Joshua 18:12
Joshua 18:12
On the north side their boundary began at the Jordan, passed the northern slope of Jericho and headed west into the hill country, coming out at the wilderness of Beth Aven.

The northern boundary of Benjamin's land began at the Jordan River, went north of the slope of Jericho, then west through the hill country and the wilderness of Beth-aven.

On the north side their boundary began at the Jordan. Then the boundary goes up to the shoulder north of Jericho, then up through the hill country westward, and it ends at the wilderness of Beth-aven.

Their border on the north side was from the Jordan, then the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north, and went up through the hill country westward, and it ended at the wilderness of Beth-aven.

And their border on the north side was from Jordan; and the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north side, and went up through the mountains westward; and the goings out thereof were at the wilderness of Bethaven.

Their border on the north side began at the Jordan, ascended to the slope of Jericho on the north, through the hill country westward, and ended at the wilderness of Beth-aven.

Their border started on the north side at the Jordan River, proceeded to the slope of Jericho on the north, then westward through the hill country, and terminated at the wilderness of Beth-aven.

Their northern border started at the Jordan, went up to the slope of Jericho on the north, ascended westward to the hill country, and extended to the desert of Beth Aven.

Their northern border starts at the Jordan, goes up the slope north of Jericho, west through the mountains, and ends at the desert of Beth Aven.

And their border on the side of the north was from the Jordan and that border goes up beside Jericho on the north side and up to the mountain westward and comes out at the wilderness of Bethaven;

And their border on the north side was from the Jordan; and the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north side, and went up through the mountains westward; and it ended at the wilderness of Bethaven.

And their border on the north side was from Jordan; and the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north side, and went up through the mountains westward; and the goings out thereof were at the wilderness of Bethaven.

And their border on the north quarter was from the Jordan; and the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north, and went up through the hill-country westward; and the goings out thereof were at the wilderness of Beth-aven.

And their border northward was from the Jordan: going along by the side of Jericho on the north side, and thence going up westward to the mountains, and reaching to the wilderness of Bethaven,

And their border on the north side was from the Jordan; and the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north, and went up to the mountain westward; and ended at the wilderness of Beth-Aven;

And their border on the north quarter was from Jordan; and the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north, and went up through the hill country westward; and the goings out thereof were at the wilderness of Beth-aven.

And their border on the north side was from Jordan; and the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north side, and went up through the mountains westward; and the limits of it were at the wilderness of Beth-aven.

Their border on the north quarter was from the Jordan. The border went up to the side of Jericho on the north, and went up through the hill country westward. It ended at the wilderness of Beth Aven.

And the border is to them at the north side from the Jordan, and the border hath gone up unto the side of Jericho on the north, and gone up through the hill-country westward, and its outgoings have been at the wilderness of Beth-Aven;

Jozueu 18:12
Nga ana veriore kufiri i tyre fillonte me Jordanin, ngjitej në shpatin në veri të Jerikos, kalonte krahinën malore në drejtim të perëndimit dhe mbaronte në shkretëtirën e Beth-Avenit.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 18:12
وكان تخمهم من جهة الشمال من الاردن. وصعد التخم الى جانب اريحا من الشمال وصعد في الجبل غربا وكانت مخارجه عند برية بيت آون.

Dyr Josen 18:12
Iener Grentz in n Nordn geet an n Jordn an, steigt eyn n Bergkamm norder Iereich aufhin und weiter wösterwärts eyn s Gebirg und laaufft aft eyn d Waidgründd von Bettau zue.

Исус Навиев 18:12
На север границата им беше от Иордан; и границата отиваше към северната страна на Ерихон, и възлизаше през хълмистата земя на запад, и свършваше при ветавенската пустиня;

約 書 亞 記 18:12
他 們 的 北 界 是 從 約 但 河 起 , 往 上 貼 近 耶 利 哥 的 北 邊 ; 又 往 西 通 過 山 地 , 直 到 伯 亞 文 的 曠 野 ;

他 们 的 北 界 是 从 约 但 河 起 , 往 上 贴 近 耶 利 哥 的 北 边 ; 又 往 西 通 过 山 地 , 直 到 伯 亚 文 的 旷 野 ;



Joshua 18:12
Sjeverna im se međa protezala od Jordana te išla uza sjeverni obronak Jerihona, uspinjala se sa zapada na goru i završavala se u pustinji Bet-Avenu.

Jozue 18:12
A byla meze jejich k straně půlnoční od Jordánu, a šla při straně půlnoční Jericha, a táhla se na hory k moři, a skonávala se při poušti Betaven.

