Jeremiah 17:22
Jeremiah 17:22
Do not bring a load out of your houses or do any work on the Sabbath, but keep the Sabbath day holy, as I commanded your ancestors.

Do not do your work on the Sabbath, but make it a holy day. I gave this command to your ancestors,

And do not carry a burden out of your houses on the Sabbath or do any work, but keep the Sabbath day holy, as I commanded your fathers.

"You shall not bring a load out of your houses on the sabbath day nor do any work, but keep the sabbath day holy, as I commanded your forefathers.

Neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do ye any work, but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers.

You must not carry a load out of your houses on the Sabbath day or do any work, but you must consecrate the Sabbath day, just as I commanded your ancestors.

Don't bring any load out of your houses on the Sabbath day, nor are you to do any work. You are to consecrate the Sabbath day, just as I commanded your ancestors.

Do not carry any loads out of your houses or do any work on the Sabbath day. But observe the Sabbath day as a day set apart to the LORD, as I commanded your ancestors.

Do not bring anything out of your homes on the day of worship. Do not do any work, but observe the day of worship as a holy day, as I told your ancestors.

neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do any work, but sanctify the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers,

Neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do you any work, but hallow you the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers.

Neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do you any work, but hallow you the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers.

neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do ye any work: but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers.

And do not bring burdens out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do ye any work: sanctify the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers.

and carry forth no burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do any work; but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers,

neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do ye any work: but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers;

Neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do ye any work, but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers.

neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the Sabbath day holy, neither do any work: but make the Sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers.

Nor do ye take out a burden from your houses on the day of rest, Yea, any work ye do not do, And ye have sanctified the day of rest, As I have commanded your fathers.

Jeremia 17:22
Mos mbartni asnjë peshë jashtë shtëpive tuaja dhe mos kryeni asnjë punë ditën e shtunë, por shenjtëroni ditën e shtunë, ashtu siç i kam urdhëruar etërit tuaj.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 17:22
ولا تخرجوا حملا من بيوتكم يوم السبت ولا تعملوا شغلا ما بل قدسوا يوم السبت كما امرت آباءكم.

Dyr Ierymies 17:22
Aau derfftß z Sams nix aus enkerne Häuser aushinbringen und aau sünst nix arechtn. Nän, ös müesstß önn Sams yso heilignen, wie i s yn enkerne Vätter gebotn haan.

Еремия 17:22
нито изнасяйте товар из къщите си в съботен ден, и не вършете никаква работа; но освещавайте съботния ден, както заповядах на бащите ви.

耶 利 米 書 17:22
也 不 要 在 安 息 日 從 家 中 擔 出 擔 子 去 。 無 論 何 工 都 不 可 做 , 只 要 以 安 息 日 為 聖 日 , 正 如 我 所 吩 咐 你 們 列 祖 的 。

也 不 要 在 安 息 日 从 家 中 担 出 担 子 去 。 无 论 何 工 都 不 可 做 , 只 要 以 安 息 日 为 圣 日 , 正 如 我 所 吩 咐 你 们 列 祖 的 。



Jeremiah 17:22
I ne nosite bremena iz kuće u dan subotnji, i nikakva posla ne radite, nego svetkujte dan subotnji, kao što sam zapovjedio vašim ocima.

Jermiáše 17:22
Ani nevynášejte břemen z domů svých v den sobotní, a žádného díla nedělejte, ale svěťte den sobotní, jakž jsem přikázal otcům vašim.

Jeremias 17:22
Bring ingen Byrde ud af eders Huse paa Sabbatsdagen og gør intet Arbejde, men hold Sabbatsdagen hellig, som jeg bød eders Fædre.

Jeremia 17:22
Ook zult gijlieden geen last uitvoeren uit uw huizen op den sabbatdag, noch enig werk doen; maar gij zult den sabbatdag heiligen, gelijk als Ik uw vaderen geboden heb.

ירמיה 17:22
וְלֹא־תֹוצִ֨יאוּ מַשָּׂ֤א מִבָּֽתֵּיכֶם֙ בְּיֹ֣ום הַשַּׁבָּ֔ת וְכָל־מְלָאכָ֖ה לֹ֣א תַֽעֲשׂ֑וּ וְקִדַּשְׁתֶּם֙ אֶת־יֹ֣ום הַשַּׁבָּ֔ת כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוִּ֖יתִי אֶת־אֲבֹותֵיכֶֽם׃

כב ולא תוציאו משא מבתיכם ביום השבת וכל מלאכה לא תעשו וקדשתם את יום השבת כאשר צויתי את אבותיכם

ולא־תוציאו משא מבתיכם ביום השבת וכל־מלאכה לא תעשו וקדשתם את־יום השבת כאשר צויתי את־אבותיכם׃

Jeremiás 17:22
Házaitokból se vigyetek ki terhet szombat-napon, és semmi munkát ne végezzetek, hanem szenteljétek meg a szombat-napot, úgy a mint atyáitoknak megparancsoltam!

Jeremia 17:22
kaj ne elportu sxargxon el viaj domoj en la tago sabata, kaj faru nenian laboron, sed sanktigu la tagon sabatan, kiel Mi ordonis al viaj patroj.

Ja älkäät viekö yhtään taakkaa sabbatina ulos teidän huoneistanne, ja älkäät tehkö mitään työtä; vaan pyhittäkäät sabbatin päivä, niinkuin minä teidän isillenne käskenyt olen.

Jérémie 17:22
Et ne portez pas de fardeau hors de vos maisons, le jour du sabbat, et ne faites aucune oeuvre, et sanctifiez le jour du sabbat, comme j'ai commandé à vos pères;

Ne sortez de vos maisons aucun fardeau le jour du sabbat, Et ne faites aucun ouvrage; Mais sanctifiez le jour du sabbat, Comme je l'ai ordonné à vos pères.

