Jeremiah 2:19
Jeremiah 2:19
Your wickedness will punish you; your backsliding will rebuke you. Consider then and realize how evil and bitter it is for you when you forsake the LORD your God and have no awe of me," declares the Lord, the LORD Almighty.

Your wickedness will bring its own punishment. Your turning from me will shame you. You will see what an evil, bitter thing it is to abandon the LORD your God and not to fear him. I, the Lord, the LORD of Heaven's Armies, have spoken!

Your evil will chastise you, and your apostasy will reprove you. Know and see that it is evil and bitter for you to forsake the LORD your God; the fear of me is not in you, declares the Lord GOD of hosts.

"Your own wickedness will correct you, And your apostasies will reprove you; Know therefore and see that it is evil and bitter For you to forsake the LORD your God, And the dread of Me is not in you," declares the Lord GOD of hosts.

Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord GOD of hosts.

Your own evil will discipline you; your own apostasies will reprimand you. Think it over and see how evil and bitter it is for you to abandon the LORD your God and to have no fear of Me. This is the declaration of the Lord GOD of Hosts.

Your wickedness will be punished, and you will be corrected due to your acts of apostasy. Know and see that it's evil and bitter for you to forsake the LORD your God, but the fear of me is not in you," declares the Lord GOD of the Heavenly Armies.

Your own wickedness will bring about your punishment. Your unfaithful acts will bring down discipline on you. Know, then, and realize how utterly harmful it was for you to reject me, the LORD your God, to show no respect for me," says the Lord GOD who rules over all.

Your own wickedness will correct you, and your unfaithful ways will punish you. You should know and see how evil and bitter it is for you if you abandon the LORD your God and do not fear me," declares the Almighty LORD of Armies.

Thine own wickedness shall chastise thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee; know therefore and see how evil and bitter it is, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God and that my fear is lacking in thee, saith the Lord GOD of the hosts.

Your own wickedness shall correct you, and your backslidings shall reprove you: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that you have forsaken the LORD your God, and that my fear is not in you, says the Lord GOD of hosts.

Your own wickedness shall correct you, and your backslidings shall reprove you: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that you have forsaken the LORD your God, and that my fear is not in you, said the Lord GOD of hosts.

Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and a bitter, that thou hast forsaken Jehovah thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord, Jehovah of hosts.

Thy own wickedness shall reprove thee, and thy apostasy shall rebuke thee. Know thou, and see that it is an evil and a bitter thing for thee, to have left the Lord thy God, and that my fear is not with thee, saith the Lord the God of hosts.

Thine own wickedness chastiseth thee, and thy backslidings reprove thee: know then and see that it is an evil thing and bitter that thou hast forsaken Jehovah thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord, Jehovah of hosts.

Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and a bitter, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts.

Thy own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord GOD of hosts.

"Your own wickedness shall correct you, and your backsliding shall reprove you. Know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and a bitter, that you have forsaken Yahweh your God, and that my fear is not in you," says the Lord, Yahweh of Armies.

Instruct thee doth thy wickedness, And thy backslidings reprove thee, Know and see that an evil and a bitter thing Is thy forsaking Jehovah thy God, And My fear not being on thee, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah of Hosts.

Jeremia 2:19
Vetë sjellja jote e keqe dhe shmangiet e tua do të të dënojnë. Prano, pra, dhe shiko sa e keqe dhe e hidhur për ty është të braktisësh Zotin, Perëndinë tënd, dhe të mos kesh fare frikë nga unë", thotë Zoti, Zoti i ushtrive.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 2:19
يوبخك شرّك وعصيانك يؤدبك. فاعلمي وانظري ان تركك الرب الهك شر ومر وان خشيتي ليست فيك يقول السيد رب الجنود

Dyr Ierymies 2:19
Dein Übl holt di ietz ein; dös haast ietz von deiner Abtrunn! Ietz dyrgneuß s halt enddlich, was dös für ayn arge Sach ist, däßst önn Trechtein, deinn Got, verlaassn haast und mi gar niemer firchtst! Dös sait dyr Herrgot, dyr Allmächtige.

Еремия 2:19
Твоето нечестие ще те накаже, И твоите отстъпления ще те изобличат; Познай, прочее, и виж, че е зло и горчиво нещо, Гдето си оставил Господа своя Бог, И гдето нямаш страх от Мене, Казва Господ, Иеова на Силите.

