Jeremiah 51:59
Jeremiah 51:59
This is the message Jeremiah the prophet gave to the staff officer Seraiah son of Neriah, the son of Mahseiah, when he went to Babylon with Zedekiah king of Judah in the fourth year of his reign.

The prophet Jeremiah gave this message to Seraiah son of Neriah and grandson of Mahseiah, a staff officer, when Seraiah went to Babylon with King Zedekiah of Judah. This was during the fourth year of Zedekiah's reign.

The word that Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, son of Mahseiah, when he went with Zedekiah king of Judah to Babylon, in the fourth year of his reign. Seraiah was the quartermaster.

The message which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the grandson of Mahseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. (Now Seraiah was quartermaster.)

The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And this Seraiah was a quiet prince.

This is what Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah son of Neriah son of Mahseiah, the quartermaster, when he went to Babylon with King Zedekiah of Judah in the fourth year of Zedekiah's reign.

This is the message that Jeremiah the prophet delivered to Neriah's son Seraiah, the grandson of Mahseiah, when he went with King Zedekiah of Judah to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. Seraiah was the quartermaster.

This is the order Jeremiah the prophet gave to Seraiah son of Neriah, son of Mahseiah, when he went to King Zedekiah of Judah in Babylon during the fourth year of his reign. (Seraiah was a quartermaster.)

This is the message that the prophet Jeremiah gave to Seraiah, son of Neriah and grandson of Mahseiah, when Seraiah went to Babylon with King Zedekiah of Judah in the fourth year of Zedekiah's rule. (Seraiah was the quartermaster.)

The word which Jeremiah the prophet sent to Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And this Seraiah was the chief steward of the bedchambers.

The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Mahseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And this Seraiah was the quartermaster.

The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And this Seraiah was a quiet prince.

The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Mahseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. Now Seraiah was chief chamberlain.

The word that Jeremias the prophet commanded Saraias the son of Nerias, the son of Maasias, when he went with king Sedecias to Babylon, in the fourth year of his reign: now Saraias was chief over the prophecy.

The word that Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Nerijah, the son of Mahseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. Now Seraiah was chief chamberlain.

The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Mahseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. Now Seraiah was chief chamberlain.

The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And this Seraiah was a quiet prince.

The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Mahseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. Now Seraiah was chief quartermaster.

The word that Jeremiah the prophet hath commanded Seraiah son of Neriah, son of Maaseiah, in his going with Zedekiah king of Judah to Babylon, in the fourth year of his reign -- and Seraiah is a quiet prince;

Jeremia 51:59
Urdhri që profeti Jeremia i dha Serajahut, birit të Neriahut, bir i Mahsejahut, kur shkoi në Babiloni me Sedekian, mbretin e Judës, në vitin e katërt të mbretërimit të tij. Serajahu ishte shefi i Çambelanëve.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 51:59
الأمر الذي اوصى به ارميا النبي سرايا بن نيريا بن محسيا عند ذهابه مع صدقيا ملك يهوذا الى بابل في السنة الرابعة لملكه. وكان سرايا رئيس المحلّة.

Dyr Ierymies 51:59
Dös ist dös, was dyr Weissag Ierymies yn n Sereienn, yn n Sun von n Neriesn und Mäxeienn, auftrueg, wie der mit n Judauer Künig Zidkies in n viertn Reichnungsjaar auf Bäbl graist. Dyr Sereien war dyr Hörbergsmaister.

Еремия 51:59
Заповедта, която пророк Еремия даде на Сараия, син на Нирия, Маасиевия син, когато отиваше с Юдовия цар Седекия във Вавилон в четвъртата година от царуването му. А Сараия бе главен постелник.

