Jeremiah 29:23
Jeremiah 29:23
For they have done outrageous things in Israel; they have committed adultery with their neighbors' wives, and in my name they have uttered lies--which I did not authorize. I know it and am a witness to it," declares the LORD.

For these men have done terrible things among my people. They have committed adultery with their neighbors' wives and have lied in my name, saying things I did not command. I am a witness to this. I, the LORD, have spoken."

because they have done an outrageous thing in Israel, they have committed adultery with their neighbors’ wives, and they have spoken in my name lying words that I did not command them. I am the one who knows, and I am witness, declares the LORD.’”

because they have acted foolishly in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbors' wives and have spoken words in My name falsely, which I did not command them; and I am He who knows and am a witness," declares the LORD.'"

Because they have committed villany in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbours' wives, and have spoken lying words in my name, which I have not commanded them; even I know, and am a witness, saith the LORD.

because they have committed an outrage in Israel by committing adultery with their neighbors' wives and have spoken a lie in My name, which I did not command them. I am He who knows, and I am a witness." This is the LORD's declaration.

because they did something stupid in Israel. They committed adultery with their neighbors' wives, and in my name they spoke lies that I didn't command them. I'm the one who knows, and I'm a witness," declares the LORD.'"

This will happen to them because they have done what is shameful in Israel. They have committed adultery with their neighbors' wives and have spoken lies while claiming my authority. They have spoken words that I did not command them to speak. I know what they have done. I have been a witness to it,' says the LORD."

They have done shameful things in Israel. They committed adultery with their neighbors' wives and spoke lies in my name. I didn't command them to do this. I know what they have done. I'm a witness, declares the LORD.

because they have committed villainy in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbours' wives, and have spoken a word falsely in my name, which I have not commanded them; even I know and am a witness, saith the LORD.

Because they have committed folly in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbors' wives, and have spoken lying words in my name, which I have not commanded them; even I know, and am a witness, says the LORD.

Because they have committed villainy in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbors' wives, and have spoken lying words in my name, which I have not commanded them; even I know, and am a witness, said the LORD.

because they have wrought folly in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbors wives, and have spoken words in my name falsely, which I commanded them not; and I am he that knoweth, and am witness, saith Jehovah.

Because they have acted folly in Israel, and have committed adultery with the wives of their friends, and have spoken lying words in my name, which I commanded them not: I am the judge and the witness, saith the Lord.

because they have committed infamy in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbours' wives, and have spoken words of falsehood in my name, which I had not commanded them: and I am he that knoweth, and am witness, saith Jehovah.

because they have wrought folly in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbours' wives, and have spoken words in my name falsely, which I commanded them not; and I am he that knoweth, and am witness, saith the LORD.

Because they have committed villainy in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbor's wives, and have spoken lying words in my name, which I have not commanded them; even I know, and am a witness, saith the LORD.

because they have worked folly in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbors' wives, and have spoken words in my name falsely, which I didn't command them; and I am he who knows, and am witness, says Yahweh.

Because that they have done folly in Israel, and commit adultery with the wives of their neighbours, and speak a word in My name falsely that I have not commanded them, and I am He who knoweth and a witness -- an affirmation of Jehovah.

Jeremia 29:23
Sepse ata kanë kryer gjëra të turpshme në Izrael, kanë shkelur kurorën me gratë e të afërmve të tyre, kanë shqiptuar në emrin tim fjalë të rreme, që nuk u kisha urdhëruar atyre. Unë vetë e di dhe jam dëshmitar i tyre, thotë Zoti.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 29:23
من اجل انهما عملا قبيحا في اسرائيل وزنيا بنساء اصحابهما وتكلما باسمي كلاما كاذبا لم اوصهما به وانا العارف والشاهد يقول الرب

Dyr Ierymies 29:23
Sö habnd nömlich schänddliche Sachenn tribn in n Isryheelervolk, mit de Weiber von iene Naahstn gunkeuscht und in meinn Nam öbbs prödigt, was i ien gar nit auftragn hiet. I waiß s allss; mir kimmt nix aus, sait dyr Herr.

