Joshua 16:5
Joshua 16:5
This was the territory of Ephraim, according to its clans: The boundary of their inheritance went from Ataroth Addar in the east to Upper Beth Horon

The following territory was given to the clans of the tribe of Ephraim. The boundary of their homeland began at Ataroth-addar in the east. From there it ran to Upper Beth-horon,

The territory of the people of Ephraim by their clans was as follows: the boundary of their inheritance on the east was Ataroth-addar as far as Upper Beth-horon,

Now this was the territory of the sons of Ephraim according to their families: the border of their inheritance eastward was Ataroth-addar, as far as upper Beth-horon.

And the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families was thus: even the border of their inheritance on the east side was Atarothaddar, unto Bethhoron the upper;

This was the territory of the descendants of Ephraim by their clans: The border of their inheritance went from Ataroth-addar on the east of Upper Beth-horon.

This was the territory allocated to the descendants of Ephraim according to their families: the border of their inheritance on the east was Ataroth-addar as far as upper Beth-horon.

The territory of the tribe of Ephraim by its clans included the following: The border of their assigned land to the east was Ataroth Addar as far as upper Beth Horon.

This is the territory for the families descended from Ephraim. The eastern border of the land they inherited is from Ataroth Addar to Upper Beth Horon.

And this was the border of the sons of Ephraim according to their families; this was the border of their inheritance on the east side from Atarothaddar unto Bethhoron the upper;

And the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families was thus: even the border of their inheritance on the east side was Atarothaddar, unto upper Bethhoron;

And the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families was thus: even the border of their inheritance on the east side was Atarothaddar, to Bethhoron the upper;

And the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families was thus : the border of their inheritance eastward was Ataroth-addar, unto Beth-horon the upper;

And the border of the children of Ephraim was according to their kindreds: and their possession towards the east was Ataroth-addar unto Beth-horon the upper.

And the border of the children of Ephraim was according to their families; the border of their inheritance eastwards was Ataroth-Addar as far as the upper Beth-horon;

And the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families was thus: even the border of their inheritance eastward was Ataroth-addar, unto Beth-horon the upper;

And the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families was thus: even the border of their inheritance on the east side was Ataroth-adar, to Beth-horon the upper:

This was the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families. The border of their inheritance eastward was Ataroth Addar, to Beth Horon the upper.

And the border of the sons of Ephraim is by their families; and the border of their inheritance is on the east, Atroth-Addar unto Beth-Horon the upper;

Jozueu 16:5
Këto qenë kufijtë e bijve të Efraimit, simbas familjeve të tyre. Kufiri i trashëgimisë së tyre, në lindje, ishte Atrothi deri në Beth-Horonin e sipërm;

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 16:5
وكان تخم بني افرايم حسب عشائرهم. وكانت تخم نصيبهم شرقا عطاروت ادّار الى بيت حورون العليا

Dyr Josen 16:5
De Grentz von de Effreimersippnen ienern Land verlaaufft von Ätrott-Äddär hinst Ober-Bett-Horon

Исус Навиев 16:5
Пределът на ефремците, според семействата им, ето какъв беше: границата на наследството им към изток беше Атарот-адар до горния Веторон;

約 書 亞 記 16:5
以 法 蓮 子 孫 的 境 界 , 按 著 宗 族 所 得 的 , 記 在 下 面 : 他 們 地 業 的 東 界 是 亞 他 綠 亞 達 到 上 伯 和 崙 ;

以 法 莲 子 孙 的 境 界 , 按 着 宗 族 所 得 的 , 记 在 下 面 : 他 们 地 业 的 东 界 是 亚 他 绿 亚 达 到 上 伯 和 仑 ;



Joshua 16:5
Područje sinova Efrajimovih po njihovim porodicama bilo je ovo: međa baštine njihove prema istoku išla je od Atrot Adara pa do Gornjega Bet-Horona.

Jozue 16:5
Byla pak meze synů Efraimových po čeledech jejich, ta byla meze dědictví jejich na východ, od Atarot Addar až do Betoron vrchního.

Josua 16:5
Efraimiternes Landemærke efter deres Slægter var følgende: Grænsen for deres Arvelod er mod Øst Atarot-Addar og gaar til Øvre-Bet-Horon;

Jozua 16:5
De landpale nu der kinderen van Efraim, naar hun huisgezinnen, is deze: te weten, de landpale huns erfdeels was oostwaarts Atroth-Addar tot aan het bovenste Beth-Horon.

יהושע 16:5
וַיְהִ֛י גְּב֥וּל בְּנֵֽי־אֶפְרַ֖יִם לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָ֑ם וַיְהִ֞י גְּב֤וּל נַחֲלָתָם֙ מִזְרָ֔חָה עַטְרֹ֣ות אַדָּ֔ר עַד־בֵּ֥ית חֹורֹ֖ן עֶלְיֹֽון׃

ה ויהי גבול בני אפרים למשפחתם ויהי גבול נחלתם מזרחה עטרות אדר עד בית חורן עליון

ויהי גבול בני־אפרים למשפחתם ויהי גבול נחלתם מזרחה עטרות אדר עד־בית חורן עליון׃

Józsué 16:5
Efraim fiainak határa is az õ családjaik szerint vala, és pedig az õ örökségöknek határa napkelet felé, Atróth-Adártól felsõ Bethoronig vala.

Josuo 16:5
Kaj la regiono de la Efraimidoj estis laux iliaj familioj:la limo de ilia posedajxo oriente estis de Atrot-Adar gxis la supra Bet-HXoron.

