Joshua 24:3
Joshua 24:3
But I took your father Abraham from the land beyond the Euphrates and led him throughout Canaan and gave him many descendants. I gave him Isaac,

But I took your ancestor Abraham from the land beyond the Euphrates and led him into the land of Canaan. I gave him many descendants through his son Isaac.

Then I took your father Abraham from beyond the River and led him through all the land of Canaan, and made his offspring many. I gave him Isaac.

'Then I took your father Abraham from beyond the River, and led him through all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his descendants and gave him Isaac.

And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.

But I took your father Abraham from the region beyond the Euphrates River, led him throughout the land of Canaan, and multiplied his descendants. I gave him Isaac,

Then I took your ancestor Abraham from the other side of the Euphrates River and led him through the entire land of Canaan. I multiplied his descendants, and gave him his son Isaac.

but I took your father Abraham from beyond the Euphrates and brought him into the entire land of Canaan. I made his descendants numerous; I gave him Isaac,

But I took your ancestor Abraham from the other side of the Euphrates River. I led him through all of Canaan and gave him many descendants. I also gave him Isaac.

And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the river and led him throughout all the land of Canaan and multiplied his generation and gave him Isaac.

And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the river, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his descendants, and gave him Isaac.

And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.

And I took your father Abraham from beyond the River, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.

And I took your father Abraham from the borders of Mesopotamia: and brought him into the land of Chanaan: and I multiplied his seed,

And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the river, and led him throughout the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed and gave him Isaac.

And I took your father Abraham from beyond the River, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.

And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.

I took your father Abraham from beyond the River, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.

and I take your father Abraham from beyond the River, and cause him to go through all the land of Canaan, and multiply his seed, and give to him Isaac.

Jozueu 24:3
Unë mora atin tuaj Abrahamin nga ana tjetër e lumit, e bëra të kalojë nëpër gjithë vendin e Kanaanit, shumëzova pasardhësit e tij dhe i dhashë Isakun.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 24:3
فأخذت ابراهيم اباكم من عبر النهر وسرت به في كل ارض كنعان واكثرت نسله واعطيته اسحق.

Dyr Josen 24:3
Daa ghol i enkern Vatern Abryham über n Stroom umher und ließ n durch dös gantze Käning zieghn. I gschenk iem aynn Hauffen Naachkemmen und gaab iem önn Eisack.

Исус Навиев 24:3
И Аз взех баща ви Авраама от оная страна на реката, водих го през цялата Ханаанска земя, и умножих потомството му и му дадох Исаака;

約 書 亞 記 24:3
我 將 你 們 的 祖 宗 亞 伯 拉 罕 從 大 河 那 邊 帶 來 , 領 他 走 遍 迦 南 全 地 , 又 使 他 的 子 孫 眾 多 , 把 以 撒 賜 給 他 ;

我 将 你 们 的 祖 宗 亚 伯 拉 罕 从 大 河 那 边 带 来 , 领 他 走 遍 迦 南 全 地 , 又 使 他 的 子 孙 众 多 , 把 以 撒 赐 给 他 ;



Joshua 24:3
Ali sam ja uzeo oca vašega Abrahama s one strane Rijeke i proveo ga kroza svu zemlju kanaansku, umnožio mu potomstvo i dao mu Izaka.

Jozue 24:3
I vzal jsem otce vašeho Abrahama z místa, kteréž jest za řekou, a provedl jsem jej skrze všecku zemi Kananejskou, a rozmnožil jsem símě jeho, dav jemu Izáka.

Josua 24:3
Da førte jeg eders Stamfader Abraham bort fra Landet hinsides Floden og lod ham vandre omkring i hele Kana'ans Land, gav ham en talrig Æt og skænkede ham Isak.

Jozua 24:3
Toen nam Ik uw vader Abraham van gene zijde der rivier, en deed hem wandelen door het ganse land Kanaan; Ik vermeerderde ook zijn zaad en gaf hem Izak.

יהושע 24:3
וָ֠אֶקַּח אֶת־אֲבִיכֶ֤ם אֶת־אַבְרָהָם֙ מֵעֵ֣בֶר הַנָּהָ֔ר וָאֹולֵ֥ךְ אֹותֹ֖ו בְּכָל־אֶ֣רֶץ כְּנָ֑עַן [וָאֶרֶב כ] (וָאַרְבֶּה֙ ק) אֶת־זַרְעֹ֔ו וָֽאֶתֶּן־לֹ֖ו אֶת־יִצְחָֽק׃

ג ואקח את אביכם את אברהם מעבר הנהר ואולך אתו בכל ארץ כנען וארב (וארבה) את זרעו ואתן לו את יצחק

ואקח את־אביכם את־אברהם מעבר הנהר ואולך אותו בכל־ארץ כנען [וארב כ] (וארבה ק) את־זרעו ואתן־לו את־יצחק׃

Józsué 24:3
De áthozám a ti atyátokat, Ábrahámot a folyóvíz túlsó oldaláról, és elhordozám õt az egész Kanaán földén, és megsokasítám az õ magvát; és adám néki Izsákot.

Josuo 24:3
Sed Mi prenis vian patron Abraham de trans la Rivero kaj kondukis lin tra la tuta lando Kanaana, kaj Mi multigis lian idaron, kaj Mi donis al li Isaakon.

Niin otin minä isänne Abrahamin tuolta puolelta virtaa, ja annoin hänen vaeltaa koko Kanaanin maalla, ja enensin hänen siemenensä, ja annoin hänelle Isaakin.

Josué 24:3
et je pris votre père Abraham d'au delà du fleuve, et je le fis aller par tout le pays de Canaan, et je multipliai sa semence:

Je pris votre père Abraham de l'autre côté du fleuve, et je lui fis parcourir tout le pays de Canaan; je multipliai sa postérité, et je lui donnai Isaac.

