Jeremiah 50:11
Jeremiah 50:11
"Because you rejoice and are glad, you who pillage my inheritance, because you frolic like a heifer threshing grain and neigh like stallions,

"You rejoice and are glad, you who plundered my chosen people. You frisk about like a calf in a meadow and neigh like a stallion.

“Though you rejoice, though you exult, O plunderers of my heritage, though you frolic like a heifer in the pasture, and neigh like stallions,

"Because you are glad, because you are jubilant, O you who pillage My heritage, Because you skip about like a threshing heifer And neigh like stallions,

Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye destroyers of mine heritage, because ye are grown fat as the heifer at grass, and bellow as bulls;

Because you rejoice, because you sing in triumph-- you who plundered My inheritance-- because you frolic like a young cow treading grain and neigh like stallions,

"Though you rejoice, though you exult, you plunderers of my inheritance, though you skip around like a heifer in the grass and neigh like stallions,

"People of Babylonia, you plundered my people. That made you happy and glad. You frolic about like calves in a pasture. Your joyous sounds are like the neighs of a stallion.

"You are happy and excited. You have looted the people who belong to me. You dance around like calves on the grass and neigh like stallions.

Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced destroying my heritage, because ye filled yourselves as a heifer on grass and neighed like horses;

Because you were glad, because you rejoiced, O you destroyers of my heritage, because you have grown fat like a heifer threshing grain, and bellow like bulls;

Because you were glad, because you rejoiced, O you destroyers of my heritage, because you are grown fat as the heifer at grass, and bellow as bulls;

Because ye are glad, because ye rejoice, O ye that plunder my heritage, because ye are wanton as a heifer that treadeth out the grain , and neigh as strong horses;

Because you rejoice, and speak great things, pillaging my inheritance: because you are spread abroad as calves upon the grass, and have bellowed as bulls.

For ye rejoiced, for ye triumphed, ye plunderers of my heritage; for ye have been wanton as the heifer at grass, and neighed as steeds.

Because ye are glad, because ye rejoice, O ye that plunder mine heritage, because ye are wanton as an heifer that treadeth out the corn, and neigh as strong horses;

Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye destroyers of my heritage, because ye are grown fat as the heifer at grass, and bellow as bulls;

Because you are glad, because you rejoice, O you who plunder my heritage, because you are wanton as a heifer that treads out [the grain], and neigh as strong horses;

Because thou rejoicest, because thou exultest, O spoilers of Mine inheritance, Because thou increasest as a heifer at the tender grass, And dost cry aloud as bulls,

Jeremia 50:11
Gëzohuni dhe kënaquni, o plaçkitës të trashëgimisë sime, sepse jeni majmur si një mëshqerrë që shin grurin dhe hingëlloni si kuajt e fuqishëm të luftës.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 50:11
لانكم قد فرحتم وشمتم يا ناهبي ميراثي وقفزتم كعجلة في الكلإ وصهلتم كخيل

Dyr Ierymies 50:11
Seitß von mir aus froelich und juchetztß, ös, woß mein Uedl graaubt habtß! Hupftß wie Kälbln auf dyr Wisn umaynand, und wihltß wie d Hengstn!

Еремия 50:11
При все, че се радвате, при все, че се веселите, Вие обирачи на наследството Ми, При все, че скачате като юница на трева, И цвилите като яки коне,

耶 利 米 書 50:11
搶 奪 我 產 業 的 啊 , 你 們 因 歡 喜 快 樂 , 且 像 踹 穀 撒 歡 的 母 牛 犢 , 又 像 發 嘶 聲 的 壯 馬 。

抢 夺 我 产 业 的 啊 , 你 们 因 欢 喜 快 乐 , 且 像 踹 谷 撒 欢 的 母 牛 犊 , 又 像 发 嘶 声 的 壮 马 。



Jeremiah 50:11
Da! Radujte se samo i klikujte, vi pljačkaši moje baštine! Poskakujte k'o june na paši! Ržite kao ždrebad!

