Jeremiah 23:28
Jeremiah 23:28
Let the prophet who has a dream recount the dream, but let the one who has my word speak it faithfully. For what has straw to do with grain?" declares the LORD.

"Let these false prophets tell their dreams, but let my true messengers faithfully proclaim my every word. There is a difference between straw and grain!

Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let him who has my word speak my word faithfully. What has straw in common with wheat? declares the LORD.

"The prophet who has a dream may relate his dream, but let him who has My word speak My word in truth. What does straw have in common with grain?" declares the LORD.

The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD.

The prophet who has only a dream should recount the dream, but the one who has My word should speak My word truthfully, for what is straw compared to grain?"--this is the LORD's declaration.

Let the prophet who has a dream relate the dream, but let whoever receives my message speak my message truthfully. What does straw have in common with wheat?" declares the LORD.

Let the prophet who has had a dream go ahead and tell his dream. Let the person who has received my message report that message faithfully. What is like straw cannot compare to what is like grain! I, the LORD, affirm it!

The prophet who has a dream should tell his dream. However, the person who has my word should honestly speak my word. What does grain have to do with straw?" asks the LORD.

The prophet with whom the dream came, let him tell the dream; and he with whom my word came, let him speak my true word. What is the chaff to the wheat? said the LORD.

The prophet that has a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that has my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? says the LORD.

The prophet that has a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that has my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? said the LORD.

The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the straw to the wheat? saith Jehovah.

The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream: and he that hath my word, let him speak my word with truth: what hath the chaff to do with the wheat, saith the Lord?

The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell the dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith Jehovah.

The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the straw to the wheat? saith the LORD.

The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD?

The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream; and he who has my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the straw to the wheat? says Yahweh.

The prophet with whom is a dream, Let him recount the dream, And he with whom is My word, Let him truly speak My word. What -- to the straw with the corn? An affirmation of Jehovah.

Jeremia 23:28
Profeti që pa një ëndërr le ta tregojë ëndrrën, por ai që ka fjalën time le ta kallëzojë atë me besnikëri. Ç'punë ka kashta me grurin?", thotë Zoti.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 23:28
النبي الذي معه حلم فليقص حلما والذي معه كلمتي فليتكلم بكلمتي بالحق. ما للتبن مع الحنطة يقول الرب.

Dyr Ierymies 23:28
Der Weissag, wo öbbs traeumt haat, +haat halt aau grad traeumt; wer aber mein Wort haat, der verkünddt öbbs Gscheids. Mir kan decht önn Traid nit mit de Fleidn vergleichen!, sait dyr Trechtein.

Еремия 23:28
Пророк, който има [истински] сън, нека разказва съня, И оня, който има послание от Мене, нека говори Моето послание вярно. Що има плявата с житото? казва Господ.

耶 利 米 書 23:28
得 夢 的 先 知 可 以 述 說 那 夢 ; 得 我 話 的 人 可 以 誠 實 講 說 我 的 話 。 糠 秕 怎 能 與 麥 子 比 較 呢 ? 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 。

得 梦 的 先 知 可 以 述 说 那 梦 ; 得 我 话 的 人 可 以 诚 实 讲 说 我 的 话 。 糠 秕 怎 能 与 麦 子 比 较 呢 ? 这 是 耶 和 华 说 的 。



Jeremiah 23:28
Prorok koji je usnio san neka samo pripovijeda svoj san, a u koga je riječ moja, neka po istini objavljuje riječ moju! Što je zajedničko slami i žitu? - riječ je Jahvina.

Jermiáše 23:28
Prorok, kterýž má sen, nechť vypravuje sen, ale kterýž má slovo mé, nechť mluví slovo mé právě. Co jest té plevě do pšenice? dí Hospodin.

Jeremias 23:28
Den Profet, som har en Drøm, meddele sin Drøm, men den, hos hvem mit Ord er, tale mit Ord i Sandhed! Hvad har Straa med Kærne at gøre? lyder det fra HERREN.

