Jeremiah 49:21
Jeremiah 49:21
At the sound of their fall the earth will tremble; their cry will resound to the Red Sea.

The earth will shake with the noise of Edom's fall, and its cry of despair will be heard all the way to the Red Sea.

At the sound of their fall the earth shall tremble; the sound of their cry shall be heard at the Red Sea.

The earth has quaked at the noise of their downfall. There is an outcry! The noise of it has been heard at the Red Sea.

The earth is moved at the noise of their fall, at the cry the noise thereof was heard in the Red sea.

At the sound of their fall the earth will quake; the sound of her cry will be heard at the Red Sea.

The earth will quake at the sound of their fall. A cry—it's her voice—is heard at the Reed Sea.

The people of the earth will quake when they hear of their downfall. Their cries of anguish will be heard all the way to the Gulf of Aqaba.

The earth will quake at the sound of their downfall. The sound of their crying will be heard at the Red Sea.

The earth is moved at the noise of their fall; at the cry the noise thereof was heard in the Red sea.

The earth is moved at the noise of their fall, at the cry its noise was heard at the Red sea.

The earth is moved at the noise of their fall, at the cry the noise thereof was heard in the Red sea.

The earth trembleth at the noise of their fall; there is a cry, the noise whereof is heard in the Red Sea.

The earth is moved at the noise of their fall: the cry of their voice is heard in the Red Sea.

The earth quaketh at the sound of their fall; there is a cry, the sound whereof is heard in the Red sea.

The earth trembleth at the noise of their fall; there is a cry, the noise whereof is heard in the Red Sea.

The earth is moved at the noise of their fall, at the cry the noise of it was heard in the Red sea.

The earth trembles at the noise of their fall; there is a cry, the noise which is heard in the Red Sea.

From the noise of their fall hath the earth shaken, The cry -- at the sea of Suph is its voice heard.

Jeremia 49:21
Në zhurmën e rënies së tyre toka do të dridhet; zhurma e britmës së tyre do të dëgjohet deri në Detin e Kuq.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 49:21
من صوت سقوطهم رجفت الارض. صرخة سمع صوتها في بحر سوف.

Dyr Ierymies 49:21
D Roetem wenn fallt, boosst s und bumpert d Erdn; schrein hoert myn s hinst eyn s Roote Mör abhin.

Еремия 49:21
От слуха за разорението им земята се тресе; Издава се вик, чийто шум се чува до Червеното море.

耶 利 米 書 49:21
因 他 們 仆 倒 的 聲 音 , 地 就 震 動 。 人 在 紅 海 那 裡 必 聽 見 呼 喊 的 聲 音 。

因 他 们 仆 倒 的 声 音 , 地 就 震 动 。 人 在 红 海 那 里 必 听 见 呼 喊 的 声 音 。



Jeremiah 49:21
Od lomljave pada njina zemlja će se potresti, razlijegat će se vapaj do Crvenog mora!

Jermiáše 49:21
Od hřmotu pádu jejich třásti se bude ta země, hlas a křik jejich slyšán bude u moře Rudého.

Jeremias 49:21
Ved Braget af deres Fald skal Jorden skælve; Skriget kan høres til det røde Hav.

Jeremia 49:21
De aarde heeft gebeefd van het geluid huns vals, van het gekrijt, welks geluid gehoord is bij de Schelfzee.

ירמיה 49:21
מִקֹּ֣ול נִפְלָ֔ם רָעֲשָׁ֖ה הָאָ֑רֶץ צְעָקָ֕ה בְּיַם־ס֖וּף נִשְׁמַ֥ע קֹולָֽהּ׃

כא מקול נפלם רעשה הארץ  צעקה בים סוף נשמע קולה

מקול נפלם רעשה הארץ צעקה בים־סוף נשמע קולה׃

Jeremiás 49:21
Az õ romlásuk zajától megrendült a föld, az õ kiáltásuk szava elhallatszik a veres tengerig.

Jeremia 49:21
De la bruo de ilia falo ektremos la tero, ilian kriadon oni auxdos cxe la Rugxa Maro.