Еремия 29:23
защото те извършиха нечестие в Израил, прелюбодействуваха с жените на ближните си, и в Мое име говореха лъжливи думи, които не съм им заповядвал. Но Аз зная и съм свидетел, казва Господ.

耶 利 米 書 29:23
這 二 人 是 在 以 色 列 中 行 了 醜 事 , 與 鄰 舍 的 妻 行 淫 , 又 假 託 我 名 說 我 未 曾 吩 咐 他 們 的 話 。 知 道 的 是 我 , 作 見 證 的 也 是 我 。 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 。

这 二 人 是 在 以 色 列 中 行 了 丑 事 , 与 邻 舍 的 妻 行 淫 , 又 假 托 我 名 说 我 未 曾 吩 咐 他 们 的 话 。 知 道 的 是 我 , 作 见 证 的 也 是 我 。 这 是 耶 和 华 说 的 。



Jeremiah 29:23
jer u Izraelu počiniše sramotu čineći preljub sa ženama svojih bližnjih i govoreći u moje ime lažne riječi koje im ja nisam zapovjedio. Ja to znam, i svjedok sam tome' - riječ je Jahvina!

Jermiáše 29:23
Proto že páchali nešlechetnost v Izraeli, cizoložíce s ženami bližních svých, a mluvíce slovo ve jménu mém lživě, čehož jsem nepřikázal jim. Já pak o tom vím, a jsem toho i svědkem, dí Hospodin.

Jeremias 29:23
Thi de øvede Daarskab i Israel og bedrev Hor med deres Landsmænds Kvinder og talte i mit Navn løgnagtige Ord, som jeg ikke havde budt dem at tale; jeg ved det og kan vidne det, lyder det fra HERREN.

Jeremia 29:23
Omdat zij een dwaasheid deden in Israel, en overspel bedreven met de vrouwen hunner naasten, en spraken het woord valselijk in Mijn Naam, dat Ik hun niet geboden had; en Ik ben Degene, Die het weet, en een getuige daarvan, spreekt de HEERE.

ירמיה 29:23
יַ֡עַן אֲשֶׁר֩ עָשׂ֨וּ נְבָלָ֜ה בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל וַיְנַֽאֲפוּ֙ אֶת־נְשֵׁ֣י רֵֽעֵיהֶ֔ם וַיְדַבְּר֨וּ דָבָ֤ר בִּשְׁמִי֙ שֶׁ֔קֶר אֲשֶׁ֖ר לֹ֣וא צִוִּיתִ֑ם וְאָנֹכִ֛י [הוּיֹדֵעַ כ] (הַיֹּודֵ֥עַ ק) וָעֵ֖ד נְאֻם־יְהוָֽה׃ ס

כג יען אשר עשו נבלה בישראל וינאפו את נשי רעיהם וידברו דבר בשמי שקר אשר לוא צויתם ואנכי הוידע (היודע) ועד נאם יהוה  {ס}

יען אשר עשו נבלה בישראל וינאפו את־נשי רעיהם וידברו דבר בשמי שקר אשר לוא צויתם ואנכי [הוידע כ] (היודע ק) ועד נאם־יהוה׃ ס

Jeremiás 29:23
Mert istentelenséget cselekedtek Izráelben, és paráználkodtak az õ felebarátjaik feleségével, és az én nevemben hazugságot szóltak, a mit nem parancsoltam nékik. Én pedig tudom azt, és bizonyság vagyok, azt mondja az Úr!

Jeremia 29:23
pro tio, ke ili faris abomenindajxon en Izrael, adultis kun la edzinoj de siaj proksimuloj, kaj parolis en Mia nomo malverajxon, kiun Mi ne ordonis al ili. Tion Mi scias kaj atestas, diras la Eternulo.

Että he tekivät hulluuden Israelissa, ja makasivat muiden emäntiä, ja saarnasivat valhetta minun nimeeni, jota en minä ollut heille käskenyt. Ja minä sen tiedän ja todistan, sanoo Herra.

