Joshua 13:32
Joshua 13:32
This is the inheritance Moses had given when he was in the plains of Moab across the Jordan east of Jericho.

These are the allotments Moses had made while he was on the plains of Moab, across the Jordan River, east of Jericho.

These are the inheritances that Moses distributed in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan east of Jericho.

These are the territories which Moses apportioned for an inheritance in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan at Jericho to the east.

These are the countries which Moses did distribute for inheritance in the plains of Moab, on the other side Jordan, by Jericho, eastward.

These were the portions Moses gave them on the plains of Moab beyond the Jordan east of Jericho.

These were the allotments that Moses apportioned for an inheritance in the plains of Moab beyond the Jordan River east of Jericho.

These are the land assignments made by Moses on the plains of Moab east of the Jordan River opposite Jericho.

This is the land that Moses distributed on Moab's plains, east of the Jordan River near Jericho.

This is what Moses distributed in inheritance in the plains of Moab, on the other side of the Jordan of Jericho, eastward.

These are the areas which Moses did distribute for inheritance in the plains of Moab, on the other side of Jordan, by Jericho eastward.

These are the countries which Moses did distribute for inheritance in the plains of Moab, on the other side Jordan, by Jericho, eastward.

These are the inheritances which Moses distributed in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan at Jericho, eastward.

This possession Moses divided in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan, over against Jericho on the east side.

This is that which Moses allotted for inheritance in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan of Jericho, eastward.

These are the inheritances which Moses distributed in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan at Jericho, eastward.

These are the countries which Moses distributed for inheritance in the plains of Moab, on the other side of Jordan by Jericho eastward.

These are the inheritances which Moses distributed in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan at Jericho, eastward.

These are they whom Moses caused to inherit in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan, by Jericho, eastward;

Jozueu 13:32
Këto janë pjesët që Moisiu u kishte ndarë si trashëgimi në fushat e Moabit, matanë Jordanit, në bregun përballë Jerikos, në lindje.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 13:32
فهذه هي التي قسمها موسى في عربات موآب في عبر اردن اريحا نحو الشروق.

Dyr Josen 13:32
Dös seind de Gebieter gwösn, wo dyr Mosen in dyr Mober Au enter n Jordn gögnüber Iereich als Örbbsiz vertailt haat.

Исус Навиев 13:32
Тия са наследствата, които Моисей раздели в моавските полета оттатък Иордан, срещу Ерихон, на изток.

約 書 亞 記 13:32
以 上 是 摩 西 在 約 但 河 東 對 著 耶 利 哥 的 摩 押 平 原 所 分 給 他 們 的 產 業 。

以 上 是 摩 西 在 约 但 河 东 对 着 耶 利 哥 的 摩 押 平 原 所 分 给 他 们 的 产 业 。



Joshua 13:32
Tako je Mojsije bio podijelio baštine na Moapskim poljanama, s druge strane Jordana, istočno od Jerihona.

Jozue 13:32
Ta jsou dědictví, kteráž rozdělil Mojžíš na rovinách Moábských před Jordánem proti Jerichu k východu.

Josua 13:32
Det er alt, hvad Moses udskiftede paa Moabs Sletter hinsides Jordan over for Jeriko, paa Østsiden.

Jozua 13:32
Dat is het, wat Mozes ten erve uitgedeeld had in de velden van Moab, op gene zijde der Jordaan van Jericho, tegen het oosten.

יהושע 13:32
אֵ֕לֶּה אֲשֶׁר־נִחַ֥ל מֹשֶׁ֖ה בְּעַֽרְבֹ֣ות מֹואָ֑ב מֵעֵ֛בֶר לְיַרְדֵּ֥ן יְרִיחֹ֖ו מִזְרָֽחָה׃ ס

לב אלה אשר נחל משה בערבות מואב מעבר לירדן יריחו מזרחה  {פ}

אלה אשר־נחל משה בערבות מואב מעבר לירדן יריחו מזרחה׃ ס

Józsué 13:32
Ezek azok, a miket örökségül adott vala Mózes a Moáb mezõségén, a Jordánon túl Jérikhótól napkelet felé.

Josuo 13:32
Tio estas, kion Moseo disdividis sur la stepoj de Moab, transe de Jordan, antaux Jerihxo, oriente.

JOOSUA 13:32
Tämä on se minkä Moses antoi Moabin kedoilla, sillä puolella Jordania, Jerihon kohdalla itään päin.

Josué 13:32
C'est là ce que Moïse distribua en héritage dans les plaines de Moab, au delà du Jourdain de Jéricho, vers le levant.

