Jeremiah 9:22
Jeremiah 9:22
Say, "This is what the LORD declares: "'Dead bodies will lie like dung on the open field, like cut grain behind the reaper, with no one to gather them.'"

This is what the LORD says: "Bodies will be scattered across the fields like clumps of manure, like bundles of grain after the harvest. No one will be left to bury them."

Speak: “Thus declares the LORD, ‘The dead bodies of men shall fall like dung upon the open field, like sheaves after the reaper, and none shall gather them.’”

Speak, "Thus says the LORD, 'The corpses of men will fall like dung on the open field, And like the sheaf after the reaper, But no one will gather them.'"

Speak, Thus saith the LORD, Even the carcases of men shall fall as dung upon the open field, and as the handful after the harvestman, and none shall gather them.

Speak as follows: This is what the LORD says: Human corpses will fall like manure on the surface of the field, like newly cut grain after the reaper with no one to gather it.

Speak! 'This is what the LORD says: "The corpses of people will fall like dung on the surface of the field, and like a row of cut grain behind the harvester when there is no one to gather it."'"

Tell your daughters and neighbors, 'The LORD says, "The dead bodies of people will lie scattered everywhere like manure scattered on a field. They will lie scattered on the ground like grain that has been cut down but has not been gathered."'"

This is what the LORD says: Dead bodies will fall like manure on the field. They will be like grain that has been cut but not gathered.

Speak, Thus hath the LORD said, Even the carcasses of men shall fall as dung upon the open field and as the handful after the harvestman, and there shall be none to gather them.

Speak, Thus says the LORD, Even the dead bodies of men shall fall as refuse upon the open field, and as the handful after the harvestman, and none shall gather them.

Speak, Thus said the LORD, Even the carcasses of men shall fall as dung on the open field, and as the handful after the harvestman, and none shall gather them.

Speak, Thus saith Jehovah, The dead bodies of men shall fall as dung upon the open field, and as the handful after the harvestman; and none shall gather them .

Speak: Thus saith the Lord: Even the carcass of man shall fall as dung upon the face of the country, and as grass behind the back of the mower, and there is none to gather it.

Speak, Thus saith Jehovah: Yea, the carcases of men shall fall as dung upon the open field, and as the handful after the reaper, and there shall be none to gather.

Speak, Thus saith the LORD, The carcases of men shall fall as dung upon the open field, and as the handful after the harvestman, and none shall gather them.

Speak, Thus saith the LORD, Even the carcasses of men shall fall as dung upon the open field, and as the handful after the harvest-man, and none shall gather them.

Speak, Thus says Yahweh, The dead bodies of men shall fall as dung on the open field, and as the handful after the harvester; and none shall gather [them].

Speak thus -- an affirmation of Jehovah, And fallen hath the carcase of man, As dung on the face of the field, And as a handful after the reaper, And there is none gathering.

Jeremia 9:22
Fol: Kështu thotë Zoti: Kufomat e njerëzve do të rrinë si pleh në fushën e hapët, si një demet i lënë pas nga korrësi dhe qëaskush nuk e mbledh"".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 9:22
تكلم. هكذا يقول الرب. وتسقط جثة الانسان كدمنة على وجه الحقل وكقبضة وراء الحاصد وليس من يجمع

Dyr Ierymies 9:22
D Leichnäm lignd wie dyr Mist auf n Feld, wie Garbn hinter de Ärnleut; die klaubt kainer zamm.

Еремия 9:22
Речи: Така казва Господ. Човешки трупове ще паднат Като тор по лицето на нивата, И като ръкойката зад жетвар, Която никой няма да събере.

耶 利 米 書 9:22
你 當 說 , 耶 和 華 如 此 說 : 人 的 屍 首 必 倒 在 田 野 像 糞 土 , 又 像 收 割 的 人 遺 落 的 一 把 禾 稼 , 無 人 收 取 。

你 当 说 , 耶 和 华 如 此 说 : 人 的 尸 首 必 倒 在 田 野 像 粪 土 , 又 像 收 割 的 人 遗 落 的 一 把 禾 稼 , 无 人 收 取 。



Jeremiah 9:22
I mrtva tjelesa leže kao gnoj po oranicama, kao snoplje za žeteocem, a nikoga da ih skupi.

