Jeremiah 26:15
Jeremiah 26:15
Be assured, however, that if you put me to death, you will bring the guilt of innocent blood on yourselves and on this city and on those who live in it, for in truth the LORD has sent me to you to speak all these words in your hearing."

But if you kill me, rest assured that you will be killing an innocent man! The responsibility for such a deed will lie on you, on this city, and on every person living in it. For it is absolutely true that the LORD sent me to speak every word you have heard."

Only know for certain that if you put me to death, you will bring innocent blood upon yourselves and upon this city and its inhabitants, for in truth the LORD sent me to you to speak all these words in your ears.”

"Only know for certain that if you put me to death, you will bring innocent blood on yourselves, and on this city and on its inhabitants; for truly the LORD has sent me to you to speak all these words in your hearing."

But know ye for certain, that if ye put me to death, ye shall surely bring innocent blood upon yourselves, and upon this city, and upon the inhabitants thereof: for of a truth the LORD hath sent me unto you to speak all these words in your ears.

But know for certain that if you put me to death, you will bring innocent blood on yourselves, on this city, and on its residents, for it is certain the LORD has sent me to speak all these things directly to you."

But know for certain that if you kill me, you will bring innocent blood on yourselves and on this city and its residents because the LORD really did send me to you to say all these things for you to hear."

But you should take careful note of this: If you put me to death, you will bring on yourselves and this city and those who live in it the guilt of murdering an innocent man. For the LORD has sent me to speak all this where you can hear it. That is the truth!"

But know for certain that if you put me to death, you, this city, and the people living in it will be guilty of killing an innocent person. The LORD has certainly sent me to speak all these things to you."

But know ye for certain, that if ye put me to death, ye shall surely bring innocent blood upon yourselves and upon this city and upon its inhabitants; for of a truth the LORD has sent me unto you to speak all these words in your ears.

But know you for certain, that if you put me to death, you shall surely bring innocent blood upon yourselves, and upon this city, and upon its inhabitants: for of a truth the LORD has sent me unto you to speak all these words in your ears.

But know you for certain, that if you put me to death, you shall surely bring innocent blood on yourselves, and on this city, and on the inhabitants thereof: for of a truth the LORD has sent me to you to speak all these words in your ears.

Only know ye for certain that, if ye put me to death, ye will bring innocent blood upon yourselves, and upon this city, and upon the inhabitants thereof; for of a truth Jehovah hath sent me unto you to speak all these words in your ears.

But know ye, and understand, that if you put me to death, you will shed innocent blood against your own selves, and against this city, and the inhabitants thereof. For in truth the Lord sent me to you, to speak all these words in your hearing.

only know for certain that if ye put me to death, ye shall surely bring innocent blood upon yourselves, and upon this city, and upon the inhabitants thereof; for of a truth Jehovah hath sent me unto you to speak all these words in your ears.

Only know ye for certain that, if ye put me to death, ye shall bring innocent blood upon yourselves, and upon this city, and upon the inhabitants thereof: for of a truth the LORD hath sent me unto you to speak all these words in your ears.

But know ye for certain, that if ye put me to death, ye will surely bring innocent blood upon yourselves, upon this city, and upon its inhabitants: for of a truth the LORD hath sent me to you to speak all these words in your ears.

Only know for certain that, if you put me to death, you will bring innocent blood on yourselves, and on this city, and on its inhabitants; for of a truth Yahweh has sent me to you to speak all these words in your ears.

Only, know ye certainly, that if ye are putting me to death, surely innocent blood ye are putting on yourselves, and on this city, and on its inhabitants; for truly hath Jehovah sent me unto you to speak in your ears all these words.'

Jeremia 26:15
Por dijeni me siguri që, në qoftë se më bëni të vdes, do të tërhiqni gjak të pafajmë mbi vete, mbi këtë qytet dhe mbi banorët e tij, sepse Zoti më ka dërguar me të vërtetë pranë jush, që t'u deklaroj veshëve tuaj tërë këto fjalë".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 26:15
لكن اعلموا علما انكم ان قتلتموني تجعلون دما زكيا على انفسكم وعلى هذه المدينة وعلى سكانها لانه حقا ارسلني الرب اليكم لاتكلم في آذانكم بكل هذا الكلام

Dyr Ierymies 26:15
Aber dös sag i enk +aau: Wenntß mi umbringtß, bringtß ayn unschuldigs Bluet über enk, dö Stat und d Leut daader. Dyr Trechtein haat mi nömlich +wirklich zo enk gschickt, däß i enk non aynmaal eindringlich warn."

