Jeremiah 27:15
Jeremiah 27:15
I have not sent them,' declares the LORD. 'They are prophesying lies in my name. Therefore, I will banish you and you will perish, both you and the prophets who prophesy to you.'"

This is what the LORD says: 'I have not sent these prophets! They are telling you lies in my name, so I will drive you from this land. You will all die--you and all these prophets, too.'"

I have not sent them, declares the LORD, but they are prophesying falsely in my name, with the result that I will drive you out and you will perish, you and the prophets who are prophesying to you.”

for I have not sent them," declares the LORD, "but they prophesy falsely in My name, in order that I may drive you out and that you may perish, you and the prophets who prophesy to you."

For I have not sent them, saith the LORD, yet they prophesy a lie in my name; that I might drive you out, and that ye might perish, ye, and the prophets that prophesy unto you.

'I have not sent them--this is the LORD's declaration-- 'and they are prophesying falsely in My name; therefore, I will banish you, and you will perish--you and the prophets who are prophesying to you.'"

For I didn't send them," declares the LORD, "and they're falsely prophesying in my name, so I will drive both you and the prophets who prophesy to you out of the land."

For I, the LORD, affirm that I did not send them. They are prophesying lies to you. If you listen to them, I will drive you and the prophets who are prophesying lies out of the land and you will all die in exile."

I didn't send them, declares the LORD. They prophesy lies in my name. So I will scatter you, and you and the prophets will die."

For I have not sent them, saith the LORD, yet they prophesy a lie in my name; that I might drive you out and that ye might perish, ye, and the prophets that prophesy unto you.

For I have not sent them, says the LORD, yet they prophesy a lie in my name; that I might drive you out, and that you might perish, you, and the prophets that prophesy unto you.

For I have not sent them, said the LORD, yet they prophesy a lie in my name; that I might drive you out, and that you might perish, you, and the prophets that prophesy to you.

For I have not sent them, saith Jehovah, but they prophesy falsely in my name; that I may drive you out, and that ye may perish, ye, and the prophets that prophesy unto you.

For I have not sent them, saith the Lord: and they prophesy in my name falsely: to drive you out, and that you may perish, both you, and the prophets that prophesy to you.

For I have not sent them, saith Jehovah, yet they prophesy falsely in my name; in order that I should drive you out, and that ye should perish, ye, and the prophets who prophesy unto you.

For I have not sent them, saith the LORD, but they prophesy falsely in my name; that I might drive you out, and that ye might perish, ye, and the prophets that prophesy unto you.

For I have not sent them, saith the LORD, yet they prophesy a lie in my name; that I might drive you out, and that ye might perish, ye, and the prophets that prophesy to you.

For I have not sent them, says Yahweh, but they prophesy falsely in my name; that I may drive you out, and that you may perish, you, and the prophets who prophesy to you.

For I have not sent them -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and they are prophesying in My name falsely, so as to drive you out, and ye have perished, ye, and the prophets who are prophesying to you.'

Jeremia 27:15
Sepse unë nuk i kam dërguar, thotë Zoti, "por ata profetizojnë gënjeshtrën në emrin tim, me qëllim që unë t'ju shpërndaj dhe ju të vdisni, ju dhe profetët që ju profetizojnë".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 27:15
لاني لم ارسلهم يقول الرب بل هم يتنبأون باسمي بالكذب لكي اطردكم فتهلكوا انتم والانبياء الذين يتنبأون لكم

Dyr Ierymies 27:15
I haan s nit gschickt, sait dyr Trechtein; drum ist s ayn Lug, wenn s in meinn Nam weissagnd. Daa kimmt s grad non so weit, däß i enk verstoeß und däßß zgrundgeetß, ös zamt enkerne sognenntn Weissagn.

Еремия 27:15
Понеже Аз не съм ги пратил, казва Господ, а те пророкуват лъжливо в Моето име, та да ви изпъдя и да погинете, вие и пророците, които ви пророкуват.

耶 利 米 書 27:15
耶 和 華 說 : 我 並 沒 有 打 發 他 們 , 他 們 卻 託 我 的 名 說 假 預 言 , 好 使 我 將 你 們 和 向 你 們 說 預 言 的 那 些 先 知 趕 出 去 , 一 同 滅 亡 。

耶 和 华 说 : 我 并 没 有 打 发 他 们 , 他 们 却 托 我 的 名 说 假 预 言 , 好 使 我 将 你 们 和 向 你 们 说 预 言 的 那 些 先 知 赶 出 去 , 一 同 灭 亡 。



Jeremiah 27:15
'Jer nisam ih ja poslao da vam prorokuju - riječ je Jahvina - nego vam oni laž prorokuju u moje ime, da vas otjeram iz vaše zemlje, pa da propadnete - vi i proroci koji vam prorokuju.'

