Isaiah 66:11
Isaiah 66:11
For you will nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breasts; you will drink deeply and delight in her overflowing abundance."

Drink deeply of her glory even as an infant drinks at its mother's comforting breasts."

that you may nurse and be satisfied from her consoling breast; that you may drink deeply with delight from her glorious abundance.”

That you may nurse and be satisfied with her comforting breasts, That you may suck and be delighted with her bountiful bosom."

That ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.

so that you may nurse and be satisfied from her comforting breast and drink deeply and delight yourselves from her glorious breasts.

so that you may nurse and be satisfied at her consoling breasts, and so that you may drink deeply and take delight from her glorious bosom."

For you will nurse from her satisfying breasts and be nourished; you will feed with joy from her milk-filled breasts.

You will nurse and be satisfied from her comforting breasts. You will nurse to your heart's delight at her full breasts.

That ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may milk out, and be delighted with the splendour of her glory.

That you may nurse, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that you may drink deeply, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.

That you may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that you may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.

that ye may suck and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.

That you may suck, and be filled with the breasts of her consolations: that you may milk out, and flow with delights, from the abundance of her glory.

because ye shall suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; because ye shall drink out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.

that ye may suck and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.

That ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may draw milk, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.

that you may nurse and be satisfied at the comforting breasts; that you may drink deeply, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory."

So that ye suck, and have been satisfied, From the breast of her consolations, So that ye wring out, and have delighted yourselves From the abundance of her honour.

Isaia 66:11
me qëllim që të pini qumësht dhe të ngopeni në gjirin e përdëllimeve të tij, me qëllim që të pini me bollëk dhe të kënaqeni me mbushullimin e lavdisë së tij.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 66:11
لكي ترضعوا وتشبعوا من ثدي تعزياتها. لكي تعصروا وتتلذذوا من درة مجدها

Dyr Ieseien 66:11
Saugtß enk sat an irer troestetn Brust; trinktß non, und labtß enk an irn müetterlichnen Reichtuem!

Исая 66:11
За да сучите и се наситите От съсците на утешенията й. За да се насучите и се насладите От изобилието на славата й.

以 賽 亞 書 66:11
使 你 們 在 他 安 慰 的 懷 中 吃 奶 得 飽 , 使 他 們 得 他 豐 盛 的 榮 耀 , 猶 如 擠 奶 , 滿 心 喜 樂 。

使 你 们 在 他 安 慰 的 怀 中 吃 奶 得 饱 , 使 他 们 得 他 丰 盛 的 荣 耀 , 犹 如 挤 奶 , 满 心 喜 乐 。



Isaiah 66:11
Nadojite se i nasitite na dojkama utjehe njegove da se nasišete i nasladite na grudima krepčine njegove.

Izaiáše 66:11
Proto že ssáti budete, a sytiti se z prs potěšení jeho, ssáti budete, a rozkoš míti v blesku slávy jeho.

Esajas 66:11
for at I maa die dets husvalende Barm og mættes, for at I maa drikke af dets fulde Bryst og kvæges.

Jesaja 66:11
Opdat gij moogt zuigen, en verzadigd worden van de borsten harer vertroostingen; opdat gij moogt uitzuigen, en u verlusten met den glans harer heerlijkheid.

ישעה 66:11
לְמַ֤עַן תִּֽינְקוּ֙ וּשְׂבַעְתֶּ֔ם מִשֹּׁ֖ד תַּנְחֻמֶ֑יהָ לְמַ֧עַן תָּמֹ֛צּוּ וְהִתְעַנַּגְתֶּ֖ם מִזִּ֥יז כְּבֹודָֽהּ׃ ס

יא למען תינקו ושבעתם משד תנחמיה למען תמצו והתענגתם מזיז כבודה  {ס}

למען תינקו ושבעתם משד תנחמיה למען תמצו והתענגתם מזיז כבודה׃ ס

Ézsaiás 66:11
Hogy szopjatok és megelégedjetek megvígasztaltatásának emlõjén, hogy igyatok és örvendjetek dicsõségének bõségén.

Jesaja 66:11
Sucxu kaj satigxu el la brusto de gxiaj konsoloj; sucxu kaj gxuu la abundon de gxia gloro.

JESAJA 66:11
Sillä teidän pitää imemän ja ravittaman hänen lohdutuksensa nisistä; teidän pitää lypsämän ja ilahuttaman teitänne hänen kunniansa kirkkaudesta.

Ésaïe 66:11
parce que vous tetterez et serez rassasiés du sein de ses consolations, parce que vous sucerez et que vous vous délecterez de l'abondance de sa gloire.

Afin que vous soyez nourris et rassasiés Du lait de ses consolations, Afin que vous savouriez avec bonheur La plénitude de sa gloire.

