Joshua 14:7
Joshua 14:7
I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land. And I brought him back a report according to my convictions,

I was forty years old when Moses, the servant of the LORD, sent me from Kadesh-barnea to explore the land of Canaan. I returned and gave an honest report,

I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh-barnea to spy out the land, and I brought him word again as it was in my heart.

"I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh-barnea to spy out the land, and I brought word back to him as it was in my heart.

Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadeshbarnea to espy out the land; and I brought him word again as it was in mine heart.

I was 40 years old when Moses the LORD's servant sent me from Kadesh-barnea to scout the land, and I brought back an honest report.

I was 40 years old when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh-barnea to scout the land. I brought back an honest report to him.

I was forty years old when Moses, the LORD's servant, sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy on the land and I brought back to him an honest report.

I was 40 years old when the LORD's servant Moses sent me from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land. I reported to him exactly what I thought.

I was forty years old when Moses, the slave of the LORD, sent me from Kadeshbarnea to spy out the land, and I brought him word again as it was in my heart,

Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadeshbarnea to spy out the land; and I brought him word again as it was in my heart.

Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadeshbarnea to espy out the land; and I brought him word again as it was in my heart.

Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of Jehovah sent me from Kadesh-barnea to spy out the land; and I brought him word again as it was in my heart.

I was forty Bears old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me m from Cadesbarne, to view the land, and I brought him word again as to me seemed true.

Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of Jehovah sent me from Kadesh-barnea to search out the land; and I brought him word again as it was in my heart.

Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh-barnea to spy out the land; and I brought him word again as it was in mine heart.

Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh-barnea to explore the land; and I brought him word again as it was in my heart.

I was forty years old when Moses the servant of Yahweh sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out the land. I brought him word again as it was in my heart.

a son of forty years am I in Moses, servant of Jehovah, sending me from Kadesh-Barnea, to spy the land, and I bring him back word as with my heart;

Jozueu 14:7
Unë isha dyzet vjeç kur Moisiu, shërbëtori i Zotit, më dërgoi në Kadesh-Barnea për të vëzhguar vendin; unë i paraqita një raport ashtu si ma thoshte zemra.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 14:7
كنت ابن اربعين سنة حين ارسلني موسى عبد الرب من قادش برنيع لاتجسّس الارض. فرجعت اليه بكلام عما في قلبي.

Dyr Josen 14:7
Vierzg Jaar war i alt, wie mi dyr Mosen, yn n Herrn sein Knecht, von Kädisch-Bärnau aus ausgschickt, dyrmit i s Land erkundd. I gabricht iem halt allss naach böstn Wissn und Gwissn.

Исус Навиев 14:7
Аз бях на четиридесет години, когато Господният слуга Моисей ме прати от Кадис-варни, за да разгледам земята; и донесох му известие според както ми беше на сърце.

約 書 亞 記 14:7
耶 和 華 的 僕 人 摩 西 從 加 低 斯 巴 尼 亞 打 發 我 窺 探 這 地 , 那 時 我 正 四 十 歲 ; 我 按 著 心 意 回 報 他 。

耶 和 华 的 仆 人 摩 西 从 加 低 斯 巴 尼 亚 打 发 我 窥 探 这 地 , 那 时 我 正 四 十 岁 ; 我 按 着 心 意 回 报 他 。



Joshua 14:7
Bilo mi je četrdeset godina kad me posla Mojsije, sluga Jahvin, iz Kadeš Barnee da uhodim zemlju. I donio sam mu izvješće kako sam najbolje znao.

Jozue 14:7
Ve čtyřidceti letech byl jsem, když mne poslal Mojžíš, služebník Hospodinův, z Kádesbarne k spatření země, a oznámil jsem jemu tu věc, jakž bylo v srdci mém.

Josua 14:7
Fyrretyve Aar gammel var jeg, dengang HERRENS Tjener Moses udsendte mig fra Kadesj-Barnea for at udspejde Landet; og jeg aflagde ham Beretning efter bedste Overbevisning.

Jozua 14:7
Ik was veertig jaren oud, toen Mozes, de knecht des HEEREN, mij uitgezonden heeft van Kades-Barnea, om het land te verspieden, en ik hem antwoord bracht, gelijk als het in mijn hart was.

