Isaiah 9:17
Isaiah 9:17
Therefore the Lord will take no pleasure in the young men, nor will he pity the fatherless and widows, for everyone is ungodly and wicked, every mouth speaks folly. Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away, his hand is still upraised.

That is why the Lord takes no pleasure in the young men and shows no mercy even to the widows and orphans. For they are all wicked hypocrites, and they all speak foolishness. But even then the LORD's anger will not be satisfied. His fist is still poised to strike.

Therefore the Lord does not rejoice over their young men, and has no compassion on their fatherless and widows; for everyone is godless and an evildoer, and every mouth speaks folly. For all this his anger has not turned away, and his hand is stretched out still.

Therefore the Lord does not take pleasure in their young men, Nor does He have pity on their orphans or their widows; For every one of them is godless and an evildoer, And every mouth is speaking foolishness. In spite of all this, His anger does not turn away And His hand is still stretched out.

Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows: for every one is an hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Therefore the Lord does not rejoice over Israel's young men and has no compassion on its fatherless and widows, for everyone is a godless evildoer, and every mouth speaks folly. In all this, His anger is not removed, and His hand is still raised to strike.

Therefore the Lord does not have pity on their young men, and has no compassion on their orphans and widows, because each of them was godless and an evildoer, and every mouth spoke folly. "Yet for all this, his anger has not turned away, and his hand is still stretched out, ready to strike.

So the sovereign master was not pleased with their young men, he took no pity on their orphans and widows; for the whole nation was godless and did wicked things, every mouth was speaking disgraceful words. Despite all this, his anger does not subside, and his hand is ready to strike again.

That is why the Lord isn't happy with their young men, nor will he show compassion for their orphans and widows. Every one of them is a godless evildoer, and every mouth speaks foolishness. Even after all this, his anger will not disappear, and he is still ready to use his power.

Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall he have mercy on their fatherless and widows, for every one is a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaks folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows: for everyone is a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaks folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Therefore the LORD shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows: for every one is an hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaks folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Therefore the Lord will not rejoice over their young men, neither will he have compassion on their fatherless and widows; for every one is profane and an evil-doer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Therefore the Lord shell have no joy in their young men: neither shall he have mercy on their fatherless, and widows: for every one is a hypocrite and wicked, and every mouth hath spoken folly. For all this his indignation is not turned away, but his bend is stretched out still.

Therefore the Lord will not rejoice in their young men, neither will he have mercy on their fatherless and on their widows; for every one is a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, and his hand is stretched out still.

Therefore the Lord shall not rejoice over their young men, neither shall he have compassion on their fatherless and widows: for every one is profane and an evil-doer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Therefore the Lord will have no joy in their young men, neither will have mercy on their fatherless and widows: for every one is a hypocrite and an evil-doer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Therefore the Lord will not rejoice over their young men, neither will he have compassion on their fatherless and widows; for everyone is profane and an evildoer, and every mouth speaks folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Therefore, over its young men the Lord rejoiceth not, And its orphans, and its widows He pitieth not, For every one is profane, and an evil doer, And every mouth is speaking folly. With all this not turned back hath His anger, And still His hand is stretched out.

Isaia 9:17
aaa see Prandaj Zoti nuk do të kënaqet me të rinjtë e tij dhe as do t'i vijë keq për jetimët e tij dhe gratë e veja të tij, sepse të gjithë janë hipokritë dhe të çoroditur, dhe çdo gojë thotë marrëzira. Megjithë tërë këto gjëra zemërimi i tij nuk qetësohet dhe dora e tij mbetet e shtrirë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 9:17
لاجل ذلك لا يفرح السيد بفتيانه ولا يرحم يتاماه وارامله لان كل واحد منهم منافق وفاعل شر. وكل فم متكلم بالحماقة. مع كل هذا لم يرتد غضبه بل يده ممدودة بعد

Dyr Ieseien 9:17
Dösswögn verschoont dyr Herr wöder de Burschn, non dyrbarmt yr si ob de Witibn und Waisn. Denn allsand seind ruechloos und boes; machend s grad de Goschn auf, kimmt schoon öbbs Gleissnerischs ausher. Und sein Zorn laasst nit aus; er packt s schoon non lönger her.

Исая 9:17
Затова Господ не ще се зарадва за юношите им, Нито ще се смили за сирачетата и вдовиците им; Понеже те всички са нечестиви и злодейци, И всички уста говорят безумие. При все това, гневът Му не се отвърна, Но ръката Му е още простряна.

