Jeremiah 44:3
Jeremiah 44:3
because of the evil they have done. They aroused my anger by burning incense to and worshiping other gods that neither they nor you nor your ancestors ever knew.

They provoked my anger with all their wickedness. They burned incense and worshiped other gods--gods that neither they nor you nor any of your ancestors had ever even known.

because of the evil that they committed, provoking me to anger, in that they went to make offerings and serve other gods that they knew not, neither they, nor you, nor your fathers.

because of their wickedness which they committed so as to provoke Me to anger by continuing to burn sacrifices and to serve other gods whom they had not known, neither they, you, nor your fathers.

Because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, ye, nor your fathers.

because of their evil ways that provoked Me to anger, going and burning incense to serve other gods that they, you, and your fathers did not know.

because of the wickedness that they did, provoking me to anger by continuing to offer sacrifices and worship other gods that neither they nor you nor your ancestors had known.

This happened because of the wickedness the people living there did. They made me angry by worshiping and offering sacrifice to other gods whom neither they nor you nor your ancestors previously knew.

It is because their people did evil, and they made me angry. They went to burn incense and serve other gods that neither you nor your ancestors heard of.

because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, ye, nor your fathers.

Because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, nor you, nor your fathers.

Because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, you, nor your fathers.

because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, that they knew not, neither they, nor ye, nor your fathers.

Because of the wickedness which they have committed, to provoke me to wrath, and to go and offer sacrifice, and worship other gods, which neither they, nor you, nor your fathers knew.

because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense to serve other gods which they knew not, they, nor ye, nor your fathers.

because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, nor ye, nor your fathers.

Because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, ye, nor your fathers.

because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, [and] to serve other gods, that they didn't know, neither they, nor you, nor your fathers.

because of their wickedness that they have done, by provoking Me to anger, by going to make perfume, by serving other gods, that they knew not, they, ye, and your fathers.

Jeremia 44:3
për shkak të ligësisë që kanë kryer duke provokuar zemërimin tim, duke shkuar të djegin temjan dhe t'u shërbejnë perëndive të tjera, që as ata as etërit tuaj nuk kishin njohur kurrë.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 44:3
من اجل شرهم الذي فعلوه ليغيظوني اذ ذهبوا ليبخروا ويعبدوا آلهة اخرى لم يعرفوها هم ولا انتم ولا آباؤكم.

Dyr Ierymies 44:3
Dös +habnd s ietz von ienerne Übltaatn! Sö gopfernd und gadienend yn anderne Götter, wo sö, ös und enkerne Gönen gar nit kennt hietnd, und gmachend mi dyrmit stoknärrisch.

Еремия 44:3
поради нечестието, което сториха та Ме разгневиха, като отиваха да кадят и да служат на други богове, които ни те познаваха, ни вие, ни бащите ви.

耶 利 米 書 44:3
這 是 因 居 民 所 行 的 惡 , 去 燒 香 事 奉 別   神 , 就 是 他 們 和 你 們 , 並 你 們 列 祖 所 不 認 識 的 神 , 惹 我 發 怒 。

这 是 因 居 民 所 行 的 恶 , 去 烧 香 事 奉 别   神 , 就 是 他 们 和 你 们 , 并 你 们 列 祖 所 不 认 识 的 神 , 惹 我 发 怒 。



Jeremiah 44:3
zbog nedjela njihovih što ih učiniše da bi mene vrijeđali, polazeći drugim bogovima kojih nisu poznavali ni oni, ni vi, ni oci vaši, da im kade i da im služe.

Jermiáše 44:3
Pro nešlechetnost jejich, kterouž páchali, aby jen popouzeli mne, chodíce kaditi a sloužiti bohům cizím, jichž neznali sami, vy, ani otcové vaši,

Jeremias 44:3
det er Straf for det onde, de gjorde, idet de krænkede mig ved at gaa hen og tænde Offerild for og dyrke andre Guder, som hverken de eller deres Fædre før kendte til.

