Joshua 17:10
Joshua 17:10
On the south the land belonged to Ephraim, on the north to Manasseh. The territory of Manasseh reached the Mediterranean Sea and bordered Asher on the north and Issachar on the east.

In general, however, the land south of the ravine belonged to Ephraim, and the land north of the ravine belonged to Manasseh. Manasseh's boundary ran along the northern side of the ravine and ended at the Mediterranean Sea. North of Manasseh was the territory of Asher, and to the east was the territory of Issachar.

the land to the south being Ephraim’s and that to the north being Manasseh’s, with the sea forming its boundary. On the north Asher is reached, and on the east Issachar.

The south side belonged to Ephraim and the north side to Manasseh, and the sea was their border; and they reached to Asher on the north and to Issachar on the east.

Southward it was Ephraim's, and northward it was Manasseh's, and the sea is his border; and they met together in Asher on the north, and in Issachar on the east.

Ephraim's territory was to the south and Manasseh's to the north, with the Sea as its border. They reached Asher on the north and Issachar on the east.

The southern area was allocated to Ephraim and the northern area to Manasseh. The Mediterranean Sea was the border, extending to Asher on the North and to Issachar on the east.

Ephraim's territory was to the south, and Manasseh's to the north. The sea was Manasseh's western border and their territory touched Asher on the north and Issachar on the east.

What is south [of the river] belongs to Ephraim, and what is north [of it] belongs to Manasseh. So the Mediterranean Sea [is its western border], Asher its northern border, and Issachar its eastern border.

Ephraim towards the Negev and Manasseh to the north and the sea is his border; and they meet with Asher on the side of the north and with Issachar to the east.

Southward it was Ephraim's, and northward it was Manasseh's, and the sea was its border; and they joined together in Asher on the north, and in Issachar on the east.

Southward it was Ephraim's, and northward it was Manasseh's, and the sea is his border; and they met together in Asher on the north, and in Issachar on the east.

southward it was Ephraim's, and northward it was Manasseh's, and the sea was his border; and they reached to Asher on the north, and to Issachar on the east.

So that the possession of Ephraim is on the south, and on the north that of Manasses, and the sea is the border of both, and they are joined together in the tribe of Aser on the north, and in the tribe of Issachar on the east.

Southward it was Ephraim's, and northward it was Manasseh's, and the sea was his border. And they touched upon Asher on the north, and upon Issachar on the east.

southward it was Ephraim's, and northward it was Manasseh's, and the sea was his border; and they reached to Asher on the north, and to Issachar on the east.

Southward it was Ephraim's, and northward it was Manasseh's, and the sea is his border; and they met together in Asher on the north, and in Issachar on the east.

Southward it was Ephraim's, and northward it was Manasseh's, and the sea was his border. They reached to Asher on the north, and to Issachar on the east.

Southward is to Ephraim and northward to Manasseh, and the sea is his border, and in Asher they meet on the north, and in Issachar on the east.

Jozueu 17:10
Territori në jug i përkiste Efraimit, kurse ai në veri ishte pronë e Manasit, dhe deti ishte kufiri i tyre; në veri kufizoheshin me Asherin dhe në lindje me Isakarin.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 17:10
من الجنوب لافرايم ومن الشمال لمنسّى وكان البحر تخمه. ووصل الى اشير شمالا والى يساكر نحو الشروق.

Dyr Josen 17:10
S Gebiet in n Sundn ghoert yn Effreim und dös in n Nordn yn Mantz. D Mantzer grentznd an s Mör, in n Nordn an Äscher und in n Oostn an Isyhär.

Исус Навиев 17:10
[Земята] на юг беше на Ефрема, а на север на Манасия, и морето беше границата му; и [земите им] допираха на север до Асир и на изток до Исахар.

約 書 亞 記 17:10
南 歸 以 法 蓮 , 北 歸 瑪 拿 西 , 以 海 為 界 ; 北 邊 到 亞 設 , 東 邊 到 以 薩 迦 。

南 归 以 法 莲 , 北 归 玛 拿 西 , 以 海 为 界 ; 北 边 到 亚 设 , 东 边 到 以 萨 迦 。



Joshua 17:10
Područje s juga pripadalo je Efrajimu, na sjeveru Manašeu, a more im bi međa; na sjeveru su graničili s Ašerom, a s Jisakarom na istoku.

