Jeremiah 50:32
Jeremiah 50:32
The arrogant one will stumble and fall and no one will help her up; I will kindle a fire in her towns that will consume all who are around her."

O land of arrogance, you will stumble and fall, and no one will raise you up. For I will light a fire in the cities of Babylon that will burn up everything around them."

The proud one shall stumble and fall, with none to raise him up, and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it will devour all that is around him.

"The arrogant one will stumble and fall With no one to raise him up; And I will set fire to his cities And it will devour all his environs."

And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him.

The arrogant will stumble and fall with no one to pick him up. I will set fire to his cities, and it will consume everything around him."

The arrogant one will stumble and fall, and there will be no one to lift him up. I'll set fire to his cities, and it will devour everything around him."

You will stumble and fall, you proud city; no one will help you get up. I will set fire to your towns; it will burn up everything that surrounds you."

Those arrogant people will stumble and fall, and there will be no one to help them get up. I will light a fire in their cities that will burn up everything around them."

And the proud one shall stumble and fall and have no one to raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him.

And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him.

And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him.

And the proud one shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up; and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all that are round about him.

And the proud one shall fall, he shall fall down, and there shall be none to lift him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him.

and the proud one shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up; yea, I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all that are round about him.

And the proud one shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all that are round about him.

And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all around him.

The proud one shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up; and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all who are around him.

And stumbled hath pride, And he hath fallen, and hath no raiser up, And I have kindled a fire in his cities, And it hath devoured all round about him.

Jeremia 50:32
Arrogantja do të tronditet dhe do të rrëzohet, dhe askush nuk do ta ngrerë. Unë do t'u vë zjarrin qyteteve të saj dhe ai do të përpijë gjithçka që e rrethon".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 50:32
فيعثر الباغي ويسقط ولا يكون له من يقيمه واشعل نارا في مدنه فتاكل كل ما حواليها

Dyr Ierymies 50:32
So näsig wie s gwösn ist, ietzet fallt s, und niemdd hilfft iem meer auf. I kendd iem d Stötn an, und rund umydum brinnt aau non allss nider.

Еремия 50:32
Горделивият ще се препъне и падне, И не ще има кой да го дигне; И ще запаля огън в градовете му, Който ще погълне всичко около него.

耶 利 米 書 50:32
狂 傲 的 必 絆 跌 仆 倒 , 無 人 扶 起 。 我 也 必 使 火 在 他 的 城 邑 中 裡 起 來 , 將 他 四 圍 所 有 的 盡 行 燒 滅 。

狂 傲 的 必 绊 跌 仆 倒 , 无 人 扶 起 。 我 也 必 使 火 在 他 的 城 邑 中 里 起 来 , 将 他 四 围 所 有 的 尽 行 烧 灭 。



Jeremiah 50:32
Oholica će posrnuti, pasti, i nitko ga neće podići. Oganj ću podmetnuti gradovima njegovim i proždrijet će sve uokolo.

Jermiáše 50:32
Poklesne se zajisté ten pyšný a padne, a nebude žádného, kdo by jej zdvihl; a zanítím oheň v městech jeho, kterýžto zžíře všecka vůkolí jeho.

Jeremias 50:32
Da falder »Frækhed« og styrter, og ingen rejser det. Jeg sætter Ild paa dets Byer, og den fortærer alt deromkring.

Jeremia 50:32
Dan zal de trotse aanstoten en vallen, en er zal niemand zijn, die hem opricht; ja, Ik zal een vuur aansteken in zijn steden, dat zal alle plaatsen rondom hem verteren.

ירמיה 50:32
וְכָשַׁ֤ל זָדֹון֙ וְנָפַ֔ל וְאֵ֥ין לֹ֖ו מֵקִ֑ים וְהִצַּ֤תִּי אֵשׁ֙ בְּעָרָ֔יו וְאָכְלָ֖ה כָּל־סְבִיבֹתָֽיו׃ ס

לב וכשל זדון ונפל ואין לו מקים והצתי אש בעריו ואכלה כל סביבתיו  {ס}

וכשל זדון ונפל ואין לו מקים והצתי אש בעריו ואכלה כל־סביבתיו׃ ס

Jeremiás 50:32
És megbotlik a kevély és elesik, és senki nem lesz, a ki felköltse õt, és tüzet gyújtok az õ városaiban, hogy megemészsze azokat, a kik körülte vannak.

Jeremia 50:32
Kaj la malhumilulo falpusxigxos kaj falos, kaj neniu lin levos; kaj Mi ekbruligos fajron en liaj urboj, kaj gxi ekstermos cxiujn liajn cxirkauxajxojn.

Silloin pitää ylpeän itsensä loukkaaman ja lankeeman, niin ettei kenenkään pidä häntä auttaman ylös; ja minä sytytän hänen kaupunkinsa palamaan tulella, jonka pitää kuluttaman kaikki, mitä siinä ympärillä on.

Jérémie 50:32
Et l'orgueilleuse a bronché et est tombée, et il n'y a personne qui la relève; et j'allumerai dans ses villes un feu qui dévorera tous ses alentours.

L'orgueilleuse chancellera et tombera, Et personne ne la relèvera; Je mettrai le feu à ses villes, Et il en dévorera tous les alentours.

