Isaiah 64:7
Isaiah 64:7
No one calls on your name or strives to lay hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us and have given us over to our sins.

Yet no one calls on your name or pleads with you for mercy. Therefore, you have turned away from us and turned us over to our sins.

There is no one who calls upon your name, who rouses himself to take hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us, and have made us melt in the hand of our iniquities.

There is no one who calls on Your name, Who arouses himself to take hold of You; For You have hidden Your face from us And have delivered us into the power of our iniquities.

And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities.

No one calls on Your name, striving to take hold of You. For You have hidden Your face from us and made us melt because of our iniquity.

There is no one who calls on your name or rouses himself to take hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us, and have given us into the control of our iniquity.

No one invokes your name, or makes an effort to take hold of you. For you have rejected us and handed us over to our own sins.

No one calls on your name or tries to hold on to you. You have hidden your face from us. You have let us be ruined by our sins.

And there is none that calls upon thy name, that wakes himself up to take hold of thee; therefore, thou hast hid thy face from us and hast allowed us to wither in the power of our iniquities.

And there is none that calls upon your name, that stirs up himself to take hold of you: for you have hid your face from us, and have consumed us, because of our iniquities.

And there is none that calls on your name, that stirs up himself to take hold of you: for you have hid your face from us, and have consumed us, because of our iniquities.

And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee; for thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us by means of our iniquities.

There is none that calleth upon thy name: that riseth up, and taketh hold of thee: thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast crushed us in the hand of our iniquity.

and there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee; for thou hast hidden thy face from us, and hast caused us to melt away through our iniquities.

And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us by means of our iniquities.

And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities.

There is none who calls on your name, who stirs up himself to take hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us, and have consumed us by means of our iniquities.

And there is none calling in Thy name, Stirring up himself to lay hold on Thee, For Thou hast hid Thy face from us, And thou meltest us away by our iniquities.

Isaia 64:7
Nuk ka më njeri që të thërrasë emrin tënd, që lëviz për t'u kapur pas teje, sepse ti na e ke fshehur fytyrën tënde dhe na lë të tretemi në pushtetin e paudhësive tona.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 64:7
وليس من يدعو باسمك او ينتبه ليتمسك بك لانك حجبت وجهك عنا واذبتنا بسبب آثامنا

Dyr Ieseien 64:7

Исая 64:7
И няма човек, който да призовава името Ти, Който да се пробуди, за да се хване за Тебе; Защото Ти си скрил лицето Си от нас, И стопил си ни, поради беззаконията ни.

以 賽 亞 書 64:7
並 且 無 人 求 告 你 的 名 ; 無 人 奮 力 抓 住 你 。 原 來 你 掩 面 不 顧 我 們 , 使 我 們 因 罪 孽 消 化 。

并 且 无 人 求 告 你 的 名 ; 无 人 奋 力 抓 住 你 。 原 来 你 掩 面 不 顾 我 们 , 使 我 们 因 罪 孽 消 化 。



Isaiah 64:7
Pa ipak, naš si otac, o Jahve: mi smo glina, a ti si naš lončar - svi smo mi djelo ruku tvojih.

Izaiáše 64:7
Nadto není žádného, ješto by vzýval jméno tvé, a probudil se k tomu, aby se chopil tebe, aspoň když jsi skryl tvář svou před námi, a způsobil to, abychom mizeli pro nepravosti naše.

Esajas 64:7
Ingen paakaldte dit Navn, tog sig sammen og holdt sig til dig; thi du skjulte dit Aasyn for os og gav os vor Brøde i Vold.

Jesaja 64:7
En er is niemand, die Uw Naam aanroept, die zich opwekt, dat hij U aangrijpe; want Gij verbergt Uw aangezicht voor ons, en Gij doet ons smelten, door middel van onze ongerechtigheden.

ישעה 64:7
וְאֵין־קֹורֵ֣א בְשִׁמְךָ֔ מִתְעֹורֵ֖ר לְהַחֲזִ֣יק בָּ֑ךְ כִּֽי־הִסְתַּ֤רְתָּ פָנֶ֙יךָ֙ מִמֶּ֔נּוּ וַתְּמוּגֵ֖נוּ בְּיַד־עֲוֹנֵֽנוּ׃

ו ואין קורא בשמך מתעורר להחזיק בך  כי הסתרת פניך ממנו ותמוגנו ביד עוננו

ואין־קורא בשמך מתעורר להחזיק בך כי־הסתרת פניך ממנו ותמוגנו ביד־עוננו׃

Ézsaiás 64:7
Most pedig, Uram, Atyánk vagy Te, mi sár vagyunk és Te a mi alkotónk, és kezed munkája vagyunk mi mindnyájan.

Jesaja 64:7
Kaj neniu vokas Vian nomon, nek vekigxas, por forte sin teni je Vi; cxar Vi kovris Vian vizagxon antaux ni kaj lasas nin perei per niaj pekoj.

Ja ei ole sitä, joka rukoilee sinun nimeäs, ja nousee sinuun kiinni tarttumaan; sillä sinä peität kasvos meiltä, ja annat meidät nääntyä suurissa synneissämme.

Ésaïe 64:7
et il n'y a personne qui invoque ton nom, qui se réveille pour te saisir! Car tu as caché ta face de nous, et tu nous a fait fondre par nos iniquités.

Il n'y a personne qui invoque ton nom, Qui se réveille pour s'attacher à toi: Aussi nous as-tu caché ta face, Et nous laisses-tu périr par l'effet de nos crimes.