Jeremia 44:3
Vanwege hun boosheid, die zij gedaan hebben, om Mij te tergen, gaande om te roken en andere goden te dienen, die zij niet kenden, zij, gij, noch uw vaders.

ירמיה 44:3
מִפְּנֵ֣י רָעָתָ֗ם אֲשֶׁ֤ר עָשׂוּ֙ לְהַכְעִסֵ֔נִי לָלֶ֣כֶת לְקַטֵּ֔ר לַעֲבֹ֖ד לֵאלֹהִ֣ים אֲחֵרִ֑ים אֲשֶׁר֙ לֹ֣א יְדָע֔וּם הֵ֖מָּה אַתֶּ֥ם וַאֲבֹתֵיכֶֽם׃

ג מפני רעתם אשר עשו להכעסני ללכת לקטר לעבד לאלהים אחרים--אשר לא ידעום המה אתם ואבתיכם

מפני רעתם אשר עשו להכעסני ללכת לקטר לעבד לאלהים אחרים אשר לא ידעום המה אתם ואבתיכם׃

Jeremiás 44:3
Az õ gonoszságokért, a melyet cselekedtek, hogy felingereljenek engem, elmenvén, hogy áldozatot vigyenek és szolgáljanak az idegen isteneknek, a kiket õk nem ismernek vala, sem ti, sem a ti atyáitok.

Jeremia 44:3
pro iliaj malbonagoj, kiujn ili faris, kolerigante Min, irante incensi kaj servi al aliaj dioj, kiujn ne konis ili, nek vi, nek viaj patroj.

Heidän pahuutensa tähden, jonka he tekivät vihoittaen minua, ja menivät ja suitsuttivat ja palvelivat muita jumalia, joita ei he, eli te, eikä teidän isänne tunteneet.

Jérémie 44:3
et personne n'y habite, à cause de l'iniquité qu'ils ont commise pour me provoquer à colère, en allant brûler de l'encens pour servir d'autres dieux, qu'ils n'ont pas connus, eux, ni vous, ni vos pères.

cause de la méchanceté avec laquelle ils ont agi pour m'irriter, en allant encenser et servir d'autres dieux, inconnus à eux, à vous et à vos pères.

A cause des maux qu'ils ont faits pour m'irriter, en allant faire des encensements pour servir d'autres dieux, lesquels ils n'ont point connus, ni eux, ni vous, ni vos pères.

Jeremia 44:3
und das um ihrer Bosheit willen, die sie taten, daß sie mich erzürneten und hingingen und räucherten und dieneten andern Göttern, welche weder sie noch ihr noch eure Väter kannten.

und das um ihrer Bosheit willen, die sie taten, daß sie mich erzürnten und hingingen und räucherten und dienten andern Göttern, welche weder sie noch ihr noch eure Väter kannten.

wegen der Bosheit, die sie verübt haben, mich zum Zorne zu reizen, indem sie hingingen, um andern Göttern zu räuchern, die sie nicht kannten.

Geremia 44:3
a motivo della malvagità che hanno commessa per provocarmi ad ira, andando a far profumi e a servire altri dèi, i quali né essi, né voi, né i vostri padri avevate mai conosciuti.

e non vi è alcuno che abiti in esse; per la lor malvagità, che usarono per dispettarmi; andando a far profumi, ed a servire ad altri dii, i quali nè essi, nè voi, nè i vostri padri non avevate conosciuti.

yaitu dari sebab kejahatan mereka itu yang telah dibuatnya akan menggalakkan geram-Ku, karena mereka itu sudah pergi akan membakar dupa bagi dewa-dewa, yang tiada pernah diketahuinya atau diketahui oleh kamu atau oleh nenek moyangmu.

예레미아 44:3
이는 그들이 자기나 너희나 너희 열조의 알지 못하는 다른 신들에게 나아가 분향하여 섬겨서 나의 노를 격동한 악행을 인함이라

Ieremias 44:3
propter malitiam quam fecerunt ut me ad iracundiam provocarent et irent et sacrificarent et colerent deos alienos quos nesciebant et illi et vos et patres vestri

Jeremijo knyga 44:3
Tai įvyko dėl jų nusikaltimų, kuriais jie sukėlė mano rūstybę, smilkydami svetimiems dievams, kurių nepažino nei jie, nei jūs, nei jūsų tėvai.

