Jeremiah 28:9
Jeremiah 28:9
But the prophet who prophesies peace will be recognized as one truly sent by the LORD only if his prediction comes true."

So a prophet who predicts peace must show he is right. Only when his predictions come true can we know that he is really from the LORD."

As for the prophet who prophesies peace, when the word of that prophet comes to pass, then it will be known that the LORD has truly sent the prophet.”

"The prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet comes to pass, then that prophet will be known as one whom the LORD has truly sent."

The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him.

As for the prophet who prophesies peace--only when the word of the prophet comes true will the prophet be recognized as one the LORD has truly sent."

When a prophet prophesies peace, and what the prophet speaks comes about, he will be known as the prophet whom the LORD has truly sent."

So if a prophet prophesied peace and prosperity, it was only known that the LORD truly sent him when what he prophesied came true."

But the prophet who prophesied peace was recognized as a prophet that the LORD sent only if the message of the prophet came true."

The prophet which prophesied of peace, when the word of the prophet should come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD has truly sent him.

The prophet which prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD has truly sent him.

The prophet which prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD has truly sent him.

The prophet that prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that Jehovah hath truly sent him.

The prophet that prophesied peace when his word shall come to pass, the prophet shall be known, whom the Lord hath sent in truth.

The prophet that prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, shall be known as the prophet whom Jehovah hath really sent.

The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him.

The prophet who prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him.

The prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet shall happen, then shall the prophet be known, that Yahweh has truly sent him.

The prophet who doth prophesy of peace -- by the coming in of the word of the prophet, known is the prophet that Jehovah hath truly sent him.'

Jeremia 28:9
Profeti që profetizon paqen, kur fjala e tij do të realizohet, do të njihet si një profet i vërtetë i dërguar nga Zoti".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 28:9
النبي الذي تنبأ بالسلام فعند حصول كلمة النبي عرف ذلك النبي ان الرب قد ارسله حقا

Dyr Ierymies 28:9
Aber der Weissag, wo öbbs Guets voraussait, erweist si grad dann als von n Trechtein gschickt, wenn dös allss in Erfüllung geet."

Еремия 28:9
Пророкът, който пророкува за мир,- когато се изпълни думата му, [тогава] ще се познае, че той е пророк, когото Господ наистина е пратил.

耶 利 米 書 28:9
先 知 預 言 的 平 安 , 到 話 語 成 就 的 時 候 , 人 便 知 道 他 真 是 耶 和 華 所 差 來 的 。

先 知 预 言 的 平 安 , 到 话 语 成 就 的 时 候 , 人 便 知 道 他 真 是 耶 和 华 所 差 来 的 。



Jeremiah 28:9
Ali o proroku koji proriče mir možeš istom kad se ispuni njegova proročka riječ znati da ga je zaista Jahve poslao.

Jermiáše 28:9
Prorok ten, kterýž prorokuje o pokoji, když dojde slovo toho proroka, ten prorok znám bývá, že jej poslal Hospodin v pravdě.

Jeremias 28:9
men naar en Profet profeterer om Fred, kendes den Profet, HERREN virkelig har sendt, paa, at hans Ord gaar i Opfyldelse.«

Jeremia 28:9
De profeet, die geprofeteerd zal hebben van vrede, als het woord van dien profeet komt, dan zal die profeet bekend worden, dat hem de HEERE in der waarheid gezonden heeft.

ירמיה 28:9
הַנָּבִ֕יא אֲשֶׁ֥ר יִנָּבֵ֖א לְשָׁלֹ֑ום בְּבֹא֙ דְּבַ֣ר הַנָּבִ֗יא יִוָּדַע֙ הַנָּבִ֔יא אֲשֶׁר־שְׁלָחֹ֥ו יְהוָ֖ה בֶּאֱמֶֽת׃

ט הנביא אשר ינבא לשלום--בבא דבר הנביא יודע הנביא אשר שלחו יהוה באמת

הנביא אשר ינבא לשלום בבא דבר הנביא יודע הנביא אשר־שלחו יהוה באמת׃

Jeremiás 28:9
A mely próféta a békességrõl prófétál, mikor beteljesedik a próféta beszéde, [akkor] ismertetik meg a próféta, ha az Úr küldötte-é azt valóban?

Jeremia 28:9
Se profeto antauxdiris pacon, tiam post la plenumigxo de la vorto de la profeto oni ekkonis lin kiel profeton, kiun vere sendis la Eternulo.

Mutta kuin propheta ennustaa rauhaa, niin tunnetaan, kuin hänen sanansa täytetyksi tulee, että Herra hänen totisesti on lähettänyt.

Jérémie 28:9
le prophète qui prophétise la paix, quand la parole de ce prophète arrivera, on saura que c'est un prophète que l'Éternel a véritablement envoyé.

mais si un prophète prophétise la paix, c'est par l'accomplissement de ce qu'il prophétise qu'il sera reconnu comme véritablement envoyé par l'Eternel.

