Jonah 3:8
Jonah 3:8
But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence.

People and animals alike must wear garments of mourning, and everyone must pray earnestly to God. They must turn from their evil ways and stop all their violence.

but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and let them call out mightily to God. Let everyone turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands.

"But both man and beast must be covered with sackcloth; and let men call on God earnestly that each may turn from his wicked way and from the violence which is in his hands.

But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

Furthermore, both man and beast must be covered with sackcloth, and everyone must call out earnestly to God. Each must turn from his evil ways and from the violence he is doing.

Instead, let both man and animal clothe themselves with sackcloth and cry out to God forcefully. Let every person turn from his evil ways and from his tendency to do violence.

Every person and animal must put on sackcloth and must cry earnestly to God, and everyone must turn from their evil way of living and from the violence that they do.

Every person and animal must put on sackcloth. Cry loudly to God for help. Turn from your wicked ways and your acts of violence.

but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth and cry mightily unto God; and let each one turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands.

But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily to God: yes, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

but let them be covered with sackcloth, both man and beast, and let them cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in his hands.

And let men and beasts be covered with sackcloth, and cry to the Lord with all their strength, and let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the iniquity that is in their hands.

and let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God; and let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

but let them be covered with sackcloth, both man and beast, and let them cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily to God: yes, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

but let them be covered with sackcloth, both man and animal, and let them cry mightily to God. Yes, let them turn everyone from his evil way, and from the violence that is in his hands.

and cover themselves with sackcloth let man and beast, and let them call unto God mightily, and let them turn back each from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

Jona 3:8
por njerëzit dhe kafshët të mbulohen me thes dhe t'i thërresin me forcë Perëndisë; secili të kthehet nga rruga e tij e keqe dhe nga dhuna që është në duart e tij.

ﻳﻮﻧﺎﻥ 3:8
وليتغط بمسوح الناس والبهائم ويصرخوا الى الله بشدة ويرجعوا كل واحد عن طريقه الرديئة وعن الظلم الذي في ايديهم.

Dyr Jonen 3:8
Menschn wie Vicher sollnd si in Bueßgwänder hülln. Sö sollnd zo n Herrgot rueffen; und ayn Ieds sollt umstöcken und si von seine Übltaatn abwenddn und von dönn Unrecht, wo iem eyn de Höndd dranpappt.

Йон 3:8
но човек и животно да се покрият с вретище; и нека викат силно към Бога, да! да се върнат всеки от лошия си път и от неправдата, която е в ръцете им.

約 拿 書 3:8
人 與 牲 畜 都 當 披 上 麻 布 ; 人 要 切 切 求 告   神 。 各 人 回 頭 離 開 所 行 的 惡 道 , 丟 棄 手 中 的 強 暴 。

人 与 牲 畜 都 当 披 上 麻 布 ; 人 要 切 切 求 告   神 。 各 人 回 头 离 开 所 行 的 恶 道 , 丢 弃 手 中 的 强 暴 。



Jonah 3:8
Nego i ljudi i stoka da se pokriju kostrijeću, da glasno Boga zazivlju i da se obrati svatko sa svojega zlog puta i nepravde koju je činio.

Jonáše 3:8
Ale přiodějte se žíněmi lidé i hovada, a volejte k Bohu horlivě, a odvrať se jeden každý od cesty své zlé, i loupeže, kteráž jest v rukou jeho.

Jonas 3:8
men Folk og Fæ skal klædes i Sæk og opløfte et vældigt Skrig til Gud og omvende sig, hver fra sin onde Vej og den Uret, som hænger ved deres Hænder.

Jona 3:8
Maar mens en beest zullen met zakken bedekt zijn, en zullen sterk tot God roepen; en zij zullen zich bekeren, een iegelijk van zijn bozen weg, en van het geweld, dat in hun handen is.

יונה 3:8
וְיִתְכַּסּ֣וּ שַׂקִּ֗ים הָֽאָדָם֙ וְהַבְּהֵמָ֔ה וְיִקְרְא֥וּ אֶל־אֱלֹהִ֖ים בְּחָזְקָ֑ה וְיָשֻׁ֗בוּ אִ֚ישׁ מִדַּרְכֹּ֣ו הָֽרָעָ֔ה וּמִן־הֶחָמָ֖ס אֲשֶׁ֥ר בְּכַפֵּיהֶֽם׃

ח ויתכסו שקים האדם והבהמה ויקראו אל אלהים בחזקה וישבו איש מדרכו הרעה ומן החמס אשר בכפיהם

ויתכסו שקים האדם והבהמה ויקראו אל־אלהים בחזקה וישבו איש מדרכו הרעה ומן־החמס אשר בכפיהם׃

Jónás 3:8
Hanem öltözzenek zsákba az emberek és barmok, és kiáltsanak az Istenhez erõsen, és térjen meg kiki az õ gonosz útáról és az erõszakosságból, a mely az õ kezökben van!

Jona 3:8
kaj la homoj kaj la brutoj kovru sin per sakajxo, kaj voku forte al Dio, kaj cxiu deturnu sin de sia malbona vojo kaj de la perfortajxoj de siaj manoj:

Vaan ihmiset ja eläimet pitää säkkiin puetettaman, ja heidän pitää lujasti Jumalan tykö huutaman. Ja jokainen palatkaan pahasta tiestänsä ja kätensä väkivallasta.

Jonas 3:8
et que les hommes et les bêtes soient recouverts de sacs. Et qu'ils crient à Dieu avec force; et qu'ils reviennent, chacun, de leur mauvaise voie et de la violence qui est en leurs mains.

Que les hommes et les bêtes soient couverts de sacs, qu'ils crient à Dieu avec force, et qu'ils reviennent tous de leur mauvaise voie et des actes de violence dont leurs mains sont coupables!

