Joshua 11:14
Joshua 11:14
The Israelites carried off for themselves all the plunder and livestock of these cities, but all the people they put to the sword until they completely destroyed them, not sparing anyone that breathed.

And the Israelites took all the plunder and livestock of the ravaged towns for themselves. But they killed all the people, leaving no survivors.

And all the spoil of these cities and the livestock, the people of Israel took for their plunder. But every person they struck with the edge of the sword until they had destroyed them, and they did not leave any who breathed.

All the spoil of these cities and the cattle, the sons of Israel took as their plunder; but they struck every man with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them. They left no one who breathed.

And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey unto themselves; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any to breathe.

The Israelites plundered all the spoils and cattle of these cities for themselves. But they struck down every person with the sword until they had annihilated them, leaving no one alive.

The Israelis took the spoils of war from these cities, along with their livestock, but they executed every human being until they had completely destroyed them, leaving no one alive.

The Israelites plundered all the goods of these cities and the cattle, but they totally destroyed all the people and allowed no one who breathed to live.

The people of Israel took all the loot and livestock from these cities. But they put everyone to death until they were all destroyed. Not one person survived.

And all the spoil of these cities and the beasts, the sons of Israel took for themselves; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword until they had destroyed them, without leaving any that breathed.

And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey unto themselves; but every man they struck with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any that breathed.

And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey to themselves; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any to breathe.

And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey unto themselves; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any that breathed.

And the children of Israel divided among themselves all the spoil of these cities and the cattle, killing all the men.

And all the spoil of these cities and the cattle the children of Israel took as prey to themselves; only, they smote all the men with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them: they left none that breathed.

And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey unto themselves; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any that breathed.

And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey to themselves: but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any to breathe.

The children of Israel took all the spoil of these cities, with the livestock, as spoils for themselves; but every man they struck with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them. They didn't leave any who breathed.

and all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, have the sons of Israel spoiled for themselves; only, every human being they have smitten by the mouth of the sword, till their destroying them; they have not left any one breathing.

Jozueu 11:14
Bijtë e Izraelit morën për vete tërë plaçkën e këtyre qyteteve dhe bagëtinë, por vranë tërë njerëzit dhe nuk lanë shpirt të gjallë.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 11:14
وكل غنيمة تلك المدن والبهائم نهبها بنو اسرائيل لانفسهم. واما الرجال فضربوهم جميعا بحد السيف حتى ابادوهم. لم يبقوا نسمة.

Dyr Josen 11:14
Dönn gantzn Bsiz aus dene Stötn und s Vih naamend syr d Isryheeler, d Menschn aber grottnd s mit Stumpf und Stil aus. Niemdd blib über.

Исус Навиев 11:14
Всичките користи на тия градове и добитъкът израилтяните плениха за себе си, а всичките човеци убиваха с острото на ножа, догдето ги изтребиха; не оставиха нищо, което дишаше.

約 書 亞 記 11:14
那 些 城 邑 所 有 的 財 物 和 牲 畜 , 以 色 列 人 都 取 為 自 己 的 掠 物 ; 惟 有 一 切 人 口 都 用 刀 擊 殺 , 直 到 殺 盡 ; 凡 有 氣 息 的 沒 有 留 下 一 個 。

那 些 城 邑 所 有 的 财 物 和 牲 畜 , 以 色 列 人 都 取 为 自 己 的 掠 物 ; 惟 有 一 切 人 口 都 用 刀 击 杀 , 直 到 杀 尽 ; 凡 有 气 息 的 没 有 留 下 一 个 。



Joshua 11:14
Sav plijen iz tih gradova i stoku razdijeliše sinovi Izraelovi među sobom, a sve ljude pobiše oštricom mača, istrijebiše ih i ni žive duše ne ostade.

Jozue 11:14
A všecky loupeže měst těch i hovada rozdělili mezi sebou synové Izraelští; toliko všecky lidi zbili mečem, dokudž nevyhladili jich, nenechavše žádného živého.

Josua 11:14
Kvæget og alt det andet, der røvedes fra disse Byer, beholdt Israeliterne som Bytte; men alle Menneskene huggede de ned med Sværdet til sidste Mand uden at lade en eneste levende Sjæl blive tilbage.

Jozua 11:14
En al den roof dezer steden, en het vee, roofden de kinderen Israels voor zich; alleenlijk sloegen zij al de mensen met de scherpte des zwaards, totdat zij hen verdelgden; zij lieten niet overblijven wat adem had.

