Joshua 3:1
Joshua 3:1
Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out from Shittim and went to the Jordan, where they camped before crossing over.

Early the next morning Joshua and all the Israelites left Acacia Grove and arrived at the banks of the Jordan River, where they camped before crossing.

Then Joshua rose early in the morning and they set out from Shittim. And they came to the Jordan, he and all the people of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over.

Then Joshua rose early in the morning; and he and all the sons of Israel set out from Shittim and came to the Jordan, and they lodged there before they crossed.

And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over.

Joshua started early the next morning and left the Acacia Grove with all the Israelites. They went as far as the Jordan and stayed there before crossing.

Joshua got up early the next morning. Accompanied by all the Israelis, he set out from the Acacia groves and arrived at the Jordan River, where they encamped before crossing it.

Bright and early the next morning Joshua and the Israelites left Shittim and came to the Jordan. They camped there before crossing the river.

Joshua got up early the next morning. He and all the Israelites left Shittim. They came to the Jordan River, where they camped before crossing.

And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim and came to the Jordan, he and all the sons of Israel and lodged there before they passed over.

And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they set out from Shittim, and came to the Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over.

And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over.

And Joshua rose up early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to the Jordan, he and all the children of Israel; and they lodged there before they passed over.

And Josue rose before daylight, and removed the camp: and they departed from Setim, and came to the Jordan, he, and all the children of Israel, and they abode there for three days.

And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to the Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over.

And Joshua rose up early in the morning, and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel; and they lodged there before they passed over.

And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over.

Joshua rose up early in the morning; and they moved from Shittim, and came to the Jordan, he and all the children of Israel. They lodged there before they passed over.

And Joshua riseth early in the morning, and they journey from Shittim, and come in unto the Jordan, he and all the sons of Israel, and they lodge there before they pass over.

Jozueu 3:1
Jozueu u ngrit herët në mëngjes; ai dhe tërë bijtë e Izraelit u nisën pastaj nga Shitimi dhe arritën në Jordan; u ndalën aty para se ta kalojnë

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 3:1
فبكر يشوع في الغد وارتحلوا من شطيم واتوا الى الاردن هو وكل بني اسرائيل وباتوا هناك قبل ان عبروا.

Dyr Josen 3:1
In aller Frueh braach dyr Josen mit allsand Isryheeler z Schidham auf. Wie s eyn n Jordn abhinkaamend, gnächtignend s dort, ee däß s n überschritnd.

Исус Навиев 3:1
Тогава Исус стана рано; и като се дигнаха от Ситим, той и всичките израилтяни, дойдоха до Иордан, и там пренощуваха преди да преминат.

約 書 亞 記 3:1
約 書 亞 清 早 起 來 , 和 以 色 列 眾 人 都 離 開 什 亭 , 來 到 約 但 河 , 就 住 在 那 裡 , 等 候 過 河 。

约 书 亚 清 早 起 来 , 和 以 色 列 众 人 都 离 开 什 亭 , 来 到 约 但 河 , 就 住 在 那 里 , 等 候 过 河 。



Joshua 3:1
Urani Jošua i sa svim sinovima Izraelovim krene od Šitima. I stignu do Jordana pa ondje prije prelaza prenoće.

Jozue 3:1
Vstal pak Jozue velmi ráno, a hnuvše se z Setim, přišli až k Jordánu, on i všickni synové Izraelští, a přenocovali tu, prvé nežli šli přes něj.

Josua 3:1
Tidligt næste Morgen gjorde Josua sig rede, og hele Israel brød op fra Sjittim sammen med ham og kom til Jordan, og de tilbragte Natten der, før de drog over.

Jozua 3:1
Jozua dan maakte zich des morgens vroeg op, en zij reisden van Sittim, en kwamen tot aan de Jordaan, hij en al de kinderen Israels; en zij vernachtten aldaar, eer zij overtrokken.

יהושע 3:1
וַיַּשְׁכֵּם֩ יְהֹושֻׁ֨עַ בַּבֹּ֜קֶר וַיִּסְע֣וּ מֵֽהַשִּׁטִּ֗ים וַיָּבֹ֙אוּ֙ עַד־הַיַּרְדֵּ֔ן ה֖וּא וְכָל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַיָּלִ֥נוּ שָׁ֖ם טֶ֥רֶם יַעֲבֹֽרוּ׃

א וישכם יהושע בבקר ויסעו מהשטים ויבאו עד הירדן--הוא וכל בני ישראל וילנו שם טרם יעברו

וישכם יהושע בבקר ויסעו מהשטים ויבאו עד־הירדן הוא וכל־בני ישראל וילנו שם טרם יעברו׃

Józsué 3:1
Felkele azért Józsué jó reggel, és elindulának Sittimbõl, és eljutának a Jordánhoz, õ és Izráel fiai mindnyájan, és meghálának ott, mielõtt általmentek volna.

Josuo 3:1
Kaj Josuo levigxis frue matene, kaj ili elmovigxis de SXitim kaj alvenis al Jordan, li kaj cxiuj Izraelidoj, kaj ili tradormis tie la nokton, antaux ol transiri.

Ja Josua nousi aamulla varhain, ja he matkustivat Sittimistä ja tulivat Jordaniin asti, hän ja kaikki Israelin lapset ja he olivat siinä yötä ennenkuin he matkustivat ylitse.

Josué 3:1
Et Josué se leva de bonne heure le matin; et ils partirent de Sittim et vinrent jusqu'au Jourdain, lui et tous les fils d'Israël, et là ils passèrent la nuit avant de traverser.

Josué, s'étant levé de bon matin, partit de Sittim avec tous les enfants d'Israël. Ils arrivèrent au Jourdain; et là, ils passèrent la nuit, avant de le traverser.

