Joshua 18:19
Joshua 18:19
It then went to the northern slope of Beth Hoglah and came out at the northern bay of the Dead Sea, at the mouth of the Jordan in the south. This was the southern boundary.

ran past the north slope of Beth-hoglah, and ended at the north bay of the Dead Sea, which is the southern end of the Jordan River. This was the southern boundary.

Then the boundary passes on to the north of the shoulder of Beth-hoglah. And the boundary ends at the northern bay of the Salt Sea, at the south end of the Jordan: this is the southern border.

The border continued to the side of Beth-hoglah northward; and the border ended at the north bay of the Salt Sea, at the south end of the Jordan. This was the south border.

And the border passed along to the side of Bethhoglah northward: and the outgoings of the border were at the north bay of the salt sea at the south end of Jordan: this was the south coast.

The border continued to the north slope of Beth-hoglah and ended at the northern bay of the Dead Sea, at the southern end of the Jordan. This was the southern border.

From there the boundary proceeded to north of the slope of Beth-hoglah and terminated at the northern bay of the Salt Sea where the Jordan River ends in the south. This was the southern border.

It then crossed to the slope of Beth Hoglah to the north and ended at the northern tip of the Salt Sea at the mouth of the Jordan River. This was the southern border.

The border continues to the north slope of Beth Hoglah and ends at the northern bay of the Dead Sea at the south end of the Jordan River. This is its southern border.

and this border turns to pass to the side of Bethhoglah northward, and the border comes out at the north bay of the salt sea at the end of the Jordan towards the Negev. This is the border towards the Negev.

And the border passed along to the side of Bethhoglah: and the end of the border was at the north bay of the salt sea at the south end of Jordan: this was the south border.

And the border passed along to the side of Bethhoglah northward: and the outgoings of the border were at the north bay of the salt sea at the south end of Jordan: this was the south coast.

and the border passed along to the side of Beth-hoglah northward; and the goings out of the border were at the north bay of the Salt Sea, at the south end of the Jordan: this was the south border.

And it passeth by Bethhagla northward: and the outgoings thereof are towards the north of the most salt sea at the south end of the Jordan:

and the border passed on to the side of Beth-hoglah on the north, and the border ended at the tongue of the salt sea northward, at the south end of the Jordan: this is the southern border.

and the border passed along to the side of Beth-hoglah northward: and the goings out of the border were at the north bay of the Salt Sea, at the south end of Jordan: this was the south border.

And the border passed along to the side of Beth-hoglah northward: and the limits of the border were at the north bay of the salt sea at the south end of Jordan. This was the south border.

The border passed along to the side of Beth Hoglah northward; and the border ended at the north bay of the Salt Sea, at the south end of the Jordan. This was the south border.

and the border hath passed over unto the side of Beth-Hoglah northward, and the outgoings of the border have been unto the north bay of the salt sea, unto the south extremity of the Jordan; this is the south border;

Jozueu 18:19
Kufiri kalonte pastaj nga shpati verior i Beth-Hoglahut dhe mbaronte në kepin verior të Detit të Kripur, në skajin jugor të Jordanit. Ky ishte kufiri në jug.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 18:19
وعبر التخم الى جانب بيت حجلة شمالا وكانت مخارج التخم عند لسان بحر الملح شمالا الى طرف الاردن جنوبا هذا هو تخم الجنوب.

Dyr Josen 18:19
Weiter geet s norderhalb n Bergruggn von Bett-Hogly und laaufft aus, wo dyr Jordn eyn s Toote Mör münddt. Dös ist d Sundergrentz.

Исус Навиев 18:19
и границата минаваше към северната страна на Ветагла; и границата свършваше при северния залив на Соленото море, при южния край на Иордан. Това беше южната граница.

約 書 亞 記 18:19
又 接 連 到 伯 曷 拉 的 北 邊 , 直 通 到 鹽 海 的 北 汊 , 就 是 約 但 河 的 南 頭 ; 這 是 南 界 。

又 接 连 到 伯 曷 拉 的 北 边 , 直 通 到 盐 海 的 北 汊 , 就 是 约 但 河 的 南 头 ; 这 是 南 界 。



Joshua 18:19
Dalje je tekla međa uz obronak Bet-Hogle prema sjeveru i svršavala se na sjevernom Jeziku Slanog mora, do južnog kraja Jordana. To je južna međa.

Jozue 18:19
Odtud jde k straně Betogla na půlnoci, a skonává se meze ta při zátoce moře slaného od půlnoční strany, tu kdež vpadá Jordán do moře na polední straně. To jest pomezí ku poledni.