יהושע 14:7
בֶּן־אַרְבָּעִ֨ים שָׁנָ֜ה אָנֹכִ֗י בִּ֠שְׁלֹחַ מֹשֶׁ֨ה עֶֽבֶד־יְהוָ֥ה אֹתִ֛י מִקָּדֵ֥שׁ בַּרְנֵ֖עַ לְרַגֵּ֣ל אֶת־הָאָ֑רֶץ וָאָשֵׁ֤ב אֹתֹו֙ דָּבָ֔ר כַּאֲשֶׁ֖ר עִם־לְבָבִֽי׃

ז בן ארבעים שנה אנכי בשלח משה עבד יהוה אתי מקדש ברנע--לרגל את הארץ ואשב אתו דבר כאשר עם לבבי

בן־ארבעים שנה אנכי בשלח משה עבד־יהוה אתי מקדש ברנע לרגל את־הארץ ואשב אתו דבר כאשר עם־לבבי׃

Józsué 14:7
Negyven esztendõs valék én, mikor elküldött engem Mózes az Úrnak szolgája Kádes-Barneából, hogy kikémleljem a földet, és úgy hoztam néki hírt, a mint az én szívemben vala.

Josuo 14:7
Mi havis la agxon de kvardek jaroj, kiam Moseo, servanto de la Eternulo, sendis min el Kadesx-Barnea, por esplorrigardi la landon; kaj mi alportis al li raporton laux mia konscienco.

Minä olin neljänkymmenen ajastaikainen, kuin Moses Herran palvelia minun lähetti KadesBarneasta vakoomaan maata, ja minä sanoin hänelle jälleen vastauksen sydämeni jälkeen.

Josué 14:7
J'étais âgé de quarante ans quand Moïse, serviteur de l'Éternel, m'envoya de Kadès-Barnéa pour explorer le pays, et je lui rapportai la chose comme elle était dans mon coeur.

J'étais âgé de quarante ans lorsque Moïse, serviteur de l'Eternel, m'envoya de Kadès-Barnéa pour explorer le pays, et je lui fis un rapport avec droiture de coeur.

J'étais âgé de quarante ans quand Moïse serviteur de l'Eternel m'envoya de Kadès-barné pour reconnaître le pays, et je lui rapportai la chose comme elle était en mon cœur.

Josua 14:7
Ich war vierzig Jahre alt, da mich Mose, der Knecht des HERRN, aussandte von Kades-Barnea, das Land zu verkundschaften, und ich ihm wieder sagte nach meinem Gewissen.

Ich war vierzig Jahre alt, da mich Mose, der Knecht des HERRN, aussandte von Kades-Barnea, das Land zu erkunden, und ich ihm Bericht gab nach meinem Gewissen.

Vierzig Jahre war ich alt, als mich Mose, der Knecht Jahwes, von Kades Barnea aussandte, um das Land auszukundschaften, und ich brachte ihm nach bester Überzeugung Bescheid.

Giosué 14:7
Io avevo quarant’anni quando Mosè, servo dell’Eterno, mi mandò da Kades-Barnea ad esplorare il paese; e io gli feci la mia relazione con sincerità di cuore.

Io era d’età di quarant’anni, quando Mosè, servitor del Signore, mi mandò da Cades-barnea, per ispiare il paese; ed io gli rapportai la cosa, come io l’avea nell’animo.

YOSUA 14:7
Maka adalah empat puluh tahun umurku pada masa aku disuruhkan oleh Musa, hamba Tuhan, dari Kades-Barnea pergi mengintai negeri, dan akupun membawa balik kabar kepadanya setuju dengan perasaan hatiku;

여호수아 14:7
내 나이 사십세에 여호와의 종 모세가 가데스바네아에서 나를 보내어 이 땅을 정탐케 하므로 내 마음에 성실한 대로 그에게 보고하였고

Iosue 14:7
quadraginta annorum eram quando me misit Moses famulus Domini de Cadesbarne ut considerarem terram nuntiavique ei quod mihi verum videbatur

Jozuës knyga 14:7
Aš buvau keturiasdešimties metų amžiaus, kai Viešpaties tarnas Mozė mane pasiuntė iš Kadeš Barnėjos išžvalgyti šalį, ir aš jam viską pranešiau, kas buvo mano širdyje.

