Jeremiah 39:14
Jeremiah 39:14
sent and had Jeremiah taken out of the courtyard of the guard. They turned him over to Gedaliah son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, to take him back to his home. So he remained among his own people.

sent messengers to bring Jeremiah out of the prison. They put him under the care of Gedaliah son of Ahikam and grandson of Shaphan, who took him back to his home. So Jeremiah stayed in Judah among his own people.

sent and took Jeremiah from the court of the guard. They entrusted him to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, that he should take him home. So he lived among the people.

they even sent and took Jeremiah out of the court of the guardhouse and entrusted him to Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, to take him home. So he stayed among the people.

Even they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he dwelt among the people.

had Jeremiah brought from the guard's courtyard and turned him over to Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, to take him home. So he settled among his own people.

They sent for Jeremiah and took him from the courtyard of the guard. They handed him over to Ahikam's son Gedaliah, the grandson of Shaphan, to take him home. So he remained among the people.

sent and had Jeremiah brought from the courtyard of the guardhouse. They turned him over to Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam and the grandson of Shaphan, to take him home with him. But Jeremiah stayed among the people.

They took Jeremiah out of the courtyard of the prison and handed him over to Gedaliah, son of Ahikam and grandson of Shaphan, to take him home. So he lived among the people.

even they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the guard, and committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he dwelt among the people.

Even they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he dwelt among the people.

Even they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and committed him to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he dwelled among the people.

they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the guard, and committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he dwelt among the people.

Sent, and took Jeremias out of the court of the prison, and committed him to Codolias the son of Ahicam the son of Saphan, that he might go home, and dwell among the people.

even they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the guard and committed him to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, that he should conduct him away home. And he dwelt among the people.

they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the guard, and committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he dwelt among the people.

Even they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and committed him to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he dwelt among the people.

they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the guard, and committed him to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he lived among the people.

yea, they send and take Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and give him unto Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, to carry him home, and he dwelleth in the midst of the people.

Jeremia 39:14
dërguan të marrin Jeremian nga oborri i burgut dhe ia dorëzuan Gedaljahut, birit të Ahikamit, bir i Shafanit, me qëllim që ta çonte në shtëpi. Kështu ai banoi në mes të popullit.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 39:14
ارسلوا فاخذوا ارميا من دار السجن واسلموه لجدليا بن اخيقام بن شافان ليخرج به الى البيت. فسكن بين الشعب

Dyr Ierymies 39:14
liessnd önn Ierymiesn holn und übergaabnd n yn n Gedyliesn Ähikämsun Schäfäneniggl, däß yr n haimlaasst. Daadl blib yr mittn unter n Volk.

Еремия 39:14
и те пратиха да вземат Еремия от двора на стражата, и предадоха го на Годолия сина на Ахикама, Сафановия син, за да го заведе в някоя къща; така той живееше между людете.

耶 利 米 書 39:14
打 發 人 去 , 將 耶 利 米 從 護 衛 兵 院 中 提 出 來 , 交 與 沙 番 的 孫 子 亞 希 甘 的 兒 子 基 大 利 , 帶 回 家 去 。 於 是 耶 利 米 住 在 民 中 。

打 发 人 去 , 将 耶 利 米 从 护 卫 兵 院 中 提 出 来 , 交 与 沙 番 的 孙 子 亚 希 甘 的 儿 子 基 大 利 , 带 回 家 去 。 於 是 耶 利 米 住 在 民 中 。



Jeremiah 39:14
poslaše ljude da izvedu Jeremiju iz tamničkoga dvorišta i pustiše ga na slobodu. I tako on osta među narodom.

Jermiáše 39:14
Poslavše, pravím, vzali Jeremiáše z síně stráže, a dali jej Godoliášovi synu Achikamovu, syna Safanova, aby jej domů dovedl. Takž bydlil u prostřed lidu.

Jeremias 39:14
Bud og lod Jeremias hente i Vagtforgaarden og overgav ham til Gedalja, en Søn af Sjafans Søn Ahikam, for at han skulde føre ham til hans Hjem; og han boede iblandt Folket.

Jeremia 39:14
Zij zonden dan henen en namen Jeremia uit het voorhof der bewaring, en gaven hem over aan Gedalia, den zoon van Ahikam, den zoon van Safan, dat hij hem henen uitbracht naar huis; alzo bleef hij in het midden des volks.