Or Josué se leva de bon matin; ils partirent de Sittim, ils vinrent jusqu'au Jourdain, lui et tous les enfants d'Israël, et ils logèrent là cette nuit, avant qu'ils passassent.

Josua 3:1
Und Josua machte sich frühe auf; und sie zogen aus Sittim und kamen an den Jordan, er und alle Kinder Israel, und blieben daselbst über Nacht, ehe sie hinüberzogen.

Und Josua machte sich früh auf, und sie zogen aus Sittim und kamen an den Jordan, er und alle Kinder Israel, und blieben daselbst über Nacht, ehe sie hinüberzogen.

Josua aber machte sich früh auf; da zogen sie von Sittim weiter und gelangten an den Jordan, er nebst allen Israeliten, und sie brachten die Nacht daselbst zu, bevor sie übersetzten.

Giosué 3:1
E Giosuè si levò la mattina di buon’ora e con tutti i figliuoli d’Israele partì da Sittim. Essi arrivarono al Giordano, e quivi fecero alto prima di passarlo.

E GIOSUÈ si levò la mattina a buon’ora; ed egli e tutti i figliuoli di Israele, partirono di Sittim, e arrivarono infino al Giordano, e quivi si posarono la notte, avanti che passassero.

Bermula, maka Yusakpun bangunlah pagi-pagi, dan mereka itu berangkat dari Sittim, lalu sampailah kepada Yarden, baik ia baik segala bani Israel, maka bermalamlah mereka itu di sana dahulu dari pada menyeberang.

여호수아 3:1
여호수아가 아침에 일찌기 일어나서 이스라엘 사람들로 더불어 싯딤에서 떠나 요단에 이르러서는 건너지 아니하고 거기서 유숙하니라

Iosue 3:1
igitur Iosue de nocte consurgens movit castra egredientesque de Setthim venerunt ad Iordanem ipse et omnes filii Israhel et morati sunt ibi per tres dies

Jozuës knyga 3:1
Jozuė, atsikėlęs anksti rytą, su visais izraelitais traukė iš Šitimo; jie pasiekė Jordaną ir ten, prieš pereidami jį, nakvojo.

Joshua 3:1
Na ka maranga wawe a Hohua i te ata, a ka turia atu e ratou i Hitimi, ka tae ki Horano, a ia me nga tama katoa a Iharaira, a moe ana ki reira i te mea kiano i whiti noa.

Josvas 3:1
Morgenen efter stod Josva tidlig op og tok ut fra Sittim med alle Israels barn og kom til Jordan; der blev de en tid før de gikk over.

Josué 3:1
Y Josué se levantó muy de mañana; y él y todos los hijos de Israel partieron de Sitim y llegaron al Jordán, y acamparon allí antes de cruzar.

Josué se levantó muy de mañana; y él y todos los Israelitas salieron de Sitim y llegaron al Jordán. Allí acamparon antes de cruzar.

Y Josué se levantó de mañana, y partieron de Sitim, y vinieron hasta el Jordán, él y todos los hijos de Israel, y reposaron allí antes de pasarlo.

Y LEVANTOSE Josué de mañana, y partieron de Sittim, y vinieron hasta el Jordán, él y todos los hijos de Israel, y reposaron allí antes que pasasen.

Josué se levantó de mañana, y partieron de Sitim, y vinieron hasta el Jordán, él y todos los hijos de Israel, y reposaron allí antes que pasasen.

Josué 3:1
Josué e todo o povo de Israel se levantaram de madrugada, deixaram o acampamento do vale Abel-Shitim, das Acácias, nas campinas de Moabe, e se dirigiram até o rio Jordão. Antes de atravessarem o rio, eles acamparam ali.

Levantou-se, pois, Josué de madrugada e, partindo de Sitim ele e todos os filhos de Israel, vieram ao Jordão; e pousaram ali, antes de atravessá-lo.   

Iosua 3:1
Iosua, sculîndu-se disdedimineaţă, a pornit din Sitim cu toţi copiii lui Israel. Au ajuns la Iordan; şi au rămas acolo peste noapte, înainte de a trece.

Иисус Навин 3:1
И встал Иисус рано поутру, и двинулись они от Ситтима и пришли к Иордану, он и все сыны Израилевы, и ночевали там,еще не переходя его .

И встал Иисус рано поутру, и двинулись они от Ситтима и пришли к Иордану, он и все сыны Израилевы, и ночевали там, еще не переходя [его].[]

Josuaé 3:1
Bittida följande morgon bröt Josua med alla Israels barn upp från Sittim och kom till Jordan; där stannade de om natten, innan de gingo över.

Joshua 3:1
At bumangong maaga si Josue sa kinaumagahan; at sila'y umalis sa Sittim at napasa Jordan, siya at ang lahat na mga anak ni Israel; at sila'y tumigil doon bago sila tumawid.

โยชูวา 3:1
ฝ่ายโยชูวาก็ตื่นแต่เช้า เขาทั้งหลายยกออกจากชิทธิมมาถึงแม่น้ำจอร์แดน ทั้งตัวท่านและคนอิสราเอลทั้งหมด เขาพักอยู่ที่นั่นก่อนจะข้ามไป

Yeşu 3:1
Sabah erkenden kalkan Yeşu, bütün İsrail halkıyla birlikte Şittimden yola çıkıp Şeria Irmağına kadar geldi. Irmağı geçmeden orada konakladılar.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 3:1
Giô-suê dậy sớm, ở Si-tim đi cùng hết thảy dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, đến mé sông Giô-đanh, và ngủ đêm tại đó trước khi qua sông.

Joshua 2:24
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