Jeremiah 23:10
Jeremiah 23:10
The land is full of adulterers; because of the curse the land lies parched and the pastures in the wilderness are withered. The prophets follow an evil course and use their power unjustly.

For the land is full of adultery, and it lies under a curse. The land itself is in mourning--its wilderness pastures are dried up. For they all do evil and abuse what power they have.

For the land is full of adulterers; because of the curse the land mourns, and the pastures of the wilderness are dried up. Their course is evil, and their might is not right.

For the land is full of adulterers; For the land mourns because of the curse. The pastures of the wilderness have dried up. Their course also is evil And their might is not right.

For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right.

For the land is full of adulterers; the land mourns because of the curse, and the grazing lands in the wilderness have dried up. Their way of life has become evil, and their power is not rightly used

Indeed, the land is full of adulterers. Indeed, the land mourns because of the curse; the pastures of the wilderness have dried up. The adulterers' lifestyles are evil, and they use their strength for what is not right.

For the land is full of people unfaithful to him. They live wicked lives and they misuse their power. So the land is dried up because it is under his curse. The pastures in the wilderness are withered.

The land is filled with adulterers. The land mourns because of the curse. Pastures in the wilderness have dried up. The people are evil, and they use their strength to do the wrong things.

For the land is full of adulterers; for because of the oath the land is deserted; the booths of the wilderness are dried up, and their course was evil, and their force was not right.

For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourns; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their might is not right.

For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourns; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right.

For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pastures of the wilderness are dried up. And their course is evil, and their might is not right;

Because the land is full of adulterers, because the land hath mourned by reason of cursing, the fields of the desert are dried up: and their course is become evil, and their strength unlike.

For the land is full of adulterers; for because of execration the land mourneth. The pastures of the wilderness are dried up; for their course is evil, and their force is not right.

For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pastures of the wilderness are dried up; and their course is evil, and their force is not right.

For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right.

For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourns; the pastures of the wilderness are dried up. Their course is evil, and their might is not right;

For of adulterers hath the land been full, For because of these hath the land mourned, Dried up hath been the pleasant places of the wilderness, And their course is evil, and their might -- not right.

Jeremia 23:10
Sepse vendi është plot me shkelës të kurorës, për shkak të mallkimit vendi është në zi, kullotat e shkretëtirës janë tharë. Vrapi i tyre është i mbrapshtë dhe forca e tyre nuk është e drejtë.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 23:10
لان الارض امتلأت من الفاسقين. لانه من اجل اللعن ناحت الارض جفت مراعي البرية وصار سعيهم للشر وجبروتهم للباطل.

Dyr Ierymies 23:10
S Land ist voller Eebröcher; und durch dönn Fluech, der wo drauf ligt, vertrücklt s Land; und d Waid in dyr Steppn ist aau dyrdürrt. D "Weissagn" seind ganz und gar in äbign und missbrauchend iener Macht.

Еремия 23:10
Защото земята е пълна с прелюбодейци; Защото поради проклятията земята плаче, Изсъхнаха пасбищата на степите; И стремежът им стана лош, И силата им неправедна.

耶 利 米 書 23:10
地 滿 了 行 淫 的 人 ! 因 妄 自 賭 咒 , 地 就 悲 哀 ; 曠 野 的 草 場 都 枯 乾 了 。 他 們 所 行 的 道 乃 是 惡 的 ; 他 們 的 勇 力 使 得 不 正 。

地 满 了 行 淫 的 人 ! 因 妄 自 赌 咒 , 地 就 悲 哀 ; 旷 野 的 草 场 都 枯 乾 了 。 他 们 所 行 的 道 乃 是 恶 的 ; 他 们 的 勇 力 使 得 不 正 。



Jeremiah 23:10
Jer zemlja je puna preljubnika; zbog tih se ljudi zemlja u crno zavila, a ispaše u pustinji sagorješe. Njihova je trka zloba, a moć im je nepravda.

Jermiáše 23:10
Nebo cizoložníků plná jest tato země, a příčinou křivých přísah kvílí země, usvadla pastviska na poušti; jest zajisté utiskování těchto nešlechetné, a moc jejich nepravá.

Jeremias 23:10
Thi Landet er fuldt af Horkarle, og under Forbandelse sørger Landet, Ørkenens Græsgange visner. Man haster til det, som er ondt, og er stærk i Uret.

