Jeremiah 9:10
Jeremiah 9:10
I will weep and wail for the mountains and take up a lament concerning the wilderness grasslands. They are desolate and untraveled, and the lowing of cattle is not heard. The birds have all fled and the animals are gone.

I will weep for the mountains and wail for the wilderness pastures. For they are desolate and empty of life; the lowing of cattle is heard no more; the birds and wild animals have all fled.

“I will take up weeping and wailing for the mountains, and a lamentation for the pastures of the wilderness, because they are laid waste so that no one passes through, and the lowing of cattle is not heard; both the birds of the air and the beasts have fled and are gone.

"For the mountains I will take up a weeping and wailing, And for the pastures of the wilderness a dirge, Because they are laid waste so that no one passes through, And the lowing of the cattle is not heard; Both the birds of the sky and the beasts have fled; they are gone.

For the mountains will I take up a weeping and wailing, and for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation, because they are burned up, so that none can pass through them; neither can men hear the voice of the cattle; both the fowl of the heavens and the beast are fled; they are gone.

I will raise weeping and a lament over the mountains, a dirge over the wilderness grazing land, for they have been so scorched that no one passes through. The sound of cattle is no longer heard. From the birds of the sky to the animals, everything has fled--they have gone away.

I'll weep and mourn for the mountains, and lament for the desert pastures, because they are desolate and no one passes through them. They don't hear the lowing of the cattle. Both the birds of the sky and the animals have fled. They're gone!

I said, "I will weep and mourn for the grasslands on the mountains, I will sing a mournful song for the pastures in the wilderness because they are so scorched no one travels through them. The sound of livestock is no longer heard there. Even the birds in the sky and the wild animals in the fields have fled and are gone."

I will cry and weep for the mountains. I will sing a funeral song for the pastures in the wilderness. They are destroyed so that no one can travel through them. No one can hear the sound of cattle. Birds and cattle have fled. They are gone.

Upon the mountains I will lift up weeping and wailing and lamentation upon the habitations of the wilderness because they are burned up, so that no one can pass through them; neither can men hear the voice of the cattle; both the fowl of the heavens and even the beasts of the earth are fled; they are gone.

For the mountains will I take up a weeping and wailing, and for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation, because they are burned up, so that none can pass through them; neither can men hear the voice of the cattle; both the fowl of the heavens and the beasts are fled; they are gone.

For the mountains will I take up a weeping and wailing, and for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation, because they are burned up, so that none can pass through them; neither can men hear the voice of the cattle; both the fowl of the heavens and the beast are fled; they are gone.

For the mountains will I take up a weeping and wailing, and for the pastures of the wilderness a lamentation, because they are burned up, so that none passeth through; neither can men hear the voice of the cattle; both the birds of the heavens and the beasts are fled, they are gone.

For the mountains I will take up weeping and lamentation, and for the beautiful places of the desert, mourning: because they are burnt up, for that there is not a man that passeth through them: and they have not heard the voice of the owner: from the fowl of the air to the beasts they are gone away and departed.

For the mountains will I take up weeping and wailing, and for the pastures of the wilderness, a lamentation; for they are burnt up, so that none passeth through them; and the voice of the cattle is not heard. Both the fowl of the heavens and the beasts are fled; they are gone.

For the mountains will I take up a weeping and wailing, and for the pastures of the wilderness a lamentation, because they are burned up, so that none passeth through; neither can men hear the voice of the cattle; both the fowl of the heavens and the beast are fled, they are gone.

For the mountains will I take up a weeping and wailing, and for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation, because they are burned up, so that none can pass through them; neither can men hear the voice of the cattle; both the fowl of the heavens and the beast have fled; they are gone.

For the mountains will I take up a weeping and wailing, and for the pastures of the wilderness a lamentation, because they are burned up, so that none passes through; neither can men hear the voice of the livestock; both the birds of the sky and the animals are fled, they are gone.

For the mountains I lift up weeping and wailing, And for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation, For they have been burnt up without any passing over, Nor have they heard the voice of cattle, From the fowl of the heavens unto the beast they have fled, they have gone.

Jeremia 9:10
Nëpër malet do të ngre vaje dhe rënkime dhe nëpër kullotat e shkretëtirës një vajtim, sepse janë djegur dhe nuk kalon asnjeri nëpër to, nuk dëgjohet më blegërima e kopeve. Zogjtë e qiellit dhe kafshët kanë ikur, janë zhdukur.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 9:10
على الجبال ارفع بكاء ومرثاة على مراعي البرية ندبا لانها احترقت فلا انسان عابر ولا يسمع صوت الماشية. من طير السموات الى البهائم هربت مضت.