Josua 18:19
saa gaar den videre til Bjergryggen norden for Bet-Hogla og ender norden for Salthavets Bugt ved Jordans Udløb; det er Sydgrænsen.

Jozua 18:19
Verder gaat deze landpale door aan de zijde van Beth-hogla noordwaarts, en de uitgangen van deze landpale zijn aan de tong der Zoutzee noordwaarts, aan het uiterste van de Jordaan zuidwaarts. Dit is de zuiderlandpale.

יהושע 18:19
וְעָבַ֨ר הַגְּב֜וּל אֶל־כֶּ֣תֶף בֵּית־חָגְלָה֮ צָפֹונָה֒ [וְהָיָה כ] (וְהָי֣וּ ׀ ק) [תֹּצְאֹותָיו כ] (תֹּצְאֹ֣ות ק) הַגְּב֗וּל אֶל־לְשֹׁ֤ון יָם־הַמֶּ֙לַח֙ צָפֹ֔ונָה אֶל־קְצֵ֥ה הַיַּרְדֵּ֖ן נֶ֑גְבָּה זֶ֖ה גְּב֥וּל נֶֽגֶב׃

יט ועבר הגבול אל כתף בית חגלה צפונה והיה (והיו) תצאותיו (תצאות) הגבול אל לשון ים המלח צפונה אל קצה הירדן נגבה זה גבול נגב

ועבר הגבול אל־כתף בית־חגלה צפונה [והיה כ] (והיו ׀ ק) [תצאותיו כ] (תצאות ק) הגבול אל־לשון ים־המלח צפונה אל־קצה הירדן נגבה זה גבול נגב׃

Józsué 18:19
Átmegy a határ azután Béth-Hogla oldalára észak felé; a határ szélei pedig északnak a Sóstenger csúcsánál, délnek a Jordán végénél vannak. Ez a dél felé való határ.

Josuo 18:19
Kaj la limo iras preter Bet-HXogla norden; kaj la limo finigxas cxe la golfo de la Sala Maro norde, cxe la suda fino de Jordan. Tio estas la limo suda.

JOOSUA 18:19
Ja menee sitä viertä myöten, BetHoglan ohesta pohjaan päin, ja loppuu Suolaisen meren lahteen, pohjaan päin, lounaan puolella Jordania. Tämä on lounaan puolinen raja.

Josué 18:19
Et la frontière passait à côté de Beth-Hogla, au nord; et la frontière aboutissait à la pointe de la mer Salée, vers le nord, à l'extrémité méridionale du Jourdain. C'est là la frontière du midi.

et continuait sur le côté septentrional de Beth-Hogla, pour aboutir à la langue septentrionale de la mer Salée, vers l'embouchure du Jourdain au midi. C'était la limite méridionale.

Puis cette frontière devait passer à côté de Beth-hogla vers le Septentrion; de sorte que les extrémités de cette frontière se devaient rendre au bras de la mer salée, vers le Septentrion, au bout du Jourdain vers le Midi. Ce fut là la frontière du Midi.

Josua 18:19
und gehet an der Seite Beth-Haglas, die gegen Mitternacht liegt, und ist sein Ende an der Zunge des Salzmeers gegen Mitternacht an dem Ort des Jordans gegen Mittag. Das ist die Mittagsgrenze.

und geht an der Seite Beth-Hoglas, das gegen Mitternacht liegt, und ihr Ende ist an der Zunge des Salzmeers gegen Mitternacht, an dem Ende des Jordans gegen Mittag. Das ist die Mittagsgrenze.

Sodann zieht sich die Grenze hinüber bis nördlich vom Bergrücken von Beth Hogla und die Grenze endigt an der Nordspitze des Salzmeers, am südlichen Ende des Jordan. Das ist die Südgrenze.

Giosué 18:19
Il confine passava quindi per il versante settentrionale di Beth-Hogla e facea capo al braccio nord del mar Salato, all’estremità meridionale del Giordano. Questo era il confine meridionale.

Poi questo confine passava allato a Bet-hogla, verso il Settentrione, e faceva capo alla punta del mar salso, la quale è verso il Settentrione, all’estremità del Giordano, verso il Mezzodì. Questo fu il confine meridionale.

YOSUA 18:19
Lalu perhinggaan itu terus ke sebelah Bait-Hojla arah ke utara dan keluar ke tanjung utara Tasik-Masin pada ujung selatan Yarden, yaitulah perhinggaan tanahnya pada sebelah selatan.