Еремия 26:15
Но добре да знаете, че ако ме умъртвите, то ще докарате невинна кръв върху себе си, върху тоя град и върху жителите му; защото наистина Господ ме прати при вас да говоря в ушите ви всички тия думи.

耶 利 米 書 26:15
但 你 們 要 確 實 地 知 道 , 若 把 我 治 死 , 就 使 無 辜 人 的 血 歸 到 你 們 和 這 城 , 並 其 中 的 居 民 了 ; 因 為 耶 和 華 實 在 差 遣 我 到 你 們 這 著 來 , 將 這 一 切 話 傳 與 你 們 耳 中 。

但 你 们 要 确 实 地 知 道 , 若 把 我 治 死 , 就 使 无 辜 人 的 血 归 到 你 们 和 这 城 , 并 其 中 的 居 民 了 ; 因 为 耶 和 华 实 在 差 遣 我 到 你 们 这 着 来 , 将 这 一 切 话 传 与 你 们 耳 中 。



Jeremiah 26:15
Ali dobro znajte: ako me pogubite, krv nedužnu navalit ćete na sebe, na ovaj grad i na njegove stanovnike. Jer, zaista, Jahve me posla k vama da u vaše uši govorim sve ove riječi.

Jermiáše 26:15
Ale však jistotně vězte, usmrtíte-li mne, že krev nevinnou na sebe uvedete, i na město toto, i na obyvatele jeho; nebo v pravdě poslal mne Hospodin k vám, abych mluvil v uši vaše všecka slova tato.

Jeremias 26:15
Dog skal I vide, at hvis I dræber mig, saa bringer I uskyldigt Blod over eder og denne By og dens Indbyggere; thi sandelig sendte HERREN mig for at tale alle disse Ord til eder.«

Jeremia 26:15
Maar weet voorzeker, dat gij, zo gij mij doodt, gewisselijk onschuldig bloed zult brengen op u, en op deze stad, en op haar inwoners; want in der waarheid, de HEERE heeft mij tot u gezonden, om al deze woorden voor uw oren te spreken.

ירמיה 26:15
אַ֣ךְ ׀ יָדֹ֣עַ תֵּדְע֗וּ כִּ֣י אִם־מְמִתִ֣ים אַתֶּם֮ אֹתִי֒ כִּי־דָ֣ם נָקִ֗י אַתֶּם֙ נֹתְנִ֣ים עֲלֵיכֶ֔ם וְאֶל־הָעִ֥יר הַזֹּ֖את וְאֶל־יֹשְׁבֶ֑יהָ כִּ֣י בֶאֱמֶ֗ת שְׁלָחַ֤נִי יְהוָה֙ עֲלֵיכֶ֔ם לְדַבֵּר֙ בְּאָזְנֵיכֶ֔ם אֵ֥ת כָּל־הַדְּבָרִ֖ים הָאֵֽלֶּה׃ ס

טו אך ידע תדעו כי אם ממתים אתם אתי--כי דם נקי אתם נתנים עליכם ואל העיר הזאת ואל ישביה  כי באמת שלחני יהוה עליכם לדבר באזניכם את כל הדברים האלה  {ס}

אך ׀ ידע תדעו כי אם־ממתים אתם אתי כי־דם נקי אתם נתנים עליכם ואל־העיר הזאת ואל־ישביה כי באמת שלחני יהוה עליכם לדבר באזניכם את כל־הדברים האלה׃ ס

Jeremiás 26:15
De jól tudjátok meg, hogy ha megöltök engem, ártatlan vér száll ti reátok és e városra és ennek lakosaira, mert bizony az Úr küldött el engem hozzátok, hogy a ti füleitekbe mondjam mind e szókat.

Jeremia 26:15
Sed sciu, ke se vi min mortigos, vi sxargxos per senkulpa sango vin kaj cxi tiun urbon kaj gxiajn logxantojn; cxar vere la Eternulo sendis min al vi, por diri en viajn orelojn cxiujn tiujn vortojn.