Le Prophète qui aura prophétisé la paix, quand la parole de ce Prophète sera accomplie, ce Prophète-là sera reconnu pour avoir été véritablement envoyé par l'Eternel.

Jeremia 28:9
wenn aber ein Prophet von Friede weissaget, den wird man kennen, ob ihn der HERR wahrhaftig gesandt hat, wenn sein Wort erfüllet wird.

wenn aber ein Prophet von Frieden weissagt, den wird man kennen, ob ihn der HERR wahrhaftig gesandt hat, wenn sein Wort erfüllt wird. {~} {~} {~}

der Prophet jedoch, der von Heil weissagt, - durch das Eintreffen des Wortes des Propheten weist sich der Prophet aus, den Jahwe wirklich gesandt hat!

Geremia 28:9
Quanto al profeta che profetizza la pace, allorché si sarà adempiuta la sua parola, egli sarà riconosciuto come un vero mandato dall’Eterno".

Quando la parola del profeta, che avrà profetizzato di pace, sarà avvenuta, egli sarà riconosciuto essere il profeta che il Signore avrà mandato in verità.

sebab itu, jikalau seorang nabi bernubuat akan hal selamat, apabila nubuat nabi itu jadi, baharulah nyata ia seorang nabi adanya, yang disuruhkan Tuhan dengan sebenarnya.

예레미아 28:9
평화를 예언하는 선지자는 그 예언자의 말이 응한 후에야 그는 진실로 여호와의 보내신 선지자로 알게 되리라

Ieremias 28:9
propheta qui vaticinatus est pacem cum venerit verbum eius scietur propheta quem misit Dominus in veritate

Jeremijo knyga 28:9
Pranašas, kuris pranašaudavo apie taiką, tik jo žodžiams įvykus būdavo pripažįstamas kaip tikrai Viešpaties siųstas’ ”.

Jeremiah 28:9
Ko te poropiti e poropiti ana i te rongo mau, ki te tutuki te kupu a te poropiti, hei reira ka mohiotia taua poropiti, he pono na Ihowa ia i unga mai.

Jeremias 28:9
Den profet som profeterer om fred, når hans ord går i opfyllelse, da kan alle se at han er en profet som Herren i sannhet har sendt.

Jeremías 28:9
Si un profeta profetiza paz, cuando la palabra del profeta se cumpla, entonces ese profeta será conocido como el que el SEÑOR en verdad ha enviado.

"Si un profeta profetiza paz, cuando la palabra del profeta se cumpla, ese profeta será conocido como el que el SEÑOR en verdad ha enviado."

El profeta que profetizó de paz, cuando se cumpliere la palabra del profeta, será conocido el profeta que Jehová en verdad lo envió.

El profeta que profetizó de paz, cuando sobreviniere la palabra del profeta, será conocido el profeta que Jehová en verdad lo envió.

El profeta que profetizó de paz, cuando sobreviniere la palabra del profeta, será conocido como el profeta que el SEÑOR en verdad envió.

Jeremias 28:9
Mas o profeta que pregar a paz será reconhecido como verdadeiramente mandado por Yahweh quando se cumprir a sua palavra!

Quanto ao profeta que profetuar de paz, quando se cumprir a palavra desse profeta, então será conhecido que o Senhor na verdade enviou o profeta.   

Ieremia 28:9
Dar, dacă un prooroc prooroceşte pacea, numai după împlinirea celor ce prooroceşte, se va cunoaşte că este cu adevărat trimes de Domnul.``

Иеремия 28:9
Если какой пророк предсказывал мир, то тогда только он признаваем был за пророка, которого истинно послал Господь, когда сбывалось слово того пророка.

Если какой пророк предсказывал мир, то тогда только он признаваем был за пророка, которого истинно послал Господь, когда сбывалось слово того пророка.[]

Jeremia 28:9
Därför, om nu en profet profeterar om lycka, så kan man först då när den profetens ord går i fullbordan veta att han är en profet som HERREN i sanning har sänt.»

Jeremiah 28:9
Ang propeta, na nanghuhula ng tungkol sa kapayapaan, ay makikilala nga siyang propeta, na tunay na sinugo ng Panginoon siya, pagka ang salita ng propeta ay mangyayari.

เยเรมีย์ 28:9
ส่วนผู้พยากรณ์ผู้พยากรณ์ว่าจะมีสันติภาพ เมื่อเป็นจริงตามถ้อยคำของผู้พยากรณ์นั้น จึงรู้กันว่าพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงใช้ผู้พยากรณ์นั้นจริง"

Yeremya 28:9
Ancak esenlik olacağını söyleyen peygamberin sözü yerine gelirse, onun gerçekten RABbin gönderdiği peygamber olduğu anlaşılır.››[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 28:9
Nếu tiên tri được ứng nghiệm, thì sẽ biết tiên tri đó là thật bởi Ðức Giê-hô-va sai đến!

Jeremiah 28:8
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