יהושע 11:14
וְ֠כֹל שְׁלַ֞ל הֶעָרִ֤ים הָאֵ֙לֶּה֙ וְהַבְּהֵמָ֔ה בָּזְז֥וּ לָהֶ֖ם בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל רַ֣ק אֶֽת־כָּל־הָאָדָ֞ם הִכּ֣וּ לְפִי־חֶ֗רֶב עַד־הִשְׁמִדָם֙ אֹותָ֔ם לֹ֥א הִשְׁאִ֖ירוּ כָּל־נְשָׁמָֽה׃

יד וכל שלל הערים האלה והבהמה בזזו להם בני ישראל  רק את כל האדם הכו לפי חרב עד השמדם אותם--לא השאירו כל נשמה

וכל שלל הערים האלה והבהמה בזזו להם בני ישראל רק את־כל־האדם הכו לפי־חרב עד־השמדם אותם לא השאירו כל־נשמה׃

Józsué 11:14
És e városoknak minden zsákmányolni valóját, és a barmokat is magoknak zsákmányolák el Izráel fiai; csak az embereket hányák mind fegyver élére, míglen kipusztíták õket. Nem hagytak meg egy élõt sem.

Josuo 11:14
Kaj la tutan akireblajxon el tiuj urboj kaj la brutojn la Izraelidoj rabis al si; nur cxiujn homojn ili mortigis per glavo, gxis ili ekstermis ilin, restigante neniun animon.

JOOSUA 11:14
Ja kaiken saaliin ja eläimet, jotka he näistä kaupungeista olivat ottaneet, jakoivat Israelin lapset keskenänsä. Ainoasti kaikki ihmiset tappoivat he miekan terällä, siihenasti että he hukuttivat heidät, niin ettei yhtäkään elävää henkeä jäänyt,

Josué 11:14
Et les fils d'Israël pillèrent pour eux tout le butin de ces villes et les bêtes; seulement ils frappèrent par le tranchant de l'épée tous les hommes, jusqu'à ce qu'ils les eussent détruits: ils n'y laissèrent rien de ce qui respirait.

Les enfants d'Israël gardèrent pour eux tout le butin de ces villes et le bétail; mais ils frappèrent du tranchant de l'épée tous les hommes, jusqu'à ce qu'ils les eussent détruits, sans rien laisser de ce qui respirait.

Et les enfants d'Israël pillèrent pour eux tout le butin de ces villes-là, et les bêtes; seulement ils passèrent au tranchant de l'épée tous les hommes, jusqu'à ce qu'ils les eussent exterminés ; ils n'y laissèrent de reste aucune personne vivante.

Josua 11:14
Und allen Raub dieser Städte und das Vieh teileten die Kinder Israel unter sich; aber alle Menschen schlugen sie mit der Schärfe des Schwerts, bis sie die vertilgeten, und ließen nichts überbleiben, das den Odem hatte.

Und allen Raub dieser Städte und das Vieh teilten die Kinder Israel unter sich; aber alle Menschen schlugen sie mit der Schärfe des Schwerts, bis sie die vertilgten, und ließen nichts übrigbleiben, das Odem hatte.

Und alle Beute aus jenen Ortschaften, sowie das Vieh, nahmen die Israeliten für sich; dagegen alle Menschen erschlugen sie und rotteten sie aus, indem sie niemanden am Leben ließen.

Giosué 11:14
E i figliuoli d’Israele si tennero per sé tutto il bottino di quelle città e il bestiame, ma misero a fil di spada tutti gli uomini fino al loro completo sterminio, senza lasciare anima viva.

E i figliuoli d’Israele predarono per loro tutte le spoglie di quelle città, e il bestiame; ma misero a fil di spada tutti gli uomini, finchè li ebbero sterminati; non lasciarono alcun’anima in vita.

YOSUA 11:14
Maka segala jarahan negeri-negeri itu dan segala binatangnya dirampas orang Israel akan dirinya, melainkan segala orangnya itu dibunuhnya dengan mata pedang, sehingga dihabiskannya mereka itu, satupun tiada ditinggalkannya dari pada segala yang bernafas.