Niin että maan pitää vapiseman heidän lankeemisessansa, ja heidän parkunsa ja huutonsa pitää kuultaman Punaisessa meressä.

Jérémie 49:21
Au bruit de leur chute la terre tremble; il y a un cri! le bruit en est entendu à la mer Rouge.

Au bruit de leur chute, la terre tremble; Leur cri se fait entendre jusqu'à la mer Rouge...

La terre a été ébranlée du bruit de leur ruine; il y a eu un cri, le son en a été ouï en la mer Rouge.

Jeremia 49:21
daß die Erde beben wird, wenn es ineinanderfällt; und ihr Geschrei wird man am Schilfmeer hören.

daß die Erde beben wird, wenn's ineinander fällt, und ihr Geschrei wird man am Schilfmeer hören.

Vom Gedröhn ihres Falls erzittert die Erde; das Wehgeschrei - am Schilfmeer hört man seinen Widerhall!

Geremia 49:21
Al rumore della loro caduta trema la terra; s’ode il loro grido fino al mar Rosso.

La terra ha tremato per lo suon della lor caduta; il suono n’è andato fino al Mar rosso; il grido di essa è stato quivi udito.

Dari pada bunyi jatuhnya bergempalah bumi, maka bunyi teriaknya kedengaranlah sampai ke laut Kolzom.

예레미아 49:21
그 넘어지는 소리에 땅이 진동하며 그 부르짖는 소리는 홍해에 들리리라

Ieremias 49:21
a voce ruinae eorum commota est terra clamor in mari Rubro auditus est vocis eius

Jeremijo knyga 49:21
Nuo jų griuvimo trenksmo sudrebės žemė, ir jų šauksmo balsas bus girdimas prie Raudonosios jūros.

Jeremiah 49:21
Oho ana te whenua i te haruru o to ratou hinganga: tera te hamama, rangona ana mai tona ngangau i te Moana Whero.

Jeremias 49:21
Ved braket av deres fall bever jorden; det lyder skrik som høres like til det Røde Hav.

Jeremías 49:21
Al estruendo de su caída tiembla la tierra; hay un clamor. Hasta el mar Rojo se oye su voz.

Al estruendo de su caída tiembla la tierra; hay un clamor. Hasta el Mar Rojo se oye su voz.

Del estruendo de la caída de ellos la tierra tembló, y el grito de su voz se oyó en el Mar Rojo.

Del estruendo de la caída de ellos la tierra tembló, y el grito de su voz se oyó en el mar Bermejo.

Del estruendo de la caída de ellos la tierra tembló, y el grito de su voz se oyó en el mar Bermejo.

Jeremias 49:21
Ao som de sua queda a terra tremerá; o grito deles ressoará até o mar Vermelho e o golfo de Ácaba.

A terra estremecerá com o estrondo da sua queda; o som do seu clamor se ouvirá até o Mar Vermelho.   

Ieremia 49:21
De vuietul căderii lor se cutremură pămîntul; strigătul lor se aude pînă la marea Roşie...

Иеремия 49:21
От шума падения их потрясется земля, и отголосок крика их слышен будет у Чермного моря.

От шума падения их потрясется земля, и отголосок крика их слышен будет у Чермного моря.[]

Jeremia 49:21
Vid dånet av deras fall bävar jorden; man skriar så, att ljudet höres ända borta vid Röda havet.

Jeremiah 49:21
Ang lupa ay nayayanig sa hugong ng kanilang pagkabuwal; may hiyawan, na ang ingay ay naririnig sa Dagat na Mapula.

เยเรมีย์ 49:21
แผ่นดินโลกสั่นสะเทือนเพราะเสียงที่มันล้ม เสียงคร่ำครวญของเขาได้ยินถึงทะเลแดง

Yeremya 49:21
Yıkılışlarının gürültüsünden yeryüzü titreyecek,
Çığlıkları Kızıldenize dek duyulacak.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 49:21
Nghe tiếng chúng nó đổ xuống, đất đều chuyển động, tiếng kêu của chúng nó nghe thấu đến Biển đỏ.

Jeremiah 49:20
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