Jeremiah 51:46
Jeremiah 51:46
Do not lose heart or be afraid when rumors are heard in the land; one rumor comes this year, another the next, rumors of violence in the land and of ruler against ruler.

But do not panic; don't be afraid when you hear the first rumor of approaching forces. For rumors will keep coming year by year. Violence will erupt in the land as the leaders fight against each other.

Let not your heart faint, and be not fearful at the report heard in the land, when a report comes in one year and afterward a report in another year, and violence is in the land, and ruler is against ruler.

"Now so that your heart does not grow faint, And you are not afraid at the report that will be heard in the land-- For the report will come one year, And after that another report in another year, And violence will be in the land With ruler against ruler--

And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; a rumour shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.

May you not become cowardly and fearful when the report is proclaimed in the land, for the report will come one year, and then another the next year. There will be violence in the land with ruler against ruler.

Do this now, so your heart does not grow faint, and so you don't become frightened because of the rumors that are heard in the land— a rumor comes one year and then after it another rumor comes the next year about violence in the land and one ruler against another ruler.

Do not lose your courage or become afraid because of the reports that are heard in the land. For a report will come in one year. Another report will follow it in the next. There will be violence in the land with ruler fighting against ruler."

Don't lose courage or be afraid when rumors are heard in the land. One rumor comes one year; another rumor comes the next year. Rumors of violence are in the land. Rumors that one ruler will fight against another are in the land.

And lest your heart faint, and ye fear because of the news that shall be heard in the land; in one year shall the news come, and after that in the next year shall come the rumour, and then shall come the violence in the land, and the ruler over him who rules.

And lest your heart faint, and you fear for the rumor that shall be heard in the land; a rumor shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumor, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.

And lest your heart faint, and you fear for the rumor that shall be heard in the land; a rumor shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumor, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.

And let not your heart faint, neither fear ye for the tidings that shall be heard in the land; for tidings shall come one year, and after that in another year'shall come tidings, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.

And lest your hearts faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land : and a rumour shall come in one year, and after this year another rumour: and iniquity in the land, and ruler upon ruler.

lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; for a rumour shall come one year, and after that a rumour in another year, and violence in the earth, ruler against ruler.

And let not your heart faint, neither fear ye for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; for a rumour shall come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.

And lest your heart should faint, and ye should fear for the rumor that shall be heard in the land; a rumor shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumor, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.

Don't let your heart faint, neither fear for the news that shall be heard in the land; for news shall come one year, and after that in another year [shall come] news, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.

And lest your heart be tender, And ye be afraid of the report that is heard in the land, And come in a year hath the report, And after it in a year the report, And violence is in the land, ruler against ruler;

Jeremia 51:46
Zemra juaj mos u ligështoftë dhe mos u trembni nga lajmet që do të dëgjohen në vend, sepse një vit do të vijë një lajm dhe vitin tjetër një lajm tjetër. Do të ketë dhunë në vend, sundues kundër sunduesit.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 51:46
ولا يضعف قلبكم فتخافوا من الخبر الذي سمع في الارض فانه يأتي خبر في هذه السنة ثم بعده في السنة الاخرى خبر وظلم في الارض متسلط على متسلط.

Dyr Ierymies 51:46
Daa brauchtß nit verzagn! Leumungen geit s allweil wider aynmaal. Es geet aau aynmaal hübsch wild zue daadl; ayn Krant und Krantwerrn bröchend aus.

Еремия 51:46
Да не ослабне сърцето ви, нито да се уплашите От вестта, която ще се чуе в [тая] земя; Защото една година ще дойде слух, А подир това друга година [ще дойде] слух И насилие на страната, властител против властител.

耶 利 米 書 51:46
你 們 不 要 心 驚 膽 怯 , 也 不 要 因 境 內 所 聽 見 的 風 聲 懼 怕 ; 因 為 這 年 有 風 聲 傳 來 ; 那 年 也 有 風 聲 傳 來 , 境 內 有 強 暴 的 事 , 官 長 攻 擊 官 長 。

你 们 不 要 心 惊 胆 怯 , 也 不 要 因 境 内 所 听 见 的 风 声 惧 怕 ; 因 为 这 年 有 风 声 传 来 ; 那 年 也 有 风 声 传 来 , 境 内 有 强 暴 的 事 , 官 长 攻 击 官 长 。



Jeremiah 51:46
Neka vam srce ne klone! Ne bojte se glasÄa što se zemljom šire, jedne godine ovakvi, druge onakvi, i što u zemlji vlada nasilje, te silnik za silnikom ustaje.

Jermiáše 51:46
A nebuďtež choulostivého srdce, aniž se bojte pověsti, kteráž slyšána bude v té zemi, když přijde tohoto roku pověst, a potom druhého roku pověst, i ukrutenství v zemi, a pán na pána.

Jeremias 51:46
Lad ikke eders Hjerter blive modfaldne og frygt ikke ved de Tidender, der høres paa Jorden, naar der i det ene Aar kommer een Tidende og i det næste en anden, naar der er Voldsfærd paa Jorden og Hersker følger paa Hersker.

