Isaiah 60:5
Isaiah 60:5
Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.

Your eyes will shine, and your heart will thrill with joy, for merchants from around the world will come to you. They will bring you the wealth of many lands.

Then you shall see and be radiant; your heart shall thrill and exult, because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you, the wealth of the nations shall come to you.

"Then you will see and be radiant, And your heart will thrill and rejoice; Because the abundance of the sea will be turned to you, The wealth of the nations will come to you.

Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee.

Then you will see and be radiant, and your heart will tremble and rejoice, because the riches of the sea will become yours and the wealth of the nations will come to you.

Then you will look and be radiant; your heart will swell with joy, because the abundance of the seas will be diverted to you, and the riches of the nations will come to you.

Then you will look and smile, you will be excited and your heart will swell with pride. For the riches of distant lands will belong to you and the wealth of nations will come to you.

Then you will see this and rejoice, and your heart will be thrilled with joy, because the riches of the sea will be brought to you. The wealth of the nations will come to you.

Then thou shall see, and thou shall shine, and thine heart shall marvel, and be enlarged because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the strength of the Gentiles shall have come unto thee.

Then you shall see, and flow together, and your heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto you, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto you.

Then you shall see, and flow together, and your heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted to you, the forces of the Gentiles shall come to you.

Then thou shalt see and be radiant, and thy heart shall thrill and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be turned unto thee, the wealth of the nations shall come unto thee.

Then shalt thou see, and abound, and thy heart shall wonder and be enlarged, when the multitude of the sea shall be converted to thee, the. strength of the Gentiles shall come to thee.

Then thou shalt see, and shalt be brightened, and thy heart shall throb, and be enlarged; for the abundance of the sea shall be turned unto thee, the wealth of the nations shall come unto thee.

Then thou shalt see and be lightened, and thine heart shall tremble and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be turned unto thee, the wealth of the nations shall come unto thee.

Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thy heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted to thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come to thee.

Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall thrill and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you, the wealth of the nations shall come to you.

Then thou seest, and hast become bright, And thine heart hath been afraid and enlarged, For turn unto thee doth the multitude of the sea, The forces of nations do come to thee.

Isaia 60:5
Atëherë do të shikosh dhe do të jesh i kënaqur, zemra jote do të rrahë fort dhe do të hapet sepse bollëku i detit do të vijë te ti, pasuria e kombeve do të vije tek ti.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 60:5
حينئذ تنظرين وتنيرين ويخفق قلبك ويتسع لانه تتحول اليك ثروة البحر ويأتي اليك غنى الامم.

Dyr Ieseien 60:5
Du gaast ys seghn und straaln vor Freud; grad bibnen gaat dyr s Hertz, denn dyr Reichtuem von n Mör werd dyr dein, und d Schätz von de Völker fallnd dir zue.

Исая 60:5
Тогава ще видиш и ще се зарадваш, И сърцето ти ще затрепти и ще се разшири; Защото изобилието на морето ще се обърне към тебе, Имотът на народите ще дойде при тебе.

以 賽 亞 書 60:5
那 時 , 你 看 見 就 有 光 榮 ; 你 心 又 跳 動 又 寬 暢 ; 因 為 大 海 豐 盛 的 貨 物 必 轉 來 歸 你 ; 列 國 的 財 寶 也 必 來 歸 你 。

那 时 , 你 看 见 就 有 光 荣 ; 你 心 又 跳 动 又 宽 畅 ; 因 为 大 海 丰 盛 的 货 物 必 转 来 归 你 ; 列 国 的 财 宝 也 必 来 归 你 。



Isaiah 60:5
Gledat ćeš tad i sjati radošću, igrat će srce i širit' se, jer k tebi će poteći bogatstvo mora, blago naroda k tebi će pritjecati.

Izaiáše 60:5
Tehdáž uzříš to, a rozveselíš se, tehdáž podiví se, a rozšíří se srdce tvé; nebo se obrátí k tobě množství mořské, síla pohanů přijde k tobě.