Dyr Ierymies 9:10
Über de Berg überhin gaa i reern und wainen; ayn Klaglied sing i über d Waidschaftn eyn dyr Steppn hindan. Denn verwüestt und oed lignd s; niemdd kimmt meer hin, nit aynmaal meer s Vih; ja, allsand Vicher und Vögl seind auf und dyrvon.

Еремия 9:10
За планините ще подема плач и ридание, За пасбищата на степите жалеене, Защото така изпогоряха щото няма кой да мине през тях, Нито се чува глас на стадо; От небесна птица до животно Побягнаха, отидоха.

耶 利 米 書 9:10
我 要 為 山 嶺 哭 泣 悲 哀 , 為 曠 野 的 草 場 揚 聲 哀 號 ; 因 為 都 已 乾 焦 , 甚 至 無 人 經 過 。 人 也 聽 不 見 牲 畜 鳴 叫 , 空 中 的 飛 鳥 和 地 上 的 野 獸 都 已 逃 去 。

我 要 为 山 岭 哭 泣 悲 哀 , 为 旷 野 的 草 场 扬 声 哀 号 ; 因 为 都 已 乾 焦 , 甚 至 无 人 经 过 。 人 也 听 不 见 牲 畜 鸣 叫 , 空 中 的 飞 鸟 和 地 上 的 野 兽 都 已 逃 去 。



Jeremiah 9:10
Zaplačite, tugujte nad brdima, nad ispašama pustinjskim naričite! Jer izgorješe, nitko ne prolazi, glas stada više se ne čuje. Od ptice nebeske do stoke sve pobježe, svega nestade.

Jermiáše 9:10
Pro tyto hory dám se v pláč a v naříkání, a pro pastviště, kteráž jsou na poušti, v kvílení; nebo popálena budou, tak že nebude žádného, kdo by skrze ně šel, aniž bude slyšán hlas dobytka. Od ptactva nebeského až do hovada všecko se odbéře a odejde.

Jeremias 9:10
Over Bjergene bryder jeg ud i Graad og Klage, over Ørkenens Græsgang i Klagesang. Thi de er afsvedet, mennesketomme, der høres ej Lyd af Kvæg; Himlens Fugle og Dyrene flygtede bort.

Jeremia 9:10
Ik zal een geween en een weeklage opheffen over de bergen, en een klaaglied over de herdershutten der woestijn; want zij zijn afgebrand, dat er niemand doorgaat, en men hoort er geen stem van vee; van de vogelen des hemels aan tot de beesten toe zijn zij weggezworven, doorgegaan!

ירמיה 9:10
עַל־הֶ֨הָרִ֜ים אֶשָּׂ֧א בְכִ֣י וָנֶ֗הִי וְעַל־נְאֹ֤ות מִדְבָּר֙ קִינָ֔ה כִּ֤י נִצְּתוּ֙ מִבְּלִי־אִ֣ישׁ עֹבֵ֔ר וְלֹ֥א שָׁמְע֖וּ קֹ֣ול מִקְנֶ֑ה מֵעֹ֤וף הַשָּׁמַ֙יִם֙ וְעַד־בְּהֵמָ֔ה נָדְד֖וּ הָלָֽכוּ׃

ט על ההרים אשא בכי ונהי ועל נאות מדבר קינה--כי נצתו מבלי איש עבר ולא שמעו קול מקנה מעוף השמים ועד בהמה נדדו הלכו

על־ההרים אשא בכי ונהי ועל־נאות מדבר קינה כי נצתו מבלי־איש עבר ולא שמעו קול מקנה מעוף השמים ועד־בהמה נדדו הלכו׃

Jeremiás 9:10
A hegyeken sírást és zokogást támasztok, és a pusztai ligetekben gyászéneket; mert kiégnek úgy, hogy senki se megy keresztül rajtok, és nem hallják a nyájak bégetését; az ég madaraitól fogva a barmokig minden elköltözik és elmenekül.

Jeremia 9:10
Pri la montoj Mi ploros, kaj pri la kabanoj en la dezerto Mi kantos funebre; cxar ili estas tiel bruligitaj, ke jam neniu migranto en ilin eniras, kaj oni jam ne auxdas blekadon de brutoj; de la birdoj de la cxielo gxis la brutoj cxio diskuris, foriris.

