Jeremiah 17:18
Jeremiah 17:18
Let my persecutors be put to shame, but keep me from shame; let them be terrified, but keep me from terror. Bring on them the day of disaster; destroy them with double destruction.

Bring shame and dismay on all who persecute me, but don't let me experience shame and dismay. Bring a day of terror on them. Yes, bring double destruction upon them!

Let those be put to shame who persecute me, but let me not be put to shame; let them be dismayed, but let me not be dismayed; bring upon them the day of disaster; destroy them with double destruction!

Let those who persecute me be put to shame, but as for me, let me not be put to shame; Let them be dismayed, but let me not be dismayed. Bring on them a day of disaster, And crush them with twofold destruction!

Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction.

Let my persecutors be put to shame, but don't let me be put to shame. Let them be terrified, but don't let me be terrified. Bring on them the day of disaster; shatter them with total destruction.

Let those who pursue me be put to shame, but don't put me to shame. Let them be terrified, but don't let me be terrified. Bring the day of judgment on them, and destroy them with double destruction!

May those who persecute me be disgraced. Do not let me be disgraced. May they be dismayed. Do not let me be dismayed. Bring days of disaster on them. Bring on them the destruction they deserve."

Put my persecutors to shame, but do not let me be put to shame. Terrify them, but do not let me be terrified. Bring the day of disaster on them, and destroy them completely.

Let them be confounded that persecute me, but do not let me be confounded; let them be dismayed; but do not let me be dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil and destroy them with double destruction.

Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction.

Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed: bring on them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction.

Let them be put to shame that persecute me, but let not me be put to shame; let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed; bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction.

Let them be confounded that persecute me, and let not me be confounded: let them be afraid, and let not me be afraid: bring upon them the day of affliction, and with a double destruction, destroy them.

Let them be ashamed that persecute me, but let not me be ashamed; let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed; bring upon them the day of evil, and break them with a double breaking.

Let them be ashamed that persecute me, but let not me be ashamed; let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction.

Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction.

Let them be disappointed who persecute me, but let not me be disappointed; let them be dismayed, but don't let me be dismayed; bring on them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction.

Let my pursuers be ashamed, and let not me be ashamed -- me! Let them be affrighted, and let not me be affrighted -- me! Bring in on them a day of evil, And a second time with destruction destroy them.

Jeremia 17:18
Qofshin të turpëruar përndjekësit e mi, por mos qofsha unë i turpëruar; qofshin të turpëruar ata, por mos qofsha i turpëruar unë; sill mbi ta ditën e fatkeqësisë dhe shkatërroji me një shkatërrim të dyfishtë!

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 17:18
ليخز طارديّ ولا اخز انا. ليرتعبوا هم ولا ارتعب انا. اجلب عليهم يوم الشر واسحقهم سحقا مضاعفا

Dyr Ierymies 17:18
Meine Verfolger sollnd z Schanddn werdn, aber decht nit i! Laaß s non gscheid einhin eyn n Schracht, aber nit mi! Bring non s Unheil über ien; straaf s yso, däß s niemer wissnd, wo hint und vorn ist!

Еремия 17:18
Нека се посрамят ония, които ме гонят, а аз да се не посрамя; Нека се ужасяват те, а аз да се не ужася, Докарай върху тях злощастен ден, И сломи ги с двоен пролом.

耶 利 米 書 17:18
願 那 些 逼 迫 我 的 蒙 羞 , 卻 不 要 使 我 蒙 羞 ; 使 他 們 驚 惶 , 卻 不 要 使 我 驚 惶 ; 使 災 禍 的 日 子 臨 到 他 們 , 以 加 倍 的 毀 壞 毀 壞 他 們 。

愿 那 些 逼 迫 我 的 蒙 羞 , 却 不 要 使 我 蒙 羞 ; 使 他 们 惊 惶 , 却 不 要 使 我 惊 惶 ; 使 灾 祸 的 日 子 临 到 他 们 , 以 加 倍 的 毁 坏 毁 坏 他 们 。



Jeremiah 17:18
Progonitelji moji nek' se postide, ne ja, njih smeti, ne mene. Na njih dovedi Dan nesretni, zatri ih dvogubim zatorom!

Jermiáše 17:18
Nechť jsou zahanbeni, kteříž mne stihají, já pak ať nejsem zahanben; nechť se oni děsí, já pak ať se neděsím. Uveď na ně den trápení, a dvojím setřením setři je.

