Jeremiah 51:12
Jeremiah 51:12
Lift up a banner against the walls of Babylon! Reinforce the guard, station the watchmen, prepare an ambush! The LORD will carry out his purpose, his decree against the people of Babylon.

Raise the battle flag against Babylon! Reinforce the guard and station the watchmen. Prepare an ambush, for the LORD will fulfill all his plans against Babylon.

“Set up a standard against the walls of Babylon; make the watch strong; set up watchmen; prepare the ambushes; for the LORD has both planned and done what he spoke concerning the inhabitants of Babylon.

Lift up a signal against the walls of Babylon; Post a strong guard, Station sentries, Place men in ambush! For the LORD has both purposed and performed What He spoke concerning the inhabitants of Babylon.

Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the LORD hath both devised and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon.

Raise up a signal flag against the walls of Babylon; fortify the watch post; set the watchmen in place; prepare the ambush. For the LORD has both planned and accomplished what He has threatened against those who live in Babylon.

Lift up the battle standard against Babylon's walls. Strengthen the guard; post watchmen. Set men in position for an ambush. For the LORD will both plan and carry out what he has declared against the inhabitants of Babylon.

Give the signal to attack Babylon's wall! Bring more guards! Post them all around the city! Put men in ambush! For the LORD will do what he has planned. He will do what he said he would do to the people of Babylon.

Raise your battle flag in front of the walls of Babylon. Strengthen the guards. Station watchmen. Prepare ambushes. The LORD will carry out his plans against the people who live in Babylon.

Set up the banner upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes; for the LORD has deliberated and shall put into effect that which he spoke against the inhabitants of Babylon.

Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the LORD has both purposed and done that which he spoke against the inhabitants of Babylon.

Set up the standard on the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the LORD has both devised and done that which he spoke against the inhabitants of Babylon.

Set up a standard against the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set the watchmen, prepare the ambushes; for Jehovah hath both purposed and done that which he spake concerning the inhabitants of Babylon.

Upon the walls of Babylon set up the standard, strengthen the watch: set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the Lord hath both purposed, and done all that he spoke against the inhabitants of Babylon.

Lift up a banner towards the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set the watchmen, prepare the ambushes; for Jehovah hath both devised and done that which he spoke against the inhabitants of Babylon.

Set up a standard against the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the LORD hath both devised and done that which he spake concerning the inhabitants of Babylon.

Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the LORD hath both devised and done that which he spoke against the inhabitants of Babylon.

Set up a standard against the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set the watchmen, prepare the ambushes; for Yahweh has both purposed and done that which he spoke concerning the inhabitants of Babylon.

Unto the walls of Babylon lift up an ensign, Strengthen the watch, Establish the watchers, prepare the ambush, For Jehovah hath both devised and done that which He spake, Concerning the inhabitants of Babylon.

Jeremia 51:12
Ngrini flamurin mbi muret e Babilonisë. Përforconi rojet, vendosni shigjetarë, përgatitni kurthe. Sepse Zoti ka menduar dhe ka zbatuar atë që ka thënë kundër banorëve të Babilonisë.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 51:12
على اسوار بابل ارفعوا الراية. شددوا الحراسة. اقيموا الحراس. اعدوا الكمين لان الرب قد قصد وايضا فعل ما تكلم به على سكان بابل.

Dyr Ierymies 51:12
Stölltß ayn Zaichen auf gögn de Bäbler Mauern, und verstörchtß de Postn! Dyr Herr wenn dös eyn n Sin haat, naacherd +tuet yr s aau, was yr yn de Bäbler androot haat.

Еремия 51:12
Издигнете знаме против вавилонските стени, Усилете стражата, поставете стражари, Пригответе засади; Защото Господ намисли и ще извърши онова, Което изрече против вавилонските жители.

耶 利 米 書 51:12
你 們 要 豎 立 大 旗 , 攻 擊 巴 比 倫 的 城 牆 ; 要 堅 固 瞭 望 臺 , 派 定 守 望 的 設 下 埋 伏 ; 因 為 耶 和 華 指 著 巴 比 倫 居 民 所 說 的 話 、 所 定 的 意 , 他 已 經 作 成 。

你 们 要 竖 立 大 旗 , 攻 击 巴 比 伦 的 城 墙 ; 要 坚 固 了 望 ? , 派 定 守 望 的 设 下 埋 伏 ; 因 为 耶 和 华 指 着 巴 比 伦 居 民 所 说 的 话 、 所 定 的 意 , 他 已 经 作 成 。



Jeremiah 51:12
Razvijte stijeg, zidine babilonske! Pojačajte straže! Postavite stražare! Razmjestite zasjede! Jer Jahve što naumi to sad izvodi, kako je rekao protiv Babilona.

Jermiáše 51:12
Na zdech Babylonských zdvihněte korouhev, osaďte stráž, postavte strážné, připravte zálohy; nebo i myslil Hospodin, i učiní, což řekl proti obyvatelům Babylonským.

