Jeremiah 4:10
Jeremiah 4:10
Then I said, "Alas, Sovereign LORD! How completely you have deceived this people and Jerusalem by saying, 'You will have peace,' when the sword is at our throats!"

Then I said, "O Sovereign LORD, the people have been deceived by what you said, for you promised peace for Jerusalem. But the sword is held at their throats!"

Then I said, “Ah, Lord GOD, surely you have utterly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, ‘It shall be well with you,’ whereas the sword has reached their very life.”

Then I said, "Ah, Lord GOD! Surely You have utterly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, 'You will have peace'; whereas a sword touches the throat."

Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul.

I said, "Oh no, Lord GOD, You have certainly deceived this people and Jerusalem, by announcing, 'You will have peace,' while a sword is at our throats."

Then I replied, "Ah, Lord GOD, you have completely deceived this people and Jerusalem when you said, 'You will have peace,' while the sword is at their throat!"

In response to all this I said, "Ah, Lord GOD, you have surely allowed the people of Judah and Jerusalem to be deceived by those who say, 'You will be safe!' But in fact a sword is already at our throats."

I said, "Almighty LORD, you certainly have deceived these people and Jerusalem. You said that everything would go well for them, but a sword is held at their throats."

(Then I said, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; when the sword reaches unto the soul.)

Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely you have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, You shall have peace; when the sword reaches unto the soul.

Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely you have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, You shall have peace; whereas the sword reaches to the soul.

Then said I, Ah, Lord Jehovah! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the life.

And I said: Alas, alas, alas, O Lord God, hast thou then deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying: You shall have peace: and behold the sword reacheth even to the soul?

And I said, Alas, Lord Jehovah! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul.

Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul.

Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth to the soul.

Then I said, "Ah, Lord Yahweh! Surely you have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, 'You shall have peace;' whereas the sword reaches to the heart."

And I say, 'Ah, Lord Jehovah, Surely thou hast entirely forgotten this people and Jerusalem, saying, Peace is for you, And struck hath a sword unto the soul!'

Jeremia 4:10
Atëherë unë thashë: "O Zot, Zot, ti ke mashtruar plotësisht këtë popull dhe Jeruzalemin, duke thënë: "Ju do të keni paqe", ndërsa shpata po futet deri në zemër".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 4:10
فقلت آه يا سيد الرب حقا انك خداعا خادعت هذا الشعب واورشليم قائلا يكون لكم سلام وقد بلغ السيف النفس.

Dyr Ierymies 4:10
Die sagnd grad non: "O Gebieter, Trechtein; hietz haast ja s Volk und Ruslham ganz schoen täuscht! Zeerst gsagst öbbs von n Heil, wo myr finddnd; und ietz kräglnd s üns ab."

Еремия 4:10
Тогава рекох: О, Господи Иеова! Ти наистина съвсем си излъгал тия люде и Ерусалим Като си казал: Мир ще имате; Когато напротив ножът е стигнал до душата [им].

耶 利 米 書 4:10
我 說 : 哀 哉 ! 主 耶 和 華 啊 , 你 真 是 大 大 地 欺 哄 這 百 姓 和 耶 路 撒 冷 , 說 : 你 們 必 得 平 安 。 其 實 刀 劍 害 及 性 命 了 。

我 说 : 哀 哉 ! 主 耶 和 华 啊 , 你 真 是 大 大 地 欺 哄 这 百 姓 和 耶 路 撒 冷 , 说 : 你 们 必 得 平 安 。 其 实 刀 剑 害 及 性 命 了 。



Jeremiah 4:10
I reći će: 'Ah, Jahve, Gospodine, zaista nas teško prevari kad reče: 'Uživat ćete mir' a sad nam je mač pod grlom.'

Jermiáše 4:10
I řekl jsem: Ach, Panovníče Hospodine, jistě že jsi velice podvedl lid tento, i Jeruzalém, říkaje: Pokoj míti budete, a však pronikl meč až k duši.

Jeremias 4:10
og de skal sige: »Ak, Herre, HERRE! Sandelig, du førte dette Folk og Jerusalem bag Lyset, da du sagde: I skal have Fred! Nu har Sværdet naaet Sjælen.«

Jeremia 4:10
Toen zeide ik: Ach, Heere HEERE! waarlijk, Gij hebt dit volk en Jeruzalem grotelijks bedrogen, zeggende: Gijlieden zult vrede hebben; daar het zwaard tot aan de ziel raakt.

