Jeremiah 8:14
Jeremiah 8:14
Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

"Then the people will say, 'Why should we wait here to die? Come, let's go to the fortified towns and die there. For the LORD our God has decreed our destruction and has given us a cup of poison to drink because we sinned against the LORD.

Why do we sit still? Gather together; let us go into the fortified cities and perish there, for the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and has given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against the LORD.

Why are we sitting still? Assemble yourselves, and let us go into the fortified cities And let us perish there, Because the LORD our God has doomed us And given us poisoned water to drink, For we have sinned against the LORD.

Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the defenced cities, and let us be silent there: for the LORD our God hath put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned against the LORD.

Why are we just sitting here? Gather together; let us enter the fortified cities and perish there, for the LORD our God has destroyed us. He has given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against the LORD.

Why are we sitting here? Join together! Let's go to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has condemned us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

The people say, "Why are we just sitting here? Let us gather together inside the fortified cities. Let us at least die there fighting, since the LORD our God has condemned us to die. He has condemned us to drink the poison waters of judgment because we have sinned against him.

Why are we just sitting here? Let's get up! Let's go into the fortified cities and die there. The LORD our God has condemned us to die. He has given us poison to drink because we have sinned against the LORD.

Upon what shall we secure ourselves? Assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the defenced cities, and let us be silent there: for the LORD our God has put us to silence and given us water of gall to drink because we have sinned against the LORD.

Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the fortified cities, and let us be silent there: for the LORD our God has put us to silence, and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against the LORD.

Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the defended cities, and let us be silent there: for the LORD our God has put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned against the LORD.

Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the fortified cities, and let us be silent there; for Jehovah our God hath put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned against Jehovah.

Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the fenced city, and let us be silent there: for the Lord our God hath put us to silence, and hath given us water of gall to drink: for we have sinned against the Lord.

Why do we sit still? Assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the fenced cities, and let us be silent there: for Jehovah our God hath put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned against Jehovah.

Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the defenced cities, and let us be silent there: for the LORD our God hath put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned against the LORD.

Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the fortified cities, and let us be silent there: for the LORD our God hath put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned against the LORD.

Why do we sit still? Assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the fortified cities, and let us be silent there; for Yahweh our God has put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned against Yahweh.

Wherefore are we sitting still? Be gathered, and we go in to the fenced cities, And we are silent there, For Jehovah our God hath made us silent, Yea, He causeth us to drink water of gall, For we have sinned against Jehovah.

Jeremia 8:14
Pse rrimë ulur? Mblidhuni dhe të hyjmë në qytetet e fortifikuara, dhe në to të vdesim. Sepse Zoti, Perëndia ynë, na bën të vdesim dhe na bën të pimë ujë të helmuar, sepse kemi mëkatuar kundër Zotit.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 8:14
لماذا نحن جلوس. اجتمعوا فلندخل الى المدن الحصينة ونصمت هناك. لان الرب الهنا قد اصمتنا واسقانا ماء العلقم لاننا قد اخطانا الى الرب.

Dyr Ierymies 8:14
Zwö bleibn myr n daa? Einhin eyn d Mauerstötn! Aber aau daa drinn kemm myr um, weil s üns dyr Trechtein, ünser Got, yso aufgsötzt haat. Daadl vergiftt yr üns, weil myr üns gögn iem versündigt habnd.

Еремия 8:14
Защо още седим? Съберете се, нека влезем в укрепените градове, И нека загинем там; Защото Господ нашият Бог не ни е предал на погибел, И напоил ни е с горчива вода, Понеже съгрешихме на Господа.

