Jeremiah 22:18
Jeremiah 22:18
Therefore this is what the LORD says about Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah: "They will not mourn for him: 'Alas, my brother! Alas, my sister!' They will not mourn for him: 'Alas, my master! Alas, his splendor!'

Therefore, this is what the LORD says about Jehoiakim, son of King Josiah: "The people will not mourn for him, crying to one another, 'Alas, my brother! Alas, my sister!' His subjects will not mourn for him, crying, 'Alas, our master is dead! Alas, his splendor is gone!'

Therefore thus says the LORD concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah: “They shall not lament for him, saying, ‘Ah, my brother!’ or ‘Ah, sister!’ They shall not lament for him, saying, ‘Ah, lord!’ or ‘Ah, his majesty!’

Therefore thus says the LORD in regard to Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, "They will not lament for him: 'Alas, my brother!' or, 'Alas, sister!' They will not lament for him: 'Alas for the master!' or, 'Alas for his splendor!'

Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah; They shall not lament for him, saying, Ah my brother! or, Ah sister! they shall not lament for him, saying, Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!

Therefore, this is what the LORD says concerning Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah: They will not mourn for him, saying, "Woe, my brother!" or "Woe, my sister!" They will not mourn for him, saying, "Woe, lord! Woe, his majesty!"

Therefore, this is what the LORD says about Josiah's son Jehoiakim, king of Judah, "They won't lament for him with these words: 'How terrible, my brother, How terrible, my sister!' They won't lament for him with these words: 'How terrible, lord, How terrible, your majesty!'

So the LORD has this to say about Josiah's son, King Jehoiakim of Judah: People will not mourn for him, saying, "This makes me sad, my brother! This makes me sad, my sister!" They will not mourn for him, saying, "Poor, poor lord! Poor, poor majesty!"

This is what the LORD says about Jehoiakim, son of Judah's King Josiah: People won't mourn for him and say, "How horrible it is for my brother and sister!" They won't mourn for him and say, "How horrible it is for my master and his splendor!"

Therefore thus hath the LORD said concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah; They shall not lament for him, saying, Ah my brother! and Ah sister! they shall not lament for him, saying, Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!

Therefore thus says the LORD concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah; They shall not lament for him, saying, Ah my brother! or, Ah sister! they shall not lament for him, saying, Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!

Therefore thus said the LORD concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah; They shall not lament for him, saying, Ah my brother! or, Ah sister! they shall not lament for him, saying, Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!

Therefore thus saith Jehovah concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah: they shall not lament for him,'saying , Ah my brother! or, Ah sister! They shall not lament for him,'saying Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!

Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning Joakim the son of Josias king of Juda: They shall not mourn for him, Alas, my brother, and Alas, sister: they shall not lament for him, Alas, my Lord, or, Alas, the noble one.

Therefore thus saith Jehovah concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, the king of Judah: They shall not lament for him, Ah, my brother! or, Ah, sister! They shall not lament for him, Ah, lord! or Ah, his glory!

Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah: They shall not lament for him, saying, Ah my brother! or, Ah sister! they shall not lament for him, saying, Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!

Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah; They shall not lament for him, saying, Ah my brother! or, Ah sister! they shall not lament for him, saying, Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!

Therefore thus says Yahweh concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah: they shall not lament for him, [saying], Ah my brother! or, Ah sister! They shall not lament for him, [saying] Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!

Therefore, thus said Jehovah concerning Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah: They do not lament for him, Ah, my brother, and Ah, sister, They do not lament for him, Ah, lord, and Ah, his honour.

Jeremia 22:18
Prandaj kështu thotë Zoti për Jehojakimin, birin e Josias, mbreti i Judës: "Nuk do të mbajnë zi për të, duke thënë: "Vaj medet, vëllai im! Vaj medet, motër!". Nuk do të mbajnë zi për të duke thënë: "Vaj medet, zot! Vaj medet, madhëri e tij!".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 22:18
لذلك هكذا قال الرب عن يهوياقيم بن يوشيا ملك يهوذا. لا يندبونه قائلين آه يا اخي او آه يا اخت. لا يندبونه قائلين آه يا سيد او آه يا جلاله.

Dyr Ierymies 22:18
Drum spricht dyr Trechtein über n Joiykim Josiesnsun, önn Judauer Künig: Über dönn trauert aynmaal kain Mensch: "Nän, so was; habtß is ghoert! Der arme Künig; haat s de Grooßmächtigkeit yso dyrwischt!"