ירמיה 4:10
וָאֹמַ֞ר אֲהָ֣הּ ׀ אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֗ה אָכֵן֩ הַשֵּׁ֨א הִשֵּׁ֜אתָ לָעָ֤ם הַזֶּה֙ וְלִירוּשָׁלִַ֣ם לֵאמֹ֔ר שָׁלֹ֖ום יִהְיֶ֣ה לָכֶ֑ם וְנָגְעָ֥ה חֶ֖רֶב עַד־הַנָּֽפֶשׁ׃

י ואמר אהה אדני יהוה אכן השא השאת לעם הזה ולירושלם לאמר שלום יהיה לכם ונגעה חרב עד הנפש

ואמר אהה ׀ אדני יהוה אכן השא השאת לעם הזה ולירושלם לאמר שלום יהיה לכם ונגעה חרב עד־הנפש׃

Jeremiás 4:10
Én pedig ezt mondom: Oh Uram Isten! Bizony igen megcsaltad ezt a népet, és Jeruzsálemet, ezt mondván: Békességtek lesz! holott a szablya lelkünkig hatott.

Jeremia 4:10
Kaj mi diris:Ho Sinjoro, ho Eternulo! cxu Vi erarigis cxi tiun popolon kaj Jerusalemon, dirinte:Vi havos pacon-kaj dume la glavo atingis jam la animon?

Mutta minä sanoin: voi! Herra, Herra, sinä olet antanut tämän kansan ja Jerusalemin suuresti pettää itsensä, sanoen: Teillä on oleva rauha; ja kuitenkin miekka hamaan sieluun asti lähestyy.

Jérémie 4:10
Et je dis: Ah, Seigneur Éternel! certainement tu as bien trompé ce peuple et Jérusalem, en disant: Vous aurez la paix!... et l'épée est venue jusqu'à l'âme.

Je dis: Ah! Seigneur Eternel! Tu as donc trompé ce peuple et Jérusalem, en disant: Vous aurez la paix! Et cependant l'épée menace leur vie.

C'est pourquoi j'ai dit : ha! ha! Seigneur Eternel ! oui certainement tu as abusé ce peuple et Jérusalem, en disant : vous aurez la paix; et l'épée est venue jusqu’à l'âme.

Jeremia 4:10
Ich aber sprach: Ach, HERR HERR, du hast's diesem Volk und Jerusalem weit fehlen lassen, da sie sagten: Es wird Friede bei euch sein, so doch das Schwert bis an die Seele reicht.

Ich aber sprach: Ach HERR HERR! du hast's diesem Volk und Jerusalem weit fehlgehen lassen, da sie sagten: "Es wird Friede mit euch sein", so doch das Schwert bis an die Seele reicht.

Da sprach ich: Ach, Herr Jahwe! Fürwahr gründlich hast du dieses Volk und Jerusalem getäuscht, als du sprachst: Heil soll euch widerfahren! während ihnen nun das Schwert ans Leben geht.

Geremia 4:10
Allora io dissi: "Ahi! Signore, Eterno! tu hai dunque ingannato questo popolo e Gerusalemme dicendo: Voi avrete pace mentre la spada penetra fino all’anima".

Ed io ho detto: Ahi! Signore Iddio! hai tu pure ingannato questo popolo, e Gerusalemme, dicendo: Voi avrete pace; e pur la spada è giunta infino all’anima!

Lalu sembahku: Ya Tuhan Hua! bahwa sesungguhnya Engkau juga sudah menyesatkan sangat bangsa ini dan orang isi Yeruzalempun, pada masa dikatakan kepadanya: Kamu akan selamat sentosa, sedang pedang itu sudah makan sampai kepada hati.

예레미아 4:10
내가 가로되 슬프도소이다 주 여호와여, 주께서 진실로 이 백성과 예루살렘을 크게 속이셨나이다 이르시기를 너희에게 평강이 있으리라 하시더니 칼이 생명에 미쳤나이다

Ieremias 4:10
et dixi heu heu heu Domine Deus ergone decepisti populum istum et Hierusalem dicens pax erit vobis et ecce pervenit gladius usque ad animam

Jeremijo knyga 4:10
Jie sakys: ‘Ak, Viešpatie Dieve, iš tikrųjų Tu smarkiai apgavai šią tautą ir Jeruzalę, sakydamas: ‘Jūs turėsite taiką’, o dabar kardas siekia mūsų sielas!’