Jermiáše 9:22
(Mluv i to: Takto dí Hospodin:) A padla mrtvá těla lidská jako hnůj po poli, a jako snopové za žencem, a není žádného, kdo by pochoval.

Jeremias 9:22
Sig: saa lyder det fra HERREN: De døde Legemer faldt som Gødning paa Marken, som Skaaret efter Høstmanden; ingen binder op.

Jeremia 9:22
Spreek: Zo spreekt de HEERE: Ja, een dood lichaam des mensen zal liggen, als mest op het open veld, en als een garve achter den maaier, die niemand opzamelt.

ירמיה 9:22
דַּבֵּ֗ר כֹּ֚ה נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה וְנָֽפְלָה֙ נִבְלַ֣ת הָֽאָדָ֔ם כְּדֹ֖מֶן עַל־פְּנֵ֣י הַשָּׂדֶ֑ה וּכְעָמִ֛יר מֵאַחֲרֵ֥י הַקֹּצֵ֖ר וְאֵ֥ין מְאַסֵּֽף׃ ס

כא דבר כה נאם יהוה ונפלה נבלת האדם כדמן על פני השדה וכעמיר מאחרי הקצר ואין מאסף  {ס}

דבר כה נאם־יהוה ונפלה נבלת האדם כדמן על־פני השדה וכעמיר מאחרי הקצר ואין מאסף׃ ס

Jeremiás 9:22
Szólj! ezt mondja az Úr, és az emberek holtteste hever, mint a ganéj a mezõn, és mint a kéve az arató után, és nincs, a ki összegyûjtse.

Jeremia 9:22
Diru, ke tiele diras la Eternulo:La kadavroj de homoj falos kiel sterko sur la kampojn kaj kiel garboj malantaux la rikoltanto, kaj neniu ilin enkolektos.

Näin sanoo Herra: sano: ihmisten ruumiit pitää, niinkuin loka maan päällä, kaatuman, ja niinkuin jalalliset jäävät elomiehen perään, jossa ei ole ylösottajaa.

Jérémie 9:22
Dis: Ainsi dit l'Éternel: Oui, le cadavre de l'homme tombera comme du fumier sur la face des champs, et comme la gerbe après le moissonneur, et il n'y a personne qui la recueille.

Dis: Ainsi parle l'Eternel: Les cadavres des hommes tomberont Comme du fumier sur les champs, Comme tombe derrière le moissonneur une gerbe Que personne ne ramasse.

Dis : ainsi a dit l'Eternel : même les corps morts des hommes seront étendus comme du fumier sur le dessus des champs, et comme une poignée d'épis après les moissonneurs, lesquels personne ne recueille.

Jeremia 9:22
So spricht der HERR: Sage: Der Menschen Leichname sollen liegen wie der Mist auf dem Felde und wie Garben hinter dem Schnitter, die niemand sammelt.

So spricht der HERR: Sage: Der Menschen Leichname sollen liegen wie der Mist auf dem Felde und wie Garben hinter dem Schnitter, die niemand sammelt.

Und die Leichen der Menschen liegen umher wie der Mist auf dem Acker und wie Garben hinter dem Schnitter, die niemand aufsammelt!

Geremia 9:22
Di’: Così parla l’Eterno: I cadaveri degli uomini giaceranno come letame sull’aperta campagna, come una mannella che il mietitore si lascia dietro e che nessuno raccoglie.

Parla: Così ha detto il Signore: I corpi morti degli uomini ancora giaceranno come letame su per la campagna, e come una manella di spighe, lasciata indietro dal mietitore, la quale niuno raccoglie.

Maka demikianlah firman Tuhan: Bahwa bangkai manusia akan terhantar di tanah seperti baja di padang dan seperti berkas gandum di belakang orang penyabit, seorangpun tiada akan memungut dia.