Jeremia 23:28
De profeet, bij welken een droom is, die vertelle den droom; en bij welken Mijn woord is, die spreke Mijn woord waarachtiglijk; wat heeft het stro met het koren te doen? spreekt de HEERE.

ירמיה 23:28
הַנָּבִ֞יא אֲשֶׁר־אִתֹּ֤ו חֲלֹום֙ יְסַפֵּ֣ר חֲלֹ֔ום וַאֲשֶׁ֤ר דְּבָרִי֙ אִתֹּ֔ו יְדַבֵּ֥ר דְּבָרִ֖י אֱמֶ֑ת מַה־לַתֶּ֥בֶן אֶת־הַבָּ֖ר נְאֻם־יְהוָֽה׃

כח הנביא אשר אתו חלום יספר חלום ואשר דברי אתו ידבר דברי אמת  מה לתבן את הבר נאם יהוה

הנביא אשר־אתו חלום יספר חלום ואשר דברי אתו ידבר דברי אמת מה־לתבן את־הבר נאם־יהוה׃

Jeremiás 23:28
A próféta, a ki álomlátó, beszéljen álmot; a kinél pedig az én igém van, beszélje az én igémet igazán. Mi köze van a polyvának a búzával? azt mondja az Úr.

Jeremia 23:28
Profeto, kiu vidis songxon, rakontu songxon; kaj tiu, al kiu aperis Mia vorto, raportu Mian vorton vere. Kio komuna estas inter pajlo kaj greno? diras la Eternulo.

Propheta, jolla unia on, hän saarnatkaan unia; mutta jolla on minun sanani, hän saarnatkaan minun sanaani oikein. Mitä akanat ovat nisujen suhteen? sanoo Herra.

Jérémie 23:28
Que le prophète qui a un songe récite le songe, et que celui qui a ma parole énonce ma parole en vérité. Qu'est-ce que la paille à côté du froment? dit l'Éternel.

Que le prophète qui a eu un songe raconte ce songe, Et que celui qui a entendu ma parole rapporte fidèlement ma parole. Pourquoi mêler la paille au froment? dit l'Eternel.

Que le Prophète par devers lequel est le songe, récite le songe; et que celui par devers lequel est ma parole, profère ma parole en vérité. Quelle [convenance y a-t-il] de la paille avec le froment? dit l'Eternel.

Jeremia 23:28
Ein Prophet, der Träume hat, der predige Träume; wer aber mein Wort hat, der predige mein Wort recht. Wie reimen sich Stroh und Weizen zusammen? spricht der HERR.

Ein Prophet, der Träume hat, der erzähle Träume; wer aber mein Wort hat, der Predige mein Wort recht. Wie reimen sich Stroh und Weizen zusammen? spricht der HERR.

Der Prophet, dem ein Traum zu gebote steht, der mag einen Traum erzählen; wem aber mein Wort zu gebote steht, der rede treulich mein Wort! Was hat das Stroh mit dem Korn gemein? - ist der Spruch Jahwes.

Geremia 23:28
Il profeta che ha avuto un sogno, racconti il sogno, e colui che ha udito la mia parola riferisca la mia parola fedelmente. Che ha da fare la paglia col frumento? dice l’Eterno.

Il profeta, appo cui è un sogno, racconti quel sogno; e quello, appo cui è la mia parola, proponga la mia parola in verità; che ha da far la paglia col frumento? dice il Signore.

Adapun nabi yang sudah bermimpi itu hendaklah diceriterakannya mimpinya, dan pada barangsiapa adalah firman-Ku, hendaklah dikatakannya, tetapi dengan sebenarnya, karena apakah perkaranya merang dengan gandum? demikianlah firman Tuhan.

예레미아 23:28
나 여호와가 말하노라 몽사를 얻은 선지자는 몽사를 말할 것이요 내 말을 받은 자는 성실함으로 내 말을 말할 것이라 겨와 밀을 어찌 비교하겠느냐

Ieremias 23:28
propheta qui habet somnium narret somnium et qui habet sermonem meum loquatur sermonem meum vere quid paleis ad triticum dicit Dominus

Jeremijo knyga 23:28
Pranašas, kuris turi sapną, tepasakoja sapną, o kas turi mano žodį, teskelbia jį ištikimai. Ką šiaudai turi bendro su kviečių grūdais?”­sako Viešpats.

