Jeremiah 4:31
Jeremiah 4:31
I hear a cry as of a woman in labor, a groan as of one bearing her first child-- the cry of Daughter Zion gasping for breath, stretching out her hands and saying, "Alas! I am fainting; my life is given over to murderers."

I hear a cry, like that of a woman in labor, the groans of a woman giving birth to her first child. It is beautiful Jerusalem gasping for breath and crying out, "Help! I'm being murdered!"

For I heard a cry as of a woman in labor, anguish as of one giving birth to her first child, the cry of the daughter of Zion gasping for breath, stretching out her hands, “Woe is me! I am fainting before murderers.”

For I heard a cry as of a woman in labor, The anguish as of one giving birth to her first child, The cry of the daughter of Zion gasping for breath, Stretching out her hands, saying, "Ah, woe is me, for I faint before murderers."

For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, and the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, that bewaileth herself, that spreadeth her hands, saying, Woe is me now! for my soul is wearied because of murderers.

I hear a cry like a woman in labor, a cry of anguish like one bearing her first child. The cry of Daughter Zion gasping for breath, stretching out her hands: Woe is me, for my life is weary because of the murderers!

I heard a cry like that of a woman in labor, anguish like one giving birth to her firstborn, the cry of the daughter of Zion gasping for air, stretching out her hand: "Woe is me! I'm about to faint in front of killers!"

In fact, I hear a cry like that of a woman in labor, a cry of anguish like that of a woman giving birth to her first baby. It is the cry of Daughter Zion gasping for breath, reaching out for help, saying, "I am done in! My life is ebbing away before these murderers!"

I hear a woman in labor. I hear the woman cry with anguish as she gives birth to her first child. My people Zion are gasping for breath. They are stretching out their hands, saying, "How horrible it is for us! We're defenseless in the presence of murderers!"

For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, the anguish as of her that brings forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, that bewails herself, that spreads her hands, saying, Woe is me now! for my soul is faint because of the murderers.

For I have heard a voice like a woman in travail, and the anguish as of her that brings forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, that bewails herself, that spreads her hands, saying, Woe is me now! for my soul is wearied because of murderers.

For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, and the anguish as of her that brings forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, that mourns herself, that spreads her hands, saying, Woe is me now! for my soul is wearied because of murderers.

For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, that gaspeth for breath, that spreadeth her hands,'saying , Woe is me now! for my soul fainteth before the murderers.

For I have heard the voice as of a woman in travail, anguishes as of a woman in labor of a child. The voice of the daughter of Sion, dying away, spreading her hands: Woe is me, for my soul hath fainted because of them that are slain.

For I hear a voice, as of a woman in travail, anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion: she moaneth, she spreadeth forth her hands, saying, Woe unto me! for my soul faileth because of murderers.

For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, that gaspeth for breath, that spreadeth her hands, saying, Woe is me now! for my soul fainteth before the murderers.

For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, and the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, that bewaileth herself, that spreadeth her hands, saying, Woe is me now! for my soul is wearied because of murderers.

For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, the anguish as of her who brings forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, who gasps for breath, who spreads her hands, [saying], "Woe is me now! For my soul faints before the murderers."

For a voice as of a sick woman I have heard, Distress, as of one bringing forth a first-born, The voice of the daughter of Zion, She bewaileth herself, she spreadeth out her hands, 'Woe to me now, for weary is my soul of slayers!'

Jeremia 4:31
Sepse po dëgjoj një britmë si të një gruaje kur lind, një ankth si të një gruaje në lindjen e saj të parë: është britma e bijës së Sionit, që mezi merr frymë dhe shtrin duart e veta, duke thënë: "Mjerë unë! Shpirti im po ligështohet për shkak të vrasësve"".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 4:31
لاني سمعت صوتا كماخضة ضيقا مثل ضيق بكرية. صوت ابنة صهيون تزفر. تبسط يديها قائلة ويل لي لان نفسي قد أغمي عليها بسبب القاتلين

Dyr Ierymies 4:31
Ayn Gschrai hoer i wie von ainer in n Wee'n, s Achetzn wie von ainer, wo s eerste Kind kriegt. Zien hoer i plerrn und kirbern; d Höndd ströckt s fleehet aus: "Aus ist s mit mir! Gögn d Mörder kan i nix meer machen."