以 賽 亞 書 9:17
所 以 , 主 必 不 喜 悅 他 們 的 少 年 人 , 也 不 憐 恤 他 們 的 孤 兒 寡 婦 ; 因 為 , 各 人 是 褻 瀆 的 , 是 行 惡 的 , 並 且 各 人 的 口 都 說 愚 妄 的 話 。 雖 然 如 此 , 耶 和 華 的 怒 氣 還 未 轉 消 ; 他 的 手 仍 伸 不 縮 。

所 以 , 主 必 不 喜 悦 他 们 的 少 年 人 , 也 不 怜 恤 他 们 的 孤 儿 寡 妇 ; 因 为 , 各 人 是 亵 渎 的 , 是 行 恶 的 , 并 且 各 人 的 口 都 说 愚 妄 的 话 。 虽 然 如 此 , 耶 和 华 的 怒 气 还 未 转 消 ; 他 的 手 仍 伸 不 缩 。



Isaiah 9:17
Stog' mu Gospod neće poštedjet' mladića, sirotama njegovim i udovicama smilovat' se neće. Sav je taj narod bezbožan i zao, na sva usta bezumno govori. Na sve to gnjev se njegov neće smiriti, ruka će mu ostat' ispružena.

Izaiáše 9:17
Protož z mládenců jeho nepotěší se Pán, a nad sirotky a vdovami jeho neslituje se; nebo všickni jsou pokrytci a zločinci, a každá ústa mluví nešlechetnost. Aniž ve všem tom odvrátí se prchlivost jeho, ale předce ruka jeho bude vztažená.

Esajas 9:17
Derfor glædes ej Herren ved dets unge Mænd, har ej Medynk med dets faderløse og Enker. Thi alle er Niddinger og Ugerningsmænd, og hver en Mund taler Daarskab. Men trods alt har hans Vrede ej lagt sig, hans Haand er fremdeles rakt ud.

Jesaja 9:17
Want de goddeloosheid brandt als vuur, doornen en distelen zal zij verteren, en zal aansteken de verwarde struiken des wouds, die zich verheven hebben als de verheffing des rooks.

ישעה 9:17
עַל־כֵּ֨ן עַל־בַּחוּרָ֜יו לֹֽא־יִשְׂמַ֣ח ׀ אֲדֹנָ֗י וְאֶת־יְתֹמָ֤יו וְאֶת־אַלְמְנֹתָיו֙ לֹ֣א יְרַחֵ֔ם כִּ֤י כֻלֹּו֙ חָנֵ֣ף וּמֵרַ֔ע וְכָל־פֶּ֖ה דֹּבֵ֣ר נְבָלָ֑ה בְּכָל־זֹאת֙ לֹא־שָׁ֣ב אַפֹּ֔ו וְעֹ֖וד יָדֹ֥ו נְטוּיָֽה׃

טז על כן על בחוריו לא ישמח אדני ואת יתמיו ואת אלמנותיו לא ירחם--כי כלו חנף ומרע וכל פה דבר נבלה בכל זאת לא שב אפו ועוד ידו נטויה

על־כן על־בחוריו לא־ישמח ׀ אדני ואת־יתמיו ואת־אלמנתיו לא ירחם כי כלו חנף ומרע וכל־פה דבר נבלה בכל־זאת לא־שב אפו ועוד ידו נטויה׃

Ézsaiás 9:17
Ezért ifjaiban sem gyönyörködik az Úr, s árváin és özvegyein sem könyörül; mert mindnyájan istentelenek és gonosztevõk, és minden száj bolondságot beszél. Mindezekkel haragja el nem múlt, és keze még felemelve van.

Jesaja 9:17
Tial la Sinjoro ne gxojos pro iliaj junuloj, kaj iliajn orfojn kaj vidvinojn Li ne kompatos; cxar cxiuj estas hipokrituloj kaj malbonaguloj, kaj cxiu busxo parolas malnoblajxon. Malgraux cxio cxi tio ne kvietigxis Lia kolero, kaj Lia brako estas ankoraux etendita.

(H9:16) Sentähden ei Herra taida iloita heidän nuorista miehistänsä, eikä armahda heidän orpolapsiansa ja leskiänsä; sillä he ovat kaiki ulkokullatut ja pahat, ja jokaisen suu puhuu hulluutta; näissä kaikissa ei lakkaa vielä hänen vihansa, vaan hänen kätensä on vielä ojennettu.

Ésaïe 9:17
C'est pourquoi le Seigneur ne se réjouira pas en leurs jeunes gens, et n'aura pas compassion de leurs orphelins et de leurs veuves; car tous ensemble, ce sont des profanes et des gens qui font le mal, et toute bouche profère l'impiété. Pour tout cela, sa colère ne s'est pas détournée, et sa main est encore étendue.