Еремия 22:18
Затова, така казва Господ За Юдовия цар Иоаким, Иосиевия син: Няма да го оплакват, [казвайки]: Горко, брате мой! или: Горко сестро! Няма да го оплачат, [казвайки]: Горко, господарю! или: Горко, негово величество!

耶 利 米 書 22:18
所 以 , 耶 和 華 論 到 猶 大 王 約 西 亞 的 兒 子 約 雅 敬 如 此 說 : 人 必 不 為 他 舉 哀 說 : 哀 哉 ! 我 的 哥 哥 ; 或 說 : 哀 哉 ! 我 的 姊 姊 ; 也 不 為 他 舉 哀 說 : 哀 哉 ! 我 的 主 ; 或 說 : 哀 哉 ! 我 主 的 榮 華 。

所 以 , 耶 和 华 论 到 犹 大 王 约 西 亚 的 儿 子 约 雅 敬 如 此 说 : 人 必 不 为 他 举 哀 说 : 哀 哉 ! 我 的 哥 哥 ; 或 说 : 哀 哉 ! 我 的 姊 姊 ; 也 不 为 他 举 哀 说 : 哀 哉 ! 我 的 主 ; 或 说 : 哀 哉 ! 我 主 的 荣 华 。



Jeremiah 22:18
Zato ovako govori Jahve o Jojakimu, sinu Jošijinu, kralju judejskom: Za njim neće naricati: 'Jao, brate moj! Jao, sestro moja!' Za njim neće naricati: 'Jao, gospodaru! Jao, veličanstvo!'

Jermiáše 22:18
Protož takto praví Hospodin o Joakimovi synu Joziáše, krále Judského: Nebudouť ho kvíliti: Ach, bratře můj, aneb ach, sestro. Nebudou ho kvíliti: Ach, pane, aneb ach, kdež důstojnost jeho?

Jeremias 22:18
Derfor, saa siger HERREN om Josias's Søn, Kong Jojakim af Juda: Over ham skal ej klages: »Ve min Broder, ve min Søster!« eller grædes: »Ve min Herre, ve hans Herlighed!«

Jeremia 22:18
Daarom zegt de HEERE alzo van Jojakim, zoon van Josia, koning van Juda: Zij zullen hem niet beklagen: Och mijn broeder! of, och zuster! Zij zullen hem niet beklagen: Och, heer! of, och zijn majesteit!

ירמיה 22:18
לָכֵ֞ן כֹּֽה־אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֗ה אֶל־יְהֹויָקִ֤ים בֶּן־יֹאשִׁיָּ֙הוּ֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ יְהוּדָ֔ה לֹא־יִסְפְּד֣וּ לֹ֔ו הֹ֥וי אָחִ֖י וְהֹ֣וי אָחֹ֑ות לֹא־יִסְפְּד֣וּ לֹ֔ו הֹ֥וי אָדֹ֖ון וְהֹ֥וי הֹדֹֽה ׃

יח לכן כה אמר יהוה אל יהויקים בן יאשיהו מלך יהודה לא יספדו לו הוי אחי והוי אחות לא יספדו לו הוי אדון והוי הדה

לכן כה־אמר יהוה אל־יהויקים בן־יאשיהו מלך יהודה לא־יספדו לו הוי אחי והוי אחות לא־יספדו לו הוי אדון והוי הדה ׃

Jeremiás 22:18
Azért ezt mondja az Úr Joákimnak, Jósiás, Júda királya fiának: Nem siratják õt: Jaj atyám! Jaj húgom! nem siratják õt: Jaj uram! Jaj az õ dicsõségének.

Jeremia 22:18
Tial tiele diras la Eternulo pri Jehojakim, filo de Josxija, regxo de Judujo:Oni ne lamentos pri li:Ho ve, mia frato! ho ve, fratino! oni ne lamentos pri li:Ho ve, sinjoro! ho ve, glorulo!

Sentähden näin sanoo Herra Jojakimista Josian, Juudan kuninkaan pojasta: ei häntä pidä itkettämän: voi veljeni! voi sisareni! ei häntä pidä itkettämän; voi herra! voi kuuluisa mies!

Jérémie 22:18
C'est pourquoi, ainsi dit l'Éternel quand à Jehoïakim, fils de Josias, roi de Juda: On ne se lamentera pas sur lui: Hélas, mon frère! Hélas ma soeur! On ne se lamentera pas sur lui: Hélas, Seigneur! et: Hélas, sa gloire!