耶 利 米 書 51:59
猶 大 王 西 底 家 在 位 第 四 年 , 上 巴 比 倫 去 的 時 候 , 瑪 西 雅 的 孫 子 、 尼 利 亞 的 兒 子 西 萊 雅 與 王 同 去 ( 西 萊 雅 是 王 宮 的 大 臣 ) , 先 知 耶 利 米 有 話 吩 咐 他 。

犹 大 王 西 底 家 在 位 第 四 年 , 上 巴 比 伦 去 的 时 候 , 玛 西 雅 的 孙 子 、 尼 利 亚 的 儿 子 西 莱 雅 与 王 同 去 ( 西 莱 雅 是 王 宫 的 大 臣 ) , 先 知 耶 利 米 有 话 吩 咐 他 。



Jeremiah 51:59
Evo zapovijedi što je prorok Jeremija dade Seraji, sinu Mahsejina sina Nerije, kad je Seraja krenuo u Babilon sa Sidkijom, kraljem judejskim, četvrte godine njegova vladanja. Seraja bijaše veliki komornik.

Jermiáše 51:59
Slovo, kteréž přikázal Jeremiáš prorok Saraiášovi synu Neriášovu, synu Maaseiášovu, když se vypravil od Sedechiáše krále Judského do Babylona, léta čtvtého kralování jeho, (byl pak Saraiáš kníže Menuchské),

Jeremias 51:59
Det Ord, som Profeten Jeremias sendte med Seraja, en Søn af Masejas Søn Nerija, da han rejste til Babel med Kong Zedekias af Juda i hans fjerde Regeringsaar; Seraja sørgede for Nattely til Kongen, naar han var paa Rejse.

Jeremia 51:59
Het woord, dat de profeet Jeremia beval aan Seraja, den zoon van Nerija, den zoon van Machseja, als hij van Zedekia, den koning van Juda, naar Babel toog, in het vierde jaar zijner regering; en Seraja was een vreemdzaam vorst.

ירמיה 51:59
הַדָּבָ֞ר אֲשֶׁר־צִוָּ֣ה ׀ יִרְמְיָ֣הוּ הַנָּבִ֗יא אֶת־שְׂרָיָ֣ה בֶן־נֵרִיָּה֮ בֶּן־מַחְסֵיָה֒ בְּלֶכְתֹּ֞ו אֶת־צִדְקִיָּ֤הוּ מֶֽלֶךְ־יְהוּדָה֙ בָּבֶ֔ל בִּשְׁנַ֥ת הָרְבִעִ֖ית לְמָלְכֹ֑ו וּשְׂרָיָ֖ה שַׂ֥ר מְנוּחָֽה׃

נט הדבר אשר צוה ירמיהו הנביא את שריה בן נריה בן מחסיה בלכתו את צדקיהו מלך יהודה בבל בשנת הרבעית למלכו ושריה שר מנוחה

הדבר אשר־צוה ׀ ירמיהו הנביא את־שריה בן־נריה בן־מחסיה בלכתו את־צדקיהו מלך־יהודה בבל בשנת הרבעית למלכו ושריה שר מנוחה׃

Jeremiás 51:59
Ez a szó, a melylyel Jeremiás próféta utasította Seráját, Néria fiát, a ki a Mahásiás fia volt, mikor õ Babilonba méne Sedékiással, a Júda királyával, királyságának negyedik esztendejében; Serája pedig szállásmester vala.

Jeremia 51:59
Jen estas la vorto, kiun ordonis la profeto Jeremia al Seraja, filo de Nerija, filo de Mahxseja, kiam tiu iris kun Cidkija, regxo de Judujo, en Babelon, en la kvara jaro de lia regxado; Seraja estis la ripozejestro.

Tämän on se sana, jonka propheta Jeremia käski Serajalle Nerijan pojalle, Mahsejan pojan, kuin hän Zedekian, Juudan kuninkaan kanssa meni Babeliin hänen valtakuntansa neljäntenä vuotena. Ja Seraja oli rauhallinen ruhtinas.

Jérémie 51:59
La parole que Jérémie le prophète commanda à Seraïa, fils de Nérija, fils de Makhséïa, quand il alla avec Sédécias, roi de Juda, à Babylone, en la quatrième année de son règne; or Seraïa était premier chambellan.