Jozue 17:10
Na poledne jest díl Efraimův, a na půlnoci Manassesův, moře pak jest pomezí jejich; a v pokolení Asser sbíhají se na půlnoci, v pokolení pak Izachar na východ.

Josua 17:10
Sydsiden tilhører Efraim og Nordsiden Manasse. Havet danner Grænse; mod Nord støder de op til Aser, mod Øst til Issakar.

Jozua 17:10
Het was van Efraim tegen het zuiden, en tegen het noorden was het van Manasse, en de zee was zijn landpale; en aan het noorden stieten zij aan Aser, en aan het oosten aan Issaschar.

יהושע 17:10
נֶ֣גְבָּה לְאֶפְרַ֗יִם וְצָפֹ֙ונָה֙ לִמְנַשֶּׁ֔ה וַיְהִ֥י הַיָּ֖ם גְּבוּלֹ֑ו וּבְאָשֵׁר֙ יִפְגְּע֣וּן מִצָּפֹ֔ון וּבְיִשָּׂשכָ֖ר מִמִּזְרָֽח׃

י נגבה לאפרים וצפונה למנשה ויהי הים גבולו ובאשר יפגעון מצפון וביששכר ממזרח

נגבה לאפרים וצפונה למנשה ויהי הים גבולו ובאשר יפגעון מצפון וביששכר ממזרח׃

Józsué 17:10
Délrõl Efraimé, északról pedig Manasséé, és ennek határa a tenger vala. De észak felõl Áserbe ütköznek, napkelet felõl pedig Issakhárba.

Josuo 17:10
La suda parto apartenis al Efraim, kaj la norda parto apartenis al Manase, kaj la maro estis lia limo. Kaj kun Asxer ili kuntusxigxis norde, kaj kun Isahxar oriente.

JOOSUA 17:10
Sillä Ephraimin maa on etelän puolella ja Manassen pohjan puolella, niin että meri on heidän rajansa, ja ulottuu Asseriin saakka pohjan puolesta, ja Isaskariin asti idän puolesta.

Josué 17:10
Le midi était à Éphraïm, et le nord à Manassé, et la mer était sa frontière; et au nord, ils touchaient à Aser, et à l'orient, à Issacar.

Le territoire du midi était à Ephraïm, celui du nord à Manassé, et la mer leur servait de limite; ils touchaient à Aser vers le nord, et à Issacar vers l'orient.

Ce qui était vers le Midi était à Ephraïm, et ce qui était vers le Septentrion, était à Manassé, et il avait la mer pour sa borne ; et, du côté du Septentrion [les frontières] se rencontraient en Aser, et en Issacar, du côté d'Orient.

Josua 17:10
dem Ephraim gegen Mittag und dem Manasse gegen Mitternacht; und das Meer ist seine Grenze; und soll stoßen an Asser von Mitternacht und an Isaschar von Morgen.

Dem Ephraim ward's gegen Mittag und dem Manasse gegen Mitternacht, und das Meer ist seine Grenze; und sie sollen stoßen an Asser von Mitternacht und an Isaschar von Morgen.

Was südwärts lag, gehörte zu Ephraim, und was nordwärts, zu Manasse, und das Meer bildete seine Grenze. Im Norden aber grenzten sie an Asser und im Osten an Issachar.

Giosué 17:10
Ciò che era a mezzogiorno apparteneva a Efraim; ciò che era a settentrione apparteneva a Manasse, e il mare era il loro confine; a settentrione confinavano con Ascer, e a oriente con Issacar.

Quello ch’era verso il Mezzodì fu di Efraim, e quello ch’era verso il Settentrione fu di Manasse; e il mare era il lor confine; e dal Settentrione confinavano con Ascer, e dall’Oriente con Issacar.

YOSUA 17:10
Bahwa yang pada selatan itu Efrayim punya dan pada utara itu Manasye punya dan laut itu perhinggaan keduanya, maka pada sebelah utara berdompaklah ia dengan Asyer dan pada sebelah timur dengan Isakhar.