耶 利 米 書 8:14
我 們 為 何 靜 坐 不 動 呢 ? 我 們 當 聚 集 , 進 入 堅 固 城 , 在 那 裡 靜 默 不 言 ; 因 為 耶 和 華 ─ 我 們 的   神 使 我 們 靜 默 不 言 , 又 將 苦 膽 水 給 我 們 喝 , 都 因 我 們 得 罪 了 耶 和 華 。

我 们 为 何 静 坐 不 动 呢 ? 我 们 当 聚 集 , 进 入 坚 固 城 , 在 那 里 静 默 不 言 ; 因 为 耶 和 华 ─ 我 们 的   神 使 我 们 静 默 不 言 , 又 将 苦 胆 水 给 我 们 喝 , 都 因 我 们 得 罪 了 耶 和 华 。



Jeremiah 8:14
'Zašto još čekamo? Na okup! Zavucimo se u tvrde gradove da ondje izginemo, jer nas Jahve, Bog naš, zatire, napaja nas vodom otrovanom, jer zgriješismo protiv Jahve.

Jermiáše 8:14
Proč my tu sedíme? Shromažďte se, a vejděme do měst hrazených, a odpočineme tam. Ale Hospodin Bůh náš káže odpočívati nám, když vodou jedovatou napojí nás, proto že jsme hřešili proti Hospodinu.

Jeremias 8:14
Hvorfor sidder vi stille? Flok jer dog sammen, lad os gaa til de faste Stæder og tilintetgøres der! Thi HERREN vor Gud tilintetgør os, Gift er vor Drik, thi vi synded mod HERREN.

Jeremia 8:14
Waarom blijven wij zitten? Verzamelt u, en laat ons ingaan in de vaste steden, en aldaar stilzwijgen; immers heeft ons de HEERE, onze God, doen stilzwijgen, en ons met gallewater gedrenkt, omdat wij tegen den HEERE gezondigd hebben.

ירמיה 8:14
עַל־מָה֙ אֲנַ֣חְנוּ יֹֽשְׁבִ֔ים הֵֽאָסְפ֗וּ וְנָבֹ֛וא אֶל־עָרֵ֥י הַמִּבְצָ֖ר וְנִדְּמָה־שָּׁ֑ם כִּי֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהֵ֤ינוּ הֲדִמָּ֙נוּ֙ וַיַּשְׁקֵ֣נוּ מֵי־רֹ֔אשׁ כִּ֥י חָטָ֖אנוּ לַיהוָֽה׃

יד על מה אנחנו ישבים--האספו ונבוא אל ערי המבצר ונדמה שם  כי יהוה אלהינו הדמנו וישקנו מי ראש כי חטאנו ליהוה

על־מה אנחנו ישבים האספו ונבוא אל־ערי המבצר ונדמה־שם כי יהוה אלהינו הדמנו וישקנו מי־ראש כי חטאנו ליהוה׃

Jeremiás 8:14
Miért ülünk [még?] Gyûljetek össze, és menjünk be az erõsített városokba, és hallgassunk ott; mert az Úr, a mi Istenünk hallgatásra juttatott minket, és mérges vizet adott innunk; mert vétkeztünk az Úr ellen!

Jeremia 8:14
Por kio ni sidas? kolektigxu, kaj ni iru en la fortikigitajn urbojn, kaj ni tie pereu; cxar la Eternulo, nia Dio, pereigas nin kaj trinkigas al ni akvon maldolcxan pro tio, ke ni pekis antaux la Eternulo.

Miksi me niin alallamme istumme? Kootkaat teitänne, käykäämme vahvoihin kaupunkeihin ja odottakaamme niissä apua: sillä Herra meidän Jumalamme on meidän käskenyt odottaa, ja juottanut meitä katkeralla siemenellä, että me niin teimme Herraa vastaan syntiä.

Jérémie 8:14
Pourquoi sommes-nous là assis? Assemblez-vous, et entrons dans les villes fortes, et là nous garderons le silence; car l'Éternel, notre Dieu, nous a réduits au silence et nous a fait boire de l'eau de fiel, car nous avons péché contre l'Éternel.

Pourquoi restons-nous assis? Rassemblez-vous, et allons dans les villes fortes, Pour y périr! Car l'Eternel, notre Dieu, nous destine à la mort, Il nous fait boire des eaux empoisonnées, Parce que nous avons péché contre l'Eternel.