Joshua 14:7
E wha tekau oku tau i te tononga a Mohi, a te pononga a te Atua i ahau i Kareheparenea ki te tutei i te whenua; a i whakahokia e ahau he korero ki a ia, ko nga mea o roto o toku ngakau.

Josvas 14:7
Jeg var firti år gammel da Moses, Herrens tjener, sendte mig fra Kades-Barnea for å utspeide landet; og jeg kom tilbake til ham med svar, efter mitt beste skjønn.

Josué 14:7
Yo tenía cuarenta años cuando Moisés, siervo del SEÑOR, me envió de Cades-barnea a reconocer la tierra, y le informé como yo lo sentía en mi corazón.

"Yo tenía cuarenta años cuando Moisés, siervo del SEÑOR, me envió de Cades Barnea a reconocer la tierra, y le informé como yo lo sentía en mi corazón.

Yo tenía cuarenta años de edad cuando Moisés, siervo de Jehová, me envió de Cades-barnea a reconocer la tierra; y yo le referí el asunto como lo tenía en mi corazón.

Yo era de edad de cuarenta años, cuando Moisés siervo de Jehová me envió de Cades-barnea á reconocer la tierra; y yo le referí el negocio como lo tenía en mi corazón:

Yo era de edad de cuarenta años, cuando Moisés siervo del SEÑOR me envió de Cades-barnea a reconocer la tierra; y yo le referí el negocio como lo tenía en mi corazón;

Josué 14:7
Eu tinha quarenta anos quando Moisés, servo do SENHOR, me enviou de Cades-Barneia para espionar esta terra, e eu lhe prestei um relatório sincero.

Quarenta anos tinha eu quando Moisés, servo do Senhor, me enviou de Cades-Barnéia para espiar a terra, e eu lhe trouxe resposta, como sentia no meu coração.   

Iosua 14:7
Eram în vîrstă de patruzeci de ani cînd m'a trimes Moise, robul Domnului, din Cades-Barnea, ca să iscodesc ţara, şi i-am adus ştiri aşa cum îmi spunea inima mea curată.

Иисус Навин 14:7
я был сорока лет, когда Моисей, раб Господень, посылал меня изКадес-Варни осмотреть землю, и я принес ему в ответ, что было у меня на сердце:

я был сорока лет, когда Моисей, раб Господень, посылал меня из Кадес-Варни осмотреть землю, и я принес ему в ответ, что было у меня на сердце:[]

Josuaé 14:7
Jag var fyrtio år gammal, när HERRENS tjänare Mose sände mig åstad från Kades-Barnea för att bespeja landet, och jag avgav sedan min berättelse därom inför honom efter bästa förstånd.

Joshua 14:7
Ako'y may apat na pung taon nang ako'y suguin ni Moises na lingkod ng Panginoon mula sa Cades-barnea upang tiktikan ang lupain; at aking dinalhan ng sagot siya ng gaya ng nasa aking puso.

โยชูวา 14:7
เมื่อโมเสสผู้รับใช้ของพระเยโฮวาห์ใช้ให้ข้าพเจ้าไปจากคาเดชบารเนีย เพื่อสอดแนมดูแผ่นดิน ข้าพเจ้ามีอายุสี่สิบปี ข้าพเจ้าได้นำข่าวมาแจ้งแก่ท่านตามความคิดเห็นของข้าพเจ้า

Yeşu 14:7
RABbin kulu Musa ülkeyi araştırmak üzere beni Kadeş-Barneadan gönderdiğinde kırk yaşındaydım. Gördüklerimi ona açık yüreklilikle ilettim.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 14:7
Khi Môi-se, tôi tớ của Ðức Giê-hô-va, ở Ca-đe-Ba-nê-a sai tôi đi dọ thám xứ, thì tôi đã được bốn mươi tuổi; và tôi thuật lại cho người thật tình.

Joshua 14:6
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