Jeremia 23:10
Want het land is vol overspelers, want het land treurt vanwege den vloek, de weiden der woestijn verdorren, omdat hun loop boos is, en hun macht niet recht.

ירמיה 23:10
כִּ֤י מְנָֽאֲפִים֙ מָלְאָ֣ה הָאָ֔רֶץ כִּֽי־מִפְּנֵ֤י אָלָה֙ אָבְלָ֣ה הָאָ֔רֶץ יָבְשׁ֖וּ נְאֹ֣ות מִדְבָּ֑ר וַתְּהִ֤י מְרֽוּצָתָם֙ רָעָ֔ה וּגְבוּרָתָ֖ם לֹא־כֵֽן׃

י כי מנאפים מלאה הארץ--כי מפני אלה אבלה הארץ יבשו נאות מדבר ותהי מרוצתם רעה וגבורתם לא כן

כי מנאפים מלאה הארץ כי־מפני אלה אבלה הארץ יבשו נאות מדבר ותהי מרוצתם רעה וגבורתם לא־כן׃

Jeremiás 23:10
Mert betelt a föld paráznákkal, mert a hamis esküvés miatt gyászol a föld, a pusztának legelõje kiszáradt, és az õ futásuk gonosz, és az õ hatalmasságuk hamis.

Jeremia 23:10
CXar la lando estas plena de adultuloj, cxar la lando ploras de malbeno; sekigxis la pasxtejoj de la stepo; ilia celado estas malpia, kaj ilia forto estas en malvereco.

Että maa on niin täynnä huorintekiöitä, että maa niin surkia on, että hän kirottu on, ja kedot metsissä kuivuvat; ja heidän elämänsä on paha, ja ei heidän hallituksensa mitään kelpaa.

Jérémie 23:10
Car le pays est rempli d'adultères, car le pays est en deuil à cause de l'exécration; les pâturages du désert sont desséchés; leur course est mauvaise, et leur force est injuste.

Car le pays est rempli d'adultères; Le pays est en deuil à cause de la malédiction; Les plaines du désert sont desséchées. Ils courent au mal, Ils n'ont de la force que pour l'iniquité.

Car le pays est rempli [d'hommes] adultères, et le pays mène deuil à cause des exécrations : les pâturages du désert sont devenus tous secs, l'oppression de ces gens est mauvaise, et leur force n'est pas en faveur de l'équité.

Jeremia 23:10
daß das Land so voll Ehebrecher ist, daß das Land so jämmerlich stehet, daß es so verflucht ist, und die Auen in der Wüste verdorren; und ihr Leben ist böse, und ihr Regiment taugt nicht.

daß das Land so voll Ehebrecher ist, daß das Land so jämmerlich steht, daß es so verflucht ist und die Auen in der Wüste verdorren; und ihr Leben ist böse, und ihr Regiment taugt nicht.

Denn voll von Ehebrechern ist das Land, - ja, wegen des Fluchs trauert das Land, sind die Auen der Trift verdorrt -, und ihr Rennen und Jagen ist Bosheit und ihre Stärke Unwahrhaftigkeit;

Geremia 23:10
Poiché il paese è pieno di adulteri; poiché il paese fa cordoglio a motivo della maledizione che lo colpisce; i pascoli del deserto sono inariditi. La corsa di costoro è diretta al male, la loro forza non tende al bene.

Perciocchè il paese è pieno di adulteri; perciocchè il paese fa cordoglio per l’esecrazioni; i paschi del deserto ne son tutti secchi; il corso di costoro è malvagio, e la lor forza non è diritta.

Bahkan, negeri itu penuh dengan orang bermukah! bahkan, tanah itupun muramlah oleh karena laknat, dan segala tempat rumput di padang belantarapun menjadi kering, seba kejahatan perbuatan mereka itu dan kuasanyapun tiada dengan patut.

예레미아 23:10
이 땅에 행음하는 자가 가득하도다 저주로 인하여 땅이 슬퍼하며 광야의 초장들이 마르나니 그들의 행위가 악하고 힘쓰는 것이 정직하지 못함이로다

Ieremias 23:10
quia adulteris repleta est terra quia a facie maledictionis luxit terra arefacta sunt arva deserti factus est cursus eorum malus et fortitudo eorum dissimilis

Jeremijo knyga 23:10
“Šalis pilna svetimautojų; dėl jų prakeikimo gedi kraštas, išdžiūvusios stepių ganyklos. Jų siekiai yra pikti, jų jėga­neteisybė.