C'est pourquoi le Seigneur ne saurait se réjouir de leurs jeunes hommes, Ni avoir pitié de leurs orphelins et de leurs veuves; Car tous sont des impies et des méchants, Et toutes les bouches profèrent des infamies. Malgré tout cela, sa colère ne s'apaise point, Et sa main est encore étendue.

C'est pourquoi le Seigneur ne prendra point plaisir à ses jeunes gens d'élite, et n'aura point pitié de ses orphelins, ni de ses veuves; car tous, tant qu'ils sont, ce sont des hypocrites, et des malins, et toute bouche ne profère que des infamies. Malgré tout cela, il ne fera point cesser sa colère, mais sa main sera encore étendue.

Jesaja 9:17
Darum kann sich der HERR über ihre junge Mannschaft nicht freuen, noch ihrer Waisen und Witwen erbarmen; denn sie sind allzumal Heuchler und Böse, und aller Mund redet Torheit. In dem allem läßt sein Zorn noch nicht ab, seine Hand ist noch ausgereckt.

Darum kann sich der HERR über die junge Mannschaft nicht freuen noch ihrer Waisen und Witwen erbarmen; denn sie sind allzumal Heuchler und böse, und aller Mund redet Torheit. In dem allem läßt sein Zorn noch nicht ab; seine Hand ist noch ausgereckt.

Deshalb verschont der Herr weder seine junge Mannschaft, noch erbarmt er sich seiner Waisen und Witwen; denn sie alle sind Ruchlose und Bösewichter, und jeder Mund redet Schändliches. Bei alledem wandte sich sein Zorn nicht, und blieb seine Hand noch ausgereckt.

Isaia 9:17
(H9-16) Perciò l’Eterno non si compiacerà de’ giovani del popolo, né avrà compassione de’ suoi orfani e delle sue vedove; poiché tutti quanti son empi e perversi, ed ogni bocca proferisce follia. E, con tutto ciò, la sua ira non si calma, e la sua mano rimane distesa.

(H9-16) Perciò, il Signore non prenderà alcun diletto ne’ giovani di esso, e non avrà pietà de’ suoi orfani, nè delle sue vedove; perchè tutti son profani e maligni; ed ogni bocca parla cose vituperose. Per tutto ciò l’ira sua non si racqueterà; anzi la sua mano sarà ancora stesa.

Maka sebab itu tiada Tuhan berkenan akan orang muda-mudanya, dan tiada dikasihkan-Nya anak-anak piatu dan segala janda perempuan mereka itu; karena mereka itu sekalian munafik adanya dan orang yang berbuat jahat, dan mulut masing-masingnya mengatakan kebebalan belaka. Maka dalam sekalian ini tiada undur murka-Nya, melainkan tangan-Nya tinggal terkedang juga.

이사야 9:17
이 백성이 각기 설만하며 악을 행하며 입으로 망령되이 말하니 그러므로 주께서 그 장정을 기뻐 아니하시며 그 고아와 과부를 긍휼히 여기지 아니하시리라 그럴지라도 여호와의 노가 쉬지 아니하며 그 손이 여전히 펴지리라

Isaias 9:17
propter hoc super adulescentulis eius non laetabitur Dominus et pupillorum eius et viduarum non miserebitur quia omnis hypocrita est et nequam et universum os locutum est stultitiam in omnibus his non est aversus furor eius sed adhuc manus eius extenta

Izaijo knyga 9:17
Todėl Viešpats nesidžiaugs jų jaunimu ir nepagailės nei jų našlaičių, nei našlių. Jie visi yra veidmainiai ir nedorėliai, jie kalba kvailystes. Dėl viso to Jo rūstybė dar neatsileido, Jo ranka dar pakelta.

Isaiah 9:17
Mo reira kahore o te Ariki koa ki a ratou taitamariki, e kore ano e tohungia a ratou pani, a ratou pouaru; no te mea he noa ratou katoa, he kaimahi i te kino, he wairangi te korero a nga mangai katoa. Ahakoa ko tenei katoa, e kore tona riri e ta huri ke, engari maro tonu tona ringa.

Esaias 9:17
Derfor gleder Herren sig ikke over dets unge menn, og over dets farløse og enker forbarmer han sig ikke; for de er alle sammen gudløse og gjør det onde, og hver munn taler dårskap. Men med alt dette vender hans vrede ikke tilbake, og ennu er hans hånd rakt ut.

Isaías 9:17
Por eso no se complace el Señor en sus jóvenes, ni se compadece de sus huérfanos ni de sus viudas; porque todos ellos son impíos y malhechores, y toda boca habla necedades. Con todo eso no se aparta su ira, y aún está su mano extendida.