여호수아 17:10
그 남편은 에브라임에 속하였고 북편은 므낫세에 속하였고 바다가 그 경계가 되었으며 그들의 땅의 북은 아셀에 미쳤고 동은 잇사갈에 미쳤으며

Iosue 17:10
ita ut ab austro sit possessio Ephraim et ab aquilone Manasse et utramque claudat mare et coniungantur sibi in tribu Aser ab aquilone et in tribu Isachar ab oriente

Jozuës knyga 17:10
Pietinė dalis priklausė Efraimui, o šiaurinė­Manasui. Jų siena vakaruose buvo jūra. Su Ašeru jie susisiekė šiaurėje, o su Isacharu­rytuose.

Joshua 17:10
I a Eparaima te taha ki te tonga, a i a Manahi te taha ki te raki, a ko te moana te rohe ki a ia; a i tutaki raua ki a Ahera ki te raki, ki a Ihakara hoki ki te rawhiti.

Josvas 17:10
Alt som lå sønnenfor, tilfalt Efra'im, og det som lå nordenfor, tilfalt Manasse, og havet blev hans grense; og i nord støtte de op til Aser og i øst til Issakar.

Josué 17:10
El lado sur pertenecía a Efraín, el lado norte a Manasés y el mar era su límite; y lindaban con Aser al norte y con Isacar al oriente.

El lado sur pertenecía a Efraín, el lado norte a Manasés y el mar era su límite. Lindaban con Aser al norte y con Isacar al oriente.

Efraín al sur, y Manasés al norte, y el mar es su término; y se encuentran con Aser al lado del norte, y con Isacar al oriente.

Ephraim al mediodía, y Manasés al norte, y la mar es su término: y encuéntranse con Aser á la parte del norte, y con Issachâr al oriente.

Efraín al mediodía, y Manasés al norte, y el mar es su término; y se encuentran con Aser a la parte del norte, y con Isacar al oriente.

Josué 17:10
O sul pertencia a Efraim e o norte a Manassés, com o mar Mediterrâneo por limite; confinavam ao norte com Aser, e com Issacar a leste.

Ao sul a terra é de Efraim, e ao norte de Manassés, sendo o mar o seu termo. Estendem-se ao norte até Aser, e ao oriente até Issacar   

Iosua 17:10
Ţinutul dela miazăzi era al lui Efraim, cel dela miazănoapte al lui Manase, şi marea le slujea ca hotar; la miazănoapte se întîlneau cu Aşer şi la răsărit cu Isahar.

Иисус Навин 17:10
Что к югу, то Ефремово, а что к северу, то Манассиино; море же было пределом их; к Асиру примыкали они с северной стороны и к Иссахару с восточной.

Что к югу, то Ефремово, а что к северу, то Манассиино; море же было пределом их; к Асиру примыкали они с северной стороны и к Иссахару с восточной.[]

Josuaé 17:10
Det som låg söder om den tillföll Efraim, men det som låg norr om den tillföll Manasse, och deras gräns var havet; och i norr nådde de till Aser och i öster till Isaskar.

Joshua 17:10
Ang dakong timugan ay ang sa Ephraim, at ang dakong hilagaan ay ang sa Manases, at ang dagat ay hangganan niyaon; at abot sa Aser sa hilagaan at sa Issachar sa silanganan.

โยชูวา 17:10
แผ่นดินทางด้านใต้เป็นของเอฟราอิม และแผ่นดินทางด้านเหนือเป็นของมนัสเสห์ มีทะเลเป็นพรมแดน ทางเหนือจดดินแดนอาเชอร์ และทางทิศตะวันออกจดอิสสาคาร์

Yeşu 17:10
Güneydeki topraklar Efrayimin, kuzeydeki topraklarsa Manaşşenindi. Böylece Manaşşe bölgesi Akdenizle, kuzeyde Aşerle ve doğuda İssakarla sınırlanmıştı.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 17:10
Phần ở hướng nam thuộc về Ép-ra-im, phần ở hướng bắc thuộc về Ma-na-se, còn biển dùng làm giới hạn; hai phần này giáp A-se về phía bắc, và Y-sa-ca về phía đông.

Joshua 17:9
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