Jeremiah 44:5
Jeremiah 44:5
But they did not listen or pay attention; they did not turn from their wickedness or stop burning incense to other gods.

But my people would not listen or turn back from their wicked ways. They kept on burning incense to these gods.

But they did not listen or incline their ear, to turn from their evil and make no offerings to other gods.

'But they did not listen or incline their ears to turn from their wickedness, so as not to burn sacrifices to other gods.

But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense unto other gods.

But they did not listen or pay attention; they did not turn from their evil or stop burning incense to other gods.

But they didn't listen or pay attention by turning from their wickedness and not offering sacrifices to other gods.

But the people of Jerusalem and Judah would not listen or pay any attention. They would not stop the wickedness they were doing nor quit sacrificing to other gods.

But you wouldn't listen or pay attention. You wouldn't turn from your wicked ways and wouldn't stop burning incense as an offering to other gods.

But they did not hearken, nor incline their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense unto other gods.

But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense unto other gods.

But they listened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense to other gods.

But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense unto other gods.

But they heard not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their evil ways, and not to sacrifice to strange gods.

But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense unto other gods.

But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense unto other gods.

But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense to other gods.

But they didn't listen, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense to other gods.

and they have not hearkened nor inclined their ear, to turn back from their wickedness, not to make perfume to other gods,

Jeremia 44:5
Por ata nuk dëgjuan as i vunë veshin që të tërhiqen nga ligësia e tyre, dhe të heqin dorë nga djegia e temjanit perëndive të tjera.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 44:5
فلم يسمعوا ولا امالوا اذنهم ليرجعوا عن شرهم فلا يبخروا لآلهة اخرى.

Dyr Ierymies 44:5
Sö aber glosnd nit und gadenkend gar nit dran, umzstöcken von ienern Übl, yn anderne Götter z opfern.

Еремия 44:5
Но те не послушаха, нито приклониха ухото си, за да се върнат от нечестието си та да не кадят на други богове.

耶 利 米 書 44:5
他 們 卻 不 聽 從 , 不 側 耳 而 聽 , 不 轉 離 惡 事 , 仍 向 別   神 燒 香 。

他 们 却 不 听 从 , 不 侧 耳 而 听 , 不 转 离 恶 事 , 仍 向 别   神 烧 香 。



Jeremiah 44:5
Ali me oni nisu slušali, niti su uho svoje priklonili da se okane zloće svoje i prestanu kaditi tuđim bogovima.

Jermiáše 44:5
Ale neuposlechli, aniž naklonili ucha svého, aby se navrátili od nešlechetnosti své, a aby nekadili bohům cizím.

Jeremias 44:5
Men de hørte ikke og bøjede ikke deres Øre dertil, saa de omvendte sig fra deres Ondskab og hørte op med at tænde Offerild for andre Guder.

Jeremia 44:5
Maar zij hebben niet gehoord, noch hun oor geneigd, om zich van hun boosheid te bekeren, dat zij anderen goden niet roken.

ירמיה 44:5
וְלֹ֤א שָֽׁמְעוּ֙ וְלֹא־הִטּ֣וּ אֶת־אָזְנָ֔ם לָשׁ֖וּב מֵרָֽעָתָ֑ם לְבִלְתִּ֥י קַטֵּ֖ר לֵאלֹהִ֥ים אֲחֵרִֽים׃

ה ולא שמעו ולא הטו את אזנם לשוב מרעתם--לבלתי קטר לאלהים אחרים

ולא שמעו ולא־הטו את־אזנם לשוב מרעתם לבלתי קטר לאלהים אחרים׃

Jeremiás 44:5
De nem hallgattak, és a fülöket sem hajtották arra, hogy megtérjenek az õ gonoszságokból, és idegen isteneknek ne áldozzanak.

Jeremia 44:5
Sed ili ne obeis, kaj ne alklinis sian orelon, por deturni sin de siaj malbonagoj, por ne incensi al aliaj dioj.

Mutta ei he totelleet, eikä kallistaneet korviansa kääntymään pahuudestansa, ja ei suitsuttamaan muille jumalille.

Jérémie 44:5
Et ils n'ont pas écouté, et n'ont pas incliné leur oreille pour se détourner de leur iniquité, afin de ne pas brûler de l'encens à d'autres dieux;

Mais ils n'ont pas écouté, ils n'ont pas prêté l'oreille, ils ne sont pas revenus de leur méchanceté, et ils n'ont pas cessé d'offrir de l'encens à d'autres dieux.