여호수아 18:19
또 북으로 벧 호글라 곁을 지나서 요단 남단에 당한 염해의 북편 해만이 그 경계의 끝이 되나니 이는 남편 경계며

Iosue 18:19
et praetergreditur contra aquilonem Bethagla suntque exitus eius contra linguam maris Salsissimi ab aquilone in fine Iordanis ad australem plagam

Jozuës knyga 18:19
Nuo čia siena ėjo iki Bet Hoglos kalnų ir šiaurėje baigėsi prie Sūriosios jūros įlankos ir Jordano žiočių. Tai buvo pietinė siena.

Joshua 18:19
Na i here tonu te rohe ki te taha ki te raki o Petehokora: a i pakaru rawa atu te rohe ki te kokoru whaka te raki o te Moana Toto i te pito ki te tonga o Horano: ko te rohe tenei ki te tonga.

Josvas 18:19
Så tok grensen over til nordsiden av fjellryggen ved Bet-Hogla og endte ved den nordlige bukt av Salthavet, ved Jordans sydende. Dette var sydgrensen.

Josué 18:19
El límite seguía por el lado de Bet-hogla hacia el norte, y terminaba en la bahía norte del mar Salado, en el extremo sur del Jordán. Este era el límite sur.

El límite seguía por el lado de Bet Hogla hacia el norte, y terminaba en la bahía norte del Mar Salado, en el extremo sur del Jordán. Este era el límite sur.

Y la ribera pasaba por el lado de Bet-hogla hacia el norte, y la salida de la ribera estaba a la bahía norte del Mar Salado, en el extremo sur del Jordán: Ésta era la frontera sur.

Y torna á pasar este término por el lado de Beth-hogla hacia el norte, y viene á salir el término á la lengua del mar Salado al norte, al cabo del Jordán al mediodía. Este es el término de hacia el mediodía.

y torna a pasar este término por el lado de Bet-hogla hacia el norte, y viene a salir el término a la lengua del mar Salado al norte, al cabo del Jordán al mediodía. Este es el término de hacia el mediodía.

Josué 18:19
Depois seguia para a encosta norte da subida Bete-Hogla e concluía o ponto final da fronteira na baía norte do mar Salgado, ou Morto, na foz do rio Jordão, ao sul. Essa, pois, era a divisa do sul.

segue dali para o norte, ladeando Bete-Hogla; e os seus extremos chegam à baía setentrional do Mar Salgado, na extremidade meridional do Jordão. Esse é o termo do sul.   

Iosua 18:19
mergea înainte pe partea de miazănoapte de Bet-Hogla, şi ieşea la sînul de miazănoapte al mării Sărate, spre îmbucătura Iordanului la miazăzi. Acesta era hotarul de miazăzi.

Иисус Навин 18:19
отсюда проходит предел подле Беф-Хоглы к северу, и оканчивается предел у северного залива моря Соленого, у южного конца Иордана. Вот предел южный. С восточной же стороны пределом служит Иордан.

отсюда проходит предел подле Беф-Хоглы к северу, и оканчивается предел у северного залива моря Соленого, у южного конца Иордана. Вот предел южный. С восточной же стороны пределом служит Иордан.[]

Josuaé 18:19
Sedan gick gränsen fram till Bet-Hoglas höjd, norrut, och så gick gränsen ut till Salthavets norra vik, vid Jordans södra ända. Detta var södra gränsen.

Joshua 18:19
At ang hangganan ay patuloy sa tabi ng Beth-hogla na dakong hilagaan, at ang labasan ng hangganan ay sa hilagaang dagat-dagatan ng Dagat na Alat, sa timugang dulo ng Jordan; ito ang timugang hangganan.

โยชูวา 18:19
แล้วพรมแดนก็ผ่านไปทางทิศเหนือถึงไหล่เขาที่เบธฮกลาห์ และพรมแดนไปสิ้นสุดลงที่อ่าวด้านเหนือของทะเลเค็มที่ปลายใต้ของแม่น้ำจอร์แดน นี่เป็นพรมแดนด้านใต้

Yeşu 18:19
buradan Beythoglanın kuzey yamaçlarına geçiyor, Lut Gölünün kuzey körfezinde, Şeria Irmağının güney ağzında bitiyordu. Güney sınırı buydu.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 18:19
Giới hạn liền đi ngang qua phía sau Bết-Hốt-la về hướng bắc, rồi giáp phía Biển mặn về hướng bắc ở đầu phía nam của sông Giô-đanh. Ðó là giới hạn về phía nam.

Joshua 18:18
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