Esajas 60:5
da straaler dit Øje af Glæde, dit Hjerte banker og svulmer; thi Havets Skatte bliver dine, til dig kommer Folkenes Rigdom;

Jesaja 60:5
Dan zult gij het zien en samenvloeien, en uw hart zal vervaard zijn en verwijd worden; want de menigte de zee zal tot u gekeerd worden, het heir der heidenen zal tot u komen.

ישעה 60:5
אָ֤ז תִּרְאִי֙ וְנָהַ֔רְתְּ וּפָחַ֥ד וְרָחַ֖ב לְבָבֵ֑ךְ כִּֽי־יֵהָפֵ֤ךְ עָלַ֙יִךְ֙ הֲמֹ֣ון יָ֔ם חֵ֥יל גֹּויִ֖ם יָבֹ֥אוּ לָֽךְ׃

ה אז תראי ונהרת ופחד ורחב לבבך  כי יהפך עליך המון ים חיל גוים יבאו לך

אז תראי ונהרת ופחד ורחב לבבך כי־יהפך עליך המון ים חיל גוים יבאו לך׃

Ézsaiás 60:5
Akkor meglátod és ragyogsz [örömtõl,] és remeg és kiterjed szíved, mivel hozzád fordul a tenger kincsözöne, [és] hozzád jõ a népeknek gazdagsága.

Jesaja 60:5
Tiam vi vidos kaj estos ravita, ektremos kaj vastigxos via koro; cxar turnigxos al vi la abundajxo de la maro, la ricxajxoj de la popoloj venos al vi.

Silloin sinä saat sen nähdä ja iloitset, sinun sydämes ihmettelee, ja levittää itsensä, kuin suuri paljous meren tykönä kääntyy sinun tykös, ja pakanain voima tulee sinulle.

Ésaïe 60:5
Alors tu verras, et tu seras rayonnante, et ton coeur frissonnera et s'élargira; car l'abondance de la mer se tournera vers toi, les richesses des nations viendront vers toi.

Tu tressailliras alors et tu te réjouiras, Et ton coeur bondira et se dilatera, Quand les richesses de la mer se tourneront vers toi, Quand les trésors des nations viendront à toi.

Alors tu verras, et tu seras éclairée, et ton cœur s'étonnera, et s'épanouira [de joie], quand l'abondance de la mer se sera tournée vers toi, et que la puissance des nations sera venue chez toi.

Jesaja 60:5
Dann wirst du deine Lust sehen und ausbrechen, und dein Herz wird sich wundern und ausbreiten, wenn sich die Menge am Meer zu dir bekehret, und die Macht der Heiden zu dir kommt.

Dann wirst du deine Lust sehen und ausbrechen, und dein Herz wird sich wundern und ausbreiten, wenn sich die Menge am Meer zu dir bekehrt und die Macht der Heiden zu dir kommt.

Alsdann wirst du's sehen und vor Freude strahlen, und das Herz wird dir beben und weit werden. Denn der Reichtum des Meeres wird sich dir zuwenden, die Güter der Völker werden an dich gelangen.

Isaia 60:5
Allora guarderai e sarai raggiante, il tuo cuore palpiterà forte e s’allargherà, poiché l’abbondanza del mare si volgerà verso te, la ricchezza delle nazioni verrà a te.

Allora tu riguarderai, e sarai illuminata; e il tuo cuore sbigottirà, e si allargherà; perciocchè la piena del mare sarà rivolta a te, la moltitudine delle nazioni verrà a te.

Pada masa itu engkau akan kedatangan takut bercampur sukacita, maka hatimu akan bimbang dan meluaskan dirinya oleh kesukaan, apabila kekayaan segala laut dicurahkan atas kamu dan harta benda segala orang kafirpun datang kepadamu.

이사야 60:5
그 때에 네가 보고 희색을 발하며 네 마음이 놀라고 또 화창하리니 이는 바다의 풍부가 네게로 돌아오며 열방의 재물이 옴이라

Isaias 60:5
tunc videbis et afflues et mirabitur et dilatabitur cor tuum quando conversa fuerit ad te multitudo maris fortitudo gentium venerit tibi

Izaijo knyga 60:5
Tu tai matysi ir spindėsi iš džiaugsmo; tavo širdis sudrebės ir išsiplės, kai jūros pilnybės gręšis į tave ir pagonių stiprybė ateis pas tave.