Jeremia 51:46
En opdat ulieder hart misschien niet week worde, en gij vreest van het gerucht, dat gehoord zal worden in het land; want er zal een gerucht komen in het ene jaar, en daarna een gerucht in het andere jaar; en er zal geweld zijn in het land, heer over heer.

ירמיה 51:46
וּפֶן־יֵרַ֤ךְ לְבַבְכֶם֙ וְתִֽירְא֔וּ בַּשְּׁמוּעָ֖ה הַנִּשְׁמַ֣עַת בָּאָ֑רֶץ וּבָ֧א בַשָּׁנָ֣ה הַשְּׁמוּעָ֗ה וְאַחֲרָ֤יו בַּשָּׁנָה֙ הַשְּׁמוּעָ֔ה וְחָמָ֣ס בָּאָ֔רֶץ וּמֹשֵׁ֖ל עַל־מֹשֵֽׁל׃

מו ופן ירך לבבכם ותיראו בשמועה הנשמעת בארץ ובא בשנה השמועה ואחריו בשנה השמועה וחמס בארץ ומשל על משל

ופן־ירך לבבכם ותיראו בשמועה הנשמעת בארץ ובא בשנה השמועה ואחריו בשנה השמועה וחמס בארץ ומשל על־משל׃

Jeremiás 51:46
És el ne olvadjon a ti szívetek és ne féljetek a hírtõl, a mely hallatszik e földön, mikor egyik esztendõben hír jõ, és a másik esztendõben is a hír, hogy erõszakosság van a földön, uralkodó [tör] uralkodóra!

Jeremia 51:46
por ke via koro ne senkuragxigxu kaj vi ne ektimu, kiam oni auxdos la famon en la lando; cxar venos famo en unu jaro, kaj post gxi venos famo en la sekvanta jaro, kaj sur la tero estos perforteco, unu reganto kontraux alia reganto.

Teidän sydämenne taitais muutoin pehmeäksi tulla ja nääntyä siitä sanomasta, jonka maalla pitää kuuluman; sillä yhtenä vuonna pitää sanoman kuuluman, niin myös toisena vuonna, sanoman väkivallasta maalla, ja yhden ruhtinaan oleman toista vastaan.

Jérémie 51:46
de peur que votre coeur ne mollisse, et que vous n'ayez peur du bruit qui s'entendra sur la terre; car un bruit viendra une année, et après lui, un autre bruit une autre année, et il y aura violence sur la terre, dominateur contre dominateur.

Que votre coeur ne se trouble point, et ne vous effrayez pas Des bruits qui se répandront dans le pays; Car cette année surviendra un bruit, Et l'année suivante un autre bruit, La violence régnera dans le pays, Et un dominateur s'élèvera contre un autre dominateur.

De peur que votre cœur ne s'amollisse, et que vous n'ayez peur des nouvelles qu'on entendra dans tout le pays; car des nouvelles viendront une année, et après cela [d'autres] nouvelles une [autre] année, et il y aura violence dans la terre, et dominateur sur dominateur.

Jeremia 51:46
Euer Herz möchte sonst weich werden und verzagen vor dem Geschrei, das man im Lande hören wird. Denn es wird ein Geschrei im Jahr gehen und nach demselbigen im andern Jahr auch ein Geschrei über Gewalt im Lande, und wird ein Fürst wider den andern sein.

Euer Herz möchte sonst weich werden und verzagen vor dem Geschrei, das man im Lande hören wird; denn es wird ein Geschrei übers Jahr gehen und darnach im andern Jahr auch ein Geschrei über Gewalt im Lande und wird ein Fürst wider den andern sein.

Es verzage euer Herz ja nicht, daß ihr euch fürchtet bei dem Gerüchte, das im Lande kund wird, und wenn in dem einen Jahre das Gerücht sich verbreitet und darnach in dem andern Jahre jenes Gerücht, und Gewaltthat im Lande verübt wird, und ein Machthaber wider den andern sich erhebt.

Geremia 51:46
Il vostro cuore non s’avvilisca, e non vi spaventate delle voci che s’udranno nel paese; poiché un anno correrà una voce, e l’anno seguente correrà un’altra voce; vi sarà nel paese violenza, dominatore contro dominatore.

E guardatevi che talora il vostro cuore non si avvilisca, e che voi non siate spaventati per le novelle che si udiranno nel paese; quando novelle verranno un anno, e dopo quello altre novelle un altro anno; e vi sarà violenza nel paese, dominatore contro a dominatore.

Janganlah tawar hatimu, sehingga ketakutanlah kamu apabila kamu mendengar kabar akan hal negeri itu; karena suatu kabar akan berpecah-pecah pada satu tahun, kemudian suatu kabar yang lain pada tahun itu juga, dan akan ada penggagahan di dalam negeri itu, maka penghulu akan melawan penghulu.

예레미아 51:46
그러므로 보라, 날이 이르리니 내가 바벨론의 조각한 신상들을 벌할 것이라 그 온 땅이 치욕을 당하겠고 그 살륙 당한 모든 자가 그 가운데 엎드러질 것이며

Ieremias 51:46
et ne forte mollescat cor vestrum et timeatis auditum qui audietur in terra et veniet in anno auditio et post hunc annum auditio et iniquitas in terra et dominator super dominatorem

Jeremijo knyga 51:46
Nenusiminkite, neišsigąskite gandų, kurie kas metai sklis krašte apie neramumus ir valdovų tarpusavio kovas.