Jeremiah 23:10
Kei te kapi hoki te whenua i te tangata puremu; kei te tangi hoki te whenua, he mea mo te kanga; kua maroke nga wahi kai o te koraha; a ko to ratou rerenga he kino, ko to ratou kaha, kahore i tika.

Jeremias 23:10
For landet er fullt av horkarler; for forbannelsens skyld visner landet, for dens skyld er ørkenens beitemarker avsvidd; deres* løp er ondt, og deres styrke er urett.

Jeremías 23:10
Porque la tierra está llena de adúlteros; porque a causa de la maldición se ha enlutado la tierra, se han secado los pastos del desierto. Pues es mala la carrera de ellos y su poderío no es recto.

Porque la tierra está llena de adúlteros; Porque a causa de la maldición se ha enlutado la tierra, Se han secado los pastos del desierto. Pues es mala la carrera de ellos Y su poderío no es recto.

Porque la tierra está llena de adúlteros; porque a causa del juramento la tierra está de luto; los pastizales del desierto se secaron; la carrera de ellos es mala, y su fortaleza no es recta.

Porque la tierra está llena de adúlteros: porque á causa del juramento la tierra está desierta; las cabañas del desierto se secaron; la carrera de ellos fué mala, y su fortaleza no derecha.

Porque la tierra está llena de adúlteros; porque a causa del juramento la tierra está desierta; las cabañas del desierto se secaron; la carrera de ellos fue mala, y su fortaleza no derecha.

Jeremias 23:10
Ora, toda a terra está repleta de adúlteros, e por causa da maldição a terra se desespera em pranto e as pastagens do deserto estão secas. Seu modo de vida é perverso e o seu poder apóia-se na falsidade.

Pois a terra está cheia de adúlteros; por causa da maldição a terra chora, e os pastos do deserto se secam. A sua carreira é má, e a sua força não é reta.   

Ieremia 23:10
Căci ţara este plină de preacurvii, şi ţara se jăleşte din pricina jurămintelor; cîmpiile pustiei sînt uscate.`` Toată alergătura lor ţinteşte numai la rău, şi toată vitejia lor este pentru nelegiuire!

Иеремия 23:10
потому что земля наполнена прелюбодеями, потому что плачет земля отпроклятия; засохли пастбища пустыни, и стремление их – зло, и сила их – неправда,

потому что земля наполнена прелюбодеями, потому что плачет земля от проклятия; засохли пастбища пустыни, и стремление их--зло, и сила их--неправда,[]

Jeremia 23:10
Ty landet är fullt av äktenskapsbrytare, under förbannelse ligger landet sörjande, och betesmarkerna i öknen äro förtorkade; man hastar till vad ont är och har sin styrka i orättrådighet.

Jeremiah 23:10
Sapagka't ang lupain ay puno ng mga mangangalunya; sapagka't dahil sa sumpa ay tumatangis ang lupain; ang mga pastulan sa ilang ay natuyo. At ang kanilang lakad ay masama, at ang kanilang lakas ay hindi matuwid.

เยเรมีย์ 23:10
เพราะว่า แผ่นดินนั้นเต็มไปด้วยคนล่วงประเวณี ด้วยเหตุคำสาปแช่งแผ่นดินนั้นก็ไว้ทุกข์ และลานหญ้าในถิ่นทุรกันดารก็แห้งไป วิถีของเขาทั้งหลายก็ชั่งช้า และอำนาจของเขาทั้งหลายก็ไม่เป็นธรรม

Yeremya 23:10
Çünkü ülke zina edenlerle dolu,
Lanet yüzünden yas tutuyor.
Otlaklar kurumuş.
İzledikleri yol kötü,
Güçlerini haksızca kullanıyorlar.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 23:10
Trong đất đầy những kẻ tà dâm; vì cớ bị rủa sả thì đất nên sầu thảm; những đồng cỏ nơi đồng vắng đều khô khan. Người ta chạy theo đường dữ, sức chúng nó là không công bình.

Jeremiah 23:9
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