Isaiah 64:4
Isaiah 64:4
Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.

For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!

From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those who wait for him.

For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, Nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him.

For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.

From ancient times no one has heard, no one has listened, no eye has seen any God except You, who acts on behalf of the one who waits for Him.

Since ancient times no one has heard, and no ear has perceived, and no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.

Since ancient times no one has heard or perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who intervenes for those who wait for him.

No one has ever heard, no one has paid attention, and no one has seen any god except you. You help those who wait for you.

Nor have men heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither has the eye seen a God beside thee, that thou might do it again for the one who waits in him.

For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither has the eye seen, O God, besides you, what he has prepared for him that waits for him.

For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither has the eye seen, O God, beside you, what he has prepared for him that waits for him.

For from of old men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen a God besides thee, who worketh for him that waiteth for him.

From the beginning of the world they have not heard, nor perceived with the ears: the eye hath not seen, O God, besides thee, what things thou hast prepared for them that wait for thee.

Never have men heard, nor perceived by the ear, nor hath eye seen a God beside thee, who acteth for him that waiteth for him.

For from of old men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen a God beside thee, which worketh for him that waiteth for him.

For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, besides thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.

For from of old men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither has the eye seen a God besides you, who works for him who waits for him.

Even from antiquity men have not heard, They have not given ear, Eye hath not seen a God save Thee, He doth work for those waiting for Him.

Isaia 64:4
Nga kohët e lashta askush nuk kishte dëgjuar kurrë, asnjë vesh nuk kishte dëgjuar dhe asnjë sy nuk kishte parë ndonjë Perëndi tjetër veç teje, që vepron për atë që ka shpresë tek ai.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 64:4
ومنذ الازل لم يسمعوا ولم يصغوا لم تر عين الها غيرك يصنع لمن ينتظره.

Dyr Ieseien 64:4
Mein, kaemst halt auf die zue, wo dös Rechte tuend und si bemüe'nd, deinn Willn z erfülln! Guet, du warst zornig, weil myr gögn di gsündigt habnd, in n Grund schoon von dyr Urzeit an.

Исая 64:4
Защото от древността не се е чуло, До уши не е стигнало, Око не е видяло друг бог, освен Тебе. Да е извършил [такива дела] за ония, които го чакат.

以 賽 亞 書 64:4
從 古 以 來 , 人 未 曾 聽 見 、 未 曾 耳 聞 、 未 曾 眼 見 在 你 以 外 有 甚 麼   神 為 等 候 他 的 人 行 事 。

从 古 以 来 , 人 未 曾 听 见 、 未 曾 耳 闻 、 未 曾 眼 见 在 你 以 外 有 甚 麽   神 为 等 候 他 的 人 行 事 。



Isaiah 64:4
Pomažeš onima što pravdu čine radosno i tebe se spominju na putima tvojim; razgnjevismo te, griješismo, od tebe se odmetnusmo.

Izaiáše 64:4
Čehož se od věků neslýchalo, a ušima nepochopilo, oko nevídalo Boha kromě tebe, aby tak činil tomu, kterýž naň očekává.

Esajas 64:4
og som ingen Sinde er hørt. Intet Øre har hørt, intet Øje har set en Gud uden dig, som hjælper den, der haaber paa ham.

Jesaja 64:4
Ja, van ouds heeft men het niet gehoord, noch met oren vernomen, en geen oog heeft het gezien, behalve Gij, o God! wat Hij doen zal dien, die op Hem wacht.

ישעה 64:4
וּמֵעֹולָ֥ם לֹא־שָׁמְע֖וּ לֹ֣א הֶאֱזִ֑ינוּ עַ֣יִן לֹֽא־רָאָ֗תָה אֱלֹהִים֙ זוּלָ֣תְךָ֔ יַעֲשֶׂ֖ה לִמְחַכֵּה־לֹֽו׃

ג ומעולם לא שמעו לא האזינו עין לא ראתה אלהים זולתך--יעשה למחכה לו

ומעולם לא־שמעו לא האזינו עין לא־ראתה אלהים זולתך יעשה למחכה־לו׃

Ézsaiás 64:4
Elébe mégy annak, a ki örvend és igazságot cselekszik, a kik útaidban rólad emlékeznek! Ímé, Te felgerjedtél, és mi vétkezénk; régóta így vagyunk; megtartatunk-é?

Jesaja 64:4
Neniam oni tion auxdis, ne eksciis per la orelo, nek okulo tion vidis, ke iu dio krom Vi tion faras por tiuj, kiuj esperas je li.

Ja ei maailman alusta kuultu, eikä korville tullut ole, eli yksikään silmä nähnyt ole, paitsi sinua Jumala, mikä niille tapahtuu, jotka sinua odottavat.

Ésaïe 64:4
Et jamais on n'a entendu, jamais on n'a ouï de l'oreille, jamais l'oeil n'a vu, hors toi, ô Dieu, ce que Dieu a préparé pour celui qui s'attend à lui.

Jamais on n'a appris ni entendu dire, Et jamais l'oeil n'a vu qu'un autre dieu que toi Fît de telles choses pour ceux qui se confient en lui.

Et on n'a jamais ouï ni entendu des oreilles, ni l'œil n'a jamais vu de Dieu hormis toi, qui fît de telles choses pour ceux qui s'attendent à lui.

Jesaja 64:4
Wie denn von der Welt her nicht gehöret ist, noch mit Ohren gehöret, hat auch kein Auge gesehen, ohne dich, Gott, was denen geschieht, die auf ihn harren.