Jeremiah 44:3
Mo ta ratou kino i mahia e ratou hei whakapataritari i ahau, i to ratou haerenga ki te tahu whakakakara, a ki te mahi ki nga atua ke, kihai nei ratou i mohio, ratou, koutou ranei, o koutou matua ranei.

Jeremias 44:3
for det onde som de gjorde, så de vakte min harme, da de gikk avsted og brente røkelse og dyrket andre guder, som de ikke kjente, hverken de eller I eller eders fedre.

Jeremías 44:3
a causa de la maldad que ellos cometieron para provocarme a ira, quemando constantemente sacrificios y sirviendo a otros dioses que no habían conocido, ni ellos, ni vosotros, ni vuestros padres.

a causa de la maldad que ellos cometieron para provocarme a ira, quemando constantemente sacrificios y sirviendo a otros dioses que no habían conocido, ni ellos, ni ustedes, ni sus padres.

A causa de la maldad que ellos cometieron para hacerme enojar, yendo a ofrecer incienso, honrando a dioses ajenos que ellos no habían conocido, ni vosotros, ni vuestros padres.

A causa de la maldad de ellos que cometieron para hacerme enojar, yendo á ofrecer sahumerios, honrando dioses ajenos que ellos no habían conocido, vosotros, ni vuestros padres.

a causa de la maldad de ellos que cometieron, haciéndome enojar, yendo a ofrecer sahumerios, honrando dioses ajenos que ellos no habían conocido, vosotros, ni vuestros padres.

Jeremias 44:3
por causa da malignidade que fizeram, para me provocar a ira, indo prestar culto, queimar incenso e servir a outros deuses que eles nunca conheceram; eles, vós e vossos pais.

por causa da sua maldade que fizeram, para me irarem, indo queimar incenso, e servir a outros deuses, a quem eles nunca conheceram, nem eles, nem vós, nem vossos pais.   

Ieremia 44:3
din pricina răutăţii, cu care au lucrat, ca să Mă mînie, ducîndu-se să tămîieze şi să slujească altor dumnezei, cari nu erau cunoscuţi nici de ei, nici de voi, nici de părinţii voştri.

Иеремия 44:3
за нечестие их, которое они делали, прогневляя Меня, ходя кадить и служить иным богам, которых не знали ни они, ни вы, ни отцы ваши.

за нечестие их, которое они делали, прогневляя Меня, ходя кадить и служить иным богам, которых не знали ни они, ни вы, ни отцы ваши.[]

Jeremia 44:3
detta för den ondskas skull som de bedrevo till att förtörna mig, i det att de gingo bort och tände offereld och tjänade andra gudar, som varken I själva eller edra fäder haden känt.

Jeremiah 44:3
Dahil sa kanilang kasamaan na kanilang ginawa upang mungkahiin ako sa galit, sa kanilang pagsusunog ng kamangyan, at sa paglilingkod sa ibang mga dios, na hindi nila nakilala, kahit nila, o ninyo man, o ng inyong mga magulang man.

เยเรมีย์ 44:3
เพราะความชั่วซึ่งเขาทั้งหลายได้กระทำได้ยั่วเย้าเราให้มีความโกรธ ด้วยการที่เขาทั้งหลายไปเผาเครื่องหอม และปรนนิบัติพระอื่นซึ่งเขาไม่รู้จัก ไม่ว่าเขาเอง หรือเจ้าทั้งหลาย หรือบรรพบุรุษของเจ้า

Yeremya 44:3

Gieâ-reâ-mi 44:3
vì cớ tội ác dân chúng nó đã phạm để chọc giận ta, đi đốt hương và hầu việc các thần khác mà chúng nó và các ngươi cùng tổ phụ các ngươi cũng chưa từng biết đến.

Jeremiah 44:2
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