Joshua 18:13
Joshua 18:13
From there it crossed to the south slope of Luz (that is, Bethel) and went down to Ataroth Addar on the hill south of Lower Beth Horon.

From there the boundary went south to Luz (that is, Bethel) and proceeded down to Ataroth-addar on the hill that lies south of Lower Beth-horon.

From there the boundary passes along southward in the direction of Luz, to the shoulder of Luz (that is, Bethel), then the boundary goes down to Ataroth-addar, on the mountain that lies south of Lower Beth-horon.

From there the border continued to Luz, to the side of Luz (that is, Bethel) southward; and the border went down to Ataroth-addar, near the hill which lies on the south of lower Beth-horon.

And the border went over from thence toward Luz, to the side of Luz, which is Bethel, southward; and the border descended to Atarothadar, near the hill that lieth on the south side of the nether Bethhoron.

From there the border went toward Luz, to the southern slope of Luz (that is, Bethel); it then went down by Ataroth-addar, over the hill south of Lower Beth-horon.

From there the boundary proceeded south in the direction of Luz to the slope of Luz (also known as Bethel), then proceeded to Ataroth-addar, on the mountain that lies south of Lower Beth-horon.

It then crossed from there to Luz, to the slope of Luz to the south (that is, Bethel), and descended to Ataroth Addar located on the hill that is south of lower Beth Horon.

From there the border goes to the south slope of Luz (now called Bethel). Then the border goes down to Ataroth Addar over the mountains south of Lower Beth Horon.

and from there that border passes through Luz, by the side of Luz (which is Bethel) towards the Negev. And this border descends from Atarothadar to the mountain that is towards the Negev of the lower Bethhoron.

And the border went over from there toward Luz, to the side of Luz, which is Bethel, southward; and the border descended to Atarothadar, near the hill that lies on the south side of lower Bethhoron.

And the border went over from there toward Luz, to the side of Luz, which is Bethel, southward; and the border descended to Atarothadar, near the hill that lies on the south side of the nether Bethhoron.

And the border passed along from thence to Luz, to the side of Luz (the same is Beth-el), southward; and the border went down to Ataroth-addar, by the mountain that lieth on the south of Beth-horon the nether.

And passing along southward by Luza, the same is Bethel: and it goeth down into Ataroth-addar to the mountain, that is on the south of the nether Beth-horon.

and the border passed on from thence toward Luz, to the south side of Luz, which is Bethel: and the border went down to Ataroth-Addar, near the hill that is on the south of the lower Beth-horon.

And the border passed along from thence to Luz, to the side of Luz (the same is Beth-el), southward; and the border went down to Ataroth-addar, by the mountain that lieth on the south of Beth-horon the nether.

And the border went over from thence towards Luz, to the side of Luz (which is Beth-el) southward; and the border descended to Ataroth-adar, near the hill that lieth on the south side of the nether Beth-horon.

The border passed along from there to Luz, to the side of Luz (the same is Bethel), southward. The border went down to Ataroth Addar, by the mountain that lies on the south of Beth Horon the lower.

and the border hath gone over thence to Luz, unto the side of Luz (it is Beth-El) southward, and the border hath gone down to Atroth-Addar, by the hill that is on the south of the lower Beth-Horon;

Jozueu 18:13
Që andej kufiri ngjitej në Luc, mbi shpatin në jug të Lucit (që është Betheli); pastaj zbriste në Ataroth-Adar, pranë malit që ndodhet në jug të Beth-Horonit të poshtëm.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 18:13
وعبر التخم من هناك الى لوز الى جانب لوز الجنوبي. هي بيت ايل. ونزل التخم الى عطاروت ادّار على الجبل الذي الى جنوب بيت حورون السفلى.

Dyr Josen 18:13
Von dort zieght si si umhin auf Lus, also Bettl, und eyn dyr Luser Leittn in n Sundn entlang, steigt auf Ätrott-Äddär abhin hinst eyn dönn Berg sunder Unter-Bett-Horon.

Исус Навиев 18:13
и от там границата минаваше към Луз, край южната страна на Луз (който е Ветил); и границата слизаше в Атарот-адар, до хълма, който е на юг от долния Ветерон.

約 書 亞 記 18:13
從 那 裡 往 南 接 連 到 路 斯 , 貼 近 路 斯 ( 路 斯 就 是 伯 特 利 ) , 又 下 到 亞 他 綠 亞 達 , 靠 近 下 伯 和 崙 南 邊 的 山 ;

从 那 里 往 南 接 连 到 路 斯 , 贴 近 路 斯 ( 路 斯 就 是 伯 特 利 ) , 又 下 到 亚 他 绿 亚 达 , 靠 近 下 伯 和 仑 南 边 的 山 ;



Joshua 18:13
Odatle je išla k Luzu, k južnom obronku Luza, to jest Betela; spuštala se zatim u Atrot-Adar, kraj brda koje je južno od Donjeg Bet-Horona.