Minä itken ja surkuttelen vuorilla, ja valitan korvessa laitumilla; sillä he ovat peräti hajoitetut, niin ettei siitä enään kenkään vaella, ei myös siellä kuulu karjan ääntä; taivaan linnut ja kaikki karja ovat jo lentäneet ja menneet pois.

Jérémie 9:10
J'élèverai une voix de pleurs et une lamentation sur les montagnes, et une complainte sur les pâturages du désert, car ils sont brûlés, de sorte que personne n'y passe et qu'on n'y entend pas la voix des troupeaux; tant les oiseaux des cieux que les bêtes ont fui; ils s'en sont allés.

Sur les montagnes je veux pleurer et gémir, Sur les plaines du désert je prononce une complainte; Car elles sont brûlées, personne n'y passe, On n'y entend plus la voix des troupeaux; Les oiseaux du ciel et les bêtes ont pris la fuite, ont disparu. -

J'élèverai ma voix avec larmes, et je prononcerai à haute voix une lamentation à cause des montagnes, et une complainte à cause des cabanes du désert, parce qu'elles ont été brûlées, de sorte qu'il n'y a personne qui y passe, et qu'on n'y entend plus le cri des troupeaux; les oiseaux des cieux et le bétail s'en sont fuis, ils s'en sont allés.

Jeremia 9:10
Ich muß auf den Bergen weinen und heulen und bei den Hürden in der Wüste klagen; denn sie sind so gar verheeret, daß niemand da wandelt, und man auch nicht ein Vieh schreien höret. Es ist beides, Vögel des Himmels und das Vieh, alles weg.

Ich muß auf den Bergen weinen und heulen und bei den Hürden in der Wüste klagen; denn sie sind so gar verheert, daß niemand da wandelt und man auch nicht ein Vieh schreien hört. Es ist beides, Vögel des Himmels und das Vieh, alles weg.

Auf den Bergen will ich ein Weinen und Klagen anheben und auf den Auen der Trift ein Trauerlied anstimmen, daß sie durch Feuer verheert sind, so daß niemand mehr über sie hinwandert, und sie das Blöken einer Herde nicht mehr vernehmen: die Vögel unter dem Himmel wie das Wild sind geflüchtet, hinweggezogen.

Geremia 9:10
Io vo’ dare in pianto ed in gemito, per i monti, e vo’ dare in lamento per i pascoli del deserto, perché son arsi, talché niuno più vi passa, e non vi s’ode più voce di bestiame; gli uccelli del cielo e le bestie sono fuggite, sono scomparse.

Io prenderò a far pianto, e rammarichio per questi monti, e lamento per le mandre del deserto; perciocchè sono arse, e non vi passa più alcuno, e non vi si ode più la voce del bestiame; e gli uccelli del cielo, e le bestie se ne son fuggite, e sono andate via.

Atas segala gunung Kunyaringkan kelak tangis dan pengaduh, atas segala pondok gembala di padang belantara suatu biji ratap, karena sekalian itu sudah dibakar habis, sehingga seorangpun tiada lalu dari sana dan bunyi binatangpun tiada kedengaran lagi; baik segala unggas di udara baik segala binatangpun sudah lari, semuanya sudah lenyap!

예레미아 9:10
내가 산들을 위하여 곡하며 부르짖으며 광야 목장을 위하여 슬퍼하나니 이는 그것들이 불에 탔으므로 지나는 자가 없으며 거기서 가축의 소리가 들리지 아니하며 공중의 새도 짐승도 다 도망하여 없어졌음이니라

Ieremias 9:10
super montes adsumam fletum ac lamentum et super speciosa deserti planctum quoniam incensa sunt eo quod non sit vir pertransiens et non audierunt vocem possidentis a volucre caeli usque ad pecora transmigraverunt et recesserunt

Jeremijo knyga 9:10
Dėl kalnų verksiu ir dejuosiu, dėl ganyklų raudosiu, nes jos sunaikintos; niekas nebekeliauja per juos, nebesigirdi ir galvijų balso. Net padangių paukščiai ir žvėrys pasitraukė.

Jeremiah 9:10
He whakaaro ki nga maunga i ara ai taku tangi, taku aue, he whakaaro ki nga puninga o te koraha taku uhunga; no te mea kua wera, kahore tetahi tangata e tika na reira, kahore e rangona te reo o nga kararehe; ko nga manu o te rangi, ko nga karare he, putere atu ana, kua riro.

Jeremias 9:10
Over fjellene vil jeg opløfte gråt og klage og over ørkenens beitemarker en klagesang; for de er opbrent, så ikke nogen ferdes der, og det ikke høres lyd av fe; både himmelens fugler og dyrene har flyktet og draget bort.