C'est pourquoi ainsi parle l'Eternel sur Jojakim, fils de Josias, roi de Juda: On ne le pleurera pas, en disant: Hélas, mon frère! hélas, ma soeur! On ne le pleurera pas, en disant: Hélas, seigneur! hélas, sa majesté!

C'est pourquoi, ainsi a dit l'Eternel touchant Jéhojakim fils de Josias Roi de Juda : on ne le plaindra point, [en disant] : hélas mon frère! et hélas ma sœur! on ne le plaindra point, [en disant] : hélas Sire! et, hélas sa magnificence!

Jeremia 22:18
Darum spricht der HERR von Jojakim, dem Sohn Josias, dem Könige Judas: Man wird ihn nicht klagen: Ach Bruder, ach Schwester! Man wird ihn nicht klagen: Ach HERR, ach Edler!

Darum spricht der HERR von Jojakim, dem Sohn Josias, dem König Juda's: Man wird ihn nicht beklagen: "Ach Bruder! ach Schwester!", man wird ihn auch nicht beklagen: "Ach Herr! ach Edler!"

Darum spricht Jahwe in betreff Jojakims, des Sohnes Josias, des Königs von Juda, also: Man wird ihm keine Totenklage halten: "Ach, mein Bruder!" und "Ach, Schwester!" - man wird nicht um ihn klagen: "Ach, Gebieter!" und "Ach, seine Herrlichkeit!"

Geremia 22:18
Perciò, così parla l’Eterno riguardo a Joiakim, figliuolo di Giosia, re di Giuda: Non se ne farà cordoglio, dicendo: "Ahimè, fratel mio, ahimè sorella!" Non se ne farà cordoglio, dicendo: "Ahimè, signore, ahimè sua maestà!"

Perciò, il Signore ha detto così di Gioiachim, figliuolo di Giosia, re di Giuda: Ei non se ne farà cordoglio, dicendo: Ahi fratel mio! Ahi sorella! Ei non se ne farà altresì cordoglio, dicendo: Ahi Signore! e: Ahi sua maestà!

Sebab itu firman Tuhan akan hal Yoyakim bin Yosia, raja Yehuda, demikian: Bahwa orang tiada akan angkat biji ratap ini atasnya: Wah, saudaraku laki-laki! atau: Wah, saudaraku perempuan! dan tiada pula orang akan mengangkat biji ratap ini atasnya: Wah, tuanku! atau: Wah, baginda!

예레미아 22:18
그러므로 나 여호와가 유다 왕 요시야의 아들 여호야김에게 대하여 이같이 말하노라 무리가 그를 위하여 슬프다 내 형제여, 슬프다 내 자매여, 하며 통곡하지 아니할 것이며 그를 위하여 슬프다 주여, 슬프다 그 영광이여, 하며 통곡하지도 아니할 것이라

Ieremias 22:18
propterea haec dicit Dominus ad Ioachim filium Iosiae regem Iuda non plangent eum vae frater et vae fratres non concrepabunt ei vae domine et vae inclite

Jeremijo knyga 22:18
Todėl apie Jozijo sūnų Jehojakimą, Judo karalių, Viešpats sako: “Jo neapraudos, sakydami: ‘O mano broli! O sesuo!’, arba: ‘O valdove! O jūsų didenybe!’

Jeremiah 22:18
Mo reira ko ta Ihowa kupu tenei mo Iehoiakimi tama a Hohia kingi o Hura; Kahore he tangi mona, he mea, Aue, e toku tuakana! ko tenei ranei, Aue, e te tuahine! kahore ratou e tangi mona, e mea, Aue, te ariki! Aue, tona kororia!

Jeremias 22:18
Derfor sier Herren så om Judas konge Jojakim, Josias' sønn: De skal ikke holde sørgehøitid over ham og rope: Ve, min bror! Ve, søster! De skal ikke holde sørgehøitid over ham og rope: Ve, herre! Ve, hans herlighet!

Jeremías 22:18
Por tanto, así dice el SEÑOR acerca de Joacim, hijo de Josías, rey de Judá: No llorarán por él: ``¡Ay, hermano mío! o ``¡Ay, hermana! No llorarán por él: ``¡Ay, señor! o ``¡Ay, su gloria!

Por tanto, así dice el SEÑOR acerca de Joacim, hijo de Josías, rey de Judá: "No llorarán por él: '¡Ay, hermano mío!' o '¡Ay, hermana!' No llorarán por él: '¡Ay, señor!' o '¡Ay, su gloria!'