Jermiáše 27:15
Neposlalť jsem jich zajisté, dí Hospodin, a však oni prorokují ve jménu mém lživě, abych zahnal vás, kdež byste zahynuli vy i ti proroci, kteříž prorokují vám.

Jeremias 27:15
Jeg har ikke sendt dem, lyder det fra HERREN, og de profeterer Løgn i mit Navn, for at jeg skal bortstøde eder, saa I gaar til Grunde sammen med Profeterne, der profeterer for eder.

Jeremia 27:15
Want Ik heb ze niet gezonden, spreekt de HEERE, en zij profeteren valselijk in Mijn Naam; opdat Ik u uitstote, en gij omkomt, gij en de profeten, die u profeteren.

ירמיה 27:15
כִּ֣י לֹ֤א שְׁלַחְתִּים֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה וְהֵ֛ם נִבְּאִ֥ים בִּשְׁמִ֖י לַשָּׁ֑קֶר לְמַ֨עַן הַדִּיחִ֤י אֶתְכֶם֙ וַאֲבַדְתֶּ֔ם אַתֶּ֕ם וְהַנְּבִאִ֖ים הַֽנִּבְּאִ֥ים לָכֶֽם׃

טו כי לא שלחתים נאם יהוה והם נבאים בשמי לשקר  למען הדיחי אתכם ואבדתם--אתם והנבאים הנבאים לכם

כי לא שלחתים נאם־יהוה והם נבאים בשמי לשקר למען הדיחי אתכם ואבדתם אתם והנבאים הנבאים לכם׃

Jeremiás 27:15
Mert nem küldöttem õket, azt mondja az Úr, hanem õk az én nevemben hazugságot prófétálnak, hogy kiûzzelek titeket, és elvesszetek ti és a próféták, a kik prófétálnak néktek.

Jeremia 27:15
CXar Mi ne sendis ilin, diras la Eternulo, kaj ili malvere profetas en Mia nomo, por ke Mi elpelu vin, kaj por ke vi pereu, vi kaj la profetoj, kiuj profetas al vi.

Sillä en minä ole heitä lähettänyt, sanoo Herra; vaan he ennustavat valhetta minun nimeeni, että minä ajaisin teitä ulos, ja te hukkuisitte ynnä prophetain kanssa, jotka teille ennustavat.

Jérémie 27:15
Car je ne les ai pas envoyés, dit l'Éternel, et ils prophétisent le mensonge en mon nom, afin que je vous jette dehors et que vous périssiez, vous et les prophètes qui vous prophétisent.

Je ne les ai point envoyés, dit l'Eternel, et ils prophétisent le mensonge en mon nom, afin que je vous chasse et que vous périssiez, vous et les prophètes qui vous prophétisent.

Même je ne les ai point envoyés, dit l'Eternel, et ils vous prophétisent faussement en mon Nom, afin que je vous rejette, et que vous périssiez, vous et les Prophètes qui vous prophétisent.

Jeremia 27:15
und ich habe sie nicht gesandt, spricht der HERR; sondern sie weissagen falsch in meinem Namen, auf daß ich euch ausstoße, und ihr umkommet, samt den Propheten, die euch weissagen.

und ich habe sie nicht gesandt, spricht der HERR; sondern sie weissagen falsch in meinem Namen, auf daß ich euch ausstoße und ihr umkommt samt den Propheten, die euch weissagen.

Denn ich habe sie nicht gesandt - ist der Spruch Jahwes -, vielmehr weissagen sie trügerisch in meinem Namen, damit ich euch forttreibe und ihr zu Grunde geht samt den Propheten, die euch geweissagt haben!

Geremia 27:15
Poiché io non li ho mandati, dice l’Eterno; ma profetizzano falsamente nel mio nome, perché io vi scacci, e voi periate: voi e i profeti che vi profetizzano".

Conciossiachè io non li abbia mandati, dice il Signore; ma profetizzano in Nome mio falsamente; acciocchè io vi scacci, e periate, voi e i profeti che vi profetizzano.

Karena tiada Aku menyuruhkan dia, demikianlah firman Tuhan, dan mereka itu bernubuat dusta dengan nama-Ku, sehingga Aku kelak menolak keluar akan kamu dan kamupun binasalah, baik kamu baik segala nabi yang bernubuat kepadamu.

