Jeremiah 6:13
Jeremiah 6:13
"From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit.

"From the least to the greatest, their lives are ruled by greed. From prophets to priests, they are all frauds.

“For from the least to the greatest of them, everyone is greedy for unjust gain; and from prophet to priest, everyone deals falsely.

"For from the least of them even to the greatest of them, Everyone is greedy for gain, And from the prophet even to the priest Everyone deals falsely.

For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.

For from the least to the greatest of them, everyone is making profit dishonestly. From prophet to priest, everyone deals falsely.

"Indeed, from the least important to the most important, they're all greedy for dishonest gain. From prophet to priest, they all act deceitfully.

"That is because, from the least important to the most important of them, all of them are greedy for dishonest gain. Prophets and priests alike, all of them practice deceit.

"All of them, from the least important to the most important, are eager to make money dishonestly. All of them, from prophets to priests, act deceitfully.

For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them each one is given to greed; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one deals falsely.

For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them everyone is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest everyone deals falsely.

For from the least of them even to the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even to the priest every one deals falsely.

For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.

For from the least of them even to the greatest, all are given to covetousness: and from the prophet even to the priest, all are guilty of deceit.

For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them, every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest, every one dealeth falsely.

For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.

For from the least of them even to the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even to the priest every one dealeth falsely.

"For from the least of them even to the greatest of them, everyone is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even to the priest, everyone deals falsely.

For from their least unto their greatest, Every one is gaining dishonest gain, And from prophet even unto priest, Every one is dealing falsely,

Jeremia 6:13
Sepse nga më i vogli deri tek më i madhi të gjithë lakmojnë fitime; nga profeti deri te prifti janë të gjithë gënjeshtarë.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 6:13
لانهم من صغيرهم الى كبيرهم كل واحد مولع بالربح ومن النبي الى الكاهن كل واحد يعمل بالكذب.

Dyr Ierymies 6:13
Allsand mitaynand, Minste wie Maiste, wollnd si diend nix wie bereichern; von n Weissagn hinst eyn n Priester tuend s nix wie prätzln.

Еремия 6:13
Защото от малък до голям Всеки от тях се е предал на сребролюбие, И от пророк до свещеник Всеки постъпва лъжливо.

耶 利 米 書 6:13
因 為 他 們 從 最 小 的 到 至 大 的 都 一 味 地 貪 婪 , 從 先 知 到 祭 司 都 行 事 虛 謊 。

因 为 他 们 从 最 小 的 到 至 大 的 都 一 味 地 贪 婪 , 从 先 知 到 祭 司 都 行 事 虚 谎 。



Jeremiah 6:13
jer od najmanjega do najvećeg svi gramze za plijenom, od proroka do svećenika svi su varalice.

Jermiáše 6:13
Od nejmenšího zajisté z nich, až do největšího z nich, všickni napořád vydali se v lakomství, anobrž od proroka až do kněze všickni napořád provodí faleš.

Jeremias 6:13
Thi fra smaa til store søger hver eneste Vinding, de farer alle med Løgn fra Profet til Præst.

Jeremia 6:13
Want van hun kleinste aan tot hun grootste toe pleegt een ieder van hen gierigheid, en van den profeet aan tot den priester toe bedrijft een ieder van hen valsheid.

ירמיה 6:13
כִּ֤י מִקְּטַנָּם֙ וְעַד־גְּדֹולָ֔ם כֻּלֹּ֖ו בֹּוצֵ֣עַ בָּ֑צַע וּמִנָּבִיא֙ וְעַד־כֹּהֵ֔ן כֻּלֹּ֖ו עֹ֥שֶׂה שָּֽׁקֶר׃

יג כי מקטנם ועד גדולם כלו בוצע בצע ומנביא ועד כהן--כלו עשה שקר

כי מקטנם ועד־גדולם כלו בוצע בצע ומנביא ועד־כהן כלו עשה שקר׃

Jeremiás 6:13
Mert kicsinyeiktõl fogva nagyjaikig mindnyájan telhetetlenségnek adták magokat; a prófétától fogva a papig mindnyájan csalárdságot ûznek.

Jeremia 6:13
CXar cxiuj, de la malgrandaj gxis la grandaj, estas profitavidaj; kaj de la profetoj gxis la pastroj cxiuj faras malhonestajxon.

Sillä he kaikki ahnehtivat, sekä pienet että suuret; prophetat ja papit opettavat väärin,

Jérémie 6:13
car, depuis le petit d'entre eux jusqu'au grand, ils sont tous adonnés au gain déshonnête, et, depuis le prophète jusqu'au sacrificateur, tous usent de fausseté.