Et que les hommes soient couverts de sacs, et les bêtes aussi; et qu'ils crient à Dieu de toute leur force, et que chacun se convertisse de sa mauvaise voie, et des actions violentes qu'ils ont commises.

Jona 3:8
und sollen Säcke um sich hüllen beide, Menschen und Tier, und zu Gott rufen heftig; und ein jeglicher bekehre sich von seinem bösen Wege und vom Frevel seiner Hände!

und sollen Säcke um sich hüllen, beide, Menschen und Vieh, und zu Gott rufen heftig; und ein jeglicher bekehre sich von seinem bösen Wege und vom Frevel seiner Hände.

Vielmehr sollen sie sich - sowohl Menschen, als Vieh - in Trauergewänder hüllen und mit aller Macht Gott anrufen, und sollen ein jeder von seinem schlimmen Wandel ablassen und von dem Frevel, der an ihren Händen klebt.

Giona 3:8
uomini e bestie si coprano di sacchi e gridino con forza a Dio; e ognuno si converta dalla sua via malvagia, e dalla violenza perpetrata dalle sue mani.

e che si coprano di sacchi gli uomini, e le bestie; e che si gridi di forza a Dio; e che ciascuno si converta dalla sua via malvagia, e dalla violenza ch’è nelle sue mani.

Melainkan hendaklah menusia dan binatangpun berpakaikan kain karung dan hendaklah orang berseru-seru kepada Tuhan dengan sekuat-kuatnya dan hendaklah masing-masing bertobat dari pada jalannya yang jahat dan dari pada aniaya yang pada tangannya!

요나 3:8
사람이든지 짐승이든지 다 굵은 베를 입을 것이요 힘써 여호와께 부르짖을 것이며 각기 악한 길과 손으로 행한 강포에서 떠날 것이라

Ionas 3:8
et operiantur saccis homines et iumenta et clament ad Dominum in fortitudine et convertatur vir a via sua mala et ab iniquitate quae est in manibus eorum

Jonos knyga 3:8
Žmonės ir gyvuliai turi apsidengti ašutinėmis ir garsiai šauktis Dievo, atsisakyti piktų kelių ir smurto.

Jonah 3:8
Engari kia hipokina te tangata me te kararehe ki te kakahu taratara, kia kaha ano ta ratou karanga ki te Atua: ae ra, kia hoki ano nga tangata i tona ara kino, i tona ara kino, i te tutu ano o o ratou ringa.

Jonas 3:8
Men de skal svøpe sig i sekk, både mennesker og dyr, og de skal rope til Gud med kraft og vende om, hver fra sin onde vei og fra den urett som henger ved deres hender.

Jonás 3:8
sino cúbranse de cilicio hombres y animales, y clamen a Dios con fuerza, y vuélvase cada uno de su mal camino y de la violencia que hay en sus manos.

"Cúbranse de cilicio hombres y animales, y clamen a Dios con fuerza, y vuélvase cada uno de su mal camino y de la violencia que hay en sus manos.

y que se cubran de cilicio los hombres y los animales, y clamen a Dios fuertemente: y conviértase cada uno de su mal camino, de la rapiña que está en sus manos.

Y que se cubran de saco los hombres y los animales, y clamen á Dios fuertemente: y conviértase cada uno de su mal camino, de la rapiña que está en sus manos.

y que se cubran de cilicio los hombres y los animales, y clamen a Dios fuertemente; y cada uno se convierta de su mal camino, y de la rapiña que está en sus manos.

Jonas 3:8
Cobri-vos de vestes de arrependimento e lamento, tanto as pessoas como os animais. E todos os cidadãos orem a Deus com todas as suas forças. Cada pessoa abandone seu mau caminho e toda atitude violenta.

mas sejam cobertos de saco, tanto os homens como os animais, e clamem fortemente a Deus; e convertam-se, cada um do seu mau caminho, e da violência que há nas suas mãos.   

Iona 3:8
Ci oamenii şi vitele să se acopere cu saci, strige cu putere către Dumnezeu, şi să se întoarcă dela calea lor cea rea şi dela faptele de asuprire, de cari le sînt pline mînile!

Иона 3:8
и чтобы покрыты были вретищем люди и скот и крепко вопияли к Богу, и чтобы каждый обратился от злого пути своего и от насилия рук своих.

и чтобы покрыты были вретищем люди и скот и крепко вопияли к Богу, и чтобы каждый обратился от злого пути своего и от насилия рук своих.[]

Jona 3:8
Och både människor och djur skola hölja sig i sorgdräkt och ropa till Gud med all makt. Och var och en må vända om från sin onda väg och från den orätt som han har haft för händer.

Jonah 3:8
Kundi mangagbalot sila ng kayong magaspang, ang tao at gayon din ang hayop, at magsidaing silang mainam sa Dios: oo, talikdan ng bawa't isa ang kaniyang masamang lakad, at ang pangdadahas na nasa kanilang mga kamay.

โยนาห์ 3:8
ให้ทั้งคนและสัตว์นุ่งห่มผ้ากระสอบ ให้ตั้งจิตตั้งใจร้องทูลต่อพระเจ้า เออ ให้ทุกคนหันกลับเสียจากการประพฤติชั่ว และเลิกการทารุณซึ่งมือเขากระทำ

Yunus 3:8
Bütün insanlar ve hayvanlar çula sarınsın. Herkes var gücüyle Tanrıya yakararak kötü yoldan, zorbalıktan vazgeçsin.[]

Gioâ-na 3:8
nhưng người ta và thú vật đều phải quấn bao gai. Mọi người khá ra sức kêu cùng Ðức Chúa Trời; phải, ai nấy khá bỏ đường lối xấu mình và việc hung dữ của tay mình.

Jonah 3:7
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