Ordre donné par Jérémie, le prophète, à Seraja, fils de Nérija, fils de Machséja, lorsqu'il se rendit à Babylone avec Sédécias, roi de Juda, la quatrième année du règne de Sédécias. Or, Seraja était premier chambellan.

C'est ici l'ordre que Jérémie le Prophète donna à Séraja, fils de Nérija, fils de Mahaséja, quand il alla de la part de Sédécias Roi de Juda en Babylone, la quatrième année de son Règne; or Séraja était principal Chambellan.

Jeremia 51:59
Dies ist das Wort, das der Prophet Jeremia befahl Seraja, dem Sohn Nerias, des Sohns Mahseas, da er zog mit Zedekia, dem Könige in Juda, gen Babel im vierten Jahr seines Königreichs. Und Seraja war ein friedsamer Fürst.

Dies ist das Wort, das der Prophet Jeremia befahl Seraja dem Sohn Nerias, des Sohnes Maasejas, da er zog mit Zedekia, dem König in Juda, gen Babel im vierten Jahr seines Königreichs. Und Seraja war der Marschall für die Reise.

Das Wort, welches der Prophet Jeremia Seraja, dem Sohne Nerijas, des Sohnes Mahasejas anbefahl, als dieser im Auftrage Zedekias, des Königs von Juda, im vierten Jahre seines Königtums, nach Babel ging - Seraja aber war Reisemarschall.

Geremia 51:59
Ordine dato dal profeta Geremia a Seraia, figliuolo di Neria, figliuolo di Mahaseia, quando si recò a Babilonia con Sedekia, re di Giuda, il quarto anno del regno di Sedekia. Seraia era capo dei ciambellani.

La parola della quale il profeta Geremia diede commessione a Seraia, figliuolo di Neria, figliuolo di Maaseia, quando egli andò da parte di Sedechia, re di Giuda, in Babilonia, l’anno quarto del regno di esso. Or Seraia era il gran cameriere.

Bahwa inilah perkara yang dipesan nabi Yermia kepada Seraya bin Neria bin Makhseya, tatkala ia berjalan ke Babil serta dengan Zedekia, raja Yehuda, pada tahun yang keempat dari pada kerajaannya. Maka Seraya itu memerintahkan perjalanannya.

예레미아 51:59
예레미야가 바벨론에 임할 모든 재앙 곧 바벨론에 대하여 기록한 이 모든 말씀을 한 책에 기록하고

Ieremias 51:59
verbum quod praecepit Hieremias prophetes Saraiae filio Neriae filii Maasiae cum pergeret cum Sedecia rege in Babylonem in anno quarto regni eius Saraias autem erat princeps prophetiae

Jeremijo knyga 51:59
Pranašo Jeremijo žodis Serajai, Machsėjos sūnaus Nerijos sūnui, kai jis lydėjo Zedekiją, Judo karalių, jo ketvirtais karaliavimo metais į Babiloną. Seraja buvo žymus kunigaikštis.

Jeremiah 51:59
Ko te kupu i whakahaua e Heremaia poropiti ki a Heraia tama a Neria tama a Maaheia i to raua haerenga tahitanga atu ko Terekia kingi o Hura ki Papurona i te wha o nga tau o tona kingitanga. Na ko Heraia te tino rangatira o te whare kingi.

Jeremias 51:59
Dette er det bud som profeten Jeremias gav Seraja, sønn av Nerija, Mahsejas sønn, da han drog til Babel sammen med Judas konge Sedekias i det fjerde år av hans regjering - Seraja var den som sørget for herbergene.

Jeremías 51:59
Mensaje que el profeta Jeremías mandó a Seraías, hijo de Nerías, hijo de Maasías, cuando fue con Sedequías, rey de Judá, a Babilonia en el año cuarto de su reinado. (Seraías era jefe de abastecimientos.)

Mensaje que el profeta Jeremías mandó a Seraías, hijo de Nerías, hijo de Maasías, cuando fue con Sedequías, rey de Judá, a Babilonia en el año cuarto de su reinado. (Seraías era jefe de abastecimientos.)