Jeremiah 23:28
Ko te poropiti he moe nei tana, me korero e ia te moe; a ko te tangata i a ia taku kupu, kia pono tana korero i taku kupu. He aha oti ta te papapa ki te witi? e ai ta Ihowa.

Jeremias 23:28
Den profet som har en drøm, han får fortelle en drøm, og den som har mitt ord, han skal tale mitt ord i sannhet! Hvad har halmen å gjøre med kornet? sier Herren.

Jeremías 23:28
El profeta que tenga un sueño, que cuente su sueño, pero el que tenga mi palabra, que hable mi palabra con fidelidad. ¿Qué tiene que ver la paja con el grano?--declara el SEÑOR.

"El profeta que tenga un sueño, que cuente su sueño, pero el que tenga Mi palabra, que hable Mi palabra con fidelidad. ¿Qué tiene que ver la paja con el grano?" declara el SEÑOR.

El profeta que tuviere sueño, cuente el sueño; y el que tuviere mi palabra, cuente mi palabra verdadera. ¿Qué tiene que ver la paja con el trigo? dice Jehová.

El profeta con quien fuere sueño, cuente sueño; y el con quien fuere mi palabra, cuente mi palabra verdadera. ¿Qué tiene que ver la paja con el trigo? dice Jehová.

El profeta con quien fuere el sueño, cuente el sueño; y con el que fuere mi palabra, cuente mi palabra verdadera. ¿Qué tiene que ver la paja con el trigo? Dijo el SEÑOR.

Jeremias 23:28
O profeta que tem um sonho conte a visão; e aquele que tem a minha Palavra, pregue fielmente a minha Palavra. Porquanto o que tem a palha a ver com o trigo?”, questiona o SENHOR.

O profeta que tem um sonho conte o sonho; e aquele que tem a minha palavra, fale fielmente a minha palavra. Que tem a palha com o trigo? diz o Senhor.   

Ieremia 23:28
Proorocul, care a avut un vis, să istorisească visul acesta, şi cine a auzit Cuvîntul Meu, să spună întocmai Cuvîntul Meu! ,Pentruce să amesteci paiele cu grîul? zice Domnul.``

Иеремия 23:28
Пророк, который видел сон, пусть и рассказывает его как сон; а у которого Мое слово, тот пусть говорит слово Мое верно. Что общего у мякины с чистым зерном? говорит Господь.

Пророк, который видел сон, пусть и рассказывает его как сон; а у которого Мое слово, тот пусть говорит слово Мое верно. Что общего у мякины с чистым зерном? говорит Господь.[]

Jeremia 23:28
Den profet som har haft en dröm, han må förtälja sin dröm; men den som bar undfått mitt ord, han må tala mitt ord i sanning. Vad har halmen att skaffa med säden? säger HERREN.

Jeremiah 23:28
Ang propeta na nanaginip, ay magsaysay siya ng isang panaginip; at siyang nagtamo ng aking salita, salitain niya ang aking salita na may pagtatapat. Ano ang dayami sa trigo? sabi ng Panginoon.

เยเรมีย์ 23:28
จงให้ผู้พยากรณ์ที่ฝันเล่าความฝัน แต่ให้คนที่มีถ้อยคำของเรากล่าวถ้อยคำของเราอย่างสุจริต" พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสว่า "ฟางข้าวมีอะไรบ้างที่เหมือนข้าวสาลี"

Yeremya 23:28
Düşü olan peygamber düşünü anlatsın; ama sözümü alan onu sadakatle bildirsin. Buğdayın yanında saman nedir ki?›› diyor RAB.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 23:28
Khi tiên tri nào có chiêm bao, hãy thuật chiêm bao ấy đi; còn kẻ nào đã lãnh lời ta, hãy truyền lại lời ta cách trung tín! Ðức Giê-hô-va phán: Rơm rạ há xen vào với lúa mì sao?

Jeremiah 23:27
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