Jeremiah 33:5
Jeremiah 33:5
in the fight with the Babylonians: 'They will be filled with the dead bodies of the people I will slay in my anger and wrath. I will hide my face from this city because of all its wickedness.

You expect to fight the Babylonians, but the men of this city are already as good as dead, for I have determined to destroy them in my terrible anger. I have abandoned them because of all their wickedness.

They are coming in to fight against the Chaldeans and to fill them with the dead bodies of men whom I shall strike down in my anger and my wrath, for I have hidden my face from this city because of all their evil.

While they are coming to fight with the Chaldeans and to fill them with the corpses of men whom I have slain in My anger and in My wrath, and I have hidden My face from this city because of all their wickedness:

They come to fight with the Chaldeans, but it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have slain in mine anger and in my fury, and for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city.

The people coming to fight the Chaldeans will fill the houses with the corpses of their own men that I strike down in My wrath and rage. I have hidden My face from this city because of all their evil.

The Chaldeans are coming to fight and to fill those houses with the dead bodies of the people that I've struck down in my anger and wrath, for I've hidden my face from this city because of all their wickedness.

The defenders of the city will go out and fight with the Babylonians. But they will only fill those houses and buildings with the dead bodies of the people that I will kill in my anger and my wrath. That will happen because I have decided to turn my back on this city on account of the wicked things they have done.

The people of Israel fought the Babylonians. Now their houses are filled with the bodies of their own people I killed in my anger and my fury. I will hide my face from this city because of its wickedness.

(because they came to fight with the Chaldeans, to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have slain in my anger and in my fury and because I hid my face from this city due to all her wickedness):

They come to fight with the Chaldeans, but it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have slain in my anger and in my fury, all for whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city.

They come to fight with the Chaldeans, but it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have slain in my anger and in my fury, and for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city.

while men come to fight with the Chaldeans, and to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have slain in mine anger and in my wrath, and for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city:

Of them that come to fight with the Chaldeans, and to fill them with the dead bodies of the men whom I have slain in my wrath, and in my indignation, hiding my face from this city because of all their wickedness.

They come to fight with the Chaldeans, but to fill them with the dead bodies of the men whom I have slain in mine anger and in my fury, and for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city.

they come to fight with the Chaldeans, but it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have slain in mine anger and in my fury, and for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city.

They come to fight with the Chaldeans, but it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have slain in my anger and in my fury, and for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city.

while [men] come to fight with the Chaldeans, and to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have killed in my anger and in my wrath, and for all whose wickedness I have hidden my face from this city:

they are coming in to fight with the Chaldeans, and to fill them with the carcases of men, whom I have smitten in Mine anger, and in My fury, and for whom I have hidden My face from this city, because of all their evil:

Jeremia 33:5
Ata do të vijnë të luftojnë kundër Kaldeasve, por vetëm për t'i mbushur me kufoma njerëzish, që unë do të godas në zemërimin tim dhe në tërbimin tim, sepse do ta fsheh fytyrën time nga ky qytet për shkak të gjithë ligësisë së tyre.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 33:5
يأتون ليحاربوا الكلدانيين ويملأوها من جيف الناس الذين ضربتهم بغضبي وغيظي والذين سترت وجهي عن هذه المدينة لاجل كل شرهم.

Dyr Ierymies 33:5
gögn de Kaldauer, und daa wo ietz überall die Tootn umaynandlignd, wo i in meinn Zorn und Grimm gschlahen haan, weil i von derer Stat wögn irn Schaach nix meer wissn gwill:

Еремия 33:5
И за ония, които идат да воюват против халдейците И да напълнят тия [къщи] с труповете на човеците, Които Аз ще поразя с гнева Си и в яростта Си, Поради всичките злини, за които Скрих лицето Си от тоя град:

耶 利 米 書 33:5
人 要 與 迦 勒 底 人 爭 戰 , 正 是 拿 死 屍 充 滿 這 房 屋 , 就 是 我 在 怒 氣 和 忿 怒 中 所 殺 的 人 , 因 他 們 的 一 切 惡 , 我 就 掩 面 不 顧 這 城 。

人 要 与 迦 勒 底 人 争 战 , 正 是 拿 死 尸 充 满 这 房 屋 , 就 是 我 在 怒 气 和 忿 怒 中 所 杀 的 人 , 因 他 们 的 一 切 恶 , 我 就 掩 面 不 顾 这 城 。



Jeremiah 33:5
i o onima što zameću borbu s Kaldejcima da napune svoje kuće tjelesima ljudi koje pobih u srdžbi i jarosti svojoj, i odvratih lice svoje od ovoga grada zbog njihove opakosti.

Jermiáše 33:5
Potáhnouť k boji proti Kaldejským, ale aby naplnili tyto domy mrtvými těly lidskými, kteréž zbiji v hněvě svém a v prchlivosti své, pro jejichž všelikou nešlechetnost skryl jsem tvář svou od města tohoto.