耶 利 米 書 2:19
你 自 己 的 惡 必 懲 治 你 ; 你 背 道 的 事 必 責 備 你 。 由 此 可 知 可 見 , 你 離 棄 耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 , 不 存 敬 畏 我 的 心 , 乃 為 惡 事 , 為 苦 事 。 這 是 主 ─ 萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 說 的 。

你 自 己 的 恶 必 惩 治 你 ; 你 背 道 的 事 必 责 备 你 。 由 此 可 知 可 见 , 你 离 弃 耶 和 华 ─ 你 的   神 , 不 存 敬 畏 我 的 心 , 乃 为 恶 事 , 为 苦 事 。 这 是 主 ─ 万 军 之 耶 和 华 说 的 。



Jeremiah 2:19
Opačina te tvoja kažnjava, otpadništvo te tvoje osuđuje. Shvati i vidi kako je teško i gorko što ostavi Jahvu, Boga svojega, što više nema straha mog u tebi - riječ je Gospoda Jahve nad Vojskama.

Jermiáše 2:19
Trestati tě bude zlost tvá, a odvrácení tvá domlouvati budou tobě. Poznejž tedy a viz, že zlá a hořká věc jest, že opouštíš Hospodina Boha svého, a není bázně mé při tobě, dí Panovník Hospodin zástupů.

Jeremias 2:19
Lad din Ulykke gøre dig klog og lær af dit Frafald, kend og se, hvor ondt og bittert det er, at du svigted HERREN din Gud; Frygt for mig findes ikke hos dig, saa lyder det fra Herren, Hærskarers HERRE.

Jeremia 2:19
Uw boosheid zal u kastijden, en uw afkeringen zullen u straffen; weet dan en ziet, dat het kwaad en bitter is, dat gij den HEERE, uw God, verlaat, en Mijn vreze niet bij u is, spreekt de Heere, de HEERE der heirscharen.

ירמיה 2:19
תְּיַסְּרֵ֣ךְ רָעָתֵ֗ךְ וּמְשֻֽׁבֹותַ֙יִךְ֙ תֹּוכִחֻ֔ךְ וּדְעִ֤י וּרְאִי֙ כִּי־רַ֣ע וָמָ֔ר עָזְבֵ֖ךְ אֶת־יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהָ֑יִךְ וְלֹ֤א פַחְדָּתִי֙ אֵלַ֔יִךְ נְאֻם־אֲדֹנָ֥י יְהוִ֖ה צְבָאֹֽות׃

יט תיסרך רעתך ומשבותיך תוכחך ודעי וראי כי רע ומר עזבך את יהוה אלהיך ולא פחדתי אליך נאם אדני יהוה צבאות

תיסרך רעתך ומשבותיך תוכחך ודעי וראי כי־רע ומר עזבך את־יהוה אלהיך ולא פחדתי אליך נאם־אדני יהוה צבאות׃

Jeremiás 2:19
A magad gonoszsága fenyít meg téged, és a te elpártolásod büntet meg téged. Tudd meg hát és lásd meg: mily gonosz és keserves dolog, hogy elhagytad az Urat, a te Istenedet, és hogy nem félsz engemet, ezt mondja az Úr, a Seregeknek Ura.

Jeremia 2:19
Via malboneco vin punos, kaj viaj malbonagoj faros al vi riprocxojn, por ke vi sciu kaj vidu, kiel malbone kaj maldolcxe estas, ke vi forlasis la Eternulon, vian Dion, kaj ne timas Min, diras la Sinjoro, la Eternulo Cebaot.

Sinun pahuutes tähden sinua nuhdellaan, ja sinun tottelemattomuutes tähden sinua kuritetaan; niin tiedä ja näe, kuinka viheliäinen ja surkia se on, ettäs hylkäät Herran, sinun Jumalas, ja et pelkää minua, sanoo Herra, Herra Zebaot.

Jérémie 2:19
Ton iniquité te châtie, et tes rébellions te reprennent; et connais, et vois, que c'est une chose mauvaise et amère que tu aies abandonné l'Éternel, ton Dieu, et que ma crainte ne soit pas en toi, dit le Seigneur, l'Éternel des armées.