Mais ils n'ont point écouté, et n'ont point incliné leur oreille pour se détourner de leur malice, afin de ne faire point d'encensements à d'autres dieux.

Jeremia 44:5
Aber sie gehorchten nicht, neigten auch ihre Ohren von ihrer Bosheit nicht, daß sie sich bekehreten und andern Göttern nicht geräuchert hätten.

Aber sie gehorchten nicht, neigten auch ihre Ohren nicht, daß sie von ihrer Bosheit sich bekehrt und andern Göttern nicht geräuchert hätten.

Aber sie hörten nicht, noch neigten sie ihr Ohr, daß sie sich von ihrer Bosheit bekehrt hätten, so daß sie andern Göttern nicht mehr räucherten.

Geremia 44:5
ma essi non hanno ubbidito, non han prestato orecchio, non si sono stornati dalla loro malvagità, non han cessato d’offrir profumi ad altri dèi;

non però ubbidirono, nè inchinarono il loro orecchio, per istornarsi dalla lor malvagità; per non far profumi ad altri dii.

Tetapi tiada mereka itu mau dengar, atau memberi telinga akan diapun tiada mereka itu mau, atau bertobat dari pada kejahatannya, supaya jangan mereka itu membakar dupa bagi dewa-dewa.

예레미아 44:5
그들이 듣지 아니하며 귀를 기울이지 아니하고 다를 신들에게 여전히 분향하여 그 악에서 돌이키지 아니하였으므로

Ieremias 44:5
et non audierunt nec inclinaverunt aurem suam ut converterentur a malis suis et non sacrificarent diis alienis

Jeremijo knyga 44:5
Bet jie nekreipė dėmesio, neklausė ir nesiliovė aukoti svetimiems dievams.

Jeremiah 44:5
Otiia kihai ratou i rongo, kihai hoki i tahuri mai o ratou taringa, kihai i hoki mai i to ratou kino, ara i te tahu whakakakara ki nga atua ke.

Jeremias 44:5
Men de hørte ikke og la ikke øret til, så de vendte om fra sin ondskap og holdt op med å brenne røkelse for andre guder.

Jeremías 44:5
``Pero no escucharon ni inclinaron su oído para apartarse de su maldad, para dejar de quemar sacrificios a otros dioses.

'Pero no escucharon ni prestaron atención para apartarse de su maldad, para dejar de quemar sacrificios a otros dioses.

Mas no oyeron ni inclinaron su oído para convertirse de su maldad, para no ofrecer incienso a dioses ajenos.

Mas no oyeron ni inclinaron su oído para convertirse de su maldad, para no ofrecer sahumerios á dioses ajenos.

Mas no oyeron ni inclinaron su oído para convertirse de su maldad, para no ofrecer sahumerios a dioses ajenos.

Jeremias 44:5
Mas eles não deram atenção à minha Palavra, nem escutaram a minha voz para se converter da sua maldade e parar de queimar incenso e prestar culto a deuses estranhos.

Mas eles não escutaram, nem inclinaram os seus ouvidos, para se converterem da sua maldade, para não queimarem incenso a outros deuses.   

Ieremia 44:5
Dar ei n'au vrut s'asculte, n'au luat aminte, nu s'au întors dela răutatea lor, şi n'au încetat să aducă tămîie altor dumnezei.

Иеремия 44:5
Но они не слушали и не приклонили уха своего, чтобы обратиться от своего нечестия, не кадить иным богам.

Но они не слушали и не приклонили уха своего, чтобы обратиться от своего нечестия, не кадить иным богам.[]

Jeremia 44:5
Men de ville icke höra eller böja sitt öra därtill, så att de omvände sig från sin ondska och upphörde att tända offereld åt andra gudar.

Jeremiah 44:5
Nguni't hindi sila nakinig, o ikiniling man nila ang kanilang pakinig na magsihiwalay sa kanilang kasamaan, na huwag mangagsunog ng kamangyan sa ibang mga dios.

เยเรมีย์ 44:5
แต่เขาไม่ฟังหรือเงี่ยหูฟัง เพื่อจะหันกลับจากความชั่วร้ายของเขา และไม่เผาเครื่องหอมแก่พระอื่น

Yeremya 44:5
Ama dinlemediler, kulak asmadılar. Kötülüklerinden dönmediler, başka ilahlara buhur yakmaktan vazgeçmediler.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 44:5
Nhưng chúng nó chẳng nghe, chẳng để tai vào, chẳng chừa sự dữ, và cứ đốt hương cho các thần khác.

Jeremiah 44:4
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