ירמיה 39:14
וַיִּשְׁלְחוּ֩ וַיִּקְח֨וּ אֶֽת־יִרְמְיָ֜הוּ מֵחֲצַ֣ר הַמַּטָּרָ֗ה וַיִּתְּנ֤וּ אֹתֹו֙ אֶל־גְּדַלְיָ֙הוּ֙ בֶּן־אֲחִיקָ֣ם בֶּן־שָׁפָ֔ן לְהֹוצִאֵ֖הוּ אֶל־הַבָּ֑יִת וַיֵּ֖שֶׁב בְּתֹ֥וךְ הָעָֽם׃ ס

יד וישלחו ויקחו את ירמיהו מחצר המטרה ויתנו אתו אל גדליהו בן אחיקם בן שפן להוצאהו אל הבית וישב בתוך העם  {ס}

וישלחו ויקחו את־ירמיהו מחצר המטרה ויתנו אתו אל־גדליהו בן־אחיקם בן־שפן להוצאהו אל־הבית וישב בתוך העם׃ ס

Jeremiás 39:14
Elküldének, [mondom,] és elhozák Jeremiást a tömlöcz pitvarából, és rábízák õt Gedáliásra, Ahikámnak, a Sáfán fiának fiára, hogy haza vigye õt, és lakozzék a nép között.

Jeremia 39:14
ili sendis, kaj prenis Jeremian el la korto de la malliberejo, kaj transdonis lin al Gedalja, filo de Ahxikam, filo de SXafan, ke li konduku lin en sian domon; kaj li ekvivis inter la popolo.

He lähettivät ja antoivat noutaa Jeremian vankihuoneen pihasta, ja antoivat hänen Gedalian Ahikamin pojan, Saphanin pojan, haltuun, että hänen piti ottaman hänen huoneesensa, ja että hän asuis läsnä kansan tykönä.

Jérémie 39:14
envoyèrent, et prirent Jérémie de la cour de la prison, et le remirent à Guedalia, fils d'Akhikam, fils de Shaphan, pour le mener dehors, à la maison. Et il demeura au milieu du peuple.

envoyèrent chercher Jérémie dans la cour de la prison, et ils le remirent à Guedalia, fils d'Achikam, fils de Schaphan, pour qu'il fût conduit dans sa maison. Et il resta au milieu du peuple.

Ils envoyèrent, [dis-je], retirer Jérémie de la cour de la prison, et le donnèrent à Guédalia fils d'Ahikam, fils de Saphan, pour le conduire à la maison; ainsi il demeura parmi le peuple.

Jeremia 39:14
und ließen Jeremia holen aus dem Vorhofe des Gefängnisses und befahlen ihn Gedalja, dem Sohn Ahikams, des Sohns Saphans, daß er ihn hinaus in sein Haus führete und bei dem Volk bliebe.

und ließen Jeremia holen aus dem Vorhof des Gefängnisses und befahlen ihn Gedalja, dem Sohn Ahikams, des Sohnes Saphans, daß er ihn hinaus in sein Haus führte. Und er blieb bei dem Volk. {~}

und ließen Jeremia, aus dem Wachthofe holen und übergaben ihn Gedalja, dem Sohne Ahikams, des Sohnes Saphans, daß er ihn in den Palast verbringe. Und so verblieb er inmitten des Volks.

Geremia 39:14
mandarono a far trarre Geremia fuori dal cortile della prigione, e lo consegnarono a Ghedalia, figliuolo di Ahikam, figliuolo di Shafan, perché fosse menato a casa; e così egli abitò fra il popolo.

mandarono a far trarre Geremia fuor delle corte della prigione, e lo diedero a Ghedalia, figliuolo di Ahicam, figliuolo di Safan, per condurlo fuori in casa sua. Ma egli dimorò per mezzo il popolo.

disuruhkannya orang mengambil Yermia dari pelataran biduanda, lalu diserahkannya kepada Gedalya bin Ahikam bin Safan, supaya dihantaranya akan dia ke rumahnya; demikian tinggallah Yermia di antara orang banyak itu.

예레미아 39:14
보내어 예레미야를 시위대 뜰에서 취하여 내어 사반의 손자 아히감의 아들 그다랴에게 붙여서 그를 집으로 데려가게 하매 그가 백성 중에 거하니라

Ieremias 39:14
miserunt et tulerunt Hieremiam de vestibulo carceris et tradiderunt eum Godoliae filio Ahicam filii Saphan ut intraret domum et habitaret in populo

Jeremijo knyga 39:14
pasiuntė ir atgabeno Jeremiją iš sargybos kiemo. Jie patikėjo jį Gedolijui, sūnui Ahikamo, sūnaus Šafano, kad jį globotų. Taip Jeremijas liko gyventi savo tautoje.