Jérémie 29:23
-parce qu'ils ont commis l'infamie en Israël, et ont commis adultère avec les femmes de leur prochain, et ont dit en mon nom des paroles de mensonge que je ne leur avais pas commandées; et moi, je le sais, et j'en suis témoin, dit l'Éternel.

Et cela arrivera parce qu'ils ont commis une infamie en Israël, se livrant à l'adultère avec les femmes de leur prochain, et parce qu'ils ont dit des mensonges en mon nom, quand je ne leur avais point donné d'ordre. Je le sais, et j'en suis témoin, dit l'Eternel.

Parce qu'ils ont commis des impuretés en Israël, et qu'ils ont commis adultère avec les femmes de leurs prochains, et qu'ils ont dit en mon Nom des paroles fausses, que je ne leur avais pas commandées, et je le sais, et j'en suis témoin, dit l'Eternel.

Jeremia 29:23
darum daß sie eine Torheit in Israel begingen und trieben Ehebruch mit der andern Weibern und predigten falsch in meinem Namen, das ich ihnen nicht befohlen hatte. Solches weiß ich und zeuge es, spricht der HERR.

darum daß sie eine Torheit in Israel begingen und trieben Ehebruch mit ihrer Nächsten Weibern und predigten falsch in meinem Namen, was ich ihnen nicht befohlen hatte. Solches weiß ich und bezeuge es, spricht der HERR. {~}

Weil sie Ruchlosigkeit in Israel verübt und mit den Weibern ihrer Freunde Ehebruch getrieben und in meinem Namen Worte geredet haben, die ich ihnen nicht geboten hatte: - ja, ich selbst bin des kundig und Zeuge! - ist der Spruch Jahwes.

Geremia 29:23
Perché costoro han fatto delle cose nefande in Israele, han commesso adulterio con le mogli del loro prossimo, e hanno pronunziato in mio nome parole di menzogna; il che io non avevo loro comandato. Io stesso lo so, e ne son testimone, dice l’Eterno.

Perciocchè han fatte delle cose nefande in Israele, ed han commesso adulterio con le mogli de’ lor prossimi, ed han parlato in Nome mio falsamente; il che io non avea lor comandato; ed io sono quel che ne son sapevole e testimonio, dice il Signore.

sebab telah dibuatnya perkara bodoh di antara orang Israel dan dibuatnya zinah dengan bini kawannya, dan dikatakannya dengan nama-Ku barang yang dusta, yang bukan firman-Ku kepadanya; karena Aku yang mengetahuinya dan yang menjadi saksinya, demikianlah firman Tuhan.

예레미아 29:23
이는 그들이 이스라엘 중에서 망령되이 행하여 그 이웃의 아내와 행음하며 내가 그들에게 명하지 아니한 거짓을 내 이름으로 말함이니라 나는 아는 자요 증거인이니라 여호와의 말이니라 하셨다 하였더라

Ieremias 29:23
pro eo quod fecerint stultitiam in Israhel et moechati sunt in uxores amicorum suorum et locuti sunt verbum in nomine meo mendaciter quod non mandavi eis ego sum iudex et testis dicit Dominus

Jeremijo knyga 29:23
Jie blogai elgėsi Izraelyje: svetimavo su savo artimų žmonomis ir kalbėjo melus mano vardu, ko jiems neliepiau. Aš tai žinau ir esu liudytojas,­sako Viešpats’ ”.

Jeremiah 29:23
Kua mahi poauau hoki raua i roto i a Iharaira, kua puremu ki nga wahine a o raua hoa, kua korero hoki i nga kupu teka i runga i toku ingoa, he mea kihai i whakahaua atu e ahau ki a raua; ko ahau tenei e mohio ana, ko ahau te kaiwhakaatu, e ai ta Ihowa.

Jeremias 29:23
fordi de gjorde en skjendig gjerning i Israel og drev hor med hverandres hustruer og talte løgnaktige ord i mitt navn, noget jeg ikke hadde befalt dem; og jeg vet det og er vidne, sier Herren.