여호수아 11:14
이 성읍들의 모든 재물과 가축은 이스라엘 자손들이 탈취하고 모든 사람은 칼날로 쳐서 진멸하여 호흡이 있는 자는 하나도 남기지 아니하였으니

Iosue 11:14
omnemque praedam istarum urbium ac iumenta diviserunt sibi filii Israhel cunctis hominibus interfectis

Jozuës knyga 11:14
Visą šių miestų turtą ir gyvulius izraelitai pasiėmė; bet visus žmones jie išžudė, nepalikdami nė vieno gyvo.

Joshua 11:14
Otiia ko nga taonga parakete katoa o aua pa, me nga kararehe, i tangohia e nga tama a Iharaira ma ratou; ko nga tangata katoa ia i patua ki te mata o te hoari a poto noa ratou, kihai i mahue tetahi mea whai manawa.

Josvas 11:14
Og alt hærfanget i disse byer og feet tok Israels barn for sig selv; men alt folket slo de med sverdets egg inntil de hadde utryddet dem; de lot ingen som drog ånde, bli igjen.

Josué 11:14
Y los hijos de Israel tomaron como botín todos los despojos de estas ciudades y el ganado; mas a los hombres hirieron a filo de espada hasta destruirlos. No dejaron a ninguno con vida.

Los Israelitas tomaron como botín todos los despojos de estas ciudades y el ganado; pero a los hombres hirieron a filo de espada hasta destruirlos. No dejaron a ninguno con vida.

Y los hijos de Israel tomaron para sí todo el despojo y el ganado de estas ciudades; pero a todos los hombres metieron a espada hasta destruirlos, sin dejar nada que respirase.

Y los hijos de Israel tomaron para sí todos los despojos y bestias de aquestas ciudades: pero á todos los hombres metieron á cuchillo hasta destruirlos, sin dejar alguno con vida.

Y los hijos de Israel tomaron para sí todos los despojos y bestias de aquellas ciudades; pero a todos los hombres hirieron a cuchillo hasta destruirlos, sin dejar alguno con vida.

Josué 11:14
Os israelitas tomaram posse de todos os despojos e dos animais dessas cidades, porém passaram todas as pessoas ao fio da espada, até exterminar por completo esses povos, sem poupar ninguém.

Mas todos os despojos dessas cidades, e o gado, tomaram-nos os filhos de Israel como presa para si; porém feriram ao fio da espada todos os homens, até os destruírem; nada deixaram do que tinha fôlego de vida.   

Iosua 11:14
Copiii lui Israel au păstrat pentru ei toată prada cetăţilor acelora şi vitele; dar au trecut prin ascuţişul săbiei pe toţi oamenii, pînă i-au nimicit, fără să lase ceva din ce are suflare de viaţă.

Иисус Навин 11:14
А всю добычу городов сих и скот разграбили сыны Израилевы себе; людей же всех перебили мечом, так что истребили всех их: не оставили ни одной души.

А всю добычу городов сих и скот разграбили сыны Израилевы себе; людей же всех перебили мечом, так что истребили [всех] их: не оставили ни одной души.[]

Josuaé 11:14
Och allt rovet från dessa städer, så ock boskapen, togo Israels barn såsom sitt byte; men alla människor i dem slogo de med svärdsegg, till dess att de hade förgjort dem; de läto intet som anda hade bliva kvar.

Joshua 11:14
At ang lahat na samsam sa mga bayang ito at ang mga hayop ay kinuha ng mga anak ni Israel na pinakasamsam para sa kanilang sarili; nguni't ang bawa't tao ay sinugatan nila ng talim ng tabak hanggang sa kanilang nalipol sila, ni hindi nagiwan sila ng anomang may hininga.

โยชูวา 11:14
สิ่งของต่างๆที่ริบได้จากเมืองเหล่านี้ ทั้งฝูงสัตว์ คนอิสราเอลได้ยึดเป็นของของตน แต่เขาได้ประหารมนุษย์ทุกคนเสียด้วยคมดาบ จนทำลายเสียสิ้น สิ่งใดที่หายใจได้เขาไม่ให้เหลืออยู่เลย

Yeşu 11:14
Bu kentlerdeki bütün mal ve hayvanları ganimet olarak aldılar, insanların tümünü ise kılıçtan geçirip öldürdüler; soluk alan bir tek kişiyi esirgemediler.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 11:14
Dân Y-sơ-ra-ên đoạt lấy về phần mình hết hảy hóa tài và hết thảy súc vật của các thành này; nhưng dùng lưỡi gươm giết mọi loài người cho đến chừng đã diệt hết, chẳng còn để lại vật nào có hơi thở.

Joshua 11:13
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