Jeremias 51:12
Løft Banner mod Babels Mure, forstærk Vagten, sæt Vagtposter ud, læg Baghold! Thi HERREN har et Raad for og gør, hvad han har talet mod Babels Indbyggere.

Jeremia 51:12
Verheft de banier op de muren van Babel, versterkt de wacht, stelt wachters, bereidt de lagen; want gelijk de HEERE heeft voorgenomen, alzo heeft Hij gedaan, wat Hij over de inwoners van Babel gesproken heeft.

ירמיה 51:12
אֶל־חֹומֹ֨ת בָּבֶ֜ל שְׂאוּ־נֵ֗ס הַחֲזִ֙יקוּ֙ הַמִּשְׁמָ֔ר הָקִ֙ימוּ֙ שֹֽׁמְרִ֔ים הָכִ֖ינוּ הָאֹֽרְבִ֑ים כִּ֚י גַּם־זָמַ֣ם יְהוָ֔ה גַּם־עָשָׂ֕ה אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־דִּבֶּ֖ר אֶל־יֹשְׁבֵ֥י בָבֶֽל׃

יב אל חומת בבל שאו נס החזיקו המשמר--הקימו שמרים הכינו הארבים  כי גם זמם יהוה--גם עשה את אשר דבר אל ישבי בבל

אל־חומת בבל שאו־נס החזיקו המשמר הקימו שמרים הכינו הארבים כי גם־זמם יהוה גם־עשה את אשר־דבר אל־ישבי בבל׃

Jeremiás 51:12
Babilonnak kõfalain tûzzétek ki a zászlót, erõsítsétek meg az õrséget, szerezzetek vigyázókat, rendeljétek el a leseket: mert az Úr meggondolta és meg is cselekszi azokat, a miket szólott Babilon lakói ellen.

Jeremia 51:12
Kontraux la muregojn de Babel levu standardon, plifortigu la gardistaron, starigu observistojn, pretigu embuskon; cxar kiel la Eternulo intencis, tiel Li faris tion, kion Li diris pri la logxantoj de Babel.

Ripustakaat lippu ylös Babelin muurille, asettakaat vartio, pankaat vartiat, toimittakaat väijyjät; sillä Herra ajattelee jotain, ja on myös täyttävä, mitä hän Babelin asuvaisia vastaan on puhunut.

Jérémie 51:12
Élevez l'étendard sur les murs de Babylone! Renforcez le guet, placez les gardes, préparez les embuscades; car comme l'Éternel a pensé, il a aussi fait ce qu'il a dit contre les habitants de Babylone.

Elevez une bannière contre les murs de Babylone! Fortifiez les postes, placez des gardes, dressez des embuscades! Car l'Eternel a pris une résolution, Et il exécute ce qu'il a prononcé contre les habitants de Babylone.

Elevez l'enseigne sur les murailles de Babylone, renforcez la garnison, posez les gardes, préparez des embûches; car l'Eternel a formé un dessein, même il a fait ce qu'il a dit contre les habitants de Babylone.

Jeremia 51:12
Ja, stecket nun Panier auf die Mauern zu Babel, nehmet die Wache ein, setzet Wächter, bestellet die Hut! Denn der HERR gedenket etwas und wird auch tun, was er wider die Einwohner zu Babel geredet hat.

Ja, steckt nun Panier auf die Mauern zu Babel, nehmt die Wache ein, setzt Wächter, bestellt die Hut! denn der HERR gedenkt etwas und wird auch tun, was er wider die Einwohner zu Babel geredet hat.

Wider die Mauern Babels pflanzt ein Panier auf! Verstärkt die Bewachung! Stellt Wachtposten auf! Richtet den Hinterhalt ein! Denn Jahwe hat beschlossen und führt aus, was er den Bewohnern Babels angedroht hat.

Geremia 51:12
Alzate la bandiera contro le mura di Babilonia! Rinforzate le guardie, ponete le sentinelle, preparate gli agguati! Poiché l’Eterno ha divisato e già mette ad effetto ciò che ha detto contro gli abitanti di Babilonia.

Alzate pur la bandiera sopra le mura di Babilonia, rinforzate la guernigione, ponete le guardie, ordinate gli agguati; perciocchè il Signore ha presa una deliberazione, ed anche ha eseguito ciò ch’egli ha detto contro agli abitanti di Babilonia.

Dirikanlah panji-panji di atas pagar tembok Babil, tambahilah pengawal, taruhlah akan pengawal di mana-mana, lengkapkanlah orang pengadang, maka Tuhan juga akan menyampaikan maksud-Nya dan melakukan barang yang telah dikatakan-Nya akan hal orang isi Babil.

