Jeremiah 12:1
Jeremiah 12:1
You are always righteous, LORD, when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease?

LORD, you always give me justice when I bring a case before you. So let me bring you this complaint: Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why are evil people so happy?

Righteous are you, O LORD, when I complain to you; yet I would plead my case before you. Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all who are treacherous thrive?

Righteous are You, O LORD, that I would plead my case with You; Indeed I would discuss matters of justice with You: Why has the way of the wicked prospered? Why are all those who deal in treachery at ease?

Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously?

You will be righteous, LORD, even if I bring a case against You. Yet, I wish to contend with You: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the treacherous live at ease?

You are righteous, LORD, even when I bring a complaint to you. But I want to discuss justice with you. Why does the way of the wicked prosper, while all who are treacherous are at ease?

LORD, you have always been fair whenever I have complained to you. However, I would like to speak with you about the disposition of justice. Why are wicked people successful? Why do all dishonest people have such easy lives?

O LORD, even if I would argue my case with you, you would always be right. Yet, I want to talk to you about your justice. Why do wicked people succeed? Why do treacherous people have peace and quiet?

Righteous art thou, O LORD, even though I dispute with thee: even so, I will speak judgments with thee; Why does the way of the wicked prosper? All those that completely rebel against thee have peace.

Righteous are you, O LORD, when I plead with you: yet let me talk with you of your judgments: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? why are all they happy that deal very treacherously?

Righteous are you, O LORD, when I plead with you: yet let me talk with you of your judgments: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? why are all they happy that deal very treacherously?

Righteous art thou, O Jehovah, when I contend with thee; yet would I reason the cause with thee: wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they at ease that deal very treacherously?

Thou indeed, O Lord, art just, if I plead with thee, but yet I will speak what is just to thee: Why doth the way of the wicked prosper: why is it well with all them that transgress, and do wickedly?

Righteous art thou, Jehovah, when I plead with thee; yet will I speak with thee of thy judgments. Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they at ease that deal very treacherously?

Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet would I reason the cause with thee: wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they at ease that deal very treacherously?

Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let me speak with thee of thy judgments: Why doth the way of the wicked prosper? why are they all happy that deal very treacherously?

You are righteous, Yahweh, when I contend with you; yet I would reason the cause with you: why does the way of the wicked prosper? why are all they at ease who deal very treacherously?

Righteous art Thou, O Jehovah, When I plead towards thee, Only, judgments do I speak with Thee, Wherefore did the way of the wicked prosper? At rest have been all treacherous dealers.

Jeremia 12:1
Ti je i drejtë, o Zot, si mund të diskutoj me ty? Megjithatë do të flas me ty lidhur me gjykimet e tua. Pse udha e të pabesëve shkon mbarë? Pse jetojnë të qetë ata që veprojnë me pabesi?

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 12:1
أبر انت يا رب من ان اخاصمك. لكن اكلمك من جهة احكامك. لماذا تنجح طريق الاشرار. اطمأن كل الغادرين غدرا.

Dyr Ierymies 12:1
Du bleibst in n Recht, Herr, wenn i mit dir zerflt; dennert kan i s nit laassn. Zwö steend d Fräfler so schoen daa und künnend d Abtrinner allsand so sorgloos sein?

Еремия 12:1
Праведен си, Господи, когато се съдя с Тебе; Но пак не разисквам с Тебе за съдбите Ти,- Защо успява пътят на нечестивите? Защо са охолни всички, които постъпват коварно?

耶 利 米 書 12:1
耶 和 華 啊 , 我 與 你 爭 辯 的 時 候 , 你 顯 為 義 ; 但 有 一 件 , 我 還 要 與 你 理 論 : 惡 人 的 道 路 為 何 亨 通 呢 ? 大 行 詭 詐 的 為 何 得 安 逸 呢 ?

耶 和 华 啊 , 我 与 你 争 辩 的 时 候 , 你 显 为 义 ; 但 有 一 件 , 我 还 要 与 你 理 论 : 恶 人 的 道 路 为 何 亨 通 呢 ? 大 行 诡 诈 的 为 何 得 安 逸 呢 ?



Jeremiah 12:1
Prepravedan si, Jahve, da bih se mogao s tobom parbiti. Samo bih jedno s tobom raspravio: Zašto je put zlikovaca uspješan? Zašto podmuklice uživaju mir?

Jermiáše 12:1
Spravedlivý zůstaneš, Hospodine, povedu-li odpor proti tobě, a však o soudech tvých mluviti budu s tebou. Proč se cestě bezbožníků šťastně vede? Mají pokoj všickni, kteříž se pyšně zpronevěřili.

Jeremias 12:1
Herre, Retten er din, naar jeg trætter med dig, og dog maa jeg tale med dig om Ret. Hvi følger Lykken de gudløses Vej, hvi er alle troløse trygge?