Jeremias 33:5
da man gav sig til at stride imod Kaldæerne, og som fyldtes med Ligene af de Mennesker, jeg slog i min Vrede og Harme, og for hvem jeg skjulte mit Aasyn for al deres Ondskabs Skyld:

Jeremia 33:5
Er zijn er wel ingekomen, om te strijden tegen de Chaldeen, maar het is om die te vullen met dode lichamen van mensen, die Ik verslagen heb in Mijn toorn en in Mijn grimmigheid; en omdat Ik Mijn aangezicht van deze stad verborgen heb, om al hunlieder boosheid.

ירמיה 33:5
בָּאִ֗ים לְהִלָּחֵם֙ אֶת־הַכַּשְׂדִּ֔ים וּלְמַלְאָם֙ אֶת־פִּגְרֵ֣י הָאָדָ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־הִכֵּ֥יתִי בְאַפִּ֖י וּבַחֲמָתִ֑י וַאֲשֶׁ֨ר הִסְתַּ֤רְתִּי פָנַי֙ מֵהָעִ֣יר הַזֹּ֔את עַ֖ל כָּל־רָעָתָֽם׃

ה באים להלחם את הכשדים ולמלאם את פגרי האדם אשר הכיתי באפי ובחמתי ואשר הסתרתי פני מהעיר הזאת על כל רעתם

באים להלחם את־הכשדים ולמלאם את־פגרי האדם אשר־הכיתי באפי ובחמתי ואשר הסתרתי פני מהעיר הזאת על כל־רעתם׃

Jeremiás 33:5
Mikor elmentek, hogy vívjanak a Káldeusokkal, és hogy megtöltsék azokat emberek holttesteivel, a kiket én haragomban és bosszúállásomban megöltem, mivelhogy elrejtettem az én orczámat a várostól az õ sok gonoszságukért:

Jeremia 33:5
de tiuj, kiuj venis, por batali kontraux la HXaldeoj kaj plenigi ilin per kadavroj de homoj, kiujn Mi frapis en Mia kolero kaj en Mia indigno; cxar Mi kasxis Mian vizagxon for de cxi tiu urbo pro cxiuj iliaj malbonagoj:

Ja niistä, jotka tänne ovat tulleet sotimaan Kaldealaisia vastaan, että he täyttäisivät ne ihmisten ruumiilla, jotka minä minun vihassani ja julmuudessani lyövä olen; sillä minä olen kätkenyt minun kasvoni tämän kaupungin edestä, kaiken heidän pahuutensa tähden:

Jérémie 33:5
Ils s'en vont pour combattre contre les Chaldéens, pour remplir les maisons des cadavres des hommes que j'ai frappés dans ma colère et dans ma fureur, et à cause de toute l'iniquité desquels j'ai caché ma face de cette ville.

Quand on s'avancera pour combattre les Chaldéens, Et qu'elles seront remplies des cadavres des hommes Que je frapperai dans ma colère et dans ma fureur, Et à cause de la méchanceté desquels je cacherai ma face à cette ville;

Ils sont venus à combattre contre les Caldéens, mais ç'a été pour remplir leurs maisons des corps morts des hommes que j'ai fait frapper en ma colère et en ma fureur, et parce que j'ai caché ma face de cette ville à cause de toute leur malice.

Jeremia 33:5
und von denen, so hereinkommen sind, daß sie wider die Chaldäer streiten mögen, daß sie dieselbigen füllen müssen mit toten Leichnamen, welche ich in meinem Zorn und Grimm erschlagen will; denn ich habe mein Angesicht von dieser Stadt verborgen um aller ihrer Bosheit willen:

Und von denen, so hereingekommen sind, wider die Chaldäer zu streiten, daß sie diese füllen müssen mit Leichnamen der Menschen, welche ich in meinem Zorn und Grimm erschlagen will; denn ich habe mein Angesicht vor dieser Stadt verborgen um all ihrer Bosheit willen:

Es kommen welche, um mit den Chaldäern zu streiten und die Häuser mit den Leichen der Menschen anzufüllen, die ich in meinem Zorn und in meinem Grimm erschlagen und um deren gesamter Bosheit willen ich mein Antlitz vor dieser Stadt verhüllt habe.

Geremia 33:5
quando si verrà a combattere contro i Caldei, e a riempire quelle case di cadaveri d’uomini, che io percuoterò nella mia ira e nel mio furore, e per le cui malvagità io nasconderò la mia faccia a questa città:

le quali sono state impiegate per combattere co’ Caldei, e per empierle di corpi morti d’uomini; perciocchè io li ho percossi nella mia ira, e nel mio cruccio; e perchè io ho nascosta la mia faccia da questa città, per tutta la lor malvagità:

Ada juga beberapa orang sudah masuk ke dalamnya hendak berperang dengan orang Kasdim, tetapi ia itu juga akan memenuhi dia dengan bangkai segala orang yang sudah Kubunuh dengan murka-Ku dan dengan geram-Ku, sebab Aku sudah berpaling muka-Ku dari pada negeri ini, oleh karena segala kejahatannya.