Jeremías 9:10
Alzad por los montes lloro y lamentación, y una elegía por los pastos del desierto, porque han sido desolados; nadie pasa por ellos , ni se oye el bramido del ganado; desde las aves del cielo hasta las bestias han huido, se han ido.

"Alcen por los montes lloro y lamentación, Y una elegía por los pastos del desierto, Porque han sido desolados; nadie pasa por ellos , Ni se oye el bramido del ganado; Desde las aves del cielo hasta las bestias han huido, se han ido.

Sobre los montes levantaré lloro y lamentación, y llanto sobre los pastos del desierto; porque desolados fueron hasta no quedar quien pase, ni oyeron bramido de ganado; desde las aves del cielo hasta las bestias de la tierra huyeron, y se fueron.

Sobre los montes levantaré lloro y lamentación, y llanto sobre las moradas del desierto; porque desolados fueron hasta no quedar quien pase, ni oyeron bramido de ganado: desde las aves del cielo y hasta las bestias de la tierra se trasportaron, y se fuero

Sobre los montes levantaré lloro y lamentación, y llanto sobre las moradas del desierto; porque desolados fueron hasta no quedar quien pase, ni oyeron bramido de ganado; desde las aves del cielo y hasta las bestias de la tierra se transportaron, y se fueron.

Jeremias 9:10
Chorarei e levantarei o meu pranto pelos montes e minha lamentação, pelas pastagens do deserto; porque já estão queimadas, de modo que ninguém consegue passar por elas; nem se ouve mugido de gado; tanto as aves do céu como os animais fugiram e se foram.

Pelos montes levantai choro e pranto, e pelas pastagens do deserto lamentação; porque já estão queimadas, de modo que ninguém passa por elas; nem se ouve mugido de gado; desde as aves dos céus até os animais, fugiram e se foram.   

Ieremia 9:10
,,Munţii vreau să -i plîng şi să gem pentru ei, pentru cîmpiile pustiite vreau să fac o jălanie; căci sînt arse de tot, şi nimeni nu mai trece prin ele; nu se mai aude în ele behăitul turmelor; păsările cerului şi dobitoacele au fugit şi au pierit. -

Иеремия 9:10
О горах подниму плач и вопль, и о степных пастбищах – рыдание,потому что они выжжены, так что никто там не проходит, и не слышно блеяния стад: от птиц небесных до скота – все рассеялись, ушли.

О горах подниму плач и вопль, и о степных пастбищах--рыдание, потому что они выжжены, так что никто там не проходит, и не слышно блеяния стад: от птиц небесных до скота--[все] рассеялись, ушли.[]

Jeremia 9:10
Över bergen vill jag gråta och sjunga sorgesång; jag vill höja klagosång över betesmarkerna i öknen. Ty de äro förbrända, så att ingen går där fram och inga läten av boskap där höras; både himmelens fåglar och fyrfotadjuren hava flytt och äro borta.

Jeremiah 9:10
Sa mga bundok ay maglalakas ako ng pagiyak at pananangis, at sa mga sabsaban sa ilang ay panaghoy, sapagka't nasunog ang mga yaon, na anopa't walang dumaraan; hindi man narinig ng mga tao ang angal ng kawan; ang mga ibon sa himpapawid at gayon din ang mga hayop sa parang ay nagsitakas, ang mga ito'y nagsiyaon.

เยเรมีย์ 9:10
เราจะร้องไห้และครวญครางเหตุภูเขานั้น และคร่ำครวญเหตุลานหญ้าในถิ่นทุรกันดารเพราะว่ามันถูกเผาเสีย ไม่มีผู้ใดผ่านไปมา ไม่ได้ยินเสียงสัตว์เลี้ยงร้อง ทั้งนกในอากาศและสัตว์ได้หนีไปเสียแล้ว

Yeremya 9:10
Dağlar için ağlayıp yas tutacağım,
Otlaklar için ağıt yakacağım.
Çöle dönüştüler,
Kimse geçmiyor oralardan.
Sığırların böğürmesi duyulmuyor,
Kuşlar, yabanıl hayvanlar kaçıp gitti.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 9:10
Ta sẽ khóc lóc thở than về các núi, sẽ xướng bài ca sầu não về nội cỏ nơi đồng vắng, vì thảy đều bị đốt cháy, đến nỗi chẳng còn ai đi qua đó nữa. Tại đó chẳng còn nghe tiếng bầy súc vật, chim trời và loài thú đều trốn đi cả rồi.

Jeremiah 9:9
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