Pour quelle raison nous arrêtons-nous? Assemblez-vous, et entrons dans les villes fortes, et nous serons là en repos, car l'Eternel notre Dieu nous a fait taire, et nous a donné à boire de l'eau de fiel, parce que nous avons péché contre l'Eternel.

Jeremia 8:14
Wo werden wir dann wohnen? Ja, sammelt euch dann und laßt uns in die festen Städte ziehen und daselbst auf Hilfe harren. Denn der HERR, unser Gott, wird uns helfen mit einem bittern Trunk, daß wir so sündigen wider den HERRN.

Wo werden wir dann wohnen? Ja, sammelt euch dann und laßt uns in die festen Städte ziehen, daß wir daselbst umkommen. Denn der HERR, unser Gott, wird uns umkommen lassen und tränken mit einem bitteren Trunk, daß wir so gesündigt haben wider den HERRN.

Wozu sitzen wir noch still da? Sammelt euch doch, daß wir in die festen Städte ziehen und dort untergehen; denn Jahwe, unser Gott, läßt uns untergehen und tränkt uns mit Giftwasser, weil wir wider Jahwe gesündigt haben!

Geremia 8:14
Perché ce ne stiamo qui seduti? Adunatevi ed entriamo nelle città forti per quivi perire! Poiché l’Eterno, il nostro Dio, ci condanna a perire, ci fa bere delle acque avvelenate, perché abbiam peccato contro l’Eterno.

Perchè ce ne stiamo? ricoglietevi, ed entriamo nelle città forti, ed ivi stiamocene cheti; perciocchè il Signore Iddio nostro ci fa star cheti, e ci abbevera d’acqua di tosco; perciocchè abbiam peccato contro al Signore.

Betapa kita tinggal duduk di sini? Berhimpunlah kamu, mari kita masuk ke dalam negeri-negeri yang berkota benteng, jikalau di sana kita binasa sekalipun, karena kita telah diserahkan oleh Tuhan, Allah kita, kepada kebinasaan dan telah diberi-Nya kita minum air empedu, sebab kita sudah berdosa kepada Tuhan.

예레미아 8:14
우리가 어찌 가만히 앉았으랴 모일지어다 우리가 견고한 성읍들로나 들어가서 거기서 멸망하자 우리가 여호와께 범죄하였으므로 우리 하나님 여호와께서 우리를 멸하시며 우리에게 독한 물을 마시우심이니라

Ieremias 8:14
quare sedemus convenite et ingrediamur civitatem munitam et sileamus ibi quia Dominus noster silere nos fecit et potum dedit nobis aquam fellis peccavimus enim Domino

Jeremijo knyga 8:14
Kodėl mes čia sėdime? Susirinkime, skubėkime į sustiprintus miestus ir ten sėdėkime tyliai, nes Viešpats, mūsų Dievas, mus nutildė ir girdo karčiu vandeniu, kadangi Jam nusidėjome.

Jeremiah 8:14
He aha tatou i noho tonu ai? huihui, kia haere tatou ki nga pa kaha, ki reira whakamoroki kau ai: kua kore hoki i a Ihowa, i to tatou Atua he kupu ma tatou, whakainumia ana tatou e ia ki te wai kawa; no te mea kua hara tatou ki a Ihowa.

Jeremias 8:14
Hvorfor sitter vi stille? Samle eder og la oss gå inn i de faste byer og gå til grunne der! For Herren vår Gud vil la oss gå til grunne og gi oss beskt vann å drikke fordi vi har syndet mot Herren.

Jeremías 8:14
¿Por qué estamos aún sentados? Congregaos, y entremos en las ciudades fortificadas, y perezcamos allí, pues el SEÑOR nuestro Dios nos hace perecer y nos ha dado a beber agua envenenada, porque hemos pecado contra el SEÑOR.

