Isaiah 6:13
Isaiah 6:13
And though a tenth remains in the land, it will again be laid waste. But as the terebinth and oak leave stumps when they are cut down, so the holy seed will be the stump in the land."

If even a tenth--a remnant--survive, it will be invaded again and burned. But as a terebinth or oak tree leaves a stump when it is cut down, so Israel's stump will be a holy seed."

And though a tenth remain in it, it will be burned again, like a terebinth or an oak, whose stump remains when it is felled.” The holy seed is its stump.

"Yet there will be a tenth portion in it, And it will again be subject to burning, Like a terebinth or an oak Whose stump remains when it is felled. The holy seed is its stump."

But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.

Though a tenth will remain in the land, it will be burned again. Like the terebinth or the oak that leaves a stump when felled, the holy seed is the stump.

Even though a tenth of its people remain in it, it will once again be burned, like a terebinth or an oak tree, the stump of which, though the tree has been felled, still contains holy seed."

Even if only a tenth of the people remain in the land, it will again be destroyed, like one of the large sacred trees or an Asherah pole, when a sacred pillar on a high place is thrown down. That sacred pillar symbolizes the special chosen family."

Even if one out of ten people is left in it, the land will be burned again. When a sacred oak or an oak is cut down, a stump is left. The holy seed will be the land's stump."

But yet in it shall remain a tenth, and it shall return and shall be razed; as the teil tree and as the oak, of which the stump remains alive when they are cut down, likewise in these his stump shall remain holy seed.

But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be laid waste: as a terebinth tree, and as an oak, whose stump remains, when they are cut down: so the holy seed shall be its stump.

But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.

And if there be yet a tenth in it, it also shall in turn be eaten up: as a terebinth, and as an oak, whose stock remaineth, when they are felled; so the holy seed is the stock thereof.

And there shall be still a tithing therein, and she shall turn, and shall be made a show as a turpentine tree, and as an oak that spreadeth its branches: that which shall stand therein, shall be a holy seed.

But a tenth part shall still be therein, and it shall return and be eaten; as the terebinth and as the oak whose trunk remaineth after the felling: the holy seed shall be the trunk thereof.

And if there be yet a tenth in it, it shall again be eaten up: as a terebinth, and as an oak, whose stock remaineth, when they are felled; so the holy seed is the stock thereof.

But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil-tree, and as an oak whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance of it.

If there is a tenth left in it, that also will in turn be consumed: as a terebinth, and as an oak, whose stock remains when they are felled; so the holy seed is its stock."

And yet in it a tenth, and it hath turned, And hath been for a burning, As a teil-tree, and as an oak, that in falling, Have substance in them, The holy seed is its substance!'

Isaia 6:13
Do të mbetet akoma një e dhjeta e popullsisë, por edhe kjo do të shkatërrohet; por ashtu si bafrës dhe lisit, kur priten u mbetet cungu, kështu një brez i shenjtë do të jetë trungu i tij".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 6:13
وان بقي فيها عشر بعد فيعود ويصير للخراب ولكن كالبطمة والبلوطة التي وان قطعت فلها ساق يكون ساقه زرعا مقدسا

Dyr Ieseien 6:13
Und wenn non ayn Zöntl dyrvon drinn bleibt, werdnd aau die aft verhört. Wie bei ayner Aich older Terbintn aber dyr Stok bleibt, wenn myn s ummacht, bleibnd halt die über, z haissn als ayn gweihts Gschlächt."

Исая 6:13
Но още ще остане в нея една десета част, И тя ще бъде погризена; Но както на теревинта и дъба Пънът им остава, когато се отсекат, Така светият род ще бъде пъна й.

以 賽 亞 書 6:13
境 內 剩 下 的 人 若 還 有 十 分 之 一 , 也 必 被 吞 滅 , 像 栗 樹 、 橡 樹 雖 被 砍 伐 , 樹 墩 子 卻 仍 存 留 。 這 聖 潔 的 種 類 在 國 中 也 是 如 此 。

境 内 剩 下 的 人 若 还 有 十 分 之 一 , 也 必 被 吞 灭 , 像 栗 树 、 橡 树 虽 被 砍 伐 , 树 墩 子 却 仍 存 留 。 这 圣 洁 的 种 类 在 国 中 也 是 如 此 。



Isaiah 6:13
i ostane li u njoj još desetina, i ona će biti zatrta poput duba kad ga do panja posijeku. Panj će njihov biti sveto sjeme.

Izaiáše 6:13
Dokudž ještě v ní nebude desateré zhouby, a teprv zkažena bude. Ale jakož ono jilmoví, a jako doubí onoho náspu podporou jest, tak símě svaté jest podpora její.