Isaiah 60:5
Ka kite koe i reira, ka whakamaramatia, ka wehi ano tou ngakau, ka nui; no te mea ka tahuri ki a koe nga mea maha o te moana, ka tae ano ki a koe nga taonga o nga tauiwi.

Esaias 60:5
Da skal du se det og stråle av glede, og ditt hjerte skal banke og utvide sig; for havets rikdom skal vende sig til dig, folkenes gods skal komme til dig.

Isaías 60:5
Entonces lo verás y resplandecerás, y se estremecerá y se regocijará tu corazón, porque vendrá sobre ti la abundancia del mar, las riquezas de las naciones vendrán a ti.

Entonces lo verás y resplandecerás, Y se estremecerá y se regocijará tu corazón, Porque vendrá sobre ti la abundancia del mar, Las riquezas de las naciones vendrán a ti.

Entonces verás y resplandecerás; y se maravillará y ensanchará tu corazón, porque se convertirá a ti la multitud del mar, y las fuerzas de los gentiles vendrán a ti.

Entonces verás y resplandecerás; y se maravillará y ensanchará tu corazón, que se haya vuelto á ti la multitud de la mar, y la fortaleza de las gentes haya venido á ti.

Entonces verás, y resplandecerás; y se maravillará y ensanchará tu corazón, que se haya vuelto a ti la multitud del mar, que la fortaleza de los gentiles haya venido a ti.

Isaías 60:5
Então o contemplarás e ficarás radiante; o teu coração estremecerá e pulsará forte de júbilo, porque a riqueza de todos os mares lhe será trazida; a ti chegarão os tesouros das nações.

Então o verás, e estarás radiante, e o teu coração estremecerá e se alegrará; porque a abundância do mar se tornará a ti, e as riquezas das nações a ti virão.   

Isaia 60:5
Cînd vei vedea aceste lucruri, vei tresări de bucurie, şi îţi va bate inima şi se va lărgi, căci bogăţiile mării se vor întoarce spre tine, şi vistieriile neamurilor vor veni la tine.

Исаия 60:5
Тогда увидишь, и возрадуешься, и затрепещет ирасширится сердце твое, потому что богатство моря обратится к тебе, достояние народов придет к тебе.

Тогда увидишь, и возрадуешься, и затрепещет и расширится сердце твое, потому что богатство моря обратится к тебе, достояние народов придет к тебе.[]

Jesaja 60:5
Då, vid den synen skall du stråla av fröjd, och ditt hjärta skall bäva och vidga sig; ty havets rikedomar skola föras till dig, och folkens skatter skola falla dig till.

Isaiah 60:5
Kung magkagayon ikaw ay makakakita at maliliwanagan ka, at ang iyong puso ay titibok at lalaki; sapagka't ang kasaganaan ng dagat ay mababalik sa iyo, ang kayamanan ng mga bansa ay darating sa iyo.

อิสยาห์ 60:5
แล้วเจ้าจะเห็นและโชติช่วงด้วยกัน ใจของเจ้าจะเกรงกลัวและใจกว้างขึ้น เพราะความอุดมสมบูรณ์ของทะเลจะหันมาหาเจ้า ความมั่งคั่งของบรรดาประชาชาติจะมายังเจ้า

Yeşaya 60:5
Bunu görünce yüzün parlayacak,
Yüreğin heyecandan hızlı hızlı çarpacak;
Çünkü denizin zenginlikleri senin olacak,
Ulusların serveti sana akacak.[]

EÂ-sai 60:5
Bấy giờ ngươi sẽ thấy và được chói sáng, lòng ngươi vừa rung động vừa nở nang; vì sự dư dật dưới biển sẽ trở đến cùng ngươi, sự giàu có các nước sẽ đến với ngươi.

Isaiah 60:4
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