Jeremiah 4:10
Ano ra ko ahau, Aue, e te Ariki, e Ihowa, kua pohehe rawa i a koe tenei iwi, a Hiruharama ano, i te kupu nei, Ka mau te rongo ki a koutou. Tena ia, kua pa te hoari ki te wairua.

Jeremias 4:10
Da sa jeg: Akk, Herre, Herre! Sannelig, ille har du sveket dette folk og Jerusalem, da du sa: Fred skal bli eder til del. Og nu er sverdet trengt inn i sjelen.

Jeremías 4:10
Entonces dije: ¡Ah, Señor DIOS! Ciertamente has engañado en gran manera a este pueblo y a Jerusalén, diciendo: ``Paz tendréis, cuando tienen la espada al cuello.

Entonces dije: "¡Ah, Señor DIOS! Ciertamente has engañado en gran manera a este pueblo y a Jerusalén, diciendo: 'Paz tendrán,' cuando tienen la espada al cuello."

Y dije: ¡Ay, ay, Jehová Dios! verdaderamente en gran manera has engañado a este pueblo y a Jerusalén, diciendo: Paz tendréis; pues la espada ha venido hasta el alma.

Y dije: ¡Ay, ay, Jehová Dios! verdaderamente en gran manera has engañado á este pueblo y á Jerusalem, diciendo, Paz tendréis; pues que el cuchillo ha venido hasta el alma.

(Y dije: ¡Ay, ay, el SEÑOR Dios! Verdaderamente en gran manera has engañado a este pueblo y a Jerusalén, diciendo: Paz tendréis; pues que el cuchillo ha venido hasta el alma.)

Jeremias 4:10
Diante disso, eu argumentei: Ai, ó Eterno Yahweh, como iludiste completamente este povo e a Jerusalém com a mensagem que nos pregaram: ‘Não vos preocupeis; tereis paz!’, quando a espada já está posta à nossa garganta!

Então disse eu: Ah, Senhor Deus! verdadeiramente trouxeste grande ilusão a este povo e a Jerusalém, dizendo: Tereis paz; entretanto a espada penetra-lhe até a alma.   

Ieremia 4:10
,,Eu am zis: ,Ah! Doamne, Dumnezeule! Ai înşelat în adevăr pe poporul acesta şi Ierusalimul, cînd ai zis: ,Veţi avea pace!` Şi totuş sabia le ameninţă viaţa.

Иеремия 4:10
И сказал я: о, Господи Боже! Неужели Ты обольщал только народ сей и Иерусалим, говоря: „мир будет у вас"; а между тем меч доходит до души?

И сказал я: о, Господи Боже! Неужели Ты обольщал только народ сей и Иерусалим, говоря: `мир будет у вас`; а между тем меч доходит до души?[]

Jeremia 4:10
Men jag sade: »Ack Herre, HERRE, svårt bedrog du sannerligen detta folk och Jerusalem, då du sade: »Det skall gå eder väl.» Svärdet är ju nära att taga vårt liv.

Jeremiah 4:10
Nang magkagayo'y sinabi ko, Ah Panginoong Dios: tunay na iyong dinayang lubha ang bayang ito at ang Jerusalem, na iyong sinabi, Kayo'y mangagkakaroon ng kapayapaan: gayon man ang tabak ay tumatalab sa buhay.

เยเรมีย์ 4:10
แล้วข้าพเจ้าจึงทูลว่า "ข้าแต่องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าพระเจ้า พระองค์ทรงล่อลวงชนชาตินี้ และกรุงเยรูซาเล็มแน่นอนทีเดียว ว่า `เจ้าทั้งหลายจะอยู่เย็นเป็นสุข' แต่ที่จริงดาบได้มาถึงชีวิตของเขาทั้งหลาย"

Yeremya 4:10
O zaman, ‹‹Ah, Egemen RAB›› dedim, ‹‹ ‹Esenlikte olacaksınız› diyerek bu halkı da Yeruşalimi de tam anlamıyla aldattın. Çünkü kılıç boğazımıza dayandı.››[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 4:10
Bấy giờ tôi nói: Ôi! hỡi Chúa Giê-hô-va! Thật Ngài đã phỉnh dân nầy và Giê-ru-sa-lem lắm, mà nói rằng: Các ngươi sẽ được bình an! Những lưỡi gươm đã thấu đến sự sống.

Jeremiah 4:9
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