Ephraimin lasten raja heidän suvuissansa ja heidän perimisissänsä itään päin oli AtharotAddar, ylimmäiseen BetHoroniin asti,

Josué 16:5
Et le territoire des fils d'Éphraïm fut selon leurs familles: la frontière de leur héritage vers le levant était Ataroth-Addar, jusqu'à Beth-Horon la haute.

Voici les limites des fils d'Ephraïm, selon leurs familles. La limite de leur héritage était, à l'orient, Atharoth-Addar jusqu'à Beth-Horon la haute.

Or la frontière des enfants d'Ephraïm selon leurs familles était telle, que la frontière de leur héritage vers l'Orient fut Hatroth-addar, jusqu'à Beth-horon la haute.

Josua 16:5
Die Grenze der Kinder Ephraims unter ihren Geschlechtern, ihres Erbteils von aufgangwärts, war Atharoth-Adar bis gen obern Beth-Horon;

Die Grenze der Kinder Ephraim nach ihren Geschlechtern, die Grenze ihres Erbteils aufgangwärts, war Ataroth-Adar bis zum obern Beth-Horon

Es war aber das Gebiet der verschiedenen Geschlechter der Ephraimiten folgendes. Im Osten war die Grenze ihres Erbbesitzes Ateroth Addar bis zum oberen Beth Horon;

Giosué 16:5
Or questi furono i confini de’ figliuoli di Efraim, secondo le loro famiglie. Il confine della loro eredità era, a oriente, Atharoth-Addar, fino a Beth-Horon disopra;

Or il confine de’ figliuoli di Efraim, distinti per le lor nazioni; il confine, dico, della loro eredità, dall’Oriente, fu Atrot-addar, fino a Bet-horon disopra.

YOSUA 16:5
Maka perhinggaan tanah bani Efrayim dengan bangsa-bangsanya adalah demikian: Perhinggaan tanah bahagian pusakanya pada sebelah timur adalah Aterot-Adar sampai ke Bait-Horon hulu.

여호수아 16:5
에브라임 자손의 그 가족대로 얻은 것의 경계는 이러하니라 그 기업의 경계는 동으로 아다롯 앗달에서 윗 벧 호론에 이르고

Iosue 16:5
et factus est terminus filiorum Ephraim per cognationes suas et possessio eorum contra orientem Atharothaddar usque Bethoron superiorem

Jozuës knyga 16:5
Efraimo giminės ribos buvo tokios: jų paveldėjimo siena rytuose buvo Atrot Adaras iki Aukštutinio Bet Horono;

Joshua 16:5
A ko te rohe tenei ki nga tama a Eparaima, ki o ratou kainga whaka te rawhiti ko Ataroto Arara, tae noa ki Petehorono ki runga;

Josvas 16:5
Efra'ims barns land efter deres ætter lå således til: Mot øst gikk grensen for deres arvelodd over Atrot-Addar frem til Øvre-Bet-Horon

Josué 16:5
Y este fue el territorio de los hijos de Efraín conforme a sus familias: el límite de su heredad hacia el oriente era Atarot-adar, hasta Bet-horón de arriba.

Este fue el territorio de los hijos de Efraín conforme a sus familias: el límite de su heredad hacia el oriente era Atarot Adar, hasta Bet Horón de arriba.

Y fue el término de los hijos de Efraín por sus familias, fue el término de su herencia a la parte oriental, desde Atarot-adar hasta Bet-horón la de arriba:

Y fué el término de los hijos de Ephraim por sus familias, fué el término de su herencia á la parte oriental, desde Ataroth-addar hasta Beth-oron la de arriba:

Y fue el término de los hijos de Efraín por sus familias, fue el término de su herencia a la parte oriental, desde Atarot-adar hasta Bet-horón la de arriba;

Josué 16:5
Quanto ao território dos filhos de Efraim segundo seus clãs a fronteira de sua propriedade ia de Atarote-Adar, a leste, até Bete-Horom Alta,

Ora, fica o termo dos filhos de Efraim, segundo as suas famílias, como se segue: para o oriente o termo da sua herança é Atarote-Adar até Bete-Horom de cima;   

Iosua 16:5
Iată hotarele fiilor lui Efraim, după familiile lor. Hotarul moştenirii lor era, la răsărit, Atarot-Adar pînă la Bet-Horonul de sus.

Иисус Навин 16:5
Предел сынов Ефремовых по племенам их был сей: от востока пределом удела их былАтароф-Адар до Беф-орона верхнего;

Предел сынов Ефремовых по племенам их был сей: от востока пределом удела их был Атароф-Адар до Беф-Орона верхнего;[]

Josuaé 16:5
Efraims barn fingo, efter sina släkter, sina gränser sålunda: Gränsen för deras arvedel i öster gick från Atrot-Addar ända till Övre Bet-Horon.

Joshua 16:5
At ang hangganan ng mga anak ni Ephraim ayon sa kanilang mga angkan ay ito: ang hangganan ng kanilang mana na dakong silanganan ay Ataroth-addar, hanggang sa Beth-horon sa itaas:

โยชูวา 16:5
เขตของคนเอฟราอิมตามครอบครัวของเขาเป็นดังนี้ พรมแดนมรดกของเขาด้านตะวันออก เริ่มแต่เมืองอาทาโรทอัดดาร์ ไกลไปจนถึงเบธโฮโรนบน

Yeşu 16:5
Boy sayısına göre Efrayimoğullarına pay olarak verilen toprakların sınırları, doğuda Atrot-Addardan yukarı Beythorona kadar uzanarak[]

Gioâ-sueâ 16:5
Này là giới hạn của Ép-ra-im, tùy theo những họ hàng của chúng. Giới hạn của sản nghiệp họ ở về phía đông, từ A-tê-rốt-a-đa cho đến Bết-Hô-rôn trên,

Joshua 16:4
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