Car depuis le plus petit jusqu'au plus grand, Tous sont avides de gain; Depuis le prophète jusqu'au sacrificateur, Tous usent de tromperie.

Parce que depuis le plus petit d'entre eux jusques au plus grand, chacun s'adonne au gain déshonnête, tant le Prophète que le Sacrificateur, tous se portent faussement.

Jeremia 6:13
Denn sie geizen allesamt, klein und groß, und beide Propheten und Priester lehren allesamt falschen Gottesdienst

Denn sie geizen allesamt, klein und groß; und beide, Propheten und Priester, gehen allesamt mit Lügen um

Denn vom Jüngsten bis zum Ältesten trachten sie allesamt nach Gewinn, und Propheten sowohl wie Priester verüben allesamt Lug und Trug.

Geremia 6:13
Perché dal più piccolo al più grande, son tutti quanti avidi di guadagno; dal profeta al sacerdote, tutti praticano la menzogna.

Conciossiachè essi tutti, dal maggiore al minore, sieno dati all’avarizia; tutti, e profeti, e sacerdoti, commettono falsità.

Karena dari pada besar dan kecil mereka itu sekalian mencahari laba yang keji, bahkan, baik nabi baik imam, semuanya berlaku dengan tipu.

예레미아 6:13
이는 그들이 가장 작은 자로부터 큰 자까지 다 탐남하며 선지자로부터 제사장까지 다 거짓을 행함이라

Ieremias 6:13
a minore quippe usque ad maiorem omnes avaritiae student et a propheta usque ad sacerdotem cuncti faciunt dolum

Jeremijo knyga 6:13
“Jie visi, nuo mažiausio iki didžiausio, pasidavė godumui, nuo pranašo iki kunigo jie visi elgiasi klastingai.

Jeremiah 6:13
Ko te mea iti o ratou, ko te mea nui hoki kei runga i te apo; ko te poropiti, ko te tohunga, ratou katoa kei te mahi teka:

Jeremias 6:13
For både små og store søker alle sammen urettferdig vinning; både profet og prest gjør alle sammen svik,

Jeremías 6:13
Porque desde el menor hasta el mayor, todos ellos codician ganancias, y desde el profeta hasta el sacerdote, todos practican el engaño.

"Porque desde el menor hasta el mayor, Todos ellos codician ganancias, Y desde el profeta hasta el sacerdote, Todos practican el engaño.

Porque desde el más chico de ellos hasta el más grande de ellos, cada uno sigue la avaricia; y desde el profeta hasta el sacerdote, todos son engañadores.

Porque desde el más chico de ellos hasta el más grande de ellos, cada uno sigue la avaricia; y desde el profeta hasta el sacerdote, todos son engañadores.

Porque desde el más chico de ellos hasta el más grande de ellos, cada uno sigue la avaricia; y desde el profeta hasta el sacerdote, todos son engañadores.

Jeremias 6:13
“Desde o menor até o maior, todos são gananciosos; profetas e sacerdotes agem do mesmo modo, todos são falsos e vivem na prática do engano.

Porque desde o menor deles até o maior, cada um se dá à avareza; e desde o profeta até o sacerdote, cada um procede perfidamente.   

Ieremia 6:13
,,Căci dela cel mai mic pînă la cel mai mare, toţi sînt lacomi de cîştig; dela prooroc pînă la preot, toţi înşală.

Иеремия 6:13
Ибо от малого до большого, каждый из них предан корысти, и от пророка до священника– все действуют лживо;

Ибо от малого до большого, каждый из них предан корысти, и от пророка до священника--все действуют лживо;[]

Jeremia 6:13
Ty alla, både små och stora, söka där orätt vinning, och både profeter och präster fara allasammans med lögn,

Jeremiah 6:13
Sapagka't mula sa kaliitliitan nila hanggang sa kalakilakihan nila, bawa't isa ay ibinigay sa kasakiman; at mula sa propeta hanggang sa saserdote bawa't isa'y gumagawang may kasinungalingan.

เยเรมีย์ 6:13
เพราะว่า ตั้งแต่คนที่ต่ำต้อยที่สุดจนถึงคนใหญ่โตที่สุด ทุกคนโลภอยากได้กำไร และทุกคนก็กระทำการด้วยความเท็จ ตั้งแต่ผู้พยากรณ์ตลอดถึงปุโรหิต

Yeremya 6:13
‹‹Küçük büyük herkes kazanç peşinde,
Peygamberler, kâhinler, hepsi halkı aldatıyor.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 6:13
Vì trong vòng họ, từ kẻ rất nhỏ cho đến người rất lớn, đều tham lam; từ kẻ tiên tri cho đến thầy tế lễ, đều làm sự giả dối.

Jeremiah 6:12
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