Jeremiah 49:9
Jeremiah 49:9
If grape pickers came to you, would they not leave a few grapes? If thieves came during the night, would they not steal only as much as they wanted?

Those who harvest grapes always leave a few for the poor. If thieves came at night, they would not take everything.

If grape gatherers came to you, would they not leave gleanings? If thieves came by night, would they not destroy only enough for themselves?

"If grape gatherers came to you, Would they not leave gleanings? If thieves came by night, They would destroy only until they had enough.

If grapegatherers come to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? if thieves by night, they will destroy till they have enough.

If grape harvesters came to you, wouldn't they leave some gleanings? Were thieves to come in the night, they would destroy only what they wanted.

If the grape harvesters came to you, would they not leave gleanings? If thieves came at night, they would destroy only until they had enough.

If grape pickers came to pick your grapes, would they not leave a few grapes behind? If robbers came at night, would they not pillage only what they needed?

If people come to pick your grapes, won't they leave a few grapes behind? If thieves come during the night, won't they steal only until they've had enough?

If grapegatherers came against thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? If thieves by night, they will take what they have need of.

If grape gatherers came to you, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? if thieves by night, they will destroy till they have enough.

If grape gatherers come to you, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? if thieves by night, they will destroy till they have enough.

If grape-gatherers came to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? if thieves by night, would they not destroy till they had enough?

If grapegatherers had come to thee, would they not have left a bunch? if thieves in the night, they would have taken what was enough for them.

If grape-gatherers had come to thee, would they not have left a gleaning? If thieves by night, they would destroy only till they had enough.

If grapegatherers came to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? if thieves by night, would they not destroy till they had enough?

If grape-gatherers come to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? if thieves by night, they will destroy till they have enough.

If grape gatherers came to you, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? if thieves by night, wouldn't they destroy until they had enough?

If gatherers have come in to thee, They do not leave gleanings, If thieves in the night, They have destroyed their sufficiency!

Jeremia 49:9
Po të vinin disa vjelës rrushi te ti nuk do të linin ndonjë vilëz për të mbledhur? Po të vinin disa vjedhës te ti natën do të shkatërronin vetëm sa u mjafton.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 49:9
لو اتاك القاطفون أفما كانوا يتركون علالة او اللصوص ليلا أفما كانوا يهلكون ما يكفيهم.

Dyr Ierymies 49:9
Wenn d Weinzörln zo dir kemmend, bleibt zo n Naachbrocken nix meer hint. Wenn Dieb bei dyr Nacht kemmend, stelnd s, was grad geet.

Еремия 49:9
Ако дойдеха при тебе гроздоберци, Не щяха ли да оставят пабирък? Ако [дойдеха] крадци през нощта, Не биха ли грабнали [само] това, що им е доволно?

耶 利 米 書 49:9
摘 葡 萄 的 若 來 到 他 那 裡 , 豈 不 剩 下 些 葡 萄 呢 ? 盜 賊 若 夜 間 而 來 , 豈 不 毀 壞 直 到 夠 了 呢 ?

摘 葡 萄 的 若 来 到 他 那 里 , 岂 不 剩 下 些 葡 萄 呢 ? 盗 贼 若 夜 间 而 来 , 岂 不 毁 坏 直 到 够 了 呢 ?



Jeremiah 49:9
Dođu li trgači k tebi, ni pabirka neće ostaviti; dođu li kradljivci noćni, opljačkat će sve što žele.

Jermiáše 49:9
Kdyby ti, kteříž zbírají víno, přišli na tebe, zdaž by nepozůstavili paběrků? Pakli zloději v noci, zdaž by škodili více nad potřebu svou?

Jeremias 49:9
Gæstes du af Vinhøstmænd, levner de ej Efterslæt, af Tyve om Natten, ødelægger de, hvad de lyster.

Jeremia 49:9
Zo er wijnlezers tot u gekomen waren, zouden zij niet een nalezing hebben overgelaten? Zo er dieven bij nacht gekomen waren, zouden zij niet verdorven hebben zoveel hun genoeg ware?

ירמיה 49:9
אִם־בֹּֽצְרִים֙ בָּ֣אוּ לָ֔ךְ לֹ֥א יַשְׁאִ֖רוּ עֹֽולֵלֹ֑ות אִם־גַּנָּבִ֥ים בַּלַּ֖יְלָה הִשְׁחִ֥יתוּ דַיָּֽם׃

ט אם בצרים באו לך לא ישארו עוללות אם גנבים בלילה השחיתו דים

אם־בצרים באו לך לא ישארו עוללות אם־גנבים בלילה השחיתו דים׃

Jeremiás 49:9
Ha szõlõszedõk törnek reád, nem hagynak gerezdeket, ha éjjeli tolvajok: pusztítanak, a míg nékik tetszik.

Jeremia 49:9
Kiam venos al vi vinberkolektantoj, ili ne restigos forgesitajn berojn; se venos sxtelistoj en la nokto, ili rabos plenan kvanton.

Viinan hakiat pitää tuleman sinun päälles, joiden ei pidä mitään sinulle jättämän jälkeensä; ja varkaat pitää yöllä tuleman sinun päälles, heidän pitää kyllä varastaman.

Jérémie 49:9
Si des vendangeurs venaient chez toi, ne laisseraient-ils pas des grappillages? si c'étaient des voleurs de nuit, ils ne détruiraient que ce qui leur suffirait.

Si des vendangeurs viennent chez toi, Ne laissent-ils rien à grappiller? Si des voleurs viennent de nuit, Ils ne dévastent que ce qu'ils peuvent.