Et il n'y a personne qui réclame ton Nom, qui se réveille pour te demeurer fortement attaché; c'est pourquoi tu as caché ta face de nous, et tu nous as fait fondre par la force de nos iniquités.

Jesaja 64:7
Niemand ruft deinen Namen an oder macht sich auf, daß er dich halte; denn du verbirgest dein Angesicht vor uns und lässest uns in unsern Sünden verschmachten.

Niemand ruft deinen Namen an oder macht sich auf, daß er sich an dich halte; denn du verbirgst dein Angesicht vor uns und lässest uns in unsern Sünden verschmachten.

Isaia 64:7
Non v’è più alcuno che invochi il tuo nome, che si risvegli per attenersi a te; poiché tu ci hai nascosta la tua faccia, e ci lasci consumare dalle nostre iniquità.

E non vi è stato alcuno che abbia invocato il tuo Nome, che si sia destato per attenersi a te; perciocchè tu hai nascosta la tua faccia da noi, e ci hai strutti per mano delle nostre proprie iniquità.

Maka seorangpun tiada yang menyebut nama-Mu, yang bangun akan berpaut kepada-Mu; maka sebab itu Engkau sudah menyamarkan wajah-Mu dari pada kami dan Engkau sudah menghancurkan kami, oleh karena sebab segala kesalahan kami.

이사야 64:7
주의 이름을 부르는 자가 없으며 스스로 분발하여 주를 붙잡는 자가 없사오니 이는 주께서 우리에게 얼굴을 숨기시며 우리의 죄악을 인하여 우리로 소멸되게 하셨음이니라

Isaias 64:7
non est qui invocet nomen tuum qui consurgat et teneat te abscondisti faciem tuam a nobis et adlisisti nos in manu iniquitatis nostrae

Izaijo knyga 64:7
Nė vienas nesišaukia Tavo vardo, nepakyla, kad įsikibtų į Tave. Tu paslėpei savo veidą nuo mūsų, palikai mus dėl mūsų nusikaltimų.

Isaiah 64:7
Kahore hoki he tangata e karanga ana ki tou ingoa, e whakaoho ana i a ia ki te hopu i a koe: kua huna nei hoki e koe tou mata ki a matou, a kua huna matou e koe na o matou he.

Esaias 64:7
Men nu, Herre! Du er vår far; vi er leret, og du den som former oss, og et verk av din hånd er vi alle sammen.

Isaías 64:7
Y no hay quien invoque tu nombre, quien se despierte para asirse de ti; porque has escondido tu rostro de nosotros y nos has entregado al poder de nuestras iniquidades.

Y no hay quien invoque Tu nombre, Quien se despierte para agarrarse de Ti. Porque has escondido Tu rostro de nosotros Y nos has entregado al poder de nuestras iniquidades.

Y nadie hay que invoque tu nombre, que se despierte para asirse de ti; por lo cual escondiste de nosotros tu rostro, y nos dejaste marchitar en poder de nuestras maldades.

Y nadie hay que invoque tu nombre, que se despierte para tenerte; por lo cual escondiste de nosotros tu rostro, y nos dejaste marchitar en poder de nuestras maldades.

Y nadie hay que invoque tu nombre, ni que se despierte para tenerte, por lo cual escondiste de nosotros tu rostro, y nos dejaste marchitar en poder de nuestras maldades.

Isaías 64:7
Não existe ninguém que clame pelo teu Nome, que esteja disposto a firmar seus passos em ti, porquanto escondeste de nós o brilho da tua face e nos abandonaste ao capricho das nossas malignidades e transgressões.

E não há quem invoque o teu nome, que desperte, e te detenha; pois escondeste de nós o teu rosto e nos consumiste, por causa das nossas iniqüidades.   

Isaia 64:7
Nu este nimeni care să cheme Numele Tău, sau care să se trezească şi să se alipească de Tine: de aceea ne-ai ascuns Faţa Ta, şi ne laşi să pierim din pricina nelegiuirilor noastre.``

Исаия 64:7
И нет призывающего имя Твое, который положил бы крепко держаться за Тебя; поэтому Ты сокрыл от нас лице Твое и оставил нас погибать от беззаконий наших.

И нет призывающего имя Твое, который положил бы крепко держаться за Тебя; поэтому Ты сокрыл от нас лице Твое и оставил нас погибать от беззаконий наших.[]

Jesaja 64:7
Ingen fanns, som åkallade ditt namn, ingen, som vaknade upp för att hålla sig till dig; ty du dolde ditt ansikte för oss och lät oss försmäkta genom vår missgärning.

Isaiah 64:7
At walang tumatawag ng iyong pangalan, na gumigising upang manghawak sa iyo; sapagka't ikinubli mo ang iyong mukha sa amin, at iyong pinugnaw kami sa aming mga kasamaan.

อิสยาห์ 64:7
ไม่มีผู้ใดร้องทูลต่อพระนามของพระองค์ ที่เร้าตนเองให้ยึดพระองค์ไว้ เพราะพระองค์ทรงซ่อนพระพักตร์ของพระองค์จากข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลาย และได้ผลาญข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายเพราะเหตุความชั่วช้าของข้าพระองค์

Yeşaya 64:7
Adınla seni çağıran, sana tutunmak için çaba gösteren yok;
Çünkü bizden yüz çevirdin,
Suçlarımız yüzünden bizi tükettin.[]

EÂ-sai 64:7
Chẳng có ai kêu cầu danh Ngài, hay là gắng sức đặng cầm lấy Ngài; vì Ngài đã ẩn mặt khỏi chúng tôi, để chúng tôi bị tiêu mất bởi tội ác mình.

Isaiah 64:6
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