Jeremiah 39:14
Unga tangata ana ratou, a tikina atu ana a Heremaia i te marae o te whare herehere, a tukua atu ana ia e ratou ki a Keraria tama a Ahikama, tama a Hapana kia kawea ki te kainga: na noho ana ia i waenganui i te iwi.

Jeremias 39:14
de sendte bud og tok Jeremias ut av vaktgården, og de overgav ham til Gedalja, sønn av Akikam, Safans sønn, forat han skulde føre ham ut til sitt hus; og han blev boende der blandt folket.

Jeremías 39:14
y enviaron a sacar a Jeremías del patio de la guardia y lo pusieron al cuidado de Gedalías, hijo de Ahicam, hijo de Safán, para que lo llevara a casa. Y se quedó en medio del pueblo.

y enviaron a sacar a Jeremías del patio de la guardia y lo pusieron al cuidado de Gedalías, hijo de Ahicam, hijo de Safán, para que lo llevara a casa. Y Jeremías se quedó en medio del pueblo.

Enviaron entonces, y tomaron a Jeremías del patio de la cárcel, y lo entregaron a Gedalías hijo de Ahicam, hijo de Safán, para que lo sacase a casa: y vivió entre el pueblo.

Enviaron entonces, y tomaron á Jeremías del patio de la cárcel, y entregáronlo á Gedalías hijo de Ahicam, hijo de Saphán, para que lo sacase á casa: y vivió entre el pueblo.

Enviaron entonces, y tomaron a Jeremías del patio de la guarda, y lo entregaron a Gedalías hijo de Ahicam, hijo de Safán, para que lo sacase a casa; y vivió entre el pueblo.

Jeremias 39:14
mandaram retirar Jeremias do átrio da guarda e o entregaram a Gedalias, filho de Aicam, filho de Safã, para que o levasse à residência do governador. Assim, Jeremias permaneceu no meio do seu povo.

mandaram retirar Jeremias do átrio da guarda, e o entregaram a Gedalias, filho de Aicão, filho de Safã, para que o levasse para casa; assim ele habitou entre o povo.   

Ieremia 39:14
au trimes să aducă pe Ieremia din curtea temniţei, şi l-au încredinţat lui Ghedalia, fiul lui Ahicam, fiul lui Şafan, ca să -l ducă acasă. Şi a rămas în mijlocul poporului.

Иеремия 39:14
послали и взяли Иеремию со двора стражи, и поручили его Годолии, сыну Ахикама, сына Сафанова, отвести его домой. И он остался жить среди народа.

послали и взяли Иеремию со двора стражи, и поручили его Годолии, сыну Ахикама, сына Сафанова, отвести его домой. И он остался жить среди народа.[]

Jeremia 39:14
dessa sände bort och läto hämta Jeremia ifrån fängelsegården och lämnade honom åt Gedalja, son till Ahikam, son till Safan, på det att denne skulle föra honom hem; så fick han stanna där bland folket.

Jeremiah 39:14
Sila'y nangagsugo, at kinuha si Jeremias sa looban ng bantay, at kanilang ipinagbilin siya kay Gedalias na anak ni Ahicam, na anak ni Saphan, na kaniyang iuwi siya. Sa gayo'y tumahan siya sa gitna ng bayan.

เยเรมีย์ 39:14
คือพวกท่านได้ใช้คนไปนำเยเรีย์มาจากบริเวณทหารรักษาพระองค์ เขาทั้งหลายมอบท่านไว้กับเกดาลิยาห์บุตรชายอาหิคัม ผู้เป็นบุตรชายชาฟาน ให้นำท่านไปบ้าน ดังนั้นท่านจึงได้อยู่ท่ามกลางประชาชน

Yeremya 39:14
adam gönderip Yeremyayı muhafız avlusundan getirttiler. Evine geri götürmesi için Şafan oğlu Ahikam oğlu Gedalyanın koruyuculuğuna verdiler. Böylece Yeremya halkı arasında yaşamını sürdürdü.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 39:14
sai tìm Giê-rê-mi trong hành lang lính canh, rồi trao người cho Ghê-đa-lia, con trai A-hi-cam, cháu Sa-phan, đặng đưa người về trong nhà. Người bèn ở giữa dân sự.

Jeremiah 39:13
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