Mais j'ai pris votre père Abraham de delà le fleuve, et je l'ai fait aller par tout le pays de Canaan, et j'ai multiplié sa postérité, et lui ai donné Isaac.

Josua 24:3
Da nahm ich euren Vater Abraham jenseit des Wassers und ließ ihn wandern im ganzen Lande Kanaan; und mehrete ihm seinen Samen und gab ihm Isaak.

Da nahm ich euren Vater Abraham jenseit des Stroms und ließ ihn wandern im ganzen Land Kanaan und mehrte ihm seinen Samen und gab ihm Isaak. {~}

Da führte ich euren Ahnherrn Abraham aus dem Gebiete jenseits des Stromes hinweg und geleitete ihn durch das ganze Land Kanaan und gab ihm zahlreiche Nachkommen und schenkte ihm Isaak.

Giosué 24:3
E io presi il padre vostro Abrahamo di là dal fiume, e gli feci percorrere tutto il paese di Canaan; moltiplicai la sua progenie, e gli diedi Isacco.

Ma io presi vostro padre Abrahamo di là dal Fiume, e lo condussi per tutto il paese di Canaan, e accrebbi la sua progenie, e gli diedi Isacco.

YOSUA 24:3
Maka bapamu Ibrahim Kuambil dari seberang sungai, Kusuruhkan dia berjalan beredar-edar di seluruh tanah Kanaan ini dan Kuperbanyakkan benihnya dengan mengaruniakan Ishak kepadanya.

여호수아 24:3
내가 너희 조상 아브라함을 강 저편에서 이끌어내어 가나안으로 인도하여 온 땅을 두루 행하게 하고 그 씨를 번성케 하려고 그에게 이삭을 주었고

Iosue 24:3
tuli ergo patrem vestrum Abraham de Mesopotamiae finibus et adduxi eum in terram Chanaan multiplicavique semen eius

Jozuës knyga 24:3
Vėliau jūsų tėvą Abraomą iš anapus upės vedžiau per visą Kanaano kraštą, padauginau jo palikuonis ir jam daviau Izaoką.

Joshua 24:3
Na tangohia ana e ahau to koutou matua, a Aperahama i tawahi o te awa, a arahina ana a puta noa i te whenua o Kanaana, a whakanuia ana tona uri e ahau; i hoatu hoki a Ihaka ki a ia.

Josvas 24:3
Og jeg tok eders far Abraham fra hin side elven og lot ham vandre om i hele Kana'ans land; og jeg gjorde hans ætt tallrik og gav ham Isak.

Josué 24:3
``Entonces tomé a vuestro padre Abraham del otro lado del río y lo guié por toda la tierra de Canaán, multipliqué su descendencia y le di a Isaac.

'Entonces tomé a Abraham, padre de ustedes, del otro lado del río y lo guié por toda la tierra de Canaán, multipliqué su descendencia y le di a Isaac.

Y yo tomé a vuestro padre Abraham del otro lado del río, y lo traje por toda la tierra de Canaán, y aumenté su generación, y le di a Isaac.

Y yo tomé á vuestro padre Abraham de la otra parte del río, y trájelo por toda la tierra de Canaán, y aumenté su generación, y díle á Isaac.

Y yo tomé a vuestro padre Abraham del otro lado del río, y lo traje por toda la tierra de Canaán, y aumenté su generación, y le di a Isaac.

Josué 24:3
Eu, porém, tomei vosso pai Abraão do outro lado do Rio e o fiz percorrer toda a terra de Canaã, multipliquei a sua descendência e lhe dei Isaac, Isaque.

Eu, porém, tomei a vosso pai Abraão dalém do Rio, e o conduzi por toda a terra de Canaã; também multipliquei a sua descendência, e dei-lhe Isaque.   

Iosua 24:3
Eu am luat pe tatăl vostru Avraam din cealaltă parte a Rîului, şi l-am purtat prin toată ţara Canaanului; i-am înmulţit sămînţa, şi i-am dat pe Isaac.

Иисус Навин 24:3
Но Я взял отца вашего Авраама из-за реки и водил его по всей земле Ханаанской, и размножил семя его и дал ему Исаака.

Но Я взял отца вашего Авраама из-за реки и водил его по всей земле Ханаанской, и размножил семя его и дал ему Исаака.[]

Josuaé 24:3
Men jag hämtade eder fader Abraham från andra sidan floden och lät honom vandra omkring i hela Kanaans land. Och jag gjorde hans säd talrik; jag gav honom Isak,

Joshua 24:3
At kinuha ko ang inyong amang si Abraham mula sa dako roon ng Ilog at pinatnubayan ko siya sa buong lupain ng Canaan, at pinarami ko ang kaniyang binhi at ibinigay ko sa kaniya si Isaac.

โยชูวา 24:3
แล้วเราได้นำบิดาของเจ้าคืออับราฮัมมาจากฟากแม่น้ำข้างโน้น และนำเขามาตลอดแผ่นดินคานาอัน กระทำให้เชื้อสายของเขามีมากมาย เราให้อิสอัคแก่เขา

Yeşu 24:3
Ama ben atanız İbrahimi ırmağın öte yakasından alıp bütün Kenan topraklarında dolaştırdım; soyunu çoğalttım, ona İshakı verdim.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 24:3
Nhưng ta chọn Áp-ra-ham, tổ phụ các ngươi, từ phía bên sông, khiến người đi khắp xứ Ca-na-an, ban Y-sác cho người, và làm cho dòng dõi người sanh sản nhiều thêm.

Joshua 24:2
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