Jeremiah 51:46
Kei hopi o koutou ngakau, kei wehi hoki koutou ki te rongo meake nei rangona ki te whenua; no te mea ka tae mai he rongo i tetahi tau, a i muri i tena i tetahi atu tau ka tae mai ano he rongo, he tukino ki te whenua, he rangatira e whakatika ana ki te rangatira.

Jeremias 51:46
Og vær ikke motfalne og redde for de rykter som høres i landet, om det i et år kommer et rykte, og derefter i et annet år et annet rykte, og om det råder vold i landet, og hersker reiser sig mot hersker.

Jeremías 51:46
Y que no desmaye vuestro corazón, ni temáis al rumor que se oirá en la tierra; porque el rumor vendrá un año, y después otro rumor en otro año, y habrá violencia en la tierra con gobernante contra gobernante.

Y que no desmaye su corazón, Ni teman al rumor que se oirá en la tierra; Porque el rumor vendrá un año, Y después otro rumor en otro año, Y habrá violencia en la tierra Con gobernante contra gobernante.

Y no sea que desmaye vuestro corazón, y temáis a causa del rumor que se oirá por la tierra, en un año vendrá el rumor, y después en otro año un rumor, y la violencia en la tierra, gobernante contra gobernante.

Y porque no desmaye vuestro corazón, y temáis á causa de la fama que se oirá por la tierra, en un año vendrá la fama, y después en otro año el rumor, y la violencia en la tierra, y el enseñoreador sobre el que enseñorea.

Y para que no desmaye vuestro corazón, y temáis a causa de la noticia que se oirá por la tierra, en un año vendrá la noticia, y después en otro año el rumor, y luego vendrá la violencia en la tierra, y el enseñoreador sobre el que enseñorea.

Jeremias 51:46
Não desfaleça o vosso coração, não temais o rumor que se há de ouvir por toda a terra; porquanto acontecerá a partir de um determinado ano que surgirão uma série de boatos, e no próximo ano, mais balelas e notícias ameaçadoras ocorrerão por toda a terra focos de violência: dominador contra dominador!

Não desfaleça o vosso coração, nem temais pelo rumor que se ouvir na terra; pois virá num ano um rumor, e depois noutro ano outro rumor; e haverá violência na terra, dominador contra dominador.   

Ieremia 51:46
Să nu vi se turbure inima, şi nu vă spăimîntaţi de zvonurile cari se răspîndesc în ţară; căci anul acesta va veni un zvon, iar anul următor un alt zvon; în ţară va domni sîlnicia, şi un stăpînitor se va ridica împotriva altui stăpînitor.

Иеремия 51:46
Да не ослабевает сердце ваше, и не бойтесь слуха, который будет слышен на земле; слух придет в один год, и потомв другой год, и на земле будет насилие, властелин восстанет на властелина.

Да не ослабевает сердце ваше, и не бойтесь слуха, который будет слышен на земле; слух придет в [один] год, и потом в [другой] год, и на земле [будет] насилие, властелин [восстанет] на властелина.[]

Jeremia 51:46
Varen icke försagda i edra hjärtan, och frukten icke för de olycksbud som höras i landet, om än ett olycksbud kommer det ena året och sedan nästa år ett nytt olycksbud, och om än våld råder på jorden och härskare står mot härskare.

Jeremiah 51:46
At huwag manganglupaypay ang inyong puso, o mangatakot man kayo sa balita na maririnig sa lupain; sapagka't ang balita ay darating na isang taon, at pagkatapos niyaon ay darating sa ibang taon ang isang balita, at ang pangdadahas sa lupain, pinuno laban sa pinuno.

เยเรมีย์ 51:46
อย่าให้ใจของเจ้าวิตก และอย่าให้กลัวต่อข่าวลือซึ่งได้ยินในแผ่นดินนั้น จะมีข่าวลือเรื่องหนึ่งมาในปีหนึ่ง และหลังจากนั้นอีกปีหนึ่งก็มีข่าวลือเรื่องหนึ่งมา และความทารุณก็มีอยู่ในแผ่นดินและผู้ครอบครองก็ต่อสู้กับผู้ครอบครอง

Yeremya 51:46
Ülkede duyacağınız söylentiler yüzünden
Cesaretinizi yitirmeyin, korkmayın.
Bir yıl bir söylenti duyulur, ertesi yıl bir başkası;
Ülkedeki zorbalıkla,
Önderin öndere karşı çıktığıyla
İlgili söylentiler yayılır.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 51:46
Lòng các ngươi chớ nhút nhát, chớ sợ hãi vì những tin đồn ra trong đất nầy. Vì năm nay một tin đồn đến, rồi sau năm khác cũng có tin đồn; có sự bạo ngược trong đất, kẻ cai trị nghịch cùng kẻ cai trị.

Jeremiah 51:45
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