Ta méchanceté te châtiera, et ton infidélité te punira, Tu sauras et tu verras que c'est une chose mauvaise et amère D'abandonner l'Eternel, ton Dieu, Et de n'avoir de moi aucune crainte, Dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel des armées.

Ta malice te châtiera, et tes débauches te réprimanderont, afin que tu saches et que tu voies que c'est une chose mauvaise et amère, que tu aies abandonné l'Eternel ton Dieu, et que tu ne sois point rempli de ma frayeur, dit le Seigneur l'Eternel des armées.

Jeremia 2:19
Es ist deiner Bosheit Schuld, daß du so gestäupet wirst, und deines Ungehorsams, daß du so gestraft wirst: Also mußt du inne werden und erfahren, was für Jammer und Herzeleid bringet, den HERRN, deinen Gott, verlassen und ihn nicht fürchten, spricht der HERR HERR Zebaoth.

Es ist deiner Bosheit Schuld, daß du so gestäupt wirst, und deines Ungehorsams, daß du so gestraft wirst. Also mußt du innewerden und erfahren, was es für Jammer und Herzeleid bringt, den HERRN, deinen Gott, verlassen und ihn nicht fürchten, spricht der HERR HERR Zebaoth.

Deine Bosheit wird dir Züchtigung und dein schwerer Abfall Strafe bringen; da sollst du dann inne werden und erfahren, wie unheilvoll und bitter es ist, daß du Jahwe, deinen Gott, verließest und Furcht vor mir dich nicht anfocht, - ist der Spruch des Herrn, Jahwes der Heerscharen.

Geremia 2:19
La tua propria malvagità è quella che ti castiga, e le tue infedeltà sono la tua punizione. Sappi dunque e vedi che mala ed amara cosa è abbandonare l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, e il non aver di me alcun timore, dice il Signore, l’Eterno degli eserciti.

La tua malvagità ti castigherà, ed i tuoi sviamenti ti condanneranno; e tu saprai, e vedrai ch’egli è una mala ed amara cosa, che tu abbia lasciato il Signore Iddio tuo, e che lo spavento di me non sia in te, dice il Signore Iddio degli eserciti.

Bahwa kejahatanmu juga akan menyengsarakan dikau dan khianatmu akan menyiksakan dikau; karena ketahuilah dan lihatlah olehmu, bahwa jahatlah dan pahitlah adanya jikalau engkau meninggalkan Tuhan, Allahmu, jikalau tiada didapati padamu takut akan Daku; demikianlah firman Hua, Tuhan serwa sekalian alam.

예레미아 2:19
네 악이 너를 징계하겠고 네 패역이 너를 책할 것이라 그런즉 네 하나님 여호와를 버림과 네 속에 나를 경외함이 없는 것이 악이요 고통인 줄 알라 주 만군의 여호와의 말이니라

Ieremias 2:19
arguet te malitia tua et aversio tua increpabit te scito et vide quia malum et amarum est reliquisse te Dominum Deum tuum et non esse timorem mei apud te dicit Dominus Deus exercituum

Jeremijo knyga 2:19
Tavo paties nedorybė nubaus tave ir tavo nuklydimas pamokys tave. Todėl pažink ir pamatyk, kaip negera ir kartu yra tai, kad tu palikai Viešpatį ir nėra tavyje mano baimės’,­sako Viešpats, kareivijų Dievas.

Jeremiah 2:19
Ko tou he ano hei riri i tau, ko ou tahuritanga ketanga ano hei papaki i a koe. Kia mohio koe, kia kite hoki, he mea kino, he mea kawa, kei tau whakarerenga i a Ihowa, i tou Atua, kahore hoki ou wehi ki ahau, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa o nga man o.

Jeremias 2:19
Din ondskap tukter dig, og dine frafall straffer dig; kjenn da og se at det er ondt og bittert at du forlater Herren din Gud, og at frykt for mig ikke kommer over dig, sier Herren, Israels Gud, hærskarenes Gud.

Jeremías 2:19
Te castigará tu propia maldad, y tus apostasías te condenarán. Reconoce, pues, y ve que es malo y amargo el dejar al SEÑOR tu Dios, y no tener temor de mí--declara el Señor, DIOS de los ejércitos.