Por tanto así dice Jehová, de Joacim hijo de Josías, rey de Judá: No lo llorarán, diciendo: ¡Ay hermano mío! o ¡Ay hermana! ni lo lamentarán, diciendo: ¡Ay señor! o ¡Ay su grandeza!

Por tanto así ha dicho Jehová, de Joacim hijo de Josías, rey de Judá: No lo llorarán, diciendo: ¡Ay hermano mío! y ¡ay hermana! ni lo lamentarán, diciendo: ¡Ay señor! ¡ay su grandeza!

Por tanto, así dijo el SEÑOR, de Joacim hijo de Josías, rey de Judá: No lo llorarán, diciendo : ¡Ay, hermano mío! Y ¡ay, hermana! Ni lo lamentarán, diciendo: ¡Ay, señor! ¡Ay, su grandeza!

Jeremias 22:18
Portanto, assim declara Yahweh sobre Iehoiakim ben Ioshiáhu, Joaquim filho de Josias, rei de Judá: “Não o lamentarão, exclamando: ‘Ah, meu irmão!’ ou ‘Ai, minha irmã!’ ou ainda ‘Oh, sua majestade!’

Portanto assim diz o Senhor acerca de Jeoiaquim, filho de Josias, rei de Judá: Não o lamentarão, dizendo: Ai, meu irmão! ou: Ai, minha irmã! nem o lamentarão, dizendo: Ai, Senhor! ou: Ai, sua majestade!   

Ieremia 22:18
De aceea, aşa vorbeşte Domnul despre Ioachim, fiul lui Iosia, împăratul lui Iuda: ,,Nu -l vor plînge, zicînd: ,Vai, fratele meu! Vai, sora mea!` Nici nu -l vor plînge, zicînd: ,Vai doamne! Vai, măria sa!`

Иеремия 22:18
Посему так говорит Господь о Иоакиме, сыне Иосии, царе Иудейском: не будут оплакивать его: „увы, брат мой!" и: „увы, сестра!" Не будут оплакивать его: „увы, государь!" и: „увы, его величие!"

Посему так говорит Господь о Иоакиме, сыне Иосии, царе Иудейском: не будут оплакивать его: `увы, брат мой!` и: `увы, сестра!` Не будут оплакивать его: `увы, государь!` и: `увы, его величие!`[]

Jeremia 22:18
Därför säger HERREN så om Jojakim, Josias son, Juda konung: Man skall ej hålla dödsklagan efter honom och ropa: »Ack ve, min broder! Ack ve, syster!» Man skall ej hålla dödsklagan efter honom och ropa: »Ack ve, herre! Ack ve, huru härlig han var!»

Jeremiah 22:18
Kaya't ganito ang sabi ng Panginoon tungkol kay Joacim na anak ni Josias, na hari sa Juda, Hindi nila tataghuyan siya, na sasabihin, Ah kapatid kong lalake! o, Ah kapatid na babae! hindi nila tataghuyan siya, na sasabihin, Ah panginoon! o, Ah kaniyang kaluwalhatian!

เยเรมีย์ 22:18
เพราะฉะนั้น พระเยโฮวาห์จึงตรัสดังนี้เกี่ยวกับเยโฮยาคิม ราชบุตรของโยสิยาห์กษัตริย์แห่งยูดาห์ ว่า "เขาทั้งหลายจะไม่โอดครวญอาลัยเขาว่า `อนิจจา พี่ชายเอ๋ย' หรือ `อนิจจา พี่สาวเอ๋ย' เขาทั้งหลายจะไม่โอดครวญอาลัยเขาว่า `อนิจจา พระองค์ท่าน' หรือ `อนิจจา พระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว'

Yeremya 22:18
Bu yüzden RAB Yahuda Kralı Yoşiya oğlu Yehoyakim için diyor ki, ‹‹Onun için kimse, ‹Ah kardeşim!
Vah kızkardeşim!› diye dövünmeyecek.
Onun için kimse, ‹Ah efendim!
Vah onun görkemi!› diye dövünmeyecek.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 22:18
Vậy nên, về Giê-hô-gia-kim, con trai Giô-si-a, vua của Giu-đa, Ðức Giê-hô-va phán như vầy: Người ta sẽ chẳng khóc người mà nói rằng: Ôi, anh em ta! Ôi, chị em ta! Cũng sẽ chẳng than tiếc mà rằng: Thương thay chúa! Thương thay vinh hiển chúa!

Jeremiah 22:17
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