Еремия 4:31
Защото чух глас като на жена кога ражда, Болките като на оная, която ражда първородното си, Гласа на сионовата дъщеря, Която се задъхва, простира ръцете си, [И казва]: Горко ми сега! Защото душата ми чезне поради убийците.

耶 利 米 書 4:31
我 聽 見 有 聲 音 , 彷 彿 婦 人 產 難 的 聲 音 , 好 像 生 頭 胎 疼 痛 的 聲 音 , 是 錫 安 女 子 ( 就 是 指 民 的 意 思 ) 的 聲 音 ; 他 喘 著 氣 、 挓 抄 手 , 說 : 我 有 禍 了 ! 在 殺 人 的 跟 前 , 我 的 心 發 昏 了 。

我 听 见 有 声 音 , 彷 佛 妇 人 产 难 的 声 音 , 好 像 生 头 胎 疼 痛 的 声 音 , 是 锡 安 女 子 ( 就 是 指 民 的 意 思 ) 的 声 音 ; 他 喘 着 气 、 ? 抄 手 , 说 : 我 有 祸 了 ! 在 杀 人 的 跟 前 , 我 的 心 发 昏 了 。



Jeremiah 4:31
Da, jauk kao u bolesnice čujem, vrisak kao u one što prvi put rađa; čuj, to kći sionska jeca i pruža ruke: 'Jao meni! Duša mi zamire pod udarcima ubojica!'

Jermiáše 4:31
Nebo slyším hlas jako rodičky, svírání jako té, kteráž po nejprvé ku porodu pracuje, hlas dcery Sionské, ustavičně vzdychající, a lomící rukama svýma, říkající: Běda mně nyní, nebo ustala duše má pro vrahy.

Jeremias 4:31
Thi jeg hører Raab som ved Barnsnød, Skrig som ved Førstefødsel. Hør, hvor Zions Datter stønner med udrakte Hænder: »Ve mig, min Sjæl bukker under for dem, som myrder.«

Jeremia 4:31
Want ik hoor een stem als van een vrouw, die in arbeid is, een benauwdheid als van een, die in des eersten kinds nood is, de stem van de dochter Sions; zij hijgt, zij breidt haar handen uit, zeggende: O, wee mij nu, want mijn ziel is moede vanwege de doodslagers!

ירמיה 4:31
כִּי֩ קֹ֨ול כְּחֹולָ֜ה שָׁמַ֗עְתִּי צָרָה֙ כְּמַבְכִּירָ֔ה קֹ֧ול בַּת־צִיֹּ֛ון תִּתְיַפֵּ֖חַ תְּפָרֵ֣שׂ כַּפֶּ֑יהָ אֹֽוי־נָ֣א לִ֔י כִּֽי־עָיְפָ֥ה נַפְשִׁ֖י לְהֹרְגִֽים׃ פ

לא כי קול כחולה שמעתי צרה כמבכירה--קול בת ציון תתיפח תפרש כפיה  אוי נא לי כי עיפה נפשי להרגים  {פ}

כי קול כחולה שמעתי צרה כמבכירה קול בת־ציון תתיפח תפרש כפיה אוי־נא לי כי־עיפה נפשי להרגים׃ פ

Jeremiás 4:31
Mert mintha vajudó asszony szavát hallanám, mintha az elõször szûlõnek sikoltozását: olyan Sion leányának hangja; nyög, csapkodja kezeit: Jaj nékem! mert roskadozik lelkem a gyilkosok elõtt.

Jeremia 4:31
CXar Mi auxdas krion kiel de naskantino, gxemegadon kiel de virino naskanta la unuan infanon, krion de la filino de Cion; sxi gxemas, kaj etendas siajn manojn:Ho ve al mi! cxar mia animo pereas de la mortigantoj.

Sillä minä kuulin huudon, niinkuin synnyttäväiseltä, tuskan, niinkuin sen, joka ensimäisen lapsen vaivassa on, Zionin tyttären äänen, joka valittaa ja hajoittaa kätensä: voi minuani! sillä sieluni on väsynyt surmaajain tähden.

Jérémie 4:31
Car j'ai entendu une voix comme celle d'une femme en travail, une angoisse comme d'une femme enfantant son premier-né, la voix de la fille de Sion; elle soupire, elle étend ses mains: Malheur à moi! car mon âme a défailli à cause des meurtriers!