Et ne tirez point hors de vos maisons aucun fardeau le jour du Sabbat, et ne faites aucune œuvre, mais sanctifiez le jour du Sabbat, comme j'ai commandé à vos pères.

Jeremia 17:22
und führet keine Last am Sabbattage aus euren Häusern und tut keine Arbeit, sondern heiliget den Sabbattag, wie ich euren Vätern geboten habe.

und führt keine Last am Sabbattage aus euren Häusern und tut keine Arbeit, sondern heiliget den Sabbattag, wie ich euren Vätern geboten habe.

Tragt auch am Sabbattage keine Last aus euren Häusern heraus, noch verrichtet irgend welche Arbeit, daß ihr den Sabbattag heilig haltet, wie ich euren Vätern geboten habe.

Geremia 17:22
e non traete fuori delle vostre case alcun carico e non fate lavoro alcuno in giorno di sabato; ma santificate il giorno del sabato, com’io comandai ai vostri padri.

e non traete fuor delle vostre case alcun carico, nè fate opera alcuna nei giorno del sabato; ma santificate il giorno del sabato, come io comandai a’ padri vostri.

Dan lagi jangan kamu bawa akan barang gandaran keluar dari pada rumahmu pada hari sabat, dan jangan kerjakan barang sesuatu pekerjaan, melainkan hendaklah kamu sucikan hari sabat itu, setuju dengan firman-Ku yang kepada nenek moyangmu.

예레미아 17:22
안식일에 너희 집에서 짐을 내지 말며 아무 일이든지 하지 말아서 내가 너희 열조에게 명함같이 안식일을 거룩히 할지어다

Ieremias 17:22
et nolite eicere onera de domibus vestris in die sabbati et omne opus non facietis sanctificate diem sabbati sicut praecepi patribus vestris

Jeremijo knyga 17:22
Neišneškite jokios naštos iš savo namų sabato dieną ir nedirbkite jokio darbo, bet švęskite sabatą, kaip įsakiau jūsų tėvams.

Jeremiah 17:22
Kaua hoki he kawenga e maua atu i o koutou whare i te ra hapati, kaua hoki koutou e mahi i tetahi mahi; engari me whakatapu e koutou te ra hapati, kia rite ki taku i whakahau ai ki o koutou matua;

Jeremias 17:22
Og I skal ikke bære nogen byrde ut av eders hus og ikke gjøre nogen gjerning på sabbatens dag; men I skal holde sabbatens dag hellig, som jeg bød eders fedre.

Jeremías 17:22
`Tampoco saquéis carga de vuestras casas en día de reposo, ni hagáis trabajo alguno, sino santificad el día de reposo, como mandé a vuestros padres.

"Tampoco saquen carga de sus casas en día de reposo, ni hagan trabajo alguno, sino santifiquen el día de reposo, como mandé a sus padres.

Ni saquéis carga de vuestras casas en el día del sábado, ni hagáis obra alguna: mas santificad el día del sábado, como mandé a vuestros padres;

Ni saquéis carga de vuestras casas en el día del sábado, ni hagáis obra alguna: mas santificad el día del sábado, como mandé á vuestros padres;

ni saquéis carga de vuestras casas en el día del sábado, ni hagáis obra alguna; mas santificad el día del sábado, como mandé a vuestros padres;

Jeremias 17:22
Não leves carga alguma para fora de casa nem façais nenhum trabalho durante o sábado, mas guardem o dia de sábado como dia consagrado, como ordenei aos teus antepassados.

nem tireis cargas de vossas casas no dia de sábado, nem façais trabalho algum; antes santificai o dia de sábado, como eu ordenei a vossos pais.   

Ieremia 17:22
Să nu scoateţi din casele voastre nici o povară în ziua Sabatului, şi să nu faceţi nici o lucrare, ci sfinţiţi ziua Sabatului, cum am poruncit părinţilor voştri.``

Иеремия 17:22
и не выносите нош из домов ваших в день субботний, и не занимайтесь никакою работою, но святите день субботний так, как Я заповедал отцам вашим,

и не выносите нош из домов ваших в день субботний, и не занимайтесь никакою работою, но святите день субботний так, как Я заповедал отцам вашим,[]

Jeremia 17:22
Och fören icke på sabbatsdagen någon börda ut ur edra hus, och gören ej heller något annat arbete, utan helgen sabbatsdagen, såsom jag bjöd edra fäder,

Jeremiah 17:22
Huwag din kayong maglabas ng pasan sa inyong mga bahay sa araw ng sabbath, o magsigawa man kayo ng anomang gawain: kundi inyong ipangilin ang araw ng sabbath, gaya ng iniutos ko sa inyong mga magulang.

เยเรมีย์ 17:22
และอย่าหาบหามของของเจ้าออกจากบ้านในวันสะบาโต หรือกระทำงานใดๆ แต่จงรักษาวันสะบาโตไว้ให้บริสุทธิ์ ดังที่เราได้บัญชาบรรพบุรุษของเจ้าไว้

Yeremya 17:22
Şabat Günü evinizden yük çıkarmayın, hiç iş yapmayın. Atalarınıza buyurduğum gibi Şabat Gününü kutsal sayacaksınız.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 17:22
Trong ngày Sa-bát, đừng khiêng gánh ra khỏi nhà các ngươi, cũng đừng ra khỏi nhà các ngươi, cũng đừng làm việc chi hết; nhưng hãy biệt riêng ngày Sa-bát ra thánh, như ta đã phán dặn tổ phụ các ngươi.

Jeremiah 17:21
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