La fierté bronchera et tombera, et il n'y aura personne qui la relève; j'allumerai aussi le feu en ses villes, et il dévorera tous ses environs.

Jeremia 50:32
Da soll der Stolze stürzen und fallen, daß ihn niemand aufrichte; ich will seine Städte mit Feuer anstecken, das soll alles, was um ihn her ist, verzehren.

Da soll der Stolze stürzen und fallen, daß ihn niemand aufrichte; ich will seine Städte mit Feuer anstecken, das soll alles, was um ihn her ist, verzehren.

Nun soll "Frechheit" straucheln und fallen, und niemand wird ihr aufhelfen, und ich will Feuer an ihre Städte legen, daß es alles, was rings um sie her ist, verzehre.

Geremia 50:32
L’arrogante vacillerà, cadrà, e non vi sarà chi lo rialzi; e io appiccherò il fuoco alle sue città, ed esso divorerà tutti i suoi dintorni.

E la superbia traboccherà, e caderà, e non vi sarà alcuno che la rilevi; ed io accenderò un fuoco nelle sue città, che consumerà tutti i suoi luoghi circonvicini.

Pada masa itu si Congkak itu tergelincuh, lalu jatuh, maka seorangpun tiada yang membangkitkan dia pula; maka Aku akan menyalakan suatu api di dalam segala negerinya, yang makan habis kelak akan segala jajahannyapun.

예레미아 50:32
교만한 자가 걸려 넘어지겠고 그를 일으킬 자가 없을 것이며 내가 그 성읍들에 불을 놓으리니 그 사면에 있는 것이 다 살라지리라

Ieremias 50:32
et cadet superbus et corruet et non erit qui suscitet eum et succendam ignem in urbibus eius et devorabit omnia in circuitu eius

Jeremijo knyga 50:32
Išdidusis suklups ir kris, nė vienas jo nepakels. Aš įžiebsiu jo miestuose ugnį, kuri suris viską aplinkui”.

Jeremiah 50:32
A ka tutuki nga waewae o te mea whakapehapeha, ka hinga, a kahore he kaiwhakaara mona: a ka ngiha i ahau he ahi ki roto ki ona pa, a ka pau i tera nga mea katoa i tetahi taha ona, i tetahi taha.

Jeremias 50:32
Og Sadon skal snuble og falle uten å ha nogen som reiser det op, og jeg vil sette ild på dets byer, og den skal fortære alt rundt omkring det.

Jeremías 50:32
Y la arrogante tropezará y caerá sin que nadie la levante; y prenderé fuego a sus ciudades, el cual devorará todos sus alrededores.

Y la arrogante tropezará y caerá Sin que nadie la levante. Prenderé fuego a sus ciudades, El cual devorará todos sus alrededores."

Y el soberbio tropezará y caerá, y no tendrá quien lo levante: y encenderé fuego en sus ciudades, y quemaré todos sus alrededores.

Y el soberbio tropezará y caerá, y no tendrá quien lo levante: y encenderé fuego en sus ciudades, y quemaré todos sus alrededores.

Y el soberbio tropezará y caerá, y no tendrá quien lo levante; y encenderé fuego en sus ciudades, y quemaré todos sus alrededores.

Jeremias 50:32
A arrogância e todo petulante tropeçará e cairá, e ninguém os ajudarão a se levantar. Incendiarei as cidades da Babilônia, e um grande fogo consumirá tudo ao seu redor!”

Então tropeçará o soberbo, e cairá, e ninguém haverá que o levante; e porei fogo às suas cidades, o qual consumirá tudo o que está ao seu redor.   

Ieremia 50:32
Îngîmfatul acela se va poticni şi va cădea, şi nimeni nu -l va ridica, voi pune foc cetăţilor lui, şi -i va mistui toate împrejurimile.``

Иеремия 50:32
И споткнется гордыня, и упадет, и никто не поднимет его; и зажгу огонь в городах его, и пожрет все вокруг него.

И споткнется гордыня, и упадет, и никто не поднимет его; и зажгу огонь в городах его, и пожрет все вокруг него.[]

Jeremia 50:32
Då skall den övermodige stappla och falla, och ingen skall kunna upprätta honom. Och jag skall tända eld på hans städer, och elden skall förtära allt omkring honom.

Jeremiah 50:32
At ang palalo ay matitisod at mabubuwal, at walang magbabangon sa kaniya; at ako'y magpapaningas ng apoy sa kaniyang mga bayan, at pupugnawin niyaon ang lahat na nangasa palibot niya.

เยเรมีย์ 50:32
ผู้จองหองจะสะดุดและล้มลง จะไม่มีผู้ใดพยุงเขาขึ้นได้ และเราจะก่อไฟในบรรดาหัวเมืองของเขา และไฟจะกินบรรดาที่อยู่รอบเขาเสียสิ้น

Yeremya 50:32
Küstah tökezleyip düşecek,
Onu kaldıran olmayacak.
Kentlerini ateşe vereceğim,
Bütün çevresini yakıp yok edecek.››[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 50:32
Kẻ kiêu ngạo sẽ xiêu tó, vấp ngã, không ai dựng lại. Ta sẽ đốt lửa nơi các thành nó, thiêu nuốt mọi sự chung quanh.

Jeremiah 50:31
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