Jozue 18:13
A odtud přechází ta meze do Lůz, při straně Lůz polední, (jenž jest Bethel,) a chýlí se ta meze do Atarot Addar vedlé hory, kteráž jest od poledne Betoron dolního.

Josua 18:13
derfra gaar Grænsen videre til Luz, til Bjergryggen sønden for Luz, det er Betel, og strækker sig ned til Atarot-Addar over Bjerget sønden for Nedre-Bet-Horon.

Jozua 18:13
En van daar gaat de landpale door naar Luz, aan de zijde van Luz, welke is Beth-El, zuidwaarts; en deze landpale gaat af naar Atroth-Addar, aan den berg, die aan de zuidzijde van het benedenste Beth-Horon is.

יהושע 18:13
וְעָבַר֩ מִשָּׁ֨ם הַגְּב֜וּל ל֗וּזָה אֶל־כֶּ֤תֶף ל֙וּזָה֙ נֶ֔גְבָּה הִ֖יא בֵּֽית־אֵ֑ל וְיָרַ֤ד הַגְּבוּל֙ עַטְרֹ֣ות אַדָּ֔ר עַל־הָהָ֕ר אֲשֶׁ֛ר מִנֶּ֥גֶב לְבֵית־חֹרֹ֖ון תַּחְתֹּֽון׃

יג ועבר משם הגבול לוזה אל כתף לוזה נגבה--היא בית אל וירד הגבול עטרות אדר על ההר אשר מנגב לבית חרון תחתון

ועבר משם הגבול לוזה אל־כתף לוזה נגבה היא בית־אל וירד הגבול עטרות אדר על־ההר אשר מנגב לבית־חרון תחתון׃

Józsué 18:13
Onnan pedig átmegy a határ Luz-felé, Lúznak azaz Béthelnek háta mögé dél felõl; azután alámegy a határ Ataroth-Adárnak a hegyen, a mely dél felõl van alsó Béth-Horontól.

Josuo 18:13
Kaj de tie la limo iras al Luz, al la suda flanko de Luz (tio estas Bet-El); kaj la limo plue iras al Atrot-Adar, sur la monton, kiu estas sude de la malsupra Bet-HXoron.

JOOSUA 18:13
Ja se raja juoksee sieltä Lutsaan, Lutsan viertä myöten lounaaseen päin, se on BetEl, ja laskee AtaraotAdariin, mäen ohessa etelään päin alamaista BetHoronia.

Josué 18:13
et la frontière passait de là à Luz, au côté méridional de Luz, qui est Béthel; et la frontière descendait à Ataroth-Addar, près de la montagne qui est au midi de Beth-Horon la basse.

Elle passait de là par Luz, au midi de Luz, qui est Béthel, et elle descendait à Atharoth-Addar par-dessus la montagne qui est au midi de Beth-Horon la basse.

Puis cette frontière devait passer de là vers Luz, à côté de Luz, qui est Béthel tirant vers le Midi; et cette frontière devait descendre à Hatroth-addar, près de la montagne qui est du côté du Midi de Beth-horon la basse.

Josua 18:13
und gehet von dannen gen Lus, an der Seite her an Lus gegen mittagwärts, das ist Bethel, und kommt hinab gen Atharoth-Adar an dem Berge, der vom Mittag liegt an dem niedern Beth-Horon.

und geht von da gen Lus, an der Seite her an Lus mittagwärts, das ist Beth-El, und kommt hinab gen Ataroth-Adar an den Berg, der gegen Mittag liegt von dem niederen Beth-Horon. {~}

Von da zieht sich die Grenze hinüber nach Lus auf die Südseite des Bergrückens von Lus, das ist Bethel; sodann zieht sich die Grenze hinab nach Ateroth Addar auf den Berg, der südlich vom unteren Beth Horon liegt.

Giosué 18:13
Di la passava per Luz, sul versante meridionale di Luz (che è Bethel), e scendeva ad Ataroth-Addar, presso il monte che è a mezzogiorno di Beth-Horon disotto.

E di là passava verso Luz, allato a Luz che è Betel, verso il Mezzodì; poi scendeva in Atrot-addar, presso al monte, che è dal lato meridionale di Bet-horon disotto.

YOSUA 18:13
Maka dari sana perhinggaan itu lalu terus dari Luz, yaitu pada sebelah selatan Luz, tempat Bait-el sekarang, lalu perhinggaan itu turun ke Aterot-Adar menyusur pegunungan, yang pada sebelah selatan Bait-Horon hilir.