Josua 18:12
Deres Nordgrænse begynder ved Jordan, og Grænsen strækker sig op til Bjergryggen norden for Jeriko og mod Vest op i Bjerglandet, saa den ender i Bet-Avens Ørken;

Jozua 18:12
En hun landpale was naar den hoek noordwaarts van de Jordaan; en deze landpale gaat opwaarts aan de zijde van Jericho van het noorden, en gaat op door het gebergte westwaarts, en haar uitgangen zijn aan de woestijn van Beth-Aven.

יהושע 18:12
וַיְהִ֨י לָהֶ֧ם הַגְּב֛וּל לִפְאַ֥ת צָפֹ֖ונָה מִן־הַיַּרְדֵּ֑ן וְעָלָ֣ה הַגְּבוּל֩ אֶל־כֶּ֨תֶף יְרִיחֹ֜ו מִצָּפֹ֗ון וְעָלָ֤ה בָהָר֙ יָ֔מָּה [וְהָיָה כ] (וְהָיוּ֙ ק) תֹּֽצְאֹתָ֔יו מִדְבַּ֖רָה בֵּ֥ית אָֽוֶן׃

יב ויהי להם הגבול לפאת צפונה מן הירדן ועלה הגבול אל כתף יריחו מצפון ועלה בהר ימה והיה (והיו) תצאתיו מדברה בית און

ויהי להם הגבול לפאת צפונה מן־הירדן ועלה הגבול אל־כתף יריחו מצפון ועלה בהר ימה [והיה כ] (והיו ק) תצאתיו מדברה בית און׃

Józsué 18:12
Vala pedig az õ határok az északi oldalon a Jordántól fogva, és felméne a határ Jérikhó háta mögé észak felé, azután felméne a hegyre napnyugat felé, a szélei pedig Béth-Aven pusztájánál valának.

Josuo 18:12
Kaj ilia limo norde estas de Jordan, kaj la limo levigxas al la norda flanko de Jerihxo, kaj levigxas sur la monton okcidente, kaj finigxas en la dezerto Bet-Aven.

JOOSUA 18:12
Ja heidän rajansa oli pohjan kulmalla Jordanista, ja se raja menee ylöskäsin Jerihon viertä myöten pohjan puolesta, ja nousee vuorelle länteen päin, ja loppuu Betavenin korpeen.

Josué 18:12
Et leur frontière, du côté du nord, partait du Jourdain; et la frontière montait à côté de Jéricho, vers le nord, et montait dans la montagne vers l'occident, et aboutissait au désert de Beth-Aven;

Du côté septentrional, leur limite partait du Jourdain. Elle montait au nord de Jéricho, s'élevait dans la montagne vers l'occident, et aboutissait au désert de Beth-Aven.

Et leur frontière du côté du Septentrion fut depuis le Jourdain; et cette frontière devait monter à côté de Jérico vers le Septentrion, puis monter en la montagne tirant vers l'Occident; de sorte que ses extrémités se devaient rendre au désert de Beth-aven.

Josua 18:12
Und ihre Grenze war an der Ecke gegen Mitternacht vom Jordan an und gehet herauf an der Seite Jerichos von mitternachtwärts; und kommt aufs Gebirge gegen abendwärts und gehet aus an der Wüste Beth-Aven;

Und ihre Grenze war an der Seite gegen Mitternacht vom Jordan an und geht herauf an der Mitternachtseite Jerichos und kommt aufs Gebirge abendwärts und geht aus nach der Wüste Beth-Aven{~} {~} {~}

Es geht aber ihre Grenze auf der Nordseite vom Jordan aus. Sodann zieht sich die Grenze aufwärts zu dem Bergrücken nördlich von Jericho und weiter hinauf auf das Gebirge nach Westen zu und läuft aus nach der Steppe von Beth Aven zu.

Giosué 18:12
Dal lato di settentrione, il loro confine partiva dal Giordano, risaliva il versante di Gerico al nord, saliva per la contrada montuosa verso occidente, e facea capo al deserto di Beth-Aven.

E dal lato settentrionale, il lor confine fu dal Giordano; e quel confine saliva allato a Gerico, dal Settentrione; poi saliva per lo monte, verso l’Occidente, e faceva capo a Bet-aven, verso il deserto.

YOSUA 18:12
Maka perhinggaan tanahnya adalah pada ujung utara Yarden, lalu perhinggaan itu naik ke sebelah Yerikho arah ke utara dan terus dari pegunungan ke barat, dan keluar kepada padang belantara Bait-Awen.