Telles sont les parts que fit Moïse, lorsqu'il était dans les plaines de Moab, de l'autre côté du Jourdain, vis-à-vis de Jéricho, à l'orient.

Ce sont là [les pays] que Moïse [étant] dans les campagnes de Moab avait partagés en héritage, de ce qui était au delà du Jourdain de Jérico, vers l'Orient.

Josua 13:32
Das ist's, das Mose ausgeteilet hat in dem Gefilde Moab jenseit des Jordans vor Jericho gegen dem Aufgang.

Das ist es, was Mose ausgeteilt hat in dem Gefilde Moabs, jenseit des Jordans vor Jericho gegen Aufgang. {~}

Das sind die Gebiete, die Mose in den Steppen Moabs zum Erbbesitz austeilte, jenseits, östlich vom Jordan gegenüber Jericho.

Giosué 13:32
Tali sono le parti che Mosè fece quand’era nelle pianure di Moab, di là dal Giordano, dirimpetto a Gerico, a oriente.

Queste son le contrade che Mosè diede per eredità, nelle campagne di Moab, di là dal Giordano di Gerico, verso Oriente.

YOSUA 13:32
Maka inilah dia yang dibahagi-bahagi oleh Musa akan pusaka di padang-padang Moab, di seberang Yarden, bertentangan dengan Yerikho, arah ke timur.

여호수아 13:32
요단 동편 여리고 맞은편 모압 평지에서 모세가 분배한 기업이 이러하여도

Iosue 13:32
hanc possessionem divisit Moses in campestribus Moab trans Iordanem contra Hiericho ad orientalem plagam

Jozuës knyga 13:32
Šitas žemes Mozė padalino paveldėjimui Moabo lygumoje, rytinėje Jordano pusėje, ties Jerichu.

Joshua 13:32
Ko enei nga wahi i hoatu ai e Mohi hei kainga tupu i nga mania o Moapa i tawahi o Horano whaka te rawhiti, i te wahi e anga ana ki Heriko.

Josvas 13:32
Dette var det som Moses delte ut til arv på Moabs ødemarker på østsiden av Jordan, midt imot Jeriko.

Josué 13:32
Estos son los territorios que Moisés repartió por heredad en las llanuras de Moab, al otro lado del Jordán, al oriente de Jericó.

Estos son los territorios que Moisés repartió por heredad en las llanuras de Moab, al otro lado del Jordán, al oriente de Jericó.

Éstos son los territorios que Moisés repartió en heredad en los llanos de Moab, del otro lado del Jordán de Jericó, al oriente.

Esto es lo que Moisés repartió en heredad en los llanos de Moab, de la otra parte del Jordán de Jericó, al oriente.

Esto es lo que Moisés repartió en heredad en los llanos de Moab, del otro lado del Jordán de Jericó, al oriente.

Josué 13:32
Essas, pois, são as heranças que Moisés repartiu nas planícies de Moabe, do outro lado do Jordão, diante de Jericó ao oriente.

Isso é o que Moisés repartiu em herança nas planícies de Moabe, do Jordão para o oriente, na altura de Jericó.   

Iosua 13:32
Acestea sînt părţile de moştenire pe cari le -a dat Moise, cînd era în cîmpia Moabului, de cealaltă parte a Iordanului, în faţa Ierihonului, la răsărit.

Иисус Навин 13:32
Вот что Моисей дал в удел на равнинах Моавитских заИорданом против Иерихона к востоку.

Вот что Моисей дал в удел на равнинах Моавитских за Иорданом против Иерихона к востоку.[]

Josuaé 13:32
Dessa voro de arvslotter som Mose utskiftade på Moabs hedar, på andra sidan Jordan mitt emot Jeriko, på östra sidan.

Joshua 13:32
Ito ang mga mana na binahagi ni Moises sa mga kapatagan ng Moab, sa dako roon ng Jordan sa Jerico, na dakong silanganan.

โยชูวา 13:32
เหล่านี้เป็นดินแดนต่างๆซึ่งโมเสสได้แบ่งปันให้เป็นมรดก ณ ที่ราบโมอับ ฟากแม่น้ำจอร์แดนข้างโน้นทิศตะวันออกของเมืองเยรีโค

Yeşu 13:32
Musanın, Erihanın doğusunda, Şeria Irmağının ötesinde kalan Moav ovalarındayken bölüştürdüğü topraklar bunlardır.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 13:32
Ðó là các sản nghiệp mà Môi-se phân phát tại trong đồng bằng Mô-áp, ở bên kia sông Giô-đanh về phía đông, đối ngang Giê-ri-cô.

Joshua 13:31
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