Esajas 6:13
og er der endnu en Tiendedel deri, skal ogsaa den udryddes som en Terebinte eller Eg, af hvilken en Stub bliver tilbage, naar den fældes. Dens Stub er hellig Sæd.

Jesaja 6:13
Doch nog een tiende deel zal daarin zijn, en het zal wederkeren, en zijn om af te weiden; maar gelijk de eik, en gelijk de haageik, in dewelke na de afwerping der bladeren nog steunsel is, alzo zal het heilige zaad het steunsel daarvan zijn.

ישעה 6:13
וְעֹ֥וד בָּהּ֙ עֲשִׂ֣רִיָּ֔ה וְשָׁ֖בָה וְהָיְתָ֣ה לְבָעֵ֑ר כָּאֵלָ֣ה וְכָאַלֹּ֗ון אֲשֶׁ֤ר בְּשַׁלֶּ֙כֶת֙ מַצֶּ֣בֶת בָּ֔ם זֶ֥רַע קֹ֖דֶשׁ מַצַּבְתָּֽהּ׃ פ

יג ועוד בה עשריה ושבה והיתה לבער  כאלה וכאלון אשר בשלכת מצבת בם--זרע קדש מצבתה  {פ}

ועוד בה עשריה ושבה והיתה לבער כאלה וכאלון אשר בשלכת מצבת בם זרע קדש מצבתה׃ פ

Ézsaiás 6:13
És ha megmarad még rajta egy tizedrész, ismétlen elpusztul ez is; [de] mint a terpentinfának és cserfának törzsük marad kivágatás után: az õ törzsük szent mag lészen!

Jesaja 6:13
Se restos en gxi dekono, gxi ankaux ekstermigxos, sed kiel terebintarbo aux kverko, de kiuj post la dehako restas ankoraux radiko; sankta semo estos gxia radiko.

Ja ehkä kymmenes osa siihen vielä jää, niin sekin taas hävitetään; kuitenkin niinkuin tammelle ja tuomelle jää kanto, vaikka heidän lehtensä varistetaan, niin pitää myös pyhällä siemenellä kanto oleman.

Ésaïe 6:13
Mais il y aura encore là un dixième; et il reviendra et il sera brouté, comme le térébinthe et le chêne, dont le tronc reste quand ils sont abattus: la semence sainte en sera le tronc.

Et s'il y reste encore un dixième des habitants, Ils seront à leur tour anéantis. Mais, comme le térébinthe et le chêne Conservent leur tronc quand ils sont abattus, Une sainte postérité renaîtra de ce peuple.

Toutefois il y en aura encore en elle une dizaine, puis elle sera derechef broutée; [mais] comme la fermeté des chênes et des rouvres consiste en ce qu'ils rejettent, [ainsi] la semence sainte sera la fermeté.

Jesaja 6:13
Doch soll noch das zehnte Teil drinnen bleiben; denn es wird weggeführet und verheeret werden wie eine Eiche und Linde, welche den Stamm haben, obwohl ihre Blätter abgestoßen werden. Ein heiliger Same wird solcher Stamm sein.

Und ob der zehnte Teil darin bleibt, so wird es abermals verheert werden, doch wie eine Eiche und Linde, von welchen beim Fällen noch ein Stamm bleibt. Ein heiliger Same wird solcher Stamm sein.

Und wenn noch ein Zehntel darin, so soll auch dieses wieder der Vertilgung anheimfallen, gleich einer Terebinthe und einer Eiche, von denen beim Fällen ein Stumpf bleibt, - ein heiliger Same wird ihr Stumpf sein!

Isaia 6:13
E se vi rimane ancora un decimo della popolazione, esso a sua volta sarà distrutto; ma, come al terebinto e alle querce, quando sono abbattuti, rimane il ceppo, così rimarrà al popolo, come ceppo, una progenie santa".

Ma pure ancora vi resterà in essa una decima parte; ma quella di nuovo sarà consumata. Come i roveri, e le quercie, che sono tagliati hanno ancora il tronco, così il seme santo sarà il tronco di essa.

Tetapi dalam sepuluh asa dari pada orang itu akan lagi di dalamnya dan ia itu akan kembali, supaya dimakannya habis akan hasilnya, maka seperti pohon jati dan pohon balut, setelah dikerat dahannya adalah lagi berbatang, demikianpun tinggal lagi batang bagi mereka itu, yaitu benih yang suci itu.