Kuitenkin pitää teidän täydellisesti tietämän, että jos te minun tapatte, niin te tuotatte viattoman veren teidän päällenne, ja tämän kaupungin ja hänen asuvaistensa päälle; sillä Herra on totisesti minun lähettänyt teidän tykönne, puhumaan näitä kaikkia teidän korvainne edessä.

Jérémie 26:15
Seulement, sachez bien que, si vous me faites mourir, vous mettrez du sang innocent sur vous, et sur cette ville, et sur ses habitants; car en vérité l'Éternel m'a envoyé vers vous pour prononcer à vos oreilles toutes ces paroles.

Seulement sachez que, si vous me faites mourir, vous vous chargez du sang innocent, vous, cette ville et ses habitants; car l'Eternel m'a véritablement envoyé vers vous pour prononcer à vos oreilles toutes ces paroles.

Mais sachez comme une chose certaine, que si vous me faites mourir, vous mettrez du sang innocent sur vous, et sur cette ville, et sur ses habitants; car en vérité l'Eternel m'a envoyé vers vous, afin de prononcer toutes ces paroles, vous l'entendant.

Jeremia 26:15
Doch sollt ihr wissen, wo ihr mich tötet, so werdet ihr unschuldig Blut laden auf euch selbst, auf diese Stadt und ihre Einwohner. Denn wahrlich, der HERR hat mich zu euch gesandt, daß ich solches alles vor euren Ohren reden sollte.

Doch sollt ihr wissen: wo ihr mich tötet, so werdet ihr unschuldig Blut laden auf euch selbst, auf diese Stadt und ihre Einwohner. Denn wahrlich, der HERR hat mich zu euch gesandt, daß ich solches alles vor euren Ohren reden soll.

Nur sollt ihr wissen, daß ihr, wenn ihr mich tötet, unschuldiges Blut über euch und diese Stadt und ihre Bewohner bringt; denn Jahwe hat mich in Wahrheit zu euch gesandt, alle diese Worte laut vor euch zu verkündigen!

Geremia 26:15
Soltanto sappiate per certo che, se mi fate morire, mettete del sangue innocente addosso a voi, a questa città e ai suoi abitanti, perché l’Eterno m’ha veramente mandato a voi per farvi udire tutte queste parole".

Ma pur sappiate per certo che se voi mi fate morire, voi mettete del sangue innocente addosso a voi, ed a questa città, ed ai suoi abitanti; perciocchè in verità il Signore mi ha mandato a voi, per pronunziare a’ vostri orecchi tutte queste parole.

tetapi ketahuilah olehmu dengan sesungguhnya, jikalau kamu membunuh aku, niscaya kamu tanggungkan darah orang yang tiada bersalah atas dirimu dan atas negeri ini dan atas segala orang isinya; karena sebenarnya aku disuruhkan oleh Tuhan kepadamu akan mengatakan segala firman ini kepada pendengaranmu.

예레미아 26:15
너희는 분명히 알라 너희가 나를 죽이면 정녕히 무죄한 피로 너희 몸과 이 성과 이 성 거민에게로 돌아가게 하리라 이는 여호와께서 진실로 나를 보내사 이 모든 말을 너희 귀에 이르게 하셨음이니라

Ieremias 26:15
verumtamen scitote et cognoscite quod si occideritis me sanguinem innocentem traditis contra vosmet ipsos et contra civitatem istam et habitatores eius in veritate enim misit me Dominus ad vos ut loquerer in auribus vestris omnia verba haec

Jeremijo knyga 26:15
Bet žinokite, jei jūs mane nužudysite, nekaltą kraują užsitrauksite ant savęs, ant šito miesto ir jo gyventojų, nes Viešpats tikrai mane siuntė kalbėti jums visus šituos žodžius”.

Jeremiah 26:15
Otiia kia tino mohio koutou, ki te whakamatea ahau e koutou, e kawe ana koutou i te toto harakore ki runga i a koutou ano, ki runga ki tenei pa, ki ona tangata ano hoki: no te mea he pono, na Ihowa ahau i ngare atu ki a koutou ki te korero i ene i kupu katoa ki o koutou taringa.

Jeremias 26:15
Men det skal I vite at dersom I dreper mig, da fører I uskyldig blod over eder selv og over denne by og dens innbyggere; for Herren har i sannhet sendt mig til eder forat jeg skulde tale alle disse ord for eders ører.