Jeremias 17:18
Lad Forfølgerne beskæmmes, lad ej mig beskæmmes, lad dem forfærdes, lad ej mig forfærdes; send over dem Ulykkens Dag, knus dem og gentag Slaget!

Jeremia 17:18
Laat mijn vervolgers beschaamd worden, maar laat mij niet beschaamd worden; laat hen verschrikt worden, maar laat mij niet verschrikt worden; breng over hen den dag des kwaads, en verbreek hen met een dubbele verbreking.

ירמיה 17:18
יֵבֹ֤שׁוּ רֹדְפַי֙ וְאַל־אֵבֹ֣שָׁה אָ֔נִי יֵחַ֣תּוּ הֵ֔מָּה וְאַל־אֵחַ֖תָּה אָ֑נִי הָבִ֤יא עֲלֵיהֶם֙ יֹ֣ום רָעָ֔ה וּמִשְׁנֶ֥ה שִׁבָּרֹ֖ון שָׁבְרֵֽם׃ ס

יח יבשו רדפי ואל אבשה אני--יחתו המה ואל אחתה אני הביא עליהם יום רעה ומשנה שברון שברם  {ס}

יבשו רדפי ואל־אבשה אני יחתו המה ואל־אחתה אני הביא עליהם יום רעה ומשנה שברון שברם׃ ס

Jeremiás 17:18
Szégyenüljenek meg, a kik üldöznek engem, de ne én szégyenüljek meg; õk rettegjenek és ne én rettegjek; hozz reájok háborúság napját, és kétszeres zúzással zúzd össze õket!

Jeremia 17:18
Miaj persekutantoj estu hontigitaj, sed mi ne estu hontigita; ili tremu, sed mi ne tremu; venigu sur ilin tagon de mizero, kaj frapu ilin per duobla frapo.

Anna heidän häpiään tulla, jotka minua vainoovat, ja älä anna minun häpiään tulla; anna heidän peljästyä, ja älä anna minun peljästyä; anna onnetoin päivä heille tulla, ja lyö rikki heitä kaksinkertaisesti.

Jérémie 17:18
Que ceux qui me persécutent soient honteux, et que moi je ne sois pas honteux; qu'ils aient peur et que moi je n'aie pas peur; fais venir sur eux le jour de malheur, et ruine-les d'une double ruine.

Que mes persécuteurs soient confus, et que je ne sois pas confus; Qu'ils tremblent, et que je ne tremble pas, moi! Fais venir sur eux le jour du malheur, Frappe-les d'une double plaie!

Que ceux qui me persécutent soient honteux, mais que je ne sois point honteux; qu'ils soient épouvantés, mais que je ne sois point épouvanté; amène sur eux le jour du mal, et les accable d'une double plaie.

Jeremia 17:18
Laß sie zuschanden werden, die mich verfolgen, und mich nicht; laß sie erschrecken und mich nicht; laß den Tag des Unglücks über sie gehen und zerschlage sie zwiefach!

Laß sie zu Schanden werden, die mich verfolgen, und mich nicht; laß sie erschrecken, und mich nicht; laß den Tag des Unglücks über sie kommen und zerschlage sie zwiefach!

Laß meine Verfolger zu Schanden werden, aber laß mich nicht zu Schanden werden; laß sie bestürzt werden, aber laß mich nicht bestürzt werden: bringe über sie den Unheilstag und mit doppelter Zerschmetterung zerschmettere sie!

Geremia 17:18
Siano confusi i miei persecutori; non io sia confuso; siano spaventati essi; non io sia spaventato; fa’ venir su loro il giorno della calamità, e colpiscili di doppia distruzione!

Sieno confusi i miei persecutori, e non io; sieno spaventati, e non io; fa’ venire sopra loro il giorno del male, e rompili di doppia rottura.

Hendaklah segala pengusirku dipermalukan, tetapi jangan aku dipermalukan; hendaklah mereka itu dikejutkan, tetapi jangan aku dikejutkan; datangkanlah atas mereka itu hari kesukaran itu dan pecahkanlah mereka itu dengan dua kali pecahnya.

예레미아 17:18
나를 박해하는 자로 수욕을 당케 하시고 나로 수욕을 당케 마옵소서 그들로 놀라게 하시고 나로 놀라게 마시옵소서 재앙의 날을 그들에게 임하게 하시며 배나 되는 멸망으로 그들을 멸하소서

Ieremias 17:18
confundantur qui persequuntur me et non confundar ego paveant illi et non paveam ego induc super eos diem adflictionis et duplici contritione contere eos

Jeremijo knyga 17:18
Sugėdink mano persekiotojus ir išgąsdink juos, bet ne mane! Siųsk jiems piktą dieną ir sunaikink juos dvigubu sunaikinimu!