예레미아 33:5
싸우려 하였으나 내가 나의 노와 분함으로 그들을 죽이고 그 시체로 이 성에 채우게 하였나니 이는 그들의 모든 악을 인하여 나의 얼굴을 가리워 이 성을 돌아보지 아니하였음이니라

Ieremias 33:5
venientium ut dimicent cum Chaldeis et impleant eas cadaveribus hominum quas percussi in furore meo et in indignatione mea abscondens faciem meam a civitate hac propter omnem malitiam eorum

Jeremijo knyga 33:5
‘Chaldėjai įsiverš ir pripildys gatves lavonų. Aš savo rūstybėje juos išžudysiu ir nusigręšiu nuo šito miesto dėl jo piktybių.

Jeremiah 33:5
E haere mai ana ratou ki te whawhai ki nga Karari, engari ia ki te whakaki i aua wahi ki nga tinana o nga tangata i patua e ahau i toku riri, i toku weriweri, o te hunga no ratou nga kino katoa i huna ai e ahau toku mata ki tenei pa.

Jeremias 33:5
De kommer for å stride mot kaldeerne; men det blir bare til å fylle husene med døde kropper av de menn som jeg slår i min vrede og harme, og som ved sin store ondskap har voldt at jeg har skjult mitt åsyn for denne by.

Jeremías 33:5
``Mientras ellos vienen a pelear contra los caldeos y a llenarlas con los cadáveres de los hombres que herí en mi ira y en mi furor, pues yo había escondido mi rostro de esta ciudad a causa de toda su maldad,

'Mientras ellos vienen a pelear contra los Caldeos que llenarán la ciudad con los cadáveres de los hombres que herí en Mi ira y en Mi furor, pues Yo había escondido Mi rostro de esta ciudad a causa de toda su maldad.

(Porque vinieron para pelear con los caldeos, para llenarlas de cuerpos de hombres muertos, a los cuales herí yo con mi furor y con mi ira, pues yo escondí mi rostro de esta ciudad, a causa de toda su maldad.)

(Porque vinieron para pelear con los Caldeos, para henchirlas de cuerpos de hombres muertos, á los cuales herí yo con mi furor y con mi ira, pues que escondí mi rostro de esta ciudad, a causa de toda su malicia:)

(porque vinieron para pelear con los caldeos, para llenarlas de cuerpos de hombres muertos, a los cuales yo herí con mi furor y con mi ira; y porque escondí mi rostro de esta ciudad, a causa de toda su malicia):

Jeremias 33:5
quando pelejarem contra os caldeus, babilônios: “Eis que os cadáveres dos homens que matarei no meu furor ficarão espalhados por toda a cidade, porquanto ocultarei deste lugar o meu rosto por causa de toda a sua maldade!

entrementes os caldeus estão entrando a pelejar para os encher de cadáveres de homens que ferirei na minha ira e no meu furor; porquanto escondi o meu rosto desta cidade, por causa de toda a sua maldade.   

Ieremia 33:5
cînd vor înainta să lupte împotriva Haldeilor, şi cînd se vor umplea cu trupurile moarte ale oamenilor, pe cari -i voi lovi în mînia Mea şi în urgia Mea, şi din pricina răutăţii cărora Îmi voi ascunde Faţa de această cetate:

Иеремия 33:5
пришедшими воевать с Халдеями, чтобы наполнить домы трупами людей, которых Я поражу во гневе Моем и в ярости Моей, и за все беззакония которых Я сокрыл лице Мое от города сего.

пришедшими воевать с Халдеями, чтобы наполнить домы трупами людей, которых Я поражу во гневе Моем и в ярости Моей, и за все беззакония которых Я сокрыл лице Мое от города сего.[]

Jeremia 33:5
Man har kommit hitin för att strida med kaldéerna, och man skall så fylla husen med döda kroppar av människor som jag har slagit i min vrede och förtörnelse, människor som genom all sin ondska hava vållat att jag har måst dölja mitt ansikte för denna stad.

Jeremiah 33:5
Sila'y nagsisidating upang magsilaban sa mga Caldeo, nguni't upang sila'y mangapuno ng mga bangkay ng mga tao, na aking pinatay sa aking galit at sa aking kapusukan, at dahil sa lahat ng kasamaang yaon ay ikinubli ko ang aking mukha sa bayang ito:

เยเรมีย์ 33:5
เขาทั้งหลายจะมารบกับชาวเคลเดียและทำให้คนเป็นศพไปเต็มบ้านเต็มเรือน เป็นคนที่เราสังหารด้วยความกริ้วและความพิโรธของเรา เพราะได้ซ่อนหน้าของเราจากกรุงนี้เนื่องด้วยความชั่วของเขาทั้งหลาย

Yeremya 33:5
‹Kildaniler savaşmak, evleri öfke ve kızgınlıkla vurduğum insanların cesetleriyle doldurmak üzere gelecekler. O insanlar ki, yaptıkları kötülükler yüzünden bu kentten yüzümü çevirdim. ‹‹Kildanilerle››.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 33:5
Khi đi đánh cùng người Canh-đê, nhà cửa nầy sẽ đầy dẫy xác chết của những người mà ta đã giết trong cơn giận và thạnh nộ của ta; ấy là vì cớ dân nầy hung ác mà ta đã lánh mặt khỏi thành đó.

Jeremiah 33:4
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