예레미아 51:12
바벨론 성벽을 향하여 기를 세우고 튼튼히 지키며 파숫군을 세우며 복병을 베풀어 방비하라 이는 여호와께서 바벨론 거민에 대하여 말씀하신 대로 경영하시고 행하심이로다

Ieremias 51:12
super muros Babylonis levate signum augete custodiam levate custodes praeparate insidias quia cogitavit Dominus et fecit quaecumque locutus est contra habitatores Babylonis

Jeremijo knyga 51:12
Iškelkite vėliavą prieš Babilono sienas, sustiprinkite sargybą, paruoškite pasalas. Ką Viešpats nusprendė, tai ir padarys Babilono gyventojams.

Jeremiah 51:12
Whakaarahia he kara ki nga taiepa o Papurona, whakakahangia nga kaitiaki, whakaritea nga kaitiaki, whakatakotoria nga pehipehi: kua takoto hoki i a Ihowa, kua oti ano i a ia tana i korero ai mo nga tangata o Papurona.

Jeremias 51:12
Løft banner mot Babels murer, hold sterk vakt, sett ut vaktposter, legg bakhold! For Herren har både tenkt ut og setter i verk det som han har talt imot Babels innbyggere.

Jeremías 51:12
Levantad bandera contra los muros de Babilonia; reforzad la guardia, apostad centinelas, preparad emboscadas; porque el SEÑOR ha decidido, y también ejecutará lo que habló acerca de los habitantes de Babilonia.

Levanten bandera contra los muros de Babilonia; Refuercen la guardia, Pongan centinelas, Preparen emboscadas; Porque el SEÑOR ha decidido, y también ejecutará Lo que habló acerca de los habitantes de Babilonia.

Levantad bandera sobre los muros de Babilonia, reforzad la guardia, colocad centinelas, tended emboscadas; porque deliberó Jehová, y aun pondrá en efecto lo que ha dicho contra los moradores de Babilonia.

Levantad bandera sobre los muros de Babilonia, reforzad la guardia, poned centinelas, disponed celadas; porque deliberó Jehová, y aun pondrá en efecto lo que ha dicho sobre los moradores de Babilonia.

Levantad bandera sobre los muros de Babilonia, reforzad la guardia, poned centinelas, disponed celadas; porque deliberó el SEÑOR, y aun pondrá en efecto lo que dijo sobre los moradores de Babilonia.

Jeremias 51:12
Erguei, portanto, o estandarte de guerra; o sinal para atacar as muralhas da Babilônia! Reforçai a guarda! Posicionai as sentinelas! Preparai as ciladas de guerra! Eis que o Eterno executará cabalmente o seu plano, o que advertiu todos os habitantes da Babilônia que faria!

Arvorai um estandarte sobre os muros de Babilônia, reforçai a guarda, colocai sentinelas, preparai as emboscadas; porque o Senhor tanto intentou como efetuou o que tinha dito acerca dos moradores de Babilônia.   

Ieremia 51:12
Înălţaţi un steag împotriva zidurilor Babilonului! Întăriţi -i străjile, puneţi caraule, întindeţi curse! Căci Domnul a luat o hotărîre, şi aduce la îndeplinire ce a rostit împotriva locuitorilor Babilonului.``

Иеремия 51:12
Против стен Вавилона поднимите знамя, усильте надзор, расставьте сторожей, приготовьте засады, ибо, как Господь помыслил, так и сделает, что изрек на жителей Вавилона.

Против стен Вавилона поднимите знамя, усильте надзор, расставьте сторожей, приготовьте засады, ибо, как Господь помыслил, так и сделает, что изрек на жителей Вавилона.[]

Jeremia 51:12
Resen upp ett baner mot Babels murar, hållen sträng vakt, ställen ut väktare, läggen bakhåll; ty HERREN har fattat sitt beslut, och han gör vad han har talat mot Babels invånare.

Jeremiah 51:12
Mangagtaas kayo ng watawat laban sa mga kuta ng Babilonia, inyong patibayin ang bantayan, inyong lagyan ng mga bantay, kayo'y mangaghanda ng mga pangbakay: sapagka't ang Panginoon ay nagpanukala at gumawa rin naman ng kaniyang sinalita tungkol sa mga nananahan sa Babilonia.

เยเรมีย์ 51:12
จงปักธงชิดบรรดากำแพงของบาบิโลน จงทำคนเฝ้าให้เข้มแข็ง จงตั้งคนยามขึ้น จงเตรียมกองซุ่มไว้ เพราะพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงวางแผนงานและทั้งทรงกระทำเสร็จตามที่พระองค์ทรงลั่นพระวาจาเกี่ยวด้วยชาวเมืองบาบิโลน

Yeremya 51:12
Babil surlarına karşı sancak kaldırın!
Muhafızları pekiştirin,
Nöbetçileri yerleştirin,
Pusu kurun!
Çünkü RAB Babil halkı için söylediklerini
Hem tasarladı hem de yerine getirdi.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 51:12
Hãy dựng cờ xí đánh các tường thành Ba-by-lôn! Khá thêm lính giữ, đặt vọng canh, sắp quân phục! Vì Ðức Giê-hô-va đã định ý và đã làm ra sự Ngài đã phán về dân cư Ba-by-lôn.

Jeremiah 51:11
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