Jermiáše 50:11
Proto že se veselíte, proto že pléšete, ó dráči dědictví mého, proto že jste zbujněli jako jalovice vytylá, a provyskujete jako rekové,

Jeremias 50:11
Glæd eder kun og jubl, I, som plyndrede min Arvelod, spring som Kalve i Engen, vrinsk som Hingste —

Jeremia 50:11
Omdat gij u verblijd hebt, omdat gij van vreugde hebt opgesprongen, gij plunderaars Mijner erfenis! omdat gij geil geworden zijt als een grazige vaars, en hebt gebriest als de sterke paarden;

ירמיה 50:11
כִּ֤י [תִשְׂמְחִי כ] (תִשְׂמְחוּ֙ ק) כִּ֣י [תַעֲלְזִי כ] (תַֽעַלְז֔וּ ק) שֹׁסֵ֖י נַחֲלָתִ֑י כִּ֚י [תָפוּשִׁי כ] (תָפ֙וּשׁוּ֙ ק) כְּעֶגְלָ֣ה דָשָׁ֔ה [וְתִצְהֲלִי כ] (וְתִצְהֲל֖וּ ק) כָּאֲבִּרִֽים׃

יא כי תשמחי (תשמחו) כי תעלזי (תעלזו) שסי נחלתי  כי תפושי (תפושו) כעגלה דשה ותצהלי (ותצהלו) כאברים

כי [תשמחי כ] (תשמחו ק) כי [תעלזי כ] (תעלזו ק) שסי נחלתי כי [תפושי כ] (תפושו ק) כעגלה דשה [ותצהלי כ] (ותצהלו ק) כאברים׃

Jeremiás 50:11
Csak örüljetek, csak tomboljatok örökségem elpusztítói: csak ugrándozzatok, mint a nyomtató tinó, és nyerítsetek, mint a ménlovak.

Jeremia 50:11
CXar vi gxojis, cxar vi triumfis, ho rabintoj de Mia heredajxo, cxar vi saltis, kiel bovidino sur herbo, kaj blekis, kiel fortaj cxevaloj,

Että te iloitsette siitä ja kerskaatte itsiänne, että te olette minun perintöni ryöstäneet, ja hyppelette niinkuin lihavat vasikat, ja hirnutte niinkuin väkevät (hevoset).

Jérémie 50:11
parce que vous vous êtes réjouis, parce que vous vous êtes égayés, vous qui avez pillé mon héritage, parce que vous avez bondi comme une génisse qui foule le blé, et que vous avez henni comme de puissants chevaux.

Oui, soyez dans la joie, dans l'allégresse, Vous qui avez pillé mon héritage! Oui, bondissez comme une génisse dans l'herbe, Hennissez comme des chevaux fougueux!

Parce que vous vous êtes réjouis, parce que vous vous êtes égayés, en ravageant mon héritage, parce que vous vous êtes engraissés comme une génisse qui est à l'herbe, et que vous avez henni comme de puissants chevaux.

Jeremia 50:11
darum daß ihr euch des freuet und rühmet, daß ihr mein Erbteil geplündert habt, und lecket wie die geilen Kälber und wiehert wie die starken Gäule.

darum daß ihr euch des freut und rühmt, daß ihr mein Erbteil geplündert habt, und hüpft wie die jungen Kälber und wiehert wie die starken Gäule.

Ja freut euch nur, ja, frohlockt nur, ihr Räuber meines Eigentums, - ja, springt nur fröhlich wie eine dreschende junge Kuh und wiehert wie die Hengste.

Geremia 50:11
Sì, gioite, sì, rallegratevi, o voi che avete saccheggiato la mia eredità, sì, saltate come una giovenca che trebbia il grano, nitrite come forti destrieri!

Perciocchè voi vi siete rallegrati; perciocchè voi avete trionfato, rubando la mia eredità; perciocchè voi avete ruzzato a guisa di vitella che pastura fra l’erbetta tenera, e avete annitrito come destrieri.

Tegal kamu sudah menyukakan dirimu dan tegal kamu sudah melompat dengan sukacita, hai segala penjarah bahagian-Ku pusaka! tegal kamu sudah berlezat laksana lembu muda yang mengirik dan kamu sudah meringkik seperti kuda jantan.