Jeremiah 17:18
Kia whakama te hunga e tukino ana i ahau, kaua ia ahau e whakama: kia wehi ratou, kaua ia ahau e wehi: kawea te ra o te kino ki runga ki a ratou, kia rua hoki nga whakangaromanga e whakangaro ai koe i a ratou.

Jeremias 17:18
La mine forfølgere bli til skamme, og la ikke mig bli til skamme! La dem forferdes, og la ikke mig forferdes! La ulykkens dag komme over dem, og knus dem med dobbelt knusende slag!

Jeremías 17:18
Sean avergonzados los que me persiguen, pero no sea yo avergonzado; sean atemorizados ellos, pero que no me atemorice yo. Trae sobre ellos el día de calamidad, y destrúyelos con doble destrucción.

Sean avergonzados los que me persiguen, pero no sea yo avergonzado; Sean atemorizados ellos, pero que no me atemorice yo. Trae sobre ellos el día de calamidad, Y destrúyelos con doble destrucción.

Avergüéncense los que me persiguen, y no me avergüence yo; asómbrense ellos, y yo no me asombre: trae sobre ellos día malo, y quebrántalos con doble quebrantamiento.

Avergüéncense los que me persiguen, y no me avergüence yo; asómbrense ellos, y yo no me asombre: trae sobre ellos día malo, y quebrántalos con doble quebrantamiento.

Avergüéncense los que me persiguen, y no me avergüence yo; asómbrense ellos, y no me asombre yo; trae sobre ellos día malo, y quebrántalos con doble quebrantamiento.

Jeremias 17:18
Que os meus perseguidores sejam envergonhados, mas que eu seja poupado; que eles sejam aterrorizados, mas não eu. Traze sobre eles o Dia da calamidade, e destrói-os com total extermínio.

Envergonhem-se os que me perseguem, mas não me envergonhe eu; assombrem-se eles, mas não me assombre eu; traze sobre eles o dia da calamidade, e destrói-os com dobrada destruição.   

Ieremia 17:18
Prigonitorii mei să fie acoperiţi de ruşine, dar să nu fiu ruşinat eu; să tremure ei, dar să nu tremur eu! Adu peste ei ziua nenorocirii, loveşte -i cu o îndoită urgie!``

Иеремия 17:18
Пусть постыдятся гонители мои, а я не буду постыжен; пусть они вострепещут, а я буду бестрепетен; наведи на них день бедствия и сокруши их сугубым сокрушением.

Пусть постыдятся гонители мои, а я не буду постыжен; пусть они вострепещут, а я буду бестрепетен; наведи на них день бедствия и сокруши их сугубым сокрушением.[]

Jeremia 17:18
Låt dem som förfölja mig komma på skam, men låt icke mig komma på skam; låt dem bliva förfärade, men låt ej mig bliva förfärad. Låt en olycksdag komma över dem, och krossa dem i dubbelt mått.

Jeremiah 17:18
Mangapahiya sila sa nagsisiusig sa akin, nguni't huwag akong mapahiya; manganglupaypay sila, nguni't huwag akong manglupaypay; datnan sila ng araw ng kasakunaan, at ipahamak sila ng ibayong pagkapahamak.

เยเรมีย์ 17:18
ผู้ใดข่มเหงข้าพระองค์ ขอให้เขาได้รับความละอาย แต่ขออย่าให้ข้าพระองค์ได้รับความละอาย ขอให้เขาครั่นคร้าม แต่อย่าให้ข้าพระองค์ครั่นคร้าม ขอทรงนำวันร้ายมาตกเหนือเขา ขอทรงทำลายเขาด้วยการทำลายซับซ้อน

Yeremya 17:18
Bana eziyet edenler utandırılsın,
Ama beni utandırma;
Onları yılgınlığa düşür,
Ama beni düşürme.
Felaket gününü getir üzerlerine,
Onları iki kat yıkımla ez.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 17:18
Xin Ngài làm cho những kẻ bắt bớ tôi bị xấu hổ, mà chính tôi đừng bị xấu hổ; cho họ kinh hoàng! Xin cho ngày hoạn nạn lâm trên họ, và hủy hoại gấp hai!

Jeremiah 17:17
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