Palabra que envió el profeta Jeremías a Seraías hijo de Nerías, hijo de Maasías, cuando iba con Sedequías rey de Judá a Babilonia, en el cuarto año de su reinado. Y era Seraías el principal camarero.

Palabra que envió Jeremías profeta á Seraías hijo de Nerías, hijo de Maasías, cuando iba con Sedechîas rey de Judá á Babilonia, el cuarto año de su reinado. Y era Seraías el principal camarero.

Palabra que envió Jeremías profeta a Seraías hijo de Nerías, hijo de Maasías, cuando iba con Sedequías rey de Judá a Babilonia, el cuarto año de su reinado. Y era Seraías el principal camarero.

Jeremias 51:59
Esta é, pois, a Palavra que o profeta Jeremias comunicou a Seraías, filho de Nerias, filho de Maseias, quando ia com Zedequias, rei de Judá, para a Babilônia, no quarto ano do seu reinado. Seraías era o responsável pelo acampamento.

A palavra que Jeremias, o profeta, mandou a Seraías, filho de Nerias, filho de Maséias, quando ia com Zedequias, rei de Judá, a Babilônia, no quarto ano do seu reinado. Ora, Seraías era o camareiro-mor.   

Ieremia 51:59
Iată porunca, dată de proorocul Ieremia, lui Seraia, fiul lui Neriia, fiul lui Mahseia, cînd s'a dus la Babilon cu Zedechia, împăratul lui Iuda, în al patrulea an al domniei lui Zedechia. Seraia era cel mai mare cămăraş.

Иеремия 51:59
Слово, которое пророк Иеремия заповедал Сераии, сыну Нирии, сыну Маасеи, когда он отправлялся в Вавилон с Седекиею, царем Иудейским, в четвертый год его царствования; Сераия был главный постельничий.

Слово, которое пророк Иеремия заповедал Сераии, сыну Нирии, сыну Маасеи, когда он отправлялся в Вавилон с Седекиею, царем Иудейским, в четвертый год его царствования; Сераия был главный постельничий.[]

Jeremia 51:59
Detta är vad profeten Jeremia bjöd Seraja, son till Neria, son till Mahaseja, när denne begav sig till Babel med Sidkia, Juda konung, i hans fjärde regeringsår. Seraja var nämligen den som hade bestyret med lägerplatserna.

Jeremiah 51:59
Ang salita na iniutos ni Jeremias na propeta kay Seraias na anak ni Nerias, na anak ni Maasias, ng siya'y pumaroon sa Babilonia na kasama ni Sedechias na hari sa Juda, nang ikaapat na taon ng kaniyang paghahari. Si Seraias nga ay punong bating.

เยเรมีย์ 51:59
ถ้อยคำซึ่งเยเรมีย์ผู้พยากรณ์ได้บัญชาแก่เสไรอาห์บุตรชายเนริยาห์ ผู้เป็นบุตรชายมาอาเสอาห์ เมื่อเขาไปยังบาบิโลนกับเศเดคียาห์กษัตริย์แห่งยูดาห์ ในปีที่สี่แห่งรัชกาลของท่านนั้น เสไรอาห์เป็นหัวหน้าจัดที่พัก

Yeremya 51:59
Yahuda Kralı Sidkiyanın krallığının dördüncü yılında, baş görevli Mahseya oğlu Neriya oğlu Seraya Sidkiyayla birlikte Babile gittiğinde Peygamber Yeremya ona şu buyruğu verdi.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 51:59
Nầy là lời của tiên tri Giê-rê-mi dặn Sê-ra-gia, con trai Nê-ri-gia, cháu Na-ha-sê-gia, khi người đi với Sê-đê-kia vua Giu-đa qua nước Ba-by-lôn trong năm thứ tư đời vua ấy. Bấy giờ Sê-ra-gia làm quan nội đại thần.

Jeremiah 51:58
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