여호수아 18:12
그 북방 경계는 요단에서부터 여리고 북편으로 올라가서 서편 산지를 넘어서 또 올라가서 벧아웬 황무지에 이르며

Iosue 18:12
fuitque terminus eorum contra aquilonem ab Iordane pergens iuxta latus Hiericho septentrionalis plagae et inde contra occidentem ad montana conscendens et perveniens in solitudinem Bethaven

Jozuës knyga 18:12
Jų siena šiaurėje prasidėjo Jordanu; toliau ėjo Jericho šiaurinėje pusėje į kalnus vakarų link ir baigėsi Bet Aveno dykuma.

Joshua 18:12
A ko to ratou rohe ki te taha ki te raki i Horano; na i haere te rohe ki runga, ki te taha o Heriko, ki te raki, a i haere whakarunga, na te whenua pukepuke whaka te hauauru, a puta tonu atu i te koraha o Peteawene.

Josvas 18:12
Og deres grense på nordsiden gikk ut fra Jordan og drog sig opover til fjellryggen i nord for Jeriko og derefter vestover op i fjellet og frem til ørkenen ved Bet-Aven.

Josué 18:12
Y su límite por el lado norte comenzaba en el Jordán, subía por el lado de Jericó al norte, ascendía por la región montañosa hacia el occidente y terminaba en el desierto de Bet-avén.

Su límite por el lado norte comenzaba en el Jordán, subía por el lado de Jericó al norte, ascendía por la región montañosa hacia el occidente y terminaba en el desierto de Bet Avén.

Y fue el término de ellos al lado del norte desde el Jordán: y sube aquel término al lado de Jericó al norte; sube después al monte hacia el occidente, y viene a salir al desierto de Betaven;

Y fué el término de ellos al lado del norte desde el Jordán: y sube aquel término al lado de Jericó al norte; sube después al monte hacia el occidente, y viene á salir al desierto de Beth-aven:

Y fue el término de ellos al lado del norte desde el Jordán; y sube aquel término al lado de Jericó al norte; sube después al monte hacia el occidente, y viene a salir al desierto de Bet-avén;

Josué 18:12
No lado norte a sua fronteira tinha início no Jordão, passava pela encosta norte de Jericó e prosseguia para oeste, para a região montanhosa, terminando no deserto de Bete-Áven.

O seu termo ao norte, partindo do Jordão, vai até a saliência ao norte de Jericó e, subindo pela região montanhosa para o ocidente, chega até o deserto de Bete-Áven;   

Iosua 18:12
În spre miază-noapte, hotarul lor pornea dela Iordan. Suia pela miază noapte de Ierihon, se ridica în munte spre apus, şi ieşea în pustia Bet-Aven.

Иисус Навин 18:12
предел их на северной стороне начинается у Иордана, и проходит предел сей подле Иерихона с севера, и восходит на гору к западу, и оканчивается в пустынеБефавен;

предел их на северной стороне начинается у Иордана, и проходит предел сей подле Иерихона с севера, и восходит на гору к западу, и оканчивается в пустыне Бефавен;[]

Josuaé 18:12
Deras gräns på norra sidan begynte vid Jordan, och gränsen drog sig så upp mot Jerikos höjd i norr och uppåt bergsbygden västerut och gick så ut i öknen vid Bet-Aven.

Joshua 18:12
At ang kanilang hangganan sa hilagaang sulok ay mula sa Jordan; at ang hangganan ay pasampa sa dako ng Jerico sa hilagaan, at pasampa sa lupaing maburol na dakong kalunuran; at ang labasan niyaon ay sa ilang ng Beth-aven.

โยชูวา 18:12
ทางด้านเหนือพรมแดนของเขาเริ่มต้นที่แม่น้ำจอร์แดน และพรมแดนก็ยื่นขึ้นไปถึงไหล่เขาตอนเหนือของเมืองเยรีโค แล้วขึ้นไปทางแดนเทือกเขาทางทิศตะวันตก และไปสิ้นสุดที่ถิ่นทุรกันดารเบธาเวน

Yeşu 18:12
Topraklarının sınırı kuzeyde Şeria Irmağından başlıyor, Erihanın kuzey sırtlarına doğru yükselerek batıda dağlık bölgeye uzanıyor, Beytaven kırlarında son buluyordu.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 18:12
Giới hạn của Bên-gia-min về phía bắc chạy từ Giô-đanh, đi lên phía sau Giê-ri-cô về hướng bắc; đoạn bò lên núi, rồi giáp đồng vắng Bết-a-ven.

Joshua 18:11
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