Por eso no se complace el Señor en sus jóvenes, Ni se compadece de sus huérfanos ni de sus viudas. Porque todos ellos son impíos y malhechores, Y toda boca habla necedades. Con todo eso no se aparta Su ira, Y aún está Su mano extendida.

Por tanto, el Señor no tomará contentamiento en sus jóvenes, ni de sus huérfanos y viudas tendrá misericordia; porque todos son falsos y malignos, y toda boca habla necedades. Con todo esto no ha cesado su furor, pero su mano todavía está extendida.

Por tanto, el Señor no tomará contentamiento en sus mancebos, ni de sus huérfanos y viudas tendrá misericordia: porque todos son falsos y malignos, y toda boca habla despropósitos. Con todo esto no ha cesado su furor, antes todavía su mano extendida.

Por tanto, el Señor no tomará contentamiento en sus jóvenes, ni de sus huérfanos y viudas tendrá misericordia; porque todos son falsos y malignos, y toda boca habla despropósitos. Con todo esto no cesará su furor, antes todavía su mano está extendida.

Isaías 9:17
Por esta razão o Eterno já não tem prazer nos seus jovens, não tem mais compaixão dos seus órfãos nem das viúvas. De fato, são todos uns ímpios e malfeitores, toda a boca profere insanidades. Com tudo isto a sua ira não se arrefeceu, a sua mão continua erguida.

Pelo que o Senhor não se regozija nos seus jovens, e não se compadece dos seus órfãos e das suas viúvas; porque todos eles são profanos e malfeitores, e toda boca profere doidices. Com tudo isso não se apartou a sua ira, mas ainda está estendida a sua mão.   

Isaia 9:17
De aceea nici Domnul n'ar putea să se bucure de tinerii lor, nici să aibă milă de orfanii şi văduvele lor, căci toţi sînt nişte nelegiuiţi şi nişte răi, şi toate gurile lor spun mişelii. Cu toate acestea, mînia Lui nu se potoleşte, şi mîna Lui este tot întinsă.

Исаия 9:17
Поэтому о юношах его не порадуется Господь, и сирот его и вдов его не помилует: ибо все они – лицемеры и злодеи, и уста всех говорят нечестиво. При всем этом не отвратится гнев Его, и рука Его еще простерта.

Поэтому о юношах его не порадуется Господь, и сирот его и вдов его не помилует: ибо все они--лицемеры и злодеи, и уста всех говорят нечестиво. При всем этом не отвратится гнев Его, и рука Его еще простерта.[]

Jesaja 9:17
Därför kan Herren icke glädja sig över dess unga män, ej heller hava förbarmande med dess faderlösa och änkor; ty de äro allasammans gudlösa ogärningsmän, och var mun talar dårskap. Vid allt detta vänder hans vrede icke åter, hans hand är ännu uträckt.

Isaiah 9:17
Kaya't ang Panginoon ay hindi magagalak sa kanilang mga binata, ni mahahabag man sa kanilang mga ulila at mga babaing bao: sapagka't bawa't isa ay marumi at manggagawa ng kasamaan, at bawa't bibig ay nagsasalita ng kamangmangan. Sa lahat na ito ang galit niya ay hindi napawi, kundi ang kaniyang kamay ay laging nakaunat.

อิสยาห์ 9:17
ฉะนั้นองค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าจะหาทรงเปรมปรีดิ์ในคนหนุ่มของเขาไม่ และจะมิได้ทรงมีพระกรุณาต่อคนกำพร้าพ่อหรือหญิงม่ายของเขา เพราะว่าทุกคนเป็นคนหน้าซื่อใจคดและเป็นคนทำความชั่วและปากทุกปากก็กล่าวคำโฉดเขลา ถึงกระนั้นก็ดีพระพิโรธของพระองค์ก็ยังมิได้หันกลับ และพระหัตถ์ของพระองค์ยังเหยียดออกอยู่

Yeşaya 9:17
Bu yüzden Rab onların gençleri için sevinç duymayacak,
Öksüzlerine, dul kadınlarına acımayacak.
Çünkü hepsi tanrısızdır, kötülük yaparlar.
Her ağız saçmalıyor.
Bütün bunlara karşın RABbin öfkesi dinmedi,
Eli hâlâ kalkmış durumda.[]

EÂ-sai 9:17
(9:16) Vậy nên, Chúa chẳng đẹp lòng về bọn trai trẻ của họ, và chẳng thương xót đến kẻ mồ côi góa bụa chút nào; vì họ đều là khinh lờn, gian ác, miệng nào cũng nói điều càn dỡ. Dầu vậy, cơn giận Ngài chẳng lánh khỏi, nhưng tay Ngài còn giơ ra!

Isaiah 9:16
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