Joshua 13:2
Joshua 13:2
"This is the land that remains: all the regions of the Philistines and Geshurites,

This is the territory that remains: all the regions of the Philistines and the Geshurites,

This is the land that yet remains: all the regions of the Philistines, and all those of the Geshurites

"This is the land that remains: all the regions of the Philistines and all those of the Geshurites;

This is the land that yet remaineth: all the borders of the Philistines, and all Geshuri,

This is the land that remains: All the districts of the Philistines and the Geshurites:

This territory remains: all of the Philistine regions, including all Geshurite holdings

This is the land that remains: all the territory of the Philistines and all the Geshurites,

The land that is left includes all the districts that belong to the Philistines and Geshur.

This is the land that yet remains: all the borders of the Philistines and all Geshuri

This is the land that yet remains: all the borders of the Philistines, and all that of the Geshurites,

This is the land that yet remains: all the borders of the Philistines, and all Geshuri,

This is the land that yet remaineth: all the regions of the Philistines, and all the Geshurites;

To wit, all Galilee, Philistia, and all Gessuri.

This is the land that yet remaineth: all the districts of the Philistines and all the Geshurites,

This is the land that yet remaineth: all the regions of the Philistines, and all the Geshurites;

This is the land that yet remaineth: all the borders of the Philistines, and all Geshuri,

"This is the land that still remains: all the regions of the Philistines, and all the Geshurites;

This is the land that is left; all the circuits of the Philistines, and all Geshuri,

Jozueu 13:2
Ky është vendi që mbetet akoma: tërë territori i Filistejve dhe gjithë ai i Geshuritëve,

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 13:2
هذه هي الارض الباقية. كل دائرة الفلسطنيين وكل الجشوريين

Dyr Josen 13:2
Allsand Pflistergäu seind non übrig und dös gantze Geschurergebiet

Исус Навиев 13:2
Ето земята, която остава още: всичките околности на филистимците и цялата Гесурска [земя],

約 書 亞 記 13:2
就 是 非 利 士 人 的 全 境 和 基 述 人 的 全 地 。

就 是 非 利 士 人 的 全 境 和 基 述 人 的 全 地 。



Joshua 13:2
Evo područja što još preostaju: sve pokrajine filistejske i sva zemlja gešurska;

Jozue 13:2
Tato jest země, kteráž zůstává: Všecky končiny Filistinské a všecka Gessuri,

Josua 13:2
Dette er det Land, som er tilbage: Hele Filisternes Landomraade og alle Gesjuriterne,

Jozua 13:2
Dit is het land, dat overgebleven is; al de grenzen der Filistijnen en het ganse Gesuri.

יהושע 13:2
זֹ֥את הָאָ֖רֶץ הַנִּשְׁאָ֑רֶת כָּל־גְּלִילֹ֥ות הַפְּלִשְׁתִּ֖ים וְכָל־הַגְּשׁוּרִֽי׃

ב זאת הארץ הנשארת  כל גלילות הפלשתים וכל הגשורי

זאת הארץ הנשארת כל־גלילות הפלשתים וכל־הגשורי׃

Józsué 13:2
Ez az a föld, a mi fennmaradt: A Filiszteusoknak minden tartománya és az egész Gesur.

Josuo 13:2
Jen estas la tero, kiu restas:cxiuj regionoj de la Filisxtoj, kaj la tuta lando de la Gesxuridoj;

Tämä on se jälellä oleva maa: kaikki Philistealaisten maan ääret ja koko Gessuri,

Josué 13:2
C'est ici le pays qui reste: tous les districts des Philistins et tous les Gueshuriens,

Voici le pays qui reste: tous les districts des Philistins et tout le territoire des Gueschuriens,

C'est ici le pays qui demeure de reste, toutes les contrées des Philistins, et tout Guésuri.

Josua 13:2
nämlich das ganze Galiläa der Philister und ganz Gessuri,

nämlich alle Kreise der Philister und ganz Gessur,

Dies ist das Gebiet, das noch übrig geblieben ist: Sämtliche Bezirke der Philister und das ganze Gesur.

Giosué 13:2
Ecco quel che rimane: tutti i distretti dei Filistei e tutto il territorio dei Ghesuriti,

Quest’è il paese che resta: tutte le contrade de’ Filistei, e tutto il paese de’ Ghesuriti;

YOSUA 13:2
Maka inilah tanah yang lagi tinggal. Segala jajahan orang Filistin dan seluruh tanah Gesuri.

여호수아 13:2
이 남은 땅은 이러하니 블레셋 사람의 온 지방과 그술 사람의 전경

Iosue 13:2
omnis videlicet Galilea Philisthim et universa Gesuri

Jozuës knyga 13:2
visas filistinų ir gešūriečių kraštas

Joshua 13:2
Ko te whenua tenei e toe ana: ko nga wahi o nga Pirihitini, ko nga Kehuri katoa;

Josvas 13:2
Dette er det land som står igjen: Alle filistrenes bygder og hele gesuritter-landet;

Josué 13:2
Esta es la tierra que queda: todos los distritos de los filisteos y todos los de los gesureos;

"Esta es la tierra que queda: todos los distritos de los Filisteos y todos los de los Gesureos;

Ésta es la tierra que queda; todos los términos de los filisteos y toda Gesuri;

Esta es la tierra que queda; todos los términos de los Philisteos, y toda Gessuri;

Esta es la tierra que queda: todos los términos de los filisteos, y toda Gesur;

Josué 13:2
Estas são as regiões que faltam ser possuídas: Todas as províncias dos filisteus e dos gesuritas;

A terra que ainda fica é esta: todas as regiões dos filisteus, bem como todas as dos gesureus,   

Iosua 13:2
Iată ţara care mai rămîne: toate ţinuturile Filistenilor şi tot ţinutul Gheşuriţilor,

Иисус Навин 13:2
Остается сия земля: все округи Филистимские и вся земля Гессурская.

Остается сия земля: все округи Филистимские и вся [земля] Гессурская.[]

Josuaé 13:2
Detta är nämligen vad som återstår av landet: alla filistéernas kretsar och hela gesuréernas land.

Joshua 13:2
Ito ang lupain na nalalabi pa: ang lahat na lupain ng mga Filisteo, at ang lahat na Gessureo:

โยชูวา 13:2
ต่อไปนี้เป็นแผ่นดินที่ยังเหลืออยู่ คือ ท้องถิ่นฟีลิสเตียทั้งหมด และท้องถิ่นของคนเกชูร์ทั้งหมด

Yeşu 13:2
‹‹Alınacak topraklar şunlardır: Bütün Filist ve Geşur bölgeleri;[]

Gioâ-sueâ 13:2
Xứ còn lại là đây: hết thảy miền của dân Phi-li-tin, và cả địa phận dân Ghê-su-rít;

Joshua 13:1
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