여호수아 18:13
또 그 경계가 거기서부터 루스로 나아가서 루스 남편에 이르나니루스는 곧 벧엘이며 또 그 경계가 아다롯 앗달로 내려가서 아래 벧 호론 남편 산 곁으로 지나고

Iosue 18:13
atque pertransiens iuxta Luzam ad meridiem ipsa est Bethel descenditque in Atharothaddar in montem qui est ad meridiem Bethoron inferioris

Jozuës knyga 18:13
Iš ten ji ėjo į Lūzą, kuri yra Betelis, pasisukusi pietų link. Toliau siena leidosi link Atrot Adaro, arti kalno, kuris yra į pietus nuo Žemutiniojo Bet Horono.

Joshua 18:13
A i tika atu te rohe i reira ki Rutu, ki te taha o Rutu, ara ki Peteere whaka te tonga; na i anga whakararo te rohe ki Ataroto Arara, tatu tonu ki te pukepuke e tu ana i te tonga o Petehorono ki raro.

Josvas 18:13
Derfra gikk grensen over til Luz, til fjellryggen i syd for Luz, det er Betel; og så gikk grensen ned til Atrot-Addar over det fjell som ligger sønnenfor Nedre-Bet-Horon.

Josué 18:13
De allí el límite seguía hasta Luz, por el lado sur de Luz, es decir, Betel; y el límite bajaba hasta Atarot-adar, cerca del monte que está al sur de Bet-horón de abajo.

De allí el límite seguía hasta Luz, por el lado sur de Luz, es decir, Betel. Después el límite bajaba hasta Atarot Adar, cerca del monte que está al sur de Bet Horón de abajo.

y de allí pasa aquel término a Luz, por el lado de Luz (ésta es Betel) hacia el sur. Y desciende este término de Atarot-adar al monte que está al sur de Bet-horón la de abajo.

Y de allí pasa aquel término á Luz, por el lado de Luz (esta es Beth-el) hacia el mediodía. Y desciende este término de Ataroth-addar al monte que está al mediodía de Beth-oron la de abajo.

y de allí pasa aquel término a Luz, por el lado de Luz (ésta es Bet-el) hacia el mediodía. Y desciende este término de Atarot-adar al monte que está al mediodía de Bet-horón la de abajo.

Josué 18:13
Então seguia para o sul na direção da cidade de Luz, que é Betel, e descia para Atarote-Adar, na montanha que está ao sul de Bete-Horom Baixa.

dali passa até Luz, ao lado de Luz (que é Betel) para o sul; e desce a Atarote-Adar, junto ao monte que está ao sul de Bete-Horom de baixo;   

Iosua 18:13
De acolo trecea prin Luz, la miazăzi de Luz, adică Betel, şi se pogora la Atarot-Adar, peste muntele care este la miază-zi de Bet-Horonul de jos.

Иисус Навин 18:13
оттуда предел идет к Лузу, к южной стороне Луза, иначе Вефиля,и нисходит предел к Атароф-Адару, к горе, которая на южной стороне Беф-Орона нижнего;

оттуда предел идет к Лузу, к южной стороне Луза, иначе Вефиля, и нисходит предел к Атароф-Адару, к горе, которая на южной стороне Беф-Орона нижнего;[]

Josuaé 18:13
Därifrån gick gränsen fram till Lus, till höjden söder om Lus, det är Betel; sedan gick gränsen ned till Atrot-Addar över berget söder om Nedre Bet-Horon.

Joshua 18:13
At ang hangganan ay patuloy mula roon hanggang sa Luz, sa dako ng Luz (na siyang Beth-el), na dakong timugan; at ang hangganan ay pababa sa Ataroth-addar, sa tabi ng bundok na dumudoon sa timugan ng Beth-horon sa ibaba.

โยชูวา 18:13
จากที่นั่นพรมแดนก็ยื่นไปทางทิศใต้ตรงไปเมืองลูสไปยังไหล่เขาที่เมืองลูส คือเมืองเบธเอล แล้วพรมแดนก็ลงไปถึงอาทาโรทอัดดาร์บนภูเขาซึ่งอยู่ทางทิศใต้ของเมืองเบธโฮโรนล่าง

Yeşu 18:13
Sınır oradan Luza -Beytele- Luzun güney sırtlarına geçiyor, Aşağı Beythoronun güneyindeki dağın üzerinde kurulu Atrot-Addara iniyor,[]

Gioâ-sueâ 18:13
Từ có giới hạn đi ngang sau lưng Lu-xơ, cũng gọi là Bê-tên, tại phía nam, rồi chạy xuống A-ta-rốt-a-đa ở gần núi về phía nam Bết-Hô-rôn dưới.

Joshua 18:12
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