo o povo que saiu do Egito, os homens, todos os homens de guerra morreram no deserto, no caminho, depois da sua saída do Egito.

Esta é a razão por que Josué os circuncidou: todo o povo que tinha saído do Egito, os homens, todos os homens de guerra, já haviam morrido no deserto, pelo caminho, depois que saíram do Egito.   

Iosua 5:4
Iată pricina pentru care i -a tăiat Iosua împrejur. Tot poporul ieşit din Egipt, bărbaţii, toţi oamenii de luptă muriseră în pustie, pe drum, după ieşirea lor din Egipt.

Иисус Навин 5:4
Вот причина, почему обрезал Иисус сынов Израилевых , весь народ, вышедший изЕгипта, мужеского пола, все способные к войне умерли в пустыне на пути, по исшествии из Египта;

Вот причина, почему обрезал Иисус [сынов Израилевых], весь народ, вышедший из Египта, мужеского пола, все способные к войне умерли в пустыне на пути, по исшествии из Египта;[]

Josuaé 5:4
Och orsaken varför Josua omskar dem var denna: allt det folk av mankön, som hade dragit ut ur Egypten, alla stridbara män, hade dött i öknen under vägen, efter uttåget ur Egypten.

Joshua 5:4
At ito ang dahil na itinuli ni Josue: ang buong bayan na lumabas mula sa Egipto, na mga lalake, lahat na lalaking pangdigma, ay namatay sa ilang sa daan, pagkatapos na sila'y makalabas na mula sa Egipto.

โยชูวา 5:4
นี่แหละเป็นเหตุซึ่งโยชูวาให้เขาเข้าสุหนัต ในบรรดาประชาชนผู้ออกมาจากอียิปต์พวกผู้ชาย คือทหารทั้งหมดสิ้นชีวิตเสียตามทางในถิ่นทุรกันดารหลังจากที่ออกจากอียิปต์

Yeşu 5:4
Bunu yapmasının nedeni şuydu: İsrailliler Mısırdan çıktıklarında savaşabilecek yaştaki bütün erkekler, Mısırdan çıktıktan sonra çölden geçerken ölmüşlerdi.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 5:4
Này là cớ Giô-suê làm phép cắt bì cho họ: Các người nam trong dân chúng đã ra khỏi xứ Ê-díp-tô, tức là các chiến sĩ, đều đã chết dọc đường trong đồng vắng, sau khi ra khỏi xứ Ê-díp-tô.

Joshua 5:3
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