Car j'entends des cris comme ceux d'une femme en travail, Des cris d'angoisse comme dans un premier enfantement. C'est la voix de la fille de Sion; elle soupire, elle étend les mains: Malheureuse que je suis! je succombe sous les meurtriers!

Car j'ai ouï un cri comme celui d'une [femme] qui est en travail, et une angoisse comme celle d'une femme qui est en travail de son premier-né; c'est le cri de la fille de Sion; elle soupire, elle étend ses mains, [en disant] : Malheur maintenant à moi, car mon âme est défaillie à cause des meurtriers.

Jeremia 4:31
Denn ich höre ein Geschrei als einer Gebärerin, eine Angst als einer, die in den ersten Kindesnöten ist, ein Geschrei der Tochter Zion, die da klagt und die Hände auswirft: Ach, wehe mir, ich muß schier vergehen vor dem Würgen!

Denn ich höre ein Geschrei als einer Gebärerin, eine Angst als einer, die in den ersten Kindesnöten ist, ein Geschrei der Tochter Zion, die da klagt und die Hände auswirft: "Ach, wehe mir! Ich muß fast vergehen vor den Würgern."

Ja, Geschrei höre ich, wie von einer Kreißenden, Angstruf wie von einer Erstgebärenden: das Geschrei der Tochter Zion, die da keuchend sich abquält, ihre Hände flehend ausbreitet: O wehe mir! denn Mördern erliegt meine Seele!

Geremia 4:31
Poiché io odo de’ gridi come di donna ch’è nei dolori; un’angoscia come quella di donna nel suo primo parto; è la voce della figliuola di Sion, che sospira ansimando e stende le mani: "Ahi me lassa! che l’anima mia vien meno dinanzi agli uccisori".

Perciocchè io ho udito un grido, come di donna che partorisce; una distretta, come di donna che è sopra parto del suo primogenito; il grido della figliuola di Sion, che sospira ansando, ed allarga le palme delle sue mani, dicendo: Ahi lassa me! perciocchè l’anima mi vien meno per gli ucciditori.

Wai, aku dengar bunyi seperti suara perempuan yang menyakiti akan beranak, bunyi hai hui seperti dari pada perempuan yang baharu beranak sulungnya, bunyi hai hui seperti dari pada perempuan yang baharu beranak, yaitu bunyi suara puteri Sion, bahwa ia berkeluh kesah dan ditadahkannya tangannya, katanya: Wai bagiku, karena nyawaku hampir akan putus di bawah tangan segala pembunuh itu!

예레미아 4:31
내가 소리를 들은즉 여인의 해산하는 소리 같고 초산하는 자의 고통하는 소리 같으니 이는 딸 시온의 소리라 그가 헐떡이며 그 손을 펴고 이르기를 내게 화 있도다 ! 살륙하는 자를 인하여 나의 심령이 피곤하도다 하는도다

Ieremias 4:31
vocem enim quasi parturientis audivi angustias ut puerperae vox filiae Sion intermorientis expandentisque manus suas vae mihi quia defecit anima mea propter interfectos

Jeremijo knyga 4:31
Girdžiu tarsi gimdančios riksmą, tarsi pirmagimį gimdančios šauksmą­balsą Siono dukters, gaudančios kvapą, tiesiančios rankas ir sakančios: “Vargas man, mano sielą nuvargino žudikai”.

Jeremiah 4:31
Kua rongo hoki ahau i te reo, me te mea no te wahine e whanau ana, he mamae, me te mea ko tana matamua e puta ana, ko te reo o te tamahine a Hiona e whakahotuhotu ana, whewhera tonu ona ringa, me te karenga, Aue te mate i ahua! kua hemo hoki tok u wairua i mua i nga kaiwhakamate.

Jeremias 4:31
For jeg hører et rop som av en kvinne i barnsnød, et angstskrik som av en kvinne når hun føder sitt første barn; det er Sions datter som roper; hun stønner, hun strekker ut sine hender og sier: Ve mig! Maktløs synker min sjel i morderes vold.

Jeremías 4:31
Porque oí un grito como de mujer de parto, angustia como de primeriza; era el grito de la hija de Sion que se ahogaba, y extendía sus manos, diciendo: ¡Ay ahora de mí, porque desfallezco ante los asesinos!