Afin que vous soyez allaités, et que vous soyez rassasiés de la mamelle de ses consolations; afin que vous suciez [le lait], et que vous jouissiez à plaisir de toutes les sortes de sa gloire.

Jesaja 66:11
Denn dafür sollt ihr saugen und satt werden von den Brüsten ihres Trostes; ihr sollt dafür saugen und euch ergötzen von der Fülle ihrer HERRLIchkeit.

Denn dafür sollt ihr saugen und satt werden von den Brüsten ihres Trostes; ihr sollt dafür saugen und euch ergötzen an der Fülle ihrer Herrlichkeit.

damit ihr euch satt saugt aus der Brust ihrer Tröstungen, damit ihr schlürft und euch erlabt an der Fülle ihrer Herrlichkeit!

Isaia 66:11
onde siate allattati e saziati al seno delle sue consolazioni; onde beviate a lunghi sorsi e con delizia l’abbondanza della sua gloria.

Acciocchè poppiate, e siate saziati della mammella della sue consolazioni; acciocchè mungiate, e godiate dello splendor della sua gloria.

YESAYA 66:11
Supaya boleh kamu mengisap susu penghiburannya sampai kenyang-kenyang, dan supaya kamu disedapkan sampai puas-puas dengan mengisap pancaran kemuliaannya.

이사야 66:11
너희가 젖을 빠는 것 같이 그 위로하는 품에서 만족하겠고 젖을 넉넉히 빤 것같이 그 영광의 풍성함을 인하여 즐거워하리라

Isaias 66:11
ut sugatis et repleamini ab ubere consolationis eius ut mulgeatis et deliciis affluatis ab omnimoda gloria eius

Izaijo knyga 66:11
Kad galėtumėte maitintis ir pasisotinti jos paguodos krūtimis, kad gaivintumėtės ir mėgautumėtės jos šlovės gausumu.

Isaiah 66:11
He mea hoki ka ngote koutou, a ka makona i te u, ara i ana whakamarie, he mea hoki ka whakatete koutou, a ka ora te ngakau i te nui o tona kororia.

Esaias 66:11
Så skal I få die og mettes av hennes husvalende bryst, suge og glede eder ved hennes store herlighet.

Isaías 66:11
para que maméis y os saciéis del pecho de sus consolaciones, para que chupéis y os deleitéis de su seno abundante.

Para que mamen y se sacien del pecho de sus consolaciones, Para que chupen y se deleiten de su seno abundante.

para que maméis y os saciéis de los pechos de sus consolaciones; para que ordeñéis, y os deleitéis con el resplandor de su gloria.

Para que maméis y os saciéis de los pechos de sus consolaciones; para que ordeñéis, y os deleitéis con el resplandor de su gloria.

Para que maméis y os saciéis de los pechos de sus consolaciones; para que ordeñéis, y os deleitéis con el resplandor de su gloria.

Isaías 66:11
pois sereis amamentados e saciados pelo seu seio consolador, porquanto recebereis fartura de alimento e se deleitarão no colo materno.

para que mameis e vos farteis dos peitos das suas consolações; para que sugueis, e vos deleiteis com a abundância da sua glória.   

Isaia 66:11
ca să fiţi săturaţi, bînd laptele mîngîierilor lui, ca să vă desfătaţi în totul de plinătatea slavei lui.

Исаия 66:11
чтобы вам питаться и насыщаться от сосцов утешений его, упиватьсяи наслаждаться преизбытком славы его.

чтобы вам питаться и насыщаться от сосцов утешений его, упиваться и наслаждаться преизбытком славы его.[]

Jesaja 66:11
Så skolen I få dia eder mätta vid hennes hugsvalelses bröst; så skolen I få suga med lust av hennes rika barm.

Isaiah 66:11
Upang kayo'y makasuso at mabusog sa pamamagitan ng mga suso ng kaniyang mga kaaliwan; upang kayo'y makagatas, at malugod sa kasaganaan ng kaniyang kaluwalhatian.

อิสยาห์ 66:11
เพื่อเจ้าจะได้ดูดและอิ่มใจด้วยอกอันประเล้าประโลมของเธอ เพื่อเจ้าจะได้ดื่มให้เกลี้ยง ด้วยความปีติยินดี จากสง่าราศีอันอุดมของเธอ

Yeşaya 66:11
Öyle ki, onun avutucu memelerini emip doyasınız,
Kana kana içip
Onun yüce bolluğundan zevk alasınız.››[]

EÂ-sai 66:11
hầu cho các ngươi sẽ được bú và no bởi vú của sự yên ủi nó; được vắt sữa và lấy làm vui sướng bởi sự dư dật của vinh quang nó.

Isaiah 66:10
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