예레미아 50:11
나의 산업을 노략하는 자여, 너희가 즐거워하며 기뻐하며 곡식을 가는 송아지같이 뛰며 힘센 말같이 울도다

Ieremias 50:11
quoniam exultatis et magna loquimini diripientes hereditatem meam quoniam effusi estis sicut vitulus super herbam et mugistis ut tauri

Jeremijo knyga 50:11
nes jūs džiaugėtės ir didžiavotės, mano paveldo grobėjai, šokinėjote kaip veršiai ant žolės ir baubėte kaip jaučiai.

Jeremiah 50:11
No te mea e koa ana koutou, no te mea e whakamanamana ana koutou, e te hunga e pahua nei i toku kainga tupu, no te mea e takarokaro ana koutou, pera i te kau kuao e takahi ana i te witi, e tangi ana pera i nga hoiho kaha;

Jeremias 50:11
Ja, gled eder bare, ja, juble bare, I som plyndrer min arv! Ja, hopp bare som en treskende kvige* og vrinsk som de sterke hester!

Jeremías 50:11
Porque os alegráis, porque os regocijáis, saqueadores de mi heredad, porque saltáis como novilla trilladora y relincháis como caballos sementales,

"Porque ustedes se alegran, porque se regocijan, Saqueadores de Mi heredad, Porque saltan como novilla trilladora Y relinchan como caballos sementales,

Porque os alegrasteis, porque os gozasteis destruyendo mi heredad, porque os llenasteis como becerra sobre la hierba, y mugís como toros;

Porque os alegrasteis, porque os gozasteis destruyendo mi heredad, porque os henchisteis como becerra de renuevos, y relinchasteis como caballos;

Porque os alegrasteis, porque os gozasteis destruyendo mi heredad, porque os llenasteis como becerra de renuevos, y relinchasteis como caballos;

Jeremias 50:11
“Ainda que vos alegreis e vos regozijeis, ó saqueadores da minha herança, embora andeis soltos como a novilha que pisa o capim e relincheis como os cavalos mais vigorosos,

Embora vos alegreis e vos regozijeis, ó saqueadores da minha herança, embora andeis soltos como novilha que pisa a erva, e rincheis como cavalos vigorosos,   

Ieremia 50:11
,,Căci voi v'aţi bucurat şi v'aţi veselit, cînd Mi-aţi jăfuit moştenirea Mea! Da, săreaţi ca o juncană în iarbă, nechiezaţi ca nişte armăsari focoşi!``

Иеремия 50:11
Ибо вы веселились, вы торжествовали, расхитители наследия Моего; прыгали от радости, как телица на траве, и ржали, как боевые кони.

Ибо вы веселились, вы торжествовали, расхитители наследия Моего; прыгали от радости, как телица на траве, и ржали, как боевые кони.[]

Jeremia 50:11
Ja, om I än glädjens och fröjden eder, I som skövlen min arvedel, om I än hoppen såsom kvigor på tröskplatsen och frusten såsom hingstar,

Jeremiah 50:11
Sapagka't kayo ay masasaya, sapagka't kayo'y nangagagalak, Oh kayong nagsisisamsam ng aking mana, sapagka't kayo'y malilikot na parang babaing guyang baka, na yumayapak ng trigo, at humahalinghing na parang mga malakas na kabayo;

เยเรมีย์ 50:11
บรรดาผู้ปล้นมรดกของเราเอ๋ย แม้ว่าเจ้าเปรมปรีดิ์ แม้ว่าเจ้าลิงโลด แม้เจ้าอ้วนพีอย่างวัวสาวอยู่ที่หญ้า และร้องอย่างวัวตัวผู้

Yeremya 50:11
‹‹Ey mirasımı yağmalayan sizler!
Madem sevinip coşuyorsunuz,
Harman döven düve gibi sıçrıyor,
Aygır gibi kişniyorsunuz;[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 50:11
Hỡi kẻ cướp sản nghiệp ta, vì các ngươi vui mừng hớn hở, vì các ngươi buông lung như bò cái tơ đạp lúa, reo hí như ngựa mập mạnh;

Jeremiah 50:10
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