Te castigará tu propia maldad, Y tus apostasías te condenarán. Reconoce, pues, y ve que es malo y amargo El dejar al SEÑOR tu Dios, Y no tener temor de Mí," declara el Señor, DIOS de los ejércitos.

Tu maldad te castigará, y tus rebeldías te condenarán; sabe, pues, y ve cuán malo y amargo es el haber dejado tú a Jehová tu Dios, y faltar mi temor en ti, dice el Señor, Jehová de los ejércitos.

Tu maldad te castigará, y tu apartamiento te condenará: sabe pues y ve cuán malo y amargo es tu dejar á Jehová tu Dios, y faltar mi temor en tí, dice el Señor Jehová de los ejércitos.

Tu maldad te castigará, y tu apartamiento te acusará; sabe, pues, y ve cuán malo y amargo es tú dejar al SEÑOR tu Dios, y faltar mi temor en ti, dijo el Señor DIOS de los ejércitos.

Jeremias 2:19
O teu crime te perseguirá, a tua maldade te castigará e a tua rebelião te punirá. Vê, portanto, e compreende logo, como é horrível e amargo abandonar Yahweh, o SENHOR, teu Deus, e não preservar o teu amor reverente por mim!” Palavra do SENHOR.

A tua malícia te castigará, e as tuas apostasias te repreenderão; sabe, pois, e vê, que má e amarga coisa é o teres deixado o Senhor teu Deus, e o não haver em ti o temor de mim, diz o Senhor Deus dos exércitos.   

Ieremia 2:19
Tu singur te pedepseşti cu răutatea ta şi tu singur te loveşti cu necredincioşia ta, şi vei şti şi vei vedea ce rău şi amar este să părăseşti pe Domnul, Dumnezeu tău, şi să n'ai nici o frică de Mine, zice Domnul, Dumnezeul oştirilor.`

Иеремия 2:19
Накажет тебя нечестие твое, и отступничество твое обличит тебя; итак познай и размысли, как худо и горько то, что ты оставил Господа Бога твоего и страха Моего нет в тебе, говорит Господь Бог Саваоф.

Накажет тебя нечестие твое, и отступничество твое обличит тебя; итак познай и размысли, как худо и горько то, что ты оставил Господа Бога твоего и страха Моего нет в тебе, говорит Господь Бог Саваоф.[]

Jeremia 2:19
Det är din ondska som bereder dig tuktan, det är din avfällighet som ådrager dig straff. Märk därför och besinna vilken olycka och sorg det har med sig att du övergiver HERREN, din Gud, och icke vill frukta mig, säger Herren, HERREN Sebaot.

Jeremiah 2:19
Sasawayin ka ng iyong sariling kasamaan, at sasawayin ka ng iyong mga pagtalikod: talastasin mo nga at iyong tingnan na masamang bagay at kapanglawpanglaw, na iyong pinabayaan ang Panginoon mong Dios: at ang takot sa akin ay wala sa iyo, sabi ng Panginoon, ng Panginoon ng mga hukbo.

เยเรมีย์ 2:19
ความโหดร้ายของเจ้าจะตีสอนเจ้าเอง และการที่เจ้ากลับสัตย์นั้นเองจะตำหนิเจ้า ฉะนั้นเจ้าจงรู้และเห็นเถิดว่า มันเป็นความชั่วและความขมขื่น ซึ่งเจ้าทอดทิ้งพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของเจ้า ซึ่งความยำเกรงเรามิได้อยู่ในตัวเจ้าเลย" องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าพระเจ้าจอมโยธาตรัสดังนี้แหละ

Yeremya 2:19
Seni kendi kötülüğün yola getirecek,
Dönekliğin seni paylayacak.
Tanrın RABbi bırakmanın,
Benden korkmamanın
Ne kadar kötü, ne kadar acı olduğunu gör de anla.››
Her Şeye Egemen Egemen RAB böyle diyor.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 2:19
Tội ác ngươi sự sửa phạt ngươi, sự bội nghịch ngươi sẽ trách ngươi, nên ngươi khá biết và thấy rằng lìa bỏ Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi, và chẳng có lòng kính sợ ta, ấy là một sự xấu xa cay đắng, Chúa, là Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân phán vậy.

Jeremiah 2:18
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