Jeremías 26:15
Pero sabed bien que si me matáis, sangre inocente echaréis sobre vosotros y sobre esta ciudad y sobre sus habitantes; porque en verdad el SEÑOR me ha enviado a vosotros para hablar en vuestros oídos todas estas palabras.

"Pero sepan bien que si me matan, sangre inocente echarán sobre ustedes y sobre esta ciudad y sobre sus habitantes; porque en verdad el SEÑOR me ha enviado a ustedes para hablar en sus oídos todas estas palabras."

Mas sabed de cierto que, si me matareis, sangre inocente echaréis sobre vosotros, y sobre esta ciudad, y sobre sus moradores: porque en verdad Jehová me envió a vosotros para que dijese todas estas palabras en vuestros oídos.

Mas sabed de cierto que, si me matareis, sangre inocente echaréis sobre vosotros, y sobre esta ciudad, y sobre sus moradores: porque en verdad Jehová me envió á vosotros para que dijese todas estas palabras en vuestros oídos.

Mas sabed de cierto que, si me matareis, sangre inocente echaréis sobre vosotros, y sobre esta ciudad, y sobre sus moradores: porque en verdad el SEÑOR me envió a vosotros para que dijese todas estas palabras en vuestros oídos.

Jeremias 26:15
Estai, porém, plenamente certos de que, se me matardes, poreis sobre vós mesmos, a culpa pelo sangue inocente que ides derramar. Pois, na verdade, o SENHOR me enviou a vós, para anunciar-vos todas essas palavras.”

Sabei, porém, com certeza que, se me matardes a mim, trareis sangue inocente sobre vós, e sobre esta cidade, e sobre os seus habitantes; porque, na verdade, o Senhor me enviou a vós, para dizer aos vossos ouvidos todas estas palavras.   

Ieremia 26:15
Numai să ştiţi că, dacă mă veţi omorî vă veţi face vinovaţi de sînge nevinovat, voi, cetatea aceasta şi locuitorii ei; căci Domnul m'a trimes în adevăr la voi să rostesc în auzul vostru toate aceste cuvinte!``

Иеремия 26:15
только твердо знайте, что если вы умертвите меня, то невинную кровь возложите на себя и на город сей и на жителей его; ибо истинно Господь послал меня к вам сказать все те слова в уши ваши".

только твердо знайте, что если вы умертвите меня, то невинную кровь возложите на себя и на город сей и на жителей его; ибо истинно Господь послал меня к вам сказать все те слова в уши ваши`.[]

Jeremia 26:15
Men det skolen I veta, att om I döden mig, så dragen I oskyldigt blod över eder och över denna stad och dess invånare; ty det är i sanning HERREN som har sänt mig till eder att tala allt detta inför eder.»

Jeremiah 26:15
Talastasin lamang ninyong mabuti na kung ako'y inyong ipapatay, kayo'y magdadala ng walang salang dugo sa inyo at sa bayang ito, at sa mga nananahan dito: sapagka't katotohanang sinugo ako ng Panginoon sa inyo upang magsalita ng lahat ng mga salitang ito sa inyong mga pakinig.

เยเรมีย์ 26:15
ขอแต่เพียงให้ทราบแน่ว่า ถ้าท่านประหารข้าพเจ้า ที่คนไร้ความผิดต้องตายนั้น ตัวท่านเองและเมืองนี้และชาวเมืองนี้ต้องรับผิดชอบ เพราะความจริงพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงใช้ให้ข้าพเจ้ามาพูดถ้อยคำเหล่านี้ทั้งสิ้นให้เข้าหูของท่าน"

Yeremya 26:15
Ancak şunu kesinlikle bilin ki, eğer beni öldürürseniz, siz de bu kent ve içinde yaşayanlar da suçsuz birinin kanını dökmekten sorumlu tutulacaksınız. Çünkü bütün bu sözleri bildirmem için beni gerçekten RAB size gönderdi.››[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 26:15
Dầu vậy, khá biết rằng các ngươi giết ta, thì các ngươi cùng thành nầy và dân cư nó sẽ gánh lấy huyết vô tội. Vì Ðức Giê-hô-va thật đã sai ta đến cùng các ngươi, khiến ta nói mọi lời nầy vào tai các ngươi.

Jeremiah 26:14
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