Porque oí un grito como de mujer de parto, Angustia como de primeriza; Era el grito de la hija de Sion que se ahogaba, Y extendía sus manos, diciendo: "¡Ay ahora de mí, porque desfallezco ante los asesinos!"

Porque oí una voz como de mujer que está de parto, angustia como de primeriza; voz de la hija de Sión que lamenta y extiende sus manos, diciendo: ¡Ay ahora de mí! que mi alma desmaya a causa de los asesinos.

Porque voz oí como de mujer que está de parto, angustia como de primeriza; voz de la hija de Sión que lamenta y extiende sus manos, diciendo: ¡Ay ahora de mí! que mi alma desmaya á causa de los matadores.

Porque voz oí como de mujer que está de parto, angustia como de primeriza; voz de la hija de Sion que lamenta y extiende sus manos, diciendo : ¡Ay ahora de mí! Que mi alma desmaya a causa de los matadores.

Jeremias 4:31
Eis que ouço um grito, como de mulher em trabalho de parto, como a agonia de uma mulher ao dar à luz o primeiro filho. Sim! É o grito da Filha, a Cidade de Sião, que geme ofegante e estende suas mãos clamando: “Ai de mim! Estou desfalecendo. Eis que minha vida corre perigo nas mãos de assassinos!”

Pois ouvi uma voz, como a de mulher que está de parto, a angústia como a de quem dá à luz o seu primeiro filho; a voz da filha de Sião, ofegante, que estende as mãos, dizendo: Ai de mim agora! porque a minha alma desfalece por causa dos assassinos.   

Ieremia 4:31
Căci Eu aud nişte ţipete ca ale unei femei în chinurile naşterii, ţipete de durere ca la cea dintîi facere. Este glasul fiicei Sionului, care suspină şi întinde mîinile, zicînd: ,Nenorocita de mine! Mor din pricina ucigaşilor!``

Иеремия 4:31
Ибо Я слышу голос как бы женщины в родах, стон как бы рождающей в первый раз, голос дочери Сиона; она стонет, простирая руки свои: „о, горе мне! душа моя изнывает пред убийцами".

Ибо Я слышу голос как бы женщины в родах, стон как бы рождающей в первый раз, голос дочери Сиона; она стонет, простирая руки свои: `о, горе мне! душа моя изнывает пред убийцами`.[]

Jeremia 4:31
Ty jag hör rop såsom av en barnaföderska, nödrop såsom av en förstföderska. Det är dottern Sion som ropar; hon flämtar, hon räcker ut sina händer: »Ack, ve mig! I mördares våld försmäktar min själ.»

Jeremiah 4:31
Sapagka't ako'y nakarinig ng tinig na gaya ng sa babaing nagdaramdam, ng daing ng gaya ng sa nanganganak sa panganay, ng tinig ng anak na babae ng Sion, na nagsisikip ang hininga, na naguunat ng kaniyang mga kamay, na nagsasabi, Sa aba ko ngayon! sapagka't ang kaluluwa ko ay nanglulupaypay sa harap ng mga mamamatay tao.

เยเรมีย์ 4:31
เพราะเราได้ยินเสียงเหมือนเสียงหญิงคลอดบุตรร้องแสนเจ็บปวดอย่างกับจะคลอดบุตรหัวปี เสียงร้องแห่งบุตรสาวศิโยนนั้น แทบจะขาดใจ เหยียดมือของเธอออกร้องว่า `วิบัติแก่ข้า จิตใจข้าอ่อนเปลี้ยอยู่เพราะเหตุผู้ฆ่าคน'"

Yeremya 4:31
Sancı çeken kadının haykırışını,
İlk çocuğunu doğuran kadının çektiği acıyı,
Ellerini uzatmış, soluğu kesilmiş Siyon kızının,
‹‹Eyvah! Katillerin karşısında bayılıyorum››
Diye haykırdığını işitir gibi oldum.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 4:31
Vì ta nghe tiếng, như tiếng đờn bà đẻ, tiếng thảm thương như tiếng đờn bà đẻ con so. Ấy là tiếng con gái Si-ôn, thở và giang tay mà rằng: Khốn nạn cho tôi! linh hồn tôi đã ngất đi trước mặt kẻ giết người!

Jeremiah 4:30
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