¿Por qué estamos aún sentados? Congréguense, y entremos en las ciudades fortificadas, Y perezcamos allí, Pues el SEÑOR nuestro Dios nos hace perecer Y nos ha dado a beber agua envenenada, Porque hemos pecado contra el SEÑOR.

¿Por qué nos estamos sentados? Congregaos, y entremos en las ciudades fortificadas, y allí reposaremos; porque Jehová nuestro Dios nos ha hecho callar, dándonos a beber bebida de hiel, porque pecamos contra Jehová.

¿Sobre qué nos aseguramos? Juntaos, y entrémonos en las ciudades fuertes, y allí reposaremos: porque Jehová nuestro Dios nos ha hecho callar, y dádonos á beber bebida de hiel, porque pecamos contra Jehová.

¿Sobre qué nos aseguramos? Juntaos, y entrémonos en las ciudades fuertes, y allí quedaremos quietos; porque el SEÑOR nuestro Dios nos ha hecho callar, y nos dio a beber bebida de hiel, porque pecamos contra el SEÑOR.

Jeremias 8:14
Agora, por que estamos sentados aqui? Reunamo-nos! Vamos para as cidades fortificadas para sermos ali reduzidos ao silêncio da morte. Porquanto Yahweh, o nosso Deus, condenou-nos a perecer e nos deu água envenenada para beber, pois temos pecado contra ele.

Por que nos assentamos ainda? juntai-vos e entremos nas cidades fortes, e ali pereçamos; pois o Senhor nosso Deus nos destinou a perecer e nos deu a beber água de fel; porquanto pecamos contra o Senhor.   

Ieremia 8:14
,,Pentruce şedem jos?`` ,,Strîngeţi-vă, şi haidem în cetăţile întărite, ca să pierim acolo! Căci Domnul, Dumnezeul nostru, ne sorteşte la moarte, ne dă să bem ape otrăvite, pentrucă am păcătuit împotriva Domnului.

Иеремия 8:14
„Что мы сидим? собирайтесь, пойдем в укрепленные города, и там погибнем; ибо Господь Бог наш определил нас на погибель и дает нам пить воду с желчью за то, что мы грешили пред Господом".

`Что мы сидим? собирайтесь, пойдем в укрепленные города, и там погибнем; ибо Господь Бог наш определил нас на погибель и дает нам пить воду с желчью за то, что мы грешили пред Господом`.[]

Jeremia 8:14
Varför sitta vi här stilla? Församlen eder och låt oss fly in i de befästa städerna och förgås där; ty HERREN, vår Gud, vill förgöra oss, han giver oss gift att dricka därför att vi syndade mot HERREN.

Jeremiah 8:14
Bakit tayo'y nagsisitigil na nakaupo? kayo'y magkatipon, at tayo'y magsipasok sa mga bayang nakukutaan, at tayo'y magsitahimik doon; sapagka't tayo'y pinatahimik ng Panginoon nating Dios, at binigyan tayo ng inuming mapait upang inumin, sapagka't tayo'y nangagkasala laban sa Panginoon.

เยเรมีย์ 8:14
ทำไมเราจึงนั่งนิ่งๆ จงพากันมา ให้เราเข้าไปในหัวเมืองที่มีป้อม และนิ่งเสียที่นั่นเถิด เพราะพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของเราจะทรงให้เรานิ่ง และทรงประทานน้ำดีหมีให้เราดื่ม เพราะเราได้กระทำบาปต่อพระเยโฮวาห์

Yeremya 8:14
‹‹Neden burada oturup duruyoruz?
Toplanalım da surlu kentlere kaçalım,
Orada ölelim!
Tanrımız RAB bizi ölüme terk etti,
Bize zehirli su içirdi.
Çünkü Ona karşı günah işledik.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 8:14
Sao chúng ta cứ ngồi yên? Hãy nhóm lại và vào các thành bền vững, và nín lặng tại đó! Vì Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời chúng ta đã khiến chúng ta nín lặng, Ngài cho chúng ta uống mật đắng, vì chúng ta đã phạm tội nghịch cùng Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Jeremiah 8:13
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