이사야 6:13
그 중에 십분의 일이 오히려 남아 있을지라도 이것도 삼키운바 될 것이나 밤나무,상수리나무가 베임을 당하여도 그 그루터기는 남아 있는 것 같이 거룩한 씨가 이 땅의 그루터기니라

Isaias 6:13
et adhuc in ea decimatio et convertetur et erit in ostensionem sicut terebinthus et sicuti quercus quae expandit ramos suos semen sanctum erit id quod steterit in ea

Izaijo knyga 6:13
Jei iš jų liks dešimtoji dalis ir sugrįš, jie vėl bus naikinami. Tačiau kaip nukirtus uosį ar ąžuolą lieka kelmas, taip šventoji sėkla bus jų kelmas”.

Isaiah 6:13
A, ki te mau ano he whakatekau i roto i a ia, ka kainga tuaruatia ano ia: ka rite ki te terepini, ki te oki, e mau tonu nei tona uho, i te mea kua tuaina; na hei uho mona te uri tapu.

Esaias 6:13
Og er det ennu en tiendedel igjen i det, så skal også den bli fortæret. Men likesom det blir en stubb igjen av terebinten og eken når de felles, så skal en hellig sæd være den stubb som blir igjen av folket.

Isaías 6:13
Pero aún quedará una décima parte en ella, y ésta volverá a ser consumida como el roble o la encina, cuyo tronco permanece cuando es cortado: la simiente santa será su tronco.

Pero aún quedará una décima parte en ella, Y ésta volverá a ser consumida Como el roble o la encina, Cuyo tronco permanece cuando es cortado: La simiente santa será su tronco."

Pues aún quedará en ella una décima parte, y volverá a ser consumida, como la encina y el roble, de los cuales en la tala queda el tronco, así será el tronco de ella la simiente santa.

Pues aun quedará en ella una décima parte, y volverá, bien que habrá sido asolada: como el olmo y como el alcornoque, de los cuales en la tala queda el tronco, así será el tronco de ella la simiente santa.

Y quedará en ella la décima parte , y volverá; y será asolada, como el olmo y como el alcornoque, de los cuales en la tala queda el tronco con vida ; su tronco, simiente santa.

Isaías 6:13
E, se na terra ficar um décimo do povo, este tornará a ser devastado. Contudo, assim como o terebinto, o olmo e o carvalho quando são colocados abaixo, deixam apenas um pedaço do tronco no solo, assim a santa semente será o seu toco a brotar um novo começo!”

Mas se ainda ficar nela a décima parte, tornará a ser consumida, como o terebinto, e como o carvalho, dos quais, depois de derrubados, ainda fica o toco. A santa semente é o seu toco.   

Isaia 6:13
Şi chiar a zecea parte de va mai rămînea din locuitori, vor fi nimiciţi şi ei la rîndul lor. Dar, după cum terebintul şi stejarul îşi păstrează butucul din rădăcină, cînd sînt tăiaţi, tot aşa, o sămînţă sfîntă se va naşte iarăş din poporul acesta.``

Исаия 6:13
И если еще останется десятая часть на ней и возвратится, и она опять будет разорена; но как от теревинфа и как от дуба, когда они и срублены, остается корень их, так святое семя будет корнем ее.

И если еще останется десятая часть на ней и возвратится, и она опять будет разорена; [но] как от теревинфа и как от дуба, когда они и срублены, [остается] корень их, так святое семя [будет] корнем ее.[]

Jesaja 6:13
och allenast en tiondedel ännu är kvar däri, då skall denna ytterligare förödas såsom en terebint eller en ek av vilken en stubbe har lämnats kvar, när den fälldes. Den stubben skall vara en helig säd.»

Isaiah 6:13
At kung magkaroon ng ikasangpung bahagi roon, mapupugnaw uli: gaya ng isang roble, at gaya ng isang encina, na ang puno ay naiiwan, pagka pinuputol; gayon ang banal na lahi ay siyang puno niyaon.

อิสยาห์ 6:13
และแม้ว่ามีเหลืออยู่ในนั้นสักหนึ่งในสิบ ก็จะกลับมาและถูกเผาไฟ เหมือนต้นสนหรือต้นโอ๊กซึ่งเหลืออยู่แต่ตอเมื่อถูกโค่น" ตอของมันจะเป็นเชื้อสายบริสุทธิ์

Yeşaya 6:13
Halkın onda biri kalsa da ülke mahvolacak.
Ama devrildiği zaman kütüğü kalan
Yabanıl fıstık ve meşe ağacı gibi,
Kutsal soy kütüğünden çıkacak.››[]

EÂ-sai 6:13
Giả sử còn lại một phần mười dân cư tại đó, họ sẽ lại bị thiêu nuốt. Nhưng, như khi người ta hạ cây thông cây dẽ, chừa gốc nó lại, thì cũng vậy, giống thánh là gốc của nó.

Isaiah 6:12
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