Jeremías 29:23
``Porque obraron neciamente en Israel, cometieron adulterio con las mujeres de sus prójimos y hablaron en mi nombre palabras falsas que no les mandé. Yo soy el que sabe y soy testigo--declara el SEÑOR.

"Porque obraron neciamente en Israel, cometieron adulterio con las mujeres de sus prójimos y hablaron en Mi nombre palabras falsas que no les mandé. Yo soy el que sabe y soy testigo," declara el SEÑOR.'"

Porque hicieron maldad en Israel, y cometieron adulterio con las esposas de sus prójimos, y falsamente hablaron en mi nombre palabra que no les mandé; lo cual yo sé, y soy testigo, dice Jehová.

Porque hicieron maldad en Israel, y cometieron adulterio con las mujeres de sus prójimos, y falsamente hablaron en mi nombre palabra que no les mandé; lo cual yo sé, y soy testigo, dice Jehová.

Porque hicieron maldad en Israel, y cometieron adulterio con las mujeres de sus prójimos, y hablaron palabra falsamente en mi nombre que no les mandé; lo cual yo sé, y soy testigo, dijo el SEÑOR.

Jeremias 29:23
Porquanto cometeram total insensatez em Israel: adulteraram com as mulheres de seus amigos e em meu Nome falaram mentiras, que Eu jamais mandei que falassem. Entretanto, Eu sei de tudo e sou testemunha disso!’, afirma Yahweh.

porque fizeram insensatez em Israel, cometendo adultério com as mulheres de seus próximos, e anunciando falsamente em meu nome palavras que não lhes mandei. Eu o sei, e sou testemunha disso, diz o Senhor.   

Ieremia 29:23
Şi lucrul acesta se va întîmpla pentru că au făcut o mişelie în Israel, preacurvind cu nevestele aproapelui lor, şi pentru că au spus minciuni în Numele Meu, cînd Eu nu le dădusem nici o poruncă. Ştiu lucrul acesta, şi sînt martor, zice Domnul.``

Иеремия 29:23
за то, что они делали гнусное в Израиле: прелюбодействовали с женами ближних своих и именем Моим говорили ложь, чего Я не повелевал им; Язнаю это, и Я свидетель, говорит Господь.

за то, что они делали гнусное в Израиле: прелюбодействовали с женами ближних своих и именем Моим говорили ложь, чего Я не повелевал им; Я знаю это, и Я свидетель, говорит Господь.[]

Jeremia 29:23
De hava ju gjort vad som är ens galenskap i Israel, de hava begått äktenskapsbrott med varandras hustrur och hava fört lögnaktigt tal i mitt namn, sådant som jag icke hade bjudit dem. Jag är den som vet det och betygar det, säger HERREN.

Jeremiah 29:23
Sapagka't sila'y gumawang may kamangmangan sa Israel, at nangalunya sa mga asawa ng kanilang mga kapuwa, at nangagsalita ng mga salita sa aking pangalan na may kasinungalingan, na hindi ko iniutos sa kanila; at ako ang siyang nakakakilala, at ako'y saksi, sabi ng Panginoon.

เยเรมีย์ 29:23
เพราะเขาทั้งสองได้กระทำความเลวร้ายในอิสราเอล ได้ล่วงประเวณีกับภรรยาของเพื่อนบ้าน และได้พูดถ้อยคำเท็จในนามของเรา ซึ่งเรามิได้บัญชาเขา เราเป็นผู้ที่รู้และเราเป็นพยาน" พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสดังนี้แหละ

Yeremya 29:23
Çünkü İsrailde çirkin şeyler yaptılar; komşularının karılarıyla zina ettiler, onlara buyurmadığım halde adımla yalan sözler söylediler. Bunu biliyorum ve buna tanığım›› diyor RAB.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 29:23
vì chúng nó đã làm sự dại dột trong Y-sơ-ra-ên, đã phạm tội tà dâm với những vợ người lân cận mình, và đã nhơn danh ta rao truyền lời giả dối mà ta chưa hề khiến rao truyền. Ðức Giê-hô-va phán: Ta là Ðấng biết, và làm chứng.

Jeremiah 29:22
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