예레미아 27:15
여호와께서 말씀하시되 내가 그들을 보내지 아니하였거늘 그들이 내 이름으로 거짓을 예언하니 내가 너희를 몰아내며 너희와 너희에게 예언하는 선지자들을 멸망시키기에 이르리라 하셨나이다

Ieremias 27:15
quia non misi eos ait Dominus et ipsi prophetant in nomine meo mendaciter ut eiciant vos et pereatis tam vos quam prophetae qui vaticinantur vobis

Jeremijo knyga 27:15
‘Aš jų nesiunčiau,­sako Viešpats,­tačiau jie pranašauja melus mano vardu, kad Aš jus išvaryčiau ir jūs žūtumėte, jūs ir pranašai, kurie jums pranašauja’ ”.

Jeremiah 27:15
Ehara hoki ratou i ahau i unga atu, e ai ta Ihowa, otiia kei te poropiti teka ratou i runga i toku ingoa; he mea kia peia ai koutou e ahau, a kia ngaro ai koutou, me nga poropiti e poropiti na ki a koutou.

Jeremias 27:15
jeg har ikke sendt dem, sier Herren, men de profeterer falskelig i mitt navn, så jeg må drive eder bort, og I må gå til grunne, I og de profeter som profeterer for eder.

Jeremías 27:15
Yo no los he enviado--declara el SEÑOR-- y ellos profetizan mentira en mi nombre, para que yo os expulse y perezcáis vosotros y los profetas que os profetizan.

"Yo no los he enviado," declara el SEÑOR, "y ellos profetizan mentira en Mi nombre, para que Yo los expulse y perezcan ustedes y los profetas que les profetizan."

Porque yo no los envié, dice Jehová, y ellos profetizan falsamente en mi nombre, para que yo os arroje, y perezcáis, vosotros y los profetas que os profetizan.

Porque yo no los envié, dice Jehová, y ellos profetizan falsamente en mi nombre, para que yo os arroje, y perezcáis, vosotros y los profetas que os profetizan.

Porque yo no los envié, dice el SEÑOR, y ellos profetizan falsamente en mi nombre, para que yo os arroje, y perezcáis, vosotros y los profetas que os profetizan.

Jeremias 27:15
“Porquanto Eu não os enviei!”, alerta Yahweh. “Eles pregam falsidades em meu Nome, para que Eu vos expulse e destrua, vós e os profetas que vos persuadem.”

Pois não os enviei, diz o Senhor, mas eles profetizam falsamente em meu nome; para que eu vos lance fora, e venhais a perecer, vós e os profetas que vos profetizam.   

Ieremia 27:15
,Nu i-am trimes Eu, zice Domnul, ci proorocesc minciuni în Numele Meu, ca să izgonesc şi să pieriţi, voi şi proorocii cari vă proorocesc!`

Иеремия 27:15
Я не посылал их, говорит Господь; и они ложно пророчествуют именем Моим, чтоб Я изгнал вас и чтобы вы погибли, – вы и пророки ваши, пророчествующие вам.

Я не посылал их, говорит Господь; и они ложно пророчествуют именем Моим, чтоб Я изгнал вас и чтобы вы погибли, --вы и пророки ваши, пророчествующие вам.[]

Jeremia 27:15
Jag har icke sänt dem, säger HERREN; det är de själva som profetera lögn i mitt namn, och de komma så åstad att jag måste driva eder bort, så att I förgåns, jämte de profeter som profetera för eder.

Jeremiah 27:15
Sapagka't hindi ko sinugo sila, sabi ng Panginoon; kundi sila'y nanganghuhulang may kasinungalingan sa aking pangalan; upang aking mapalayas kayo, at kayo'y mangalipol, kayo, at ang mga propeta na nanganghuhula sa inyo.

เยเรมีย์ 27:15
พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสว่า เราไม่ได้ใช้เขา แต่เขาพยากรณ์เท็จในนามของเรา ซึ่งยังผลให้เราต้องขับไล่เจ้าออกไปและเจ้าจะต้องพินาศ ทั้งตัวเจ้าและผู้พยากรณ์ทั้งหลายซึ่งพยากรณ์ให้แก่เจ้า"

Yeremya 27:15
‹Onları ben göndermedim› diyor RAB, ‹Adımla yalan peygamberlik ediyorlar. Bu yüzden sizi de size peygamberlik eden peygamberleri de süreceğim, hepiniz yok olacaksınız.› ››[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 27:15
Ðức Giê-hô-va phán: Ta chẳng hề sai chúng nó, nhưng chúng nó nói tiên tri giả dối nhơn danh ta; hầu cho ta đuổi các ngươi, và các ngươi bị diệt mất, nghĩa là các ngươi với các tiên tri đã nói tiên tri cho các ngươi.

Jeremiah 27:14
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