Wie denn von der Welt her nicht vernommen ist noch mit Ohren gehört, auch kein Auge gesehen hat einen Gott außer dir, der so wohltut denen, die auf ihn harren.

Du kamst entgegen dem, der sich freute, Gerechtigkeit zu üben: auf deinen Wegen gedenken sie deiner. Fürwahr, du zürntest, und wir mußten es büßen, - über unsere Untreue, und wir wurden verdammt.

Isaia 64:4
Mai s’era inteso, mai orecchio avea sentito dire, mai occhio aveva veduto che un altro Dio, fuori di te, agisse a pro di quegli che spera in lui.

E giammai non si è udito, nè inteso con gli orecchi; ed occhio non ha giammai veduto altro Dio, fuor che te, che abbia fatte cotali cose a quelli che sperano in lui.

Bahwa dari dahulukala tiada pernah didengar orang atau didapat tahu dengan telinga dan tiada pernah dilihat oleh mata, melainkan Engkau juga, ya Allah! barang yang dibuat kelak akan mereka itu yang menantikan Dia.

이사야 64:4
주 외에는 자기를 앙망하는 자를 위하여 이런 일을 행한 신을 예로부터 들은 자도 없고 귀로 깨달은 자도 없고 눈으로 본 자도 없었나이다

Isaias 64:4
a saeculo non audierunt neque auribus perceperunt oculus non vidit Deus absque te quae praeparasti expectantibus te

Izaijo knyga 64:4
Nuo amžių ausis negirdėjo ir akis neregėjo kito dievo, be Tavęs, kuris tiek padarytų Jo laukiantiems.

Isaiah 64:4
Kahore hoki kia rangona noatia i mua, kihai i mohiotia e te taringa, kihai hoki te kanohi i kite i te Atua, ko koe anake, e mahi nei i nga mea mo te tangata e tatari ana ki a ia.

Esaias 64:4
Du kommer dem i møte som gjør rettferdighet med glede, dem som kommer dig i hu på dine veier. Se, du vrededes, og vi syndet; således var det med oss fra gammel tid, og kunde vi da bli frelst?

Isaías 64:4
Desde la antigüedad no habían escuchado ni dado oídos, ni el ojo había visto a un Dios fuera de ti que obrara a favor del que esperaba en El.

Desde la antigüedad no habían escuchado ni puesto atención, Ni el ojo había visto a un Dios fuera de Ti Que obrara a favor del que esperaba en El.

Porque desde el principio del mundo no se ha escuchado, ni oído ha percibido, ni ojo ha visto a Dios fuera de ti, que hiciese por el que en Él espera.

Ni nunca oyeron, ni oídos percibieron, ni ojo ha visto Dios fuera de ti, que hiciese por el que en él espera.

Ni nunca oyeron, ni oídos percibieron; ni ojo ha visto Dios fuera de ti, que hiciese otro tanto por el que en él espera.

Isaías 64:4
Desde a antiguidade não se ouviu, nem se percebeu, tampouco escutou-se comentários; nem olho algum sequer vislumbrou outro Deus além de ti, que age em favor daqueles que nele depositam sua esperança.

Porque desde a antigüidade não se ouviu, nem com ouvidos se percebeu, nem com os olhos se viu um Deus além de ti, que opera a favor daquele que por ele espera.   

Isaia 64:4
cum niciodată nu s'a pomenit, nici nu s'a auzit vorbindu-se, şi cum nici n'a văzut vreodată ochiul aşa ceva: anume ca un alt dumnezeu afară de Tine să fi făcut asemenea lucruri pentru cei ce se încred în El.

Исаия 64:4
Ибо от века не слыхали, не внимали ухом, и никакой глаз не видал другого бога, кроме Тебя, который столько сделал бы для надеющихся на него.

Ибо от века не слыхали, не внимали ухом, и никакой глаз не видал другого бога, кроме Тебя, который столько сделал бы для надеющихся на него.[]

Jesaja 64:4
Aldrig någonsin har man ju hört, aldrig har något öra förnummit, aldrig har något öga sett en annan Gud än dig handla så mot dem som vänta efter honom.

Isaiah 64:4
Sapagka't hindi narinig ng mga tao mula nang una, o naulinigan man ng pakinig, o ang mata ay nakakita man ng Dios liban sa iyo, na iginagawa niya ng kabutihan ang naghihintay sa kaniya.

อิสยาห์ 64:4
ข้าแต่พระเจ้า ตั้งแต่เริ่มแรกของโลก ไม่มีผู้ใดได้ยิน หรือทราบด้วยหู หรือตาได้เห็น สิ่งทั้งหลายซึ่งพระองค์ทรงเตรียมไว้เพื่อบรรดาผู้ที่รอคอยพระองค์ นอกเหนือพระองค์

Yeşaya 64:4
Çünkü kendisine umut bağlayanlar için
Etkin olan tek Tanrı sensin;
Senden başkasını hiçbir zaman hiç kimse işitmedi,
Hiçbir kulak duymadı, hiçbir göz görmedi.[]

EÂ-sai 64:4
Từ xưa người ta chưa hề biết, tai chưa hề nghe, mắt chưa hề thấy ngoài Ngài có Ðức Chúa Trời nào khác, hay vì kẻ trông đợi mình mà làm những sự thể ấy.

Isaiah 64:3
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