Jeremia 12:1
Gij zoudt rechtvaardig zijn, o HEERE! wanneer ik tegen U zou twisten; ik zal nochtans van Uw oordelen met U spreken; waarom is der goddelozen weg voorspoedig, waarom hebben zij rust, allen, die trouwelooslijk trouweloosheid bedrijven?

ירמיה 12:1
צַדִּ֤יק אַתָּה֙ יְהוָ֔ה כִּ֥י אָרִ֖יב אֵלֶ֑יךָ אַ֤ךְ מִשְׁפָּטִים֙ אֲדַבֵּ֣ר אֹותָ֔ךְ מַדּ֗וּעַ דֶּ֤רֶךְ רְשָׁעִים֙ צָלֵ֔חָה שָׁל֖וּ כָּל־בֹּ֥גְדֵי בָֽגֶד׃

א צדיק אתה יהוה כי אריב אליך אך משפטים אדבר אתך מדוע דרך רשעים צלחה שלו כל בגדי בגד

צדיק אתה יהוה כי אריב אליך אך משפטים אדבר אותך מדוע דרך רשעים צלחה שלו כל־בגדי בגד׃

Jeremiás 12:1
Igaz vagy Uram, hogyha perlek [is] veled; éppen azért hadd beszélhessek veled peres kérdésekrõl! Miért szerencsés az istentelenek útja? [Miért] vannak békességben mindnyájan a hûtlenkedõk?

Jeremia 12:1
Vi estos prava, ho Eternulo, kiam mi procesos kun Vi; tamen mi parolos kun Vi pri justeco:kial la vojo de malpiuloj estas sukcesa kaj cxiuj perfiduloj vivas trankvile?

Herra, jos minä vielä kävisin sinun kanssas oikeudelle, niin sinä kuitenkin löydetään hurskaaksi; kuitenkin puhun minä sinun kanssas oikeudesta. Miksi käy jumalattomille niin hyvin, ja suurilla ylönannetuilla on kaikkinaista kyllä?

Jérémie 12:1
Éternel! tu es juste quand je conteste avec toi; toutefois je parlerai avec toi de tes jugements. Pourquoi la voie des méchants est-elle prospère? Pourquoi ceux qui agissent très-perfidement sont-ils en paix?

Tu es trop juste, Eternel, pour que je conteste avec toi; Je veux néanmoins t'adresser la parole sur tes jugements: Pourquoi la voie des méchants est-elle prospère? Pourquoi tous les perfides vivent-ils en paix?

Eternel, quand je contesterai avec toi, tu [seras trouvé] juste; mais toutefois j'entrerai en contestation avec toi. Pourquoi la voie des méchants a-t-elle prospéré; et pourquoi tous les perfides vivent-ils en paix?

Jeremia 12:1
HERR, wenn ich gleich mit dir rechten wollte, so behältst du doch recht; dennoch muß ich vom Recht mit dir reden. Warum gehet es doch den Gottlosen so wohl, und die Verächter haben alles die Fülle?

HERR, wenn ich gleich mit dir rechten wollte, so behältst du doch recht; dennoch muß ich vom Recht mit dir reden. Warum geht's doch den Gottlosen so wohl und die Verächter haben alles die Fülle?

Du bleibst im Rechte, Jahwe, wenn ich mit dir hadern wollte! Doch zur Rede möchte ich dich stellen, warum das Treiben der Frevler Gelingen hat, warum alle, die treulos handeln, unangefochten bleiben?

Geremia 12:1
Tu sei giusto, o Eterno, quand’io contendo teco; nondimeno io proporrò le mie ragioni: Perché prospera la via degli empi? Perché son tutti a loro agio quelli che procedono perfidamente?

Signore, se io litigo teco, tu sei pur giusto; nondimeno io ti proporrò le mie ragioni: Perchè prospera la via degli empi? perchè sono a lor agio tutti quelli che procedono dislealmente?

Bahwa Engkau juga adil, ya Tuhan! jikalau aku masuk berhukum dengan Dikau sekalipun; kendatilah, biar aku juga berkata-kata dengan Dikau akan hal hukum-Mu: Mengapa gerangan jalan orang fasik itu beruntung? Mengapa dalam hal sentosa mereka itu sekalian, yang pembelot khianat adanya?

예레미아 12:1
여호와여, 내가 주와 쟁변할 때에는 주는 의로우시니이다 그러나 내가 주께 질문하옵나니 악한자의 길이 형통하며 패역한 자가 다 안락함은 무슨 연고니이까

Ieremias 12:1
iustus quidem tu es Domine si disputem tecum verumtamen iusta loquar ad te quare via impiorum prosperatur bene est omnibus qui praevaricantur et inique agunt

Jeremijo knyga 12:1
Viešpatie, Tu liksi teisus, jei bylinėsiuosi su Tavimi! Tačiau leisk man kalbėti su Tavimi apie Tavo sprendimus. Kodėl nedorėliams sekasi ir kodėl be rūpesčių gyvena visi, kurie elgiasi klastingai?