Est-il entré chez toi des vendangeurs? ils ne t'auraient point laissé de grappillage. Sont-ce des larrons de nuit? ils auraient fait du dégât autant qu'il leur aurait suffi.

Jeremia 49:9
Es sollen Weinleser über dich kommen, die dir kein Nachlesen lassen; und Diebe des Nachts sollen über dich kommen, die sollen ihnen genug verderben.

Es sollen Weinleser über dich kommen, die dir kein Nachlesen lassen; und die Diebe des Nachts sollen über dich kommen, die sollen ihnen genug verderben.

Wenn Winzer über dich kommen, lassen sie nicht eine Nachlese übrig? wenn Diebe in der Nacht -, so schädigen sie, bis sie befriedigt sind!

Geremia 49:9
Se de’ vendemmiatori venissero a te non lascerebbero essi dei racimoli? Se de’ ladri venissero a te di notte non guasterebbero più di quanto a loro bastasse.

Se ti fosser sopraggiunti dei vendemmiatori, non ti avrebbero essi lasciati alcuni grappoli? se de’ ladri fosser venuti contro a te di notte, non avrebbero essi predato quanto fosse lor bastato?

Jikalau kiranya orang pemetik buah anggur telah datang kepadamu, bukankah ditinggalkannya padamu barang sisanya? atau jikalau pencuri pada malam, bukankah diambilnya hanya seberapa banyak yang cukup kepadanya?

예레미아 49:9
포도를 거두는 자들이 네게 이르면 약간의 열매도 남기지 아니하겠고 밤에 도적이 오면 그 욕심이 차기까지 멸하느니라

Ieremias 49:9
si vindemiatores venissent super te non reliquissent racemum si fures in nocte rapuissent quod sufficeret sibi

Jeremijo knyga 49:9
Ar vynuogių skynėjai nepaliktų kiek vynuogių? Jei vagys įsilaužtų nakčia, ar jie nepavogtų tik tiek, kiek jiems reikia?

Jeremiah 49:9
Ki te tae atu he kaikohikohi karepe ki a koe, e kore ianei e mahue i a ratou etahi karepe hei hamunga? ki te mea he tahae i te po, e kore ianei ratou e tukituki kia makona rawa ratou?

Jeremias 49:9
Om vinhøstere kommer over dig, så vil de ikke levne nogen efterhøst, om tyver kommer om natten, så vil de ødelegge til de har nok.

Jeremías 49:9
Si vinieran a ti vendimiadores, ¿no dejarían rebuscos? Si vinieran ladrones de noche, sólo destruirían hasta que les bastara.

Si vinieran a ti vendimiadores, ¿No dejarían algunos racimos? Si vinieran ladrones de noche, Sólo destruirían hasta que les bastara.

Si vendimiadores vinieran contra ti, ¿no dejarán rebuscos? Si ladrones de noche, tomarán sólo hasta que les baste.

Si vendimiadores vinieran contra ti, ¿no dejarán rebuscos? Si ladrones de noche, tomarán lo que hubieren menester.

Si vendimiadores vinieran contra ti, ¿no dejarán rebuscos? Si ladrones de noche, tomarán lo que hubieren necesitado.

Jeremias 49:9
Se aqueles que colhem uvas viessem a ti, não é certo que te deixariam apenas alguns cachos? Se roubadores surpreendessem a ti durante a noite, não saqueariam somente o que lhes fosse interessante?

Se vindimadores viessem a ti, não deixariam alguns rabiscos? se ladrões de noite, não te danificariam só o quanto lhes bastasse?   

Ieremia 49:9
,,Oare, dacă ar veni nişte culegători de struguri la tine, nu ţi-ar lăsa nimic de cules pe urma culegătorilor?`` ,,Dacă ar veni nişte hoţi noaptea, n'ar pustii decît pînă s'ar sătura!

Иеремия 49:9
Если бы обиратели винограда пришли к тебе, то верно оставили бы несколько недобранных ягод. И если бы воры пришли ночью, то они похитили бы, сколько им нужно.

Если бы обиратели винограда пришли к тебе, то верно оставили бы несколько недобранных ягод. И если бы воры [пришли] ночью, то они похитили бы, сколько им нужно.[]

Jeremia 49:9
När vinbärgare komma över dig, skola de icke lämna kvar någon efterskörd. När tjuvar komma om natten, skola de fördärva så mycket dem lyster.

Jeremiah 49:9
Kung ang mga mangaani ng ubas ay magsidating sa iyo, hindi baga sila mangagiiwan ng mapupulot na mga ubas? kung mga magnanakaw sa gabi, hindi baga sila magsisigiba ng hanggang magkaroon ng kahustuhan?

เยเรมีย์ 49:9
ถ้าคนเก็บองุ่นมาหาเจ้า เขาจะไม่ทิ้งองุ่นตกค้างไว้บ้างหรือ ถ้าขโมยมาเวลากลางคืน เขาจะไม่ทำลายเพียงพอแก่ตัวเขาเท่านั้นหรือ

Yeremya 49:9
Üzüm toplayanlar bağına girseydi,
Birkaç salkım bırakmazlar mıydı?
Gece hırsızlar gelselerdi,
Yalnızca gereksindiklerini çalmazlar mıydı?[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 49:9
Kẻ hái nho đến nhà ngươi, há chẳng để sót lại một ít sao? Kẻ trộm ban đêm há chẳng hủy hoại cho đến mình có đủ sao?

Jeremiah 49:8
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