예레미아 9:22
너는 이같이 이르라 여호와의 말씀에 사람의 시체가 분토같이 들에 떨어질 것이며 추수하는 자의 뒤에 떨어지고 거두지 못한 뭇 같이 되리라 하셨느니라

Ieremias 9:22
loquere haec dicit Dominus et cadet morticinum hominis quasi stercus super faciem regionis et quasi faenum post tergum metentis et non est qui colligat

Jeremijo knyga 9:22
Taip sako Viešpats: “Žmonių lavonai bus išmėtyti kaip mėšlas laukuose, kaip pėdai užpakalyje pjovėjo. Ir niekas jų nesurinks”.

Jeremiah 9:22
Korero, Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Tera nga tinana o nga tangata e hinga ano he whakawairakau ki te mata o te mara, ano he kutanga witi i muri i te kaitapahi, a kahore he kaikohi.

Jeremias 9:22
Si: Så sier Herren: Menneskenes døde kropper skal ligge som gjødsel på marken og som kornbånd efter høstfolkene, og det er ingen som samler dem.

Jeremías 9:22
Di: Así declara el SEÑOR: ``Los cadáveres de los hombres caerán como estiércol sobre la faz del campo, y como gavillas tras el segador, y no habrá quien las recoja.

Así declara el SEÑOR: "Los cadáveres de los hombres caerán Como estiércol sobre la superficie del campo, Y como gavillas tras el segador Sin haber quien las recoja."

Habla: Así dice Jehová: Los cuerpos de los hombres muertos caerán como estiércol sobre la faz del campo, y como manojo tras el segador, que no hay quien lo recoja.

Habla: Así ha dicho Jehová: Los cuerpos de los hombres muertos caerán como estiércol sobre la haz del campo, y como manojo tras el segador, que no hay quien lo recoja.

Habla: Así dijo el SEÑOR: Los cuerpos de los hombres muertos caerán como estiércol sobre la faz del campo, y como manojo tras el segador, que no hay quien lo recoja.

Jeremias 9:22
“Prega: Assim declara o SENHOR: Cadáveres ficarão estirados como esterco em campo aberto, como o trigo deixado para trás pelos ceifeiros, sem que ninguém retorne para juntar o que ficou pelo chão.”

Fala: Assim diz o Senhor: Até os cadáveres dos homens cairão como esterco sobre a face do campo, e como gavela atrás do segador, e não há quem a recolha.   

Ieremia 9:22
,,Spune: ,Aşa vorbeşte Domnul: ,Trupurile moarte ale oamenilor vor cădea ca gunoiul pe cîmpii, cum cade înapoia secerătorului un snop, pe care nu -l strînge nimeni!``

Иеремия 9:22
Скажи: так говорит Господь: и будут повержены трупы людей, как навоз на поле и как снопы позадижнеца, и некому будет собрать их.

Скажи: так говорит Господь: и будут повержены трупы людей, как навоз на поле и как снопы позади жнеца, и некому будет собрать их.[]

Jeremia 9:22
Ja, tala: Så säger HERREN: Och människornas döda kroppar ligga såsom gödsel på marken och såsom kärvar efter skördemannen, vilka ingen samlar upp.

Jeremiah 9:22
Salitain mo: Ganito ang sabi ng Panginoon, Ang mga bangkay ng mga tao ay mangabubuwal na parang dumi sa luwal na parang, at parang bigkis sa likod ng manggagapas: at walang dadampot.

เยเรมีย์ 9:22
จงพูดว่า "พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสดังนี้ว่า `ศพมนุษย์จะล้มลงเหมือนมูลสัตว์ตกตามพื้นทุ่ง เหมือนฟ่อนข้าวล้มตามผู้เกี่ยว และไม่มีผู้ใดจะเก็บ'"

Yeremya 9:22
Onlara de ki, ‹‹RAB şöyle diyor:
‹İnsan cesetleri gübre gibi,
Biçicinin ardındaki demetler gibi toprağa serilecek.
Onları toplayacak kimse olmayacak.› ››[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 9:22
Ngươi hãy bảo rằng: Ðức Giê-hô-va phán như vầy: Thây người ta sẽ ngã xuống như phân đổ đồng ruộng, và như nắm lúa đổ ra sau lưng con gặt; chẳng ai sẽ lượm chúng nó lại!

Jeremiah 9:21
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