Jeremiah 12:1
Tika tonu koe, e Ihowa, ina totohe ahau ki a koe; otiia kia korerotia e ahau ki a koe nga whakaritenga: He aha i whai pai ai te ara o te hunga kino? he aha i noho humarie ai te hunga katoa he nui rawa nei to ratou tinihanga?

Jeremias 12:1
Herre, når jeg fører trette med dig, har du alltid rett. Allikevel må jeg gå i rette med dig: Hvorfor går det de ugudelige vel, hvorfor har de ingen sorger alle de troløse?

Jeremías 12:1
Justo eres tú, oh SEÑOR, cuando a ti presento mi causa; en verdad asuntos de justicia voy a discutir contigo. ¿Por qué prospera el camino de los impíos y viven en paz todos los que obran con perfidia?

Justo eres Tú, oh SEÑOR, cuando a Ti presento mi causa; En verdad asuntos de justicia voy a discutir contigo. ¿Por qué prospera el camino de los impíos Y viven en paz todos los que obran con perfidia?

Justo eres tú, oh Jehová, cuando yo contigo disputo; sin embargo hablaré contigo de tus juicios. ¿Por qué es prosperado el camino de los impíos, y tienen bien todos los que se portan deslealmente?

JUSTO eres tú, oh Jehová, aunque yo contigo dispute: hablaré empero juicios contigo. ¿Por qué es prosperado el camino de los impíos, y tienen bien todos los que se portan deslealmente?

Justo eres tú, oh SEÑOR, aunque yo dispute contigo; hablaré empero juicios contigo. ¿Por qué es prosperado el camino de los impíos? Tienen paz todos los que se rebelan completamente contra ti .

Jeremias 12:1
Tu és justo, ó Yahweh, SENHOR, quem sou eu para questioná-lo. Contudo, eu gostaria de discutir contigo sobre a tua justiça. Por que o caminho dos ímpios prospera? Por que todos os traidores vivem sem problemas?

Justo és, ó Senhor, ainda quando eu pleiteio contigo; contudo pleitearei a minha causa diante de ti. Por que prospera o caminho dos ímpios? Por que vivem em paz todos os que procedem aleivosamente?   

Ieremia 12:1
,,Tu eşti prea drept, Doamne, ca să mă cert cu Tine; vreau totuş să Te întreb asupra orînduirilor Tale. Pentruce propăşeşte calea celor răi, şi toţi mişeii trăiesc în pace?

Иеремия 12:1
Праведен будешь Ты, Господи, если я стану судиться с Тобою; и однако жебуду говорить с Тобою о правосудии: почему путь нечестивых благоуспешен, и все вероломные благоденствуют?

Праведен будешь Ты, Господи, если я стану судиться с Тобою; и однако же буду говорить с Тобою о правосудии: почему путь нечестивых благоуспешен, и все вероломные благоденствуют?[]

Jeremia 12:1
HERRE, om jag vill gå till rätta med dig, så behåller du dock rätten. Likväl måste jag tala med dig om vad rätt är. Varför går det de ogudaktiga så väl? Varför hava alla trolösa så god lycka?

Jeremiah 12:1
Ikaw ay matuwid, Oh Panginoon, nang ako'y makipagtalo sa iyo; gayon ma'y makikipagmatuwiranan ako sa iyo: bakit gumiginhawa ang lakad ng masama? bakit nangatitiwasay silang lahat na nagsisigawa ng may lubhang kataksilan?

เยเรมีย์ 12:1
ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ เมื่อข้าพระองค์สู้คดีกับพระองค์ พระองค์ก็ทรงเป็นฝ่ายถูก แม้กระนั้นข้าพระองค์ยังขอทูลเสนอมูลคดีของข้าพระองค์ต่อพระองค์ ไฉนทางของคนชั่วจึงจำเริญขึ้น ไฉนทุกคนที่ทรยศก็อยู่เย็นเป็นสุข

Yeremya 12:1
Davamı önüne getirsem,
Haklı çıkarsın, ya RAB.
Ama adalet konusunda
Seninle tartışmak istiyorum.
Neden kötülerin işi iyi gidiyor?
Neden hainler tasasızca yaşıyor?[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 12:1
Hỡi Ðức Giê-hô-va, tôi biện luận cùng Ngài, Ngài thật công bình; dầu vậy, tôi còn muốn biện luận cùng Ngài. Sao đường lối những kẻ ác được